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Thanks Julz.  I'm going to slow it down a bit with the deadlifts for a little while and concentrate on medium weight medium rep (3x12) compound full body exercises for a while to see how it does rather than hitting one area each day.  So probably 2-3 full body exercies per week and a few days of cardio as well.  I'm only going to do a few compund exercises per body part rather than 2-3 compound + 2 isolated like I did pre-taper.  I think this will help maintain the muscle I have left and gain some along with burning some fat, but won't be overly taxing on my CNS.  It will be more like having a high impact job than actually trying to body build.  I feel that will also help my nerves regenerate and brain heal as well.


Does this sound like a good plan?  I didn't read through all of the pages of this club so am not sure what others have done. Thanks!

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yes sounds like gaging your exercise is key.


Id still like to know does lack of sleep directly correlate to muscle pain n weakness for anyone?? Then exercise is harder and seems to spiral backward - atleast thats what im afraid of after my experience last summer! (strugglin w my sleep again now)



Absolutely!  On the day following an abridged sleep or disruption in sleeping patterns, I wake up with stiff joints, sore arm and leg muscles, and a general sense of malaise. Glad I'm not the only one. Although I'm not happy that you suffer as well...if you know what I mean.

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From some one that wrote a success story last year, some wise words for ALL us who think pushing it is a good idea



I learned an important lesson. Even though I am over a year from tapering my CNS is still healing. i really got into the exercise kick, I pushed myself everyday and the intensity of my exercise was the most I ever had, more intense then before withdrawal. This I thought was a success, proof that I was all the way back.


What I learned was that a damaged CNS can get worse with over exercising, even a year away from the last dose.


I think I caught my mistake in time and have eased up the intensity and duration, my meals and my sleep. So now I realize That I do still have a damaged CNS and that I can't do high intensity and am "listening" to my body. After a few weeks of rethinking my exercise, meals and sleep schedule I am back to feel better.


I still exercise, but I have a pre workout snack for energy, I have a post workout 30 mins after. My workouts were too long, I checked. So I shorten them to no more than an hour a day. I took down the intensity a few notches and I monitor my water intake.


I was so engrossed with it all I was really doing much more than I should have been doing. And that could have really hurt me.


With my changed exercise my energy is coming back and I feel better and much more clear.




Listen to your body its your best mentor and a lot wiser than us when it comes to healing that's why it gives us signals to slow down or just rest for a while. The muscles need rest to repair, you would not repeatedly stamp on a broken toe so way keep bashing a broken CNS that runs all of our body and brain not just one small part?  ???


In a tribe where they have great warriors if that warrior gets hurt they rest until completely well for as long as it takes not go back in to battle half injured where they would be a hindrance not a help. Or a hunt where they would be as good as useless , that's why this Benzo Warrior listened and apart from the very occasional 5 to  10 minutes slow walk when I am able. Which has been 4 or 6 times in 8 months is resting for now :thumbsup:


Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Thanks Nova!

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Hi July yes I read no advil. I tried Tylenol pm last night and slept better. Burning went down today. I think we are histamine aggravated in wd
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Hi July yes I read no advil. I tried Tylenol pm last night and slept better. Burning went down today. I think we are histamine aggravated in wd


I'm glad the Tylenol helped and that you felt better today! I believe the "active ingredient" is paracetamol (I am not in the US) and yes, I've heard it can make you a bit sleepy although not to be taken unless you're in pain or with a fever!!

Advil is ibuprofen to the rest of the world LOL and I've not had any problem with it personally (again, I only take that if I'm in pain) but it's good to know. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!!


Well I guess I am finding my way back to exercise through yoga videos on Youtube  :) Gently does it... mild DOMS, which is good!!


Happy Exercising!

Julz xxx 

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Julz so happy to hear you started Yoga with Adriene- she is awesome huh? I'm on Day 8 of the Yoga Camp today but I'm going to start doing the 30 days of Yoga in the morning/afternoon and the Yoga Camp at night. I didn't understand why it was so easy but now I see that Yoga Camp is restorative yoga, not the Vinyasa like you did. It's too easy for me since I stopped doing crossfit about a month ago. I'm still walking the dog almost every day too. I even started jogging home the last block or so. Easy does it!


