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Quote from the BB fellow who chose to leave the MT thread. I do not wish to stir up the issue again, I just want to know if there is any validity to his comment.  I use 2ml of Vodka to dissolve my 1mg of clonazepam.  I am ok, but a bit more symptomatic.  Anxiety and feeling uneasy. I am on day 13 of full dose using liquid. Are any of you chemists?  Do you realize that VODKA can change the chemical structure of the pills your diluting???? 


This is my last post here, i hope you all will look into the medical advice youre giving people about mixing alcohol with benzos.  Its not very smart.


Thanks, Shaani


I was concerned that post might cause anxiety. To respond, I do believe Anne is a chemist. I am not! But I will say that many, many people have used this method to dissolve and dilute. There can be an adjustment time. I had a rough adjustment just using water to dilute my already-dissolved-liquid med. I don't know if my measuring was off or if I was just in a random wave. (They do happen.) Or something else. It's finally settling down after about 10 days. However, that doesn't mean I won't have another wave. Withdrawal symptoms come in waves and windows. They are not linear even if your cuts are linear. Your brain kind of decides when it's going to be good and when it's going to be difficult. I try to remind myself that symptoms are a sign that my brain is struggling to adjust and therefore I am healing. You are healing, too, even when it hurts.  :hug:

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Quote from the BB fellow who chose to leave the MT thread. I do not wish to stir up the issue again, I just want to know if there is any validity to his comment.  I use 2ml of Vodka to dissolve my 1mg of clonazepam.  I am ok, but a bit more symptomatic.  Anxiety and feeling uneasy. I am on day 13 of full dose using liquid. Are any of you chemists?  Do you realize that VODKA can change the chemical structure of the pills your diluting???? 


This is my last post here, i hope you all will look into the medical advice youre giving people about mixing alcohol with benzos.  Its not very smart.


Thanks, Shaani


I am not a chemist.  After this experience, i wish i would have been so i could help people more.  I do know that i used this method and it was very successful for me. 

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Quote from the BB fellow who chose to leave the MT thread. I do not wish to stir up the issue again, I just want to know if there is any validity to his comment.  I use 2ml of Vodka to dissolve my 1mg of clonazepam.  I am ok, but a bit more symptomatic.  Anxiety and feeling uneasy. I am on day 13 of full dose using liquid. Are any of you chemists?  Do you realize that VODKA can change the chemical structure of the pills your diluting???? 


This is my last post here, i hope you all will look into the medical advice youre giving people about mixing alcohol with benzos.  Its not very smart.


Thanks, Shaani


I was concerned that post might cause anxiety. To respond, I do believe Anne is a chemist. I am not! But I will say that many, many people have used this method to dissolve and dilute. There can be an adjustment time. I had a rough adjustment just using water to dilute my already-dissolved-liquid med. I don't know if my measuring was off or if I was just in a random wave. (They do happen.) Or something else. It's finally settling down after about 10 days. However, that doesn't mean I won't have another wave. Withdrawal symptoms come in waves and windows. They are not linear even if your cuts are linear. Your brain kind of decides when it's going to be good and when it's going to be difficult. I try to remind myself that symptoms are a sign that my brain is struggling to adjust and therefore I am healing. You are healing, too, even when it hurts.  :hug:


There is no validity to what he said.  I am always careful to try and state things accurately as forums tend to be loaded with inaccurate info, but in this case I am comfortable saying outright that alcohol does NOT change the benzo.  It simply goes into solution.  Some drug manufacturers use alcohol as one of the dissolving liquids to make their liquid version of these drugs.  Also, as Gardener said, many people have used this method successfully.  There really is no doubt.


However, I noticed you said you dissolve 1mg K in 2ml 40% vodka?  You might want to increase the vodka amount or decrease the K amount as you are right on the cusp.  40% vodka dissolves only up to 1.2mg K per in 2ml so you are very close to the limit.

