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just came across something about adrenalin and tinnitus....could it be exercise can spike tinnitus? hearing it tonight. I want to take advil but heard it can do it too. maybe alleve?

Gotta keep moving!

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Kris, you asked about a good GF protein powder. I like "Plant fusion." Comes in some good flavors and I was able to live on it for a couple of years. I'd add spinach, frozen fruit and almond milk and got all of my vitamins. It's also dairy and soy free: http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0021FEMZG?keywords=plant%20fusion%20protein%20powder&qid=1456022271&ref_=sr_1_1&s=hpc&sr=1-1


Vega One is also delicious and has even more vegetable stuff in it. My  kids use that one but it has some migraine trigger in it for me but I have odd triggers. I think it was something like chia seeds. Also GF, dairy, soy free.

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just came across something about adrenalin and tinnitus....could it be exercise can spike tinnitus? hearing it tonight. I want to take advil but heard it can do it too. maybe alleve?

Gotta keep moving!

I've had bad tinnitus for years (it was reason I started on benzos). I take Advil occassionally with no problem. I was even on a high dose of ibuprofen for a week after a surgery and it didn't affect my tinnitus. Aspirin is what you need to stay away from, that is notorious for spiking tinnitus.

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Thanks MT and Grapejuice!!


That protien sounds good. Also heard Shaklees is good. I want something super clean. become obsessed w it since parents died


Ive always had tinnitus too but its been spikin for no reason, even low pitches which i swear i can almost feel...good to hear bout advil. I thought of it cause it coincidentally happened when i took it but probably also took it after exercise. Pharmacist told me theres a natural ear drop made for tinnitis....?

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Felt like a dead weight this morning in bed! and pains shooting in legs. Stiff. Was so discouraged. after 2 hrs laying there (woke too early too) i rubbed my muscles and stretched ever so gently for half hr till i got up - cause i had to pee and the cats were all over me complaining!I chose to not call my sister or get online to start the day. Thought I wont be out today...but i did go meet a freind and walked 45 min on flat surface! I had to warm up a lot before going. Still wondering if this was a good idea like will i be in the same condition in the morning cause its a dark place for me to wrangle out of!!

Still fighting anxiety and fears most of the time lately. maybe a wave? even the good periods, my mind goes to the fears and i have to force it elsewhere Uhg will that stop?



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yay! i found  a girl out of massage school doing free massage for experience and referrals! I wonder if she has a limit to how many per week lol! If i can do that more often ill workout more :)  faster muscle recovery!
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Kris, it seems like you're doing a lot of searching for ways to make various symptoms go away. I totally understand why you'd want to do this, but can I caution you that it might not be the best use of your energy. I remember early on how hard I'd try to make the symptoms go away, how I'd feel like such a failure because whatever I tried I couldn't make the symptoms go away, even ones I could temporarily abate, they'd always return. That's part of the illness. I don't want to tell you not to try, just to temper your expectations. What heals us is time.


I know I've said that I think exercise has helped me get better quicker, and that may be true, but I can't say for sure. It'll be one year and nine months for me in a week or so, which is right about the time when people say everyone heals, at just short of two years. So, it's entirely possible I would have been feeling better around now even if I were eating Twinkies by the box and my most strenuous exercise was flicking through my Netflix queue.


The best success story I ever read basically went like this:


I didn't exercise,

I didn't eat well,

I didn't take supplements,

I got better anyway.


I don't remember who wrote it, and I wish I did, because it's really the most insightful post I've ever seen on Benzobuddies. We expend so much energy trying to run from these symptoms instead of doing what would probably be the most helpful thing, which is learning acceptance and how to find gratitude in the most difficult of situations. Plenty of people turn to antidepressants and antipsychotics and find some comfort there, only to find they have years more struggle to undergo when they try to free themselves from those medications.


What I did for myself was to say, "okay, I'm going to do this today not because it's going to make me better, but because I enjoy doing so." Whatever it was, going for a bike ride, running, eating a box of cookies, smoking marijuana, taking a nap. I don't want to tell you what the best path out of this wilderness is for you because that's something you're going to have to determine for yourself. All I can say with any certainty is that it's likely to be a long journey, so your best bet is to steel your determination and settle in for a rough ride through the storm. But you're going to be okay. Plenty of people have made it through just fine and so will you.