EricSS awesome work getting back in. I have no advice for you other than what I'm doing for myself. I was doing crossfit this entire withdrawal- 4-5 times a week of HIGH intensity and HIGH weights. DL like 150lb for a workout. I know, crazy when I think about it now. But anyhow, I experienced some really bad exhaustian right in the middle of the workout while also having a panic attack. It scared the crap out of me so I've scaled back a lot, probably too much honestly. The only thing I can say is try what you're doing and take it one workout at a time. Someone gave me that advice in here and it was really helpful. I tend to be hard on myself and I'm also mad I'm losing a lot of my gains and muscle mass too. But, it's just not worth it to burn out my nervous system this early in recovery. We have to train for longevity and for living life. So I'll get back to the gym as soon as I'm ready. For now, yoga and walking will just have to do for me!

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Julz so happy to hear you started Yoga with Adriene- she is awesome huh? I'm on Day 8 of the Yoga Camp today but I'm going to start doing the 30 days of Yoga in the morning/afternoon and the Yoga Camp at night. I didn't understand why it was so easy but now I see that Yoga Camp is restorative yoga, not the Vinyasa like you did. It's too easy for me since I stopped doing crossfit about a month ago. I'm still walking the dog almost every day too. I even started jogging home the last block or so. Easy does it!


Exactly! It's all about easing back into it very gently, sensing what our bodies need and can cope with  :thumbsup: I'm going through what she calls "yoga for weight loss" lol, I don't think the title of the series is very fitting but it targets specific areas of the body so there is always a nice little burning sensation to masochistically enjoy LOL! Before that I'd gone with a power yoga and found myself doing jumping jack in my PJs... erm nope, 20 minutes in and still 20 to go... I'll keep that one for later LOL!!


Great idea to do the restorative series later in the day!


...and well done on running again too!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Hi All ....hope its ok if I join you all here?


As you`ll see by my signature I`m 1 yr out from a rapid taper, which with hindsight was as good as a CT. Until last Christmas I was bed to couch bound every day. I used to try a short walk but it took all my strength but after Christmas I found a few sx lift.


So this last month I`ve been walking further every day. I power walk a good 15 minutes in the morning and again afternoon. I love it, it helps with anxiety and also the days when depression threatens.


My problem though is muscle pain, its bad again. It lifted a bit few weeks ago but is back with a vengeance and almost at acute level ( or so it feels like.)

I`m wondering if the walking may be making this worse?  I don't want to stop and believe sitting on the couch all day would make the muscles worse...but not sure what to do?


Any help and your opinions would be so appreciated....many thanks.



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We have to be careful when we interpret muscle pain as a symptom of withdrawal instead of just from starting to use those muscles again. Are you sure it's just not sore from Using muscles you haven't used in a long time? Like is someone was an inactive as we are and then started back up again do you think their pain would be similar? I don't know the answer to these questions just offering them so we can be more mindful of our answers.


I have a little bit of pain from the yoga I'm doing but I know it's because

I'm trying to get active again.


Someone gave me the advice to wait 48 hours between workouts (I haven't listened) to let the body recover a little more and then only Take it one workout at a time. Push myself a little bit but not too too far.


The pushing is helping me a little bit.


I just know I feel so much better when I am active and I feel worse when I lay on the couch all day. Sleep is also better when. I workout a little.

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The muscle pain thing is tricky! Mine seems worse when i lose sleep. And its a burn like that last rep when your lifting, except im just lifting a carton of milk in the morning! Later in the day its easier. Last night slept maybe 6 hrs and mildly burning today. I find it hard to believe it can be lack of exercise for me cause i know people who are far less active and can do more and lift more than me. Sometimes its like a stabbing pain deep to the bone. That is not typical of my old post workout days. really miss that pump from my workout days. They slowly became harder till full tolerance hit (I didnt know what was happening)


So sorry you are still having sx a year out. You think that is because of your rapid taper? I quit rapidly and had problems for 6 mo till i was put back on (needing 3x the dose i used to do) and realized what was goin on. Hoping this time it wont go that long!