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Another dilution question from the Princess of Paranoia. I ran out of my dilution last night and my son was already in bed. I tried to make a dilution myself. It wasn't pretty. I may have made a 10% dilution or I may have made an 11% solution. I'm lucky I made any solution at all because I knocked the cylinder over twice. Fortunately it was empty and fortunately it didn't break. Don't ask me why I think it might be 11%. Too embarrassing.  :-X


Is this going to totally mess up my taper? :o


If you pull to dose you will be a little short, but if you pull to toss you will be on the plus side as you didn't throw away as much as usual.  I'd have to know the details to quantify how much you were off by.


I put water in the graduated cylinder and then add 1ml dropperfuls of alprazolam trying to make 90% water and 10% alprazolam. I lost count of the dropperfuls. I wasn't sure if I had added 9 or 10 and the liquid wasn't up to the top line on the cylinder (which I think is a bit off in its markings). My son had always done this before, so he knew what it should look like in the cylinder and I didn't. I really thought I had counted 10 dropperfuls but the cylinder said I was short. So I added another dropperful. Now I have diluted liquid to last a couple of weeks. It is either 10% of my original strength or 11% of my original strength. I measure my doses straight from the dilution. I don't use the throw-away method.


I will never wait until bedtime to make a dilution again (says the benzo brain).


I had it backwards in my other post, sorry.  If you made a too-concentrated solution and you pull to dose you are good.  The error puts you on the plus side, not short.  But I still don't know how much X and how much liquid as you gave me mls not mgs.  And do you dose with all liquid or liquid and pills?

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Quote from the BB fellow who chose to leave the MT thread. I do not wish to stir up the issue again, I just want to know if there is any validity to his comment.  I use 2ml of Vodka to dissolve my 1mg of clonazepam.  I am ok, but a bit more symptomatic.  Anxiety and feeling uneasy. I am on day 13 of full dose using liquid. Are any of you chemists?  Do you realize that VODKA can change the chemical structure of the pills your diluting???? 


This is my last post here, i hope you all will look into the medical advice youre giving people about mixing alcohol with benzos.  Its not very smart.


Thanks, Shaani

  Uhh, well...it changes the physical structure...that's the whole  idea!  It changes it from a solid dry tablet to a dissolved liquid! 


The US mfgr of liquid V (Roxane) makes one form of liquid V (Diazepam Instensol) dissolved in a 30% alcohol solution.  Alcohol is probably the commonly used pharmaceutical solvent there is.


Short answer ...he is completely wrong.

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Another dilution question from the Princess of Paranoia. I ran out of my dilution last night and my son was already in bed. I tried to make a dilution myself. It wasn't pretty. I may have made a 10% dilution or I may have made an 11% solution. I'm lucky I made any solution at all because I knocked the cylinder over twice. Fortunately it was empty and fortunately it didn't break. Don't ask me why I think it might be 11%. Too embarrassing.  :-X


Is this going to totally mess up my taper? :o


If you pull to dose you will be a little short, but if you pull to toss you will be on the plus side as you didn't throw away as much as usual.  I'd have to know the details to quantify how much you were off by.


I put water in the graduated cylinder and then add 1ml dropperfuls of alprazolam trying to make 90% water and 10% alprazolam. I lost count of the dropperfuls. I wasn't sure if I had added 9 or 10 and the liquid wasn't up to the top line on the cylinder (which I think is a bit off in its markings). My son had always done this before, so he knew what it should look like in the cylinder and I didn't. I really thought I had counted 10 dropperfuls but the cylinder said I was short. So I added another dropperful. Now I have diluted liquid to last a couple of weeks. It is either 10% of my original strength or 11% of my original strength. I measure my doses straight from the dilution. I don't use the throw-away method.


I will never wait until bedtime to make a dilution again (says the benzo brain).


I had it backwards in my other post, sorry.  If you made a too-concentrated solution and you pull to dose you are good.  The error puts you on the plus side, not short.  But I still don't know how much X and how much liquid as you gave me mls not mgs.  And do you dose with all liquid or liquid and pills?


Thanks, SG. I actually have no pills. My Xanax is alprazolam intensol which is 1ml=1mg. Nasty tasting stuff, but very easy to split accurately into 6 doses. Before micro tapering, I was down to 6 doses of .18ml per day. Now I use some full strength and some dilution. I take .18ml of the full strength in the middle of the night and .18ml of the full strength when I wake up. This is because I can fit that small dose in 1 oral syringe, cap it, and put it by my bedside.