Or, I'm totally wrong and you shouldn't listen to me because I'm nuts. That's entirely possible, in fact it's pretty likely.


It's Spring and that makes me a little giddy. Happy early Spring, everyone.



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Vegan--again, there is so much wisdom in what you write.  I agree with everything!


I'm about a quarter of the way through the book called Cure: a Journey into the Science of Mind Over Body by Jo Marchant.  Thought about all of you on the exercise thread.  There's a good chapter on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome too.  Basically the author is not saying that we can think ourselves well from whatever ails us, but she's uncovering the very real way in which our minds can affect our healing.


With everybody looking for what will help, it seems checking out what our own brains can do for us is worthwhile! ;)

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Today I tried something new and walked to and from my gym (30 minutes of hills each way), then lifted weights and went to exercise class. It all added up to 2 hours on a day it felt like I couldn't do anything. Facing the "I can'ts" can be very empowering. I may not be able to shut up the voice but I can refrain from obeying it.
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I haven't caught up on this thread, but love the last tow posts by MT and FJ....Gonna get out and walk soon.  My resting heart rate has been so high, I have been really cautious.  Thanks for the inspiration all! :thumbsup:
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Arcade: Fantastic!


Shadow: You can do it!


MTFan: Wow! That's like quadruple-amazing. Superkudos to you.


FJ: Cure is is on hold at my library for the next year. :(

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Vegan--so buy the book and give the author a couple of bucks for her trouble!


I can't tell you how much I hated hearing that one of my books had the longest wait list at our local library.  I was like, So buy more copies!  Or better yet, people go out and buy your own!


A brand new title as an ebook is usually no more than $14.  To me this is a bargain for some knowledge and help.  It has seemed to me that there's no help to be had for withdrawal for any amount of love or money.  My sum total has been $200 for a one time consult with an addiction doctor because I never wanted to get into all the tests, but on another thread somebody just said they'd had $250,000 in medical bills.  Another person said $65,000.


People say, "I don't have money for books."  How much do they spend on experimental supplements?


So what's a book for $14?  And the author probably gets $2. ::)

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Woah! Sorry! I guess I hit a nerve. My apologies.


I won't be buying Cure, because it's not *that* interesting to me, but I'm buying Rice, Noodle, Fish by Matt Goulding as a gift for a friend today. That's more how I roll.

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No problem, my friend.  Yes, I do have a nerve that gets hit when it comes to things like creative property and copyright infringement as well as the attitude most of the world takes toward the written word.  The internet has kind of made it so that people think information just sort of drops down out of heaven and should be free and it's the people who don't want to freely "share."  Writers are expected to provide content for free, forever being assured how great the "exposure" will be for them.  The music business has been pretty much ruined by this attitude.


I don't know Rice, Noodle, Fish, but you should definitely buy the books that interest you only.  It is indeed a bummer to pay for a book and then not like it. :D

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I've been on these boards for less than a month (I think ;D) and came across this group.  I experience a fair amount of anxiety during my taper and constant chills.  The one thing I've noticed that helps me is exercise. During exercise, I feel no anxiety nor do I feel my chills. Such a nice reprieve. I'm no athlete by any means. Just a middle aged, overweight guy who has started to log time walking on a treadmill because it is one thing I can count on to make me feel better.


2.88 miles yesterday in 47 minutes which included a 5 minute cool down.

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Edzo: It's stories like yours that make me the happiest.


Nothing to do with Benzos, but I used to read a lot of stories about people getting those fancy watches that track how many steps they take and their heart rate and stuff and it was so inspiring to read stories of people who hadn't really been active their whole lives suddenly having these life-changing experiences because they were doing 10,000 steps a day and such.


I know how difficult it is to be active during withdrawal, but I gotta believe that a good amount of my depression was brought on by not being active. It's like not putting a wheel in a hamster cage; that's just cruel. Recipe for an unhappy hamster is what that is.

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It's nice to know that someone out there is watching over me (us).  I won't turn this into a daily progress log, but it will be a nice place to see how how I've evolved over time when I look back.