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Hmm that does sound tricky. Maybe try like a 20 Minute yoga video to get the oil back in the bones. Something very very gentle to ease back in? I'm not sure but if I were in your shoes with that that's probably how I would start back up. Part of this might be teaching our muscles how to work again. I'm going to chiropractor and he keeps assuring me that the pain I'm feeling in my shoulder is just muscle or tendinitis and that nothing is ripped. It does feel ripped to me! I also have bad plantar fasciitis and sciatica and right leg weakness. I just have to keep moving because it does me more harm if I lay around too much.


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Hi NeverCanTell!


I am by no means an expert... so it's only my two cents here!! I understand power walking has an essential role in your psychological state and that is not surprising. Exercising and fresh air, being out and away from the sofa... no need to say more!


7 mg Diazepam in 7 days, I do believe it is just as good as a CT... sadly. But that helps put things into context. You are probably still experiencing waves and windows. As painful as they can be, symptoms are merely that (so I'm told, so I hope!). Exercising can increase symptoms (as explained in the very first post of this thread)...


If it were me? Well I would need to get out every day, psychologically I could not stand a day in! I'd maybe look at more mindful walks, either focusing on the breath or listening to music... whatever floats your boat without getting your legs too warm. A gentle easy walk.


What about gentle stretching? Stretching is so important! Same thing, you don't want to push, just find the spot where you feel a little tightness and breathe into it to release.


Youtube is a minefield!  :thumbsup:



Kris, i can't believe burning like a last rep is lack of exercise! You say it feels better as the day goes on? ... do you stretch properly after your workouts?  ::) I'm not saying this will solve everything... but it's worth a try.


Hey Ang! Namaste Sister LOL! I'm so glad you managed to take me on the yoga journey lol  :thumbsup: I've just done day 6 of my own mix and feel that my whole body has been working gently but surely. I used to do some yoga by myself but following a video is much more motivating, plus you are reminded of pulling your navel to your spine and that's when you realise, "oh yeah... it feels warmer now!"  :thumbsup: Namaste!!! xx

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Hey thanks for the replies, I went on my power walk again this morning and really don't think its revving the sx.....I feel worse when I sit about on the couch. But I will take on board to try a few more restful walks ....I mean its not good asking for advice and not taking it. So thanks once again.

Anyway I decided to see a chiropractor who examined me and found a few places in my back and hip that have arthritis!!


She manipulated my back and ouch its hurting....but I`m going back again for some more treatment.  I believe that old injuries can feel worse during wd so I`m thinking this may be happening for me.

Hopefully when the wd is over I`ll be able to manage the arthritis pain.


I`m crossing all my fingers here that a few sx seemed to have dropped or lessened.  I was getting brain fog earlier but thankfully its cleared .

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Hey thanks for the replies, I went on my power walk again this morning and really don't think its revving the sx.....I feel worse when I sit about on the couch. But I will take on board to try a few more restful walks ....I mean its not good asking for advice and not taking it. So thanks once again.


I'm very glad you don't think power walking revs up your symptoms. If this is how you feel, it's probably closer to the truth, other Buddies will let you know what they think but no one knows you better than yourself. Do what feels good/better  :thumbsup:


Crossing all of my fingers and toes for your symptoms to clear!!!


Best Wishes to All!  :smitten:

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Hi All

Jumping on here because the weather is good, I am stable (but tired) and I put the potato chips down and walked briskly about a mile.  I am so excited.  WBB

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Way to go Wanna :thumbsup:


Kris, I believe some of the muscle pain for us when sleep is poor is because the healing things that sleep normally does don't occur without adequate sleep. That's going to set us up for more body pain, anxiety, GI stuff etc. So wd itself causes some of this and the insomnia causes much of the rest. People I know who are insomniacs but not in wd describe some of the same symptoms. Still, exercise by itself can contribute to our healing when we don't go overboard.