The 4 daytime doses are the mystery dilution. I have 100ml of what might be 10% or 11% strength. Three of the doses I take are 1.80ml. One is the one I am reducing and is now 1.74ml. I cut .002ml of alprazolam (.02 of the dilution) every other day. I am going for the world's record for slowest micro taper. ;)


I guess I may have up dosed, but I wonder by how much. Is it so small I shouldn't be concerned? It would affect 4 of my 6 doses. I guess whenI should really be concerned would be when I make my next dilution. I may be going from 11% to 10%. In my head I think the change I have made must be very tiny, maybe to tiny to notice? Looking for guidance on this and whether I should try to factor the potential error in when I switch to my next batch of dilution. Thanks!

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SG and builder. Yup and yup! I don't know much about conventional medicines, but I have read a lot about herbal tinctures on the manufacturers' web sites. Alcohol is the most common liquid used to extract compounds from herbs and make herbal tinctures. It's effective, maintains the integrity of the active compounds, and is a good preservative.
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Man!! How do people find docs that'll write the scripts?? For years, psychiatrists wrote the millions of scripts. Then we moved two states over and somehow I found a GP who was my family doc and also wrote the clonazepam scripts. I think I was just lucky. That was a few years ago. Now, docs around here won't write clonazepam scripts...even if they know I'm trying to get off it. I've spent so many days calling docs and clinics as well as showing up in-person to talk to staff at the offices. I even tell them that a doc in my church (military doc) recommended them (which is true), but they still won't write the scripts. My wife ran around with me today and we tried lots of places. No luck. She was blown away by how uncaring people were. Our insurance network isn't very big either, and money is definitely an issue. We've also talked to multiple psychiatrists offices, and they would see me but only if I attempted to get off the drug...cold turkey or some crazy detox method over several days!! Incredibly frustrating. I thought that my new primary doc was going to write the scripts because her assistant told me she would when we were setting up my first visit. I had to wait 2 1/2 months to get in. After I got there and had a couple visits for my thyroid, I asked her for my new script. She then informed me that she wouldn't write the script. My jaw hit the floor!! She said that I misunderstood her assistant, and that she doesn't write scripts for controlled substances. Very wrong! Getting the script was much higher priority for me than my thyroid. BELIEVE me.  I've only got 2 refills left.


Any thoughts from anybody? How in the world am I going to get scripts? It's going to take me a couple years or more to get off this stuff!






I am so sorry that you are going through this.  This is awful.  One possibility is to speak with the doctor that was prescribing the benzo.  Tell him the situation.  It is possible that he might continue writing the prescriptions if you explain how you plan to taper.  I can't think of anything else that will help, but keep calling other docs. I know you said money is an issue, but you might be able to find someone outside of your insurance network.


Thanks, Anne. Believe me...I'm trying every avenue possible. By the way, the prior doc I was seeing said, "good luck" and then hung up on me. He was ticked that I left. I had no choice, but it's in the past now.


Take care!



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Just a brief update. Today is my third day of MT using a 400ml solution and things have really smoothed out. I feel so much more stable with less W/D s/sx's. Again I would like to thank those who encouraged the use of a larger solution, you know who you are :). I have no doubt that this is a result of much improved accuracy. I did have some of my previous prescription of Xanax so I used that and will try to slowly change over to this new manufacturer (in case that had contributed a little to feeling crappy a few days ago)


To those struggling, never give up, you will find a way through this, just keep trying day by day. Lean on this support thread to see you through- you will find love, encouragement, acceptance, kindness, understanding and more.