Thanks for the response,


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I've been on these boards for less than a month (I think ;D) and came across this group.  I experience a fair amount of anxiety during my taper and constant chills.  The one thing I've noticed that helps me is exercise. During exercise, I feel no anxiety nor do I feel my chills. Such a nice reprieve. I'm no athlete by any means. Just a middle aged, overweight guy who has started to log time walking on a treadmill because it is one thing I can count on to make me feel better.


2.88 miles yesterday in 47 minutes which included a 5 minute cool down.




I completely understand how it makes you feel. To me its creates the same sort of sensation of normality. If I can convey anything to you its that your body will thank you for putting it to work.


Keep at it, and keep your head up!


Warm Regards



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I've been on these boards for less than a month (I think ;D) and came across this group.  I experience a fair amount of anxiety during my taper and constant chills.  The one thing I've noticed that helps me is exercise. During exercise, I feel no anxiety nor do I feel my chills. Such a nice reprieve. I'm no athlete by any means. Just a middle aged, overweight guy who has started to log time walking on a treadmill because it is one thing I can count on to make me feel better.


2.88 miles yesterday in 47 minutes which included a 5 minute cool down.




I completely understand how it makes you feel. To me its creates the same sort of sensation of normality. If I can convey anything to you its that your body will thank you for putting it to work.


Keep at it, and keep your head up!


Warm Regards




Thank you Leo.  Heading out right now for my nightly fix. The nice thing about Planet Fitness (am I allowed to mention a business?) is that it is open 24 hours. Perfect for people like us who never know when we may need the relief.

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I've been on these boards for less than a month (I think ;D) and came across this group.  I experience a fair amount of anxiety during my taper and constant chills.  The one thing I've noticed that helps me is exercise. During exercise, I feel no anxiety nor do I feel my chills. Such a nice reprieve. I'm no athlete by any means. Just a middle aged, overweight guy who has started to log time walking on a treadmill because it is one thing I can count on to make me feel better.


2.88 miles yesterday in 47 minutes which included a 5 minute cool down.




I completely understand how it makes you feel. To me its creates the same sort of sensation of normality. If I can convey anything to you its that your body will thank you for putting it to work.


Keep at it, and keep your head up!


Warm Regards




Thank you Leo.  Heading out right now for my nightly fix. The nice thing about Planet Fitness (am I allowed to mention a business?) is that it is open 24 hours. Perfect for people like us who never know when we may need the relief.




Ha!! We are kindred spirits indeed, I have been known to jump on my treadmill at 3am! A good playlist works wonders!


God Bless



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I've been on these boards for less than a month (I think ;D) and came across this group.  I experience a fair amount of anxiety during my taper and constant chills.  The one thing I've noticed that helps me is exercise. During exercise, I feel no anxiety nor do I feel my chills. Such a nice reprieve. I'm no athlete by any means. Just a middle aged, overweight guy who has started to log time walking on a treadmill because it is one thing I can count on to make me feel better.


2.88 miles yesterday in 47 minutes which included a 5 minute cool down.




I completely understand how it makes you feel. To me its creates the same sort of sensation of normality. If I can convey anything to you its that your body will thank you for putting it to work.


Keep at it, and keep your head up!


Warm Regards




Thank you Leo.  Heading out right now for my nightly fix. The nice thing about Planet Fitness (am I allowed to mention a business?) is that it is open 24 hours. Perfect for people like us who never know when we may need the relief.




Ha!! We are kindred spirits indeed, I have been known to jump on my treadmill at 3am! A good playlist works wonders!


God Bless




Indeed, Leo, indeed. It's U2's All That You Can't Leave Behind for me. I just never tire of that album; it just speaks to me and where I am right now. And God Bless you too!  ;)



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So I notice about 20 to 30 minutes after exercising I feel revved up but it actually subsides.  I think exercise temporarily revs me up in the late afternoon.  That's OK to me because it goes away.  Sometimes I convince myself that it's strengthening my CNS.  Who knows, it might be?  Thoughts?
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Does anyone on here have issues where u lift weights and start to go into panic mode I used to get this early wd now I'm 16 months out and started hittin the gym and liftin heavy and noticed I went into a panic now I'm back in off to my normal light workout but still getting the panic I find it odd that this far out this is happening my anxiety has been through the roof this week and I have to keep exercise up so my pots don't come back I'm really confused on what I should do power through it and try to ingmpre the panic or talk it easy back off of my workout and pray pots doesn't come back
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