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mt  - crap im afraid ill waste away! im small now. even when the burning is down, the pain is there like a bruise to the bone. mainly thighs. occas feel a shooting pain there.when i stretch its like im ripping muscle. anyone else?

i cant believe klon did this. this month has been so hard.

last fall i was able to hike dunes!i was sore but still, regular hiking hills in the winter too.  I know exercise is good, but how much good when it cant repair??? :-\

Do AD give you fake like sleep? not deep enough? cause the remeron really helped and i thought great itll help me through this but im having breakthrough sleep problems. i dosed up a half tab from 15mg

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Buddies...i know our bodies are self healing, but if you lose muscle, does it actually come back. getting little worried about this. i think ive seen others post having muscle loss..what happened?
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Buddies...i know our bodies are self healing, but if you lose muscle, does it actually come back. getting little worried about this. i think ive seen others post having muscle loss..what happened?


Hi Kris. You can 100% gain muscle back as you start to move around more and do some light lifting and walking. Anyone can lose muscle by not being as active and/or having a clean calorie deficit regardless of if they are going through withdrawal or perfectly healthy. Good luck!

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Thanks Eric - i need to hear that. Im 50 now so ive been doubting. but the worst part is really deep in the muscle esp the thighs and glutes. Did you experience that? On occassion shooting stabbing pain?

I hope its not long. I am getting walks and yoga and eating.

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mt  - crap im afraid ill waste away! im small now. even when the burning is down, the pain is there like a bruise to the bone. mainly thighs. occas feel a shooting pain there.when i stretch its like im ripping muscle. anyone else?

i cant believe klon did this. this month has been so hard.

last fall i was able to hike dunes!i was sore but still, regular hiking hills in the winter too.  I know exercise is good, but how much good when it cant repair??? :-\

Do AD give you fake like sleep? not deep enough? cause the remeron really helped and i thought great itll help me through this but im having breakthrough sleep problems. i dosed up a half tab from 15mg


Kris, it's totally normal to fear this is permanent and/or that you can't endure it. It's a dark, difficult journey but we're traveling to a kind of freedom. The pain can be very challenging to endure and I understand what you mean about feeling like you're wasting away. Even though we're in our 50s we'll get that muscle and weight back. I actually have better muscle strength now than I've had in 20 years. My stamina is pretty lousy.


As for your question of whether AD provide fake sleep: I'm sure it does have a different quality from natural sleep. However, it's still sleep and if you aren't able to get it without the AD I think it's the lesser of two evils. It's helped keep me relatively sane.

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thank you MT and Eric :smitten: -  good to know muscle comes back. Its amazed me what the body is enduring. I was hiking a lot before. Now im careful. trying to figure out what works. I probably need a protien powder and i cant deicde which -every decision huge burden
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I also experience muscle soreness in my glutes, thighs, and calves for no apparent reason. Usually, the soreness is most intense when I wake up. Some days I actually have to use the hand rail to walk downstairs from the bedroom. What's odd is that by mid afternoon, I'm fine to power walk without issues or soreness. Also, rarely, I get what feel like pulled muscles in my ankles/calves that give off a sharp pain when I put weight upon them. This usually resolves itself within 15 minutes though. So odd.


Oh, and joint pain as well that comes and goes. One hour, I feel like I need a hip or knee replaced. The next hour I'm power walking like usual. I'll never figure this out.



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Quick question, I'm back to working out every other day. Truth be kniwn, I do lay out sometimes. Does anyone have a rule they use to distinguish a true symptom that can make exercising dangerous as opposed to just being lazy? I try to be true to myself, but I have skipped a workout when I feel squirrly, and sometimes on days I have a great workout I can't fall asleep! Very frustrating. Peace
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Thanks Eric - i need to hear that. Im 50 now so ive been doubting. but the worst part is really deep in the muscle esp the thighs and glutes. Did you experience that? On occassion shooting stabbing pain?

I hope its not long. I am getting walks and yoga and eating.


Hi kris, I haven't had any abnormal muscle pain except some back tightness and soreness but what you are describing is a common symptom. Good luck!

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