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Thanks, Shannon. Yeh, I did contact the detox places. I even asked a couple of docs at my church. Long story, but the bottom line is that the detox places are hard core detox. The places with the longest "taper" was 4-6 weeks!! They said it's safer and that you don't have to drag the process out for a couple more years. They did a good sales job actually, but I'm sticking with "slow is better". All of this was from a huge addiction clinic at the Medical University of South Carolina. I just couldn't believe it!! It's a huge teaching university and medical school, but their program is 6 weeks max. No bending of the protocol. I tried to explain my case, but they said that the newest research shows that their method is evidenced-based and incredibly successful. Of course, I left second guessing myself.  :(








I actually remember reading somewhere about a drug that is used by some detox places and is supposed to make rapid detox go better. And I've read mixed reviews about it. Slower is definitely better, but as a last resort, it seems flumazenil could be better than the old protocol, which was worse than useless.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flumazenil



Yes I've read about Flumazenil, it is only given IV in an institutional setting. I read about a couple peoples experiences with it- they were OK for a couple months then got blind-sided with protracted withdrawal. Doesn't sound too promising.


What I've learned the last few days has scared the holy snot out of me!! I'm with you...doesn't sound too promising. Next!!


(Hi Shannon...and thank you TOO for your encouragement)

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SG and builder. Yup and yup! I don't know much about conventional medicines, but I have read a lot about herbal tinctures on the manufacturers' web sites. Alcohol is the most common liquid used to extract compounds from herbs and make herbal tinctures. It's effective, maintains the integrity of the active compounds, and is a good preservative.


Gardener, SG, Builder and Sharkey, 

Thanks for responding.  I get edgy at times. Nervous about being able to start this taper and the new job. I have to be able to perform.  I have a headache and my face is just feeling odd. Hard to describe. Tense, but achy and maybe tingly. The headache is new since starting the liquid.


BUILDER...or any math guru...If I use 3ml of vodka and 1mg of K, add 97ml of water, does that change how much I reduce?  I would not think so?  I was going to start reducing by .25ml a day.  When I start. LOL. Forgive me if I am repeating any questions. 


Hang tough,


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Thanks, Shannon. Yeh, I did contact the detox places. I even asked a couple of docs at my church. Long story, but the bottom line is that the detox places are hard core detox. The places with the longest "taper" was 4-6 weeks!! They said it's safer and that you don't have to drag the process out for a couple more years. They did a good sales job actually, but I'm sticking with "slow is better". All of this was from a huge addiction clinic at the Medical University of South Carolina. I just couldn't believe it!! It's a huge teaching university and medical school, but their program is 6 weeks max. No bending of the protocol. I tried to explain my case, but they said that the newest research shows that their method is evidenced-based and incredibly successful. Of course, I left second guessing myself.  :(








I actually remember reading somewhere about a drug that is used by some detox places and is supposed to make rapid detox go better. And I've read mixed reviews about it. Slower is definitely better, but as a last resort, it seems flumazenil could be better than the old protocol, which was worse than useless.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flumazenil



Yes I've read about Flumazenil, it is only given IV in an institutional setting. I read about a couple peoples experiences with it- they were OK for a couple months then got blind-sided with protracted withdrawal. Doesn't sound too promising.


What I've learned the last few days has scared the holy snot out of me!! I'm with you...doesn't sound too promising. Next!!


(Hi Shannon...and thank you TOO for your encouragement)


Jeff, I so wish I could somehow make this better!  :therethere:

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SG and builder. Yup and yup! I don't know much about conventional medicines, but I have read a lot about herbal tinctures on the manufacturers' web sites. Alcohol is the most common liquid used to extract compounds from herbs and make herbal tinctures. It's effective, maintains the integrity of the active compounds, and is a good preservative.


Gardener, SG, Builder and Sharkey, 

Thanks for responding.  I get edgy at times. Nervous about being able to start this taper and the new job. I have to be able to perform.  I have a headache and my face is just feeling odd. Hard to describe. Tense, but achy and maybe tingly. The headache is new since starting the liquid.


BUILDER...or any math guru...If I use 3ml of vodka and 1mg of K, add 97ml of water, does that change how much I reduce?  I would not think so?  I was going to start reducing by .25ml a day.  When I start. LOL. Forgive me if I am repeating any questions. 

Hang tough,


  You still have a solution with .01mg K in each ml of liquid.  Your taper doesn't change.
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SG and builder. Yup and yup! I don't know much about conventional medicines, but I have read a lot about herbal tinctures on the manufacturers' web sites. Alcohol is the most common liquid used to extract compounds from herbs and make herbal tinctures. It's effective, maintains the integrity of the active compounds, and is a good preservative.


Gardener, SG, Builder and Sharkey, 

Thanks for responding.  I get edgy at times. Nervous about being able to start this taper and the new job. I have to be able to perform.  I have a headache and my face is just feeling odd. Hard to describe. Tense, but achy and maybe tingly. The headache is new since starting the liquid.


BUILDER...or any math guru...If I use 3ml of vodka and 1mg of K, add 97ml of water, does that change how much I reduce?  I would not think so?  I was going to start reducing by .25ml a day.  When I start. LOL. Forgive me if I am repeating any questions. 


Hang tough,



Shaani, you and I are two peas in a pod!!  Sensitive with meds, concerned about the process, etc etc etc. I finally just had to find the cut rate that worked for me (even though it's smaller than I would like...seems like it'll take 10 years for me to get off this stuff), have faith, and plow forward without thinking about it too much. I know, easier said than done, but a times does come when we just have to let go and trust. If you're concerned about the combination of the job and the taper, then just hold where you are. Like I told you, YOU'RE in control. You can do it, or dear one!!!



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Thanks, Shannon. Yeh, I did contact the detox places. I even asked a couple of docs at my church. Long story, but the bottom line is that the detox places are hard core detox. The places with the longest "taper" was 4-6 weeks!! They said it's safer and that you don't have to drag the process out for a couple more years. They did a good sales job actually, but I'm sticking with "slow is better". All of this was from a huge addiction clinic at the Medical University of South Carolina. I just couldn't believe it!! It's a huge teaching university and medical school, but their program is 6 weeks max. No bending of the protocol. I tried to explain my case, but they said that the newest research shows that their method is evidenced-based and incredibly successful. Of course, I left second guessing myself.  :(








I actually remember reading somewhere about a drug that is used by some detox places and is supposed to make rapid detox go better. And I've read mixed reviews about it. Slower is definitely better, but as a last resort, it seems flumazenil could be better than the old protocol, which was worse than useless.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flumazenil



Yes I've read about Flumazenil, it is only given IV in an institutional setting. I read about a couple peoples experiences with it- they were OK for a couple months then got blind-sided with protracted withdrawal. Doesn't sound too promising.


What I've learned the last few days has scared the holy snot out of me!! I'm with you...doesn't sound too promising. Next!!


(Hi Shannon...and thank you TOO for your encouragement)


Jeff, I so wish I could somehow make this better!  :therethere:


You're a sweetheart, Gardener!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I had it backwards in my other post, sorry.  If you made a too-concentrated solution and you pull to dose you are good.  The error puts you on the plus side, not short.  But I still don't know how much X and how much liquid as you gave me mls not mgs.  And do you dose with all liquid or liquid and pills?


Thanks, SG. I actually have no pills. My Xanax is alprazolam intensol which is 1ml=1mg. Nasty tasting stuff, but very easy to split accurately into 6 doses. Before micro tapering, I was down to 6 doses of .18ml per day. Now I use some full strength and some dilution. I take .18ml of the full strength in the middle of the night and .18ml of the full strength when I wake up. This is because I can fit that small dose in 1 oral syringe, cap it, and put it by my bedside.


The 4 daytime doses are the mystery dilution. I have 100ml of what might be 10% or 11% strength. Three of the doses I take are 1.80ml. One is the one I am reducing and is now 1.74ml. I cut .002ml of alprazolam (.02 of the dilution) every other day. I am going for the world's record for slowest micro taper. ;)


I guess I may have up dosed, but I wonder by how much. Is it so small I shouldn't be concerned? It would affect 4 of my 6 doses. I guess whenI should really be concerned would be when I make my next dilution. I may be going from 11% to 10%. In my head I think the change I have made must be very tiny, maybe to tiny to notice? Looking for guidance on this and whether I should try to factor the potential error in when I switch to my next batch of dilution. Thanks!


First, instead of cutting .002mg every other day I'd cut .001mg every day.  Same rate, but an improvement in keeping benzo in your body to help you until it is ready to be removed.


I don't think those full strength doses are doing you any favors.  Very concentrated.  Slight errors in measurement will make a difference.  I'd stop that if I were you.  I'd dilute it all and use two syringes or whatever at night.  And take the cut first from the daily total, then split it into six.  That's what I would do anyway.


As for the dilution, with this batch you basically updosed 1%, but only on four of six doses.  So that is a .67% updose.  Your dose seems to be about 1.02mg so that is about a .007mg updose.  One way to look at that is you went backwards seven days since your cut rate is .001mg per day.  But I agree, the problem, if there is one, would come when you go back to the right dilution.  It would be a seven day jump forward.  Hard to tell though how bad it might hit since you need time to become dependent at that new dose.  Still, if possible, I think I would ditch this batch.  Just my opinion.  Others may have insights to offer.

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First, instead of cutting .002mg every other day I'd cut .001mg every day.  Same rate, but an improvement in keeping benzo in your body to help you until it is ready to be removed.


I don't think those full strength doses are doing you any favors. Very concentrated.  Slight errors in measurement will make a difference. I'd stop that if I were you.  I'd dilute it all and use two syringes or whatever at night.  And take the cut first from the daily total, then split it into six.  That's what I would do anyway.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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I had it backwards in my other post, sorry.  If you made a too-concentrated solution and you pull to dose you are good.  The error puts you on the plus side, not short.  But I still don't know how much X and how much liquid as you gave me mls not mgs.  And do you dose with all liquid or liquid and pills?


Thanks, SG. I actually have no pills. My Xanax is alprazolam intensol which is 1ml=1mg. Nasty tasting stuff, but very easy to split accurately into 6 doses. Before micro tapering, I was down to 6 doses of .18ml per day. Now I use some full strength and some dilution. I take .18ml of the full strength in the middle of the night and .18ml of the full strength when I wake up. This is because I can fit that small dose in 1 oral syringe, cap it, and put it by my bedside.


The 4 daytime doses are the mystery dilution. I have 100ml of what might be 10% or 11% strength. Three of the doses I take are 1.80ml. One is the one I am reducing and is now 1.74ml. I cut .002ml of alprazolam (.02 of the dilution) every other day. I am going for the world's record for slowest micro taper. ;)


I guess I may have up dosed, but I wonder by how much. Is it so small I shouldn't be concerned? It would affect 4 of my 6 doses. I guess whenI should really be concerned would be when I make my next dilution. I may be going from 11% to 10%. In my head I think the change I have made must be very tiny, maybe to tiny to notice? Looking for guidance on this and whether I should try to factor the potential error in when I switch to my next batch of dilution. Thanks!


First, instead of cutting .002mg every other day I'd cut .001mg every day.  Same rate, but an improvement in keeping benzo in your body to help you until it is ready to be removed.


I don't think those full strength doses are doing you any favors.  Very concentrated.  Slight errors in measurement will make a difference.  I'd stop that if I were you.  I'd dilute it all and use two syringes or whatever at night.  And take the cut first from the daily total, then split it into six.  That's what I would do anyway.


As for the dilution, with this batch you basically updosed 1%, but only on four of six doses.  So that is a .67% updose.  Your dose seems to be about 1.02mg so that is about a .007mg updose.  One way to look at that is you went backwards seven days since your cut rate is .001mg per day.  But I agree, the problem, if there is one, would come when you go back to the right dilution.  It would be a seven day jump forward.  Hard to tell though how bad it might hit since you need time to become dependent at that new dose.  Still, if possible, I think I would ditch this batch.  Just my opinion.  Others may have insights to offer.


Can't ditch the batch.  :(  Already started using it and would run out too soon. What I could do is use up this batch and then for the next batch use the dilution for one dose a day and see how that goes. And then another dose. And then another dose. Or would going back to full strength also be nasty?


The full strength doses seem accurate and worked for the first month of my taper. (When I was stupidly cutting .02 almost every day.) Each .02 in my syringe is exactly one drop. And, for some reason, it is much easier to get the bubbles out of the full strength than the dilution. They let go and rise to the top so much easier. The dilution has itty bitty bubbles that cling to the bottom and sides and often won't let go so I just have to leave them in there. >:(


Do you really think that the full strength drops could be different sizes? I have no idea about drop-formation and how that works. I assumed that the same viscosity and the same dropper would mean the same size drop. And the plunger does move down one .02 measure every time a drop comes out. So I don't understand how the drops could be different sizes. Yet, I do understand that it is very strong stuff at full strength, which does concern me. I'm willing to switch to all dilution if necessary.


There are no .01 measures on these syringes, so I can't measure .001, can I?


Here's what I'm using.   http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0013Y6JK2?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage



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First, instead of cutting .002mg every other day I'd cut .001mg every day.  Same rate, but an improvement in keeping benzo in your body to help you until it is ready to be removed.


I don't think those full strength doses are doing you any favors. Very concentrated.  Slight errors in measurement will make a difference. I'd stop that if I were you.  I'd dilute it all and use two syringes or whatever at night.  And take the cut first from the daily total, then split it into six.  That's what I would do anyway.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup:


OK, 2 votes for all dilution. I'm leaning that way now!

Any opinion on my mystery dilution??

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OK, how about this? When I am half way through this bottle of mystery dilution, I make more dilution with the help of someone so we are double checking each other, but only 50ml this time. Then I mix the 2 together and try using that.


I feel a bit like I might be out in left field on this, so please chime in!


Also, how long is it OK to leave this stuff in dilution? The full strength bottle says for 90 days after opening.

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You guys are awesome!  I hope you know how much you are appreciated for the support and encouragement you provide.





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OK, how about this? When I am half way through this bottle of mystery dilution, I make more dilution with the help of someone so we are double checking each other, but only 50ml this time. Then I mix the 2 together and try using that.


I feel a bit like I might be out in left field on this, so please chime in!


Also, how long is it OK to leave this stuff in dilution? The full strength bottle says for 90 days after opening.


I'm thinking maybe don't over-complicate this.  You have to use this batch so use it up.  We don't know if it is too strong or not so assume it is to be safe.  When you get to the next batch and are back to normal strength maybe just hold there instead of cutting.  In fact, you could begin holding early, before the current batch is used up, to get a jump on it and soften or eliminate the blow.


You cut at .001mg a day so we know your body will process that amount of healing each day.  You need to find seven days of healing.


Another thing you could do is taper this as usual then updose when you begin your next batch to cover any potential shortage.  That might be the best thing to do.  Just do everything as normal for now then when you make the next batch go backward seven days and consider it done.  You'd then keep tapering from there and would not do any holding.  There are different ways to skin this and I'm not sure which is best, but you do have good options.

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In what thread to people create micro-tapering plans? Or get suggestions for them. I'm on 5mg of valium right now, liquid. I would like to start attempting to taper, but I'm not positive how to do a microtaper or what pace is sensible.


Hey StephenDedalus and welcome to the group!


I would suggest starting at .01mg a day.  You can increase that if you feel fine after a few weeks.  What size pills do you have?  5mg pills? We can help you with a taper plan.  Do you know how you want to dissolve the pills?


Stay strong!


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I put water in the graduated cylinder and then add 1ml dropperfuls of alprazolam trying to make 90% water and 10% alprazolam. I lost count of the dropperfuls. I wasn't sure if I had added 9 or 10 and the liquid wasn't up to the top line on the cylinder (which I think is a bit off in its markings). My son had always done this before, so he knew what it should look like in the cylinder and I didn't. I really thought I had counted 10 dropperfuls but the cylinder said I was short. So I added another dropperful. Now I have diluted liquid to last a couple of weeks. It is either 10% of my original strength or 11% of my original strength. I measure my doses straight from the dilution. I don't use the throw-away method.


I will never wait until bedtime to make a dilution again (says the benzo brain).


Hey Gardener, even your diluted solution is too strong IMO.  Your X liquid is 1ml=1mg and you dilute it 10X to make it .1mg/ml.  On a 1ml syringe each tick is worth .001mg...that's a lot.  Making your .001mg cut must be hard on the eyes.  I'd dilute that down another 10X.  For 1ml syringes as a general rule we want to be around .1mg/ml Valium equivalent or weaker.  You're at 2mg/ml V equivalent.  Just a suggestion.  I'm sticking my nose in here a bit, but I think it could help.

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