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Welcome, Niners. Good job with the exercising :thumbsup:


Lockie, I agree with murph that what you experienced seems to be part of the package deal. Sometimes I'll get super weak after exercising and have odd symptoms. Often it means that I pushed too hard but other times I push real hard and feel pretty good. If I didn't push I'd probably be a sofa cushion by now since I never feel motivation. The past few days I've been extra unmotivated.


Does anyone else struggle to differentiate between fatigue (which has to be honored) and lack of motivation (that responds to a push)? Sometimes it feels clearer to me than others.


I would like to know the answer to this. I am maintaining a demanding exercise routine but on wave days, I can barely function, let alone exercise. It does feel like extreme lack of motivation on those days.


It feels as if dopamine levels have plummeted but I also have the extreme weakness so it doesnt feel as though I am capable of more activity.


Either way, i dont seem to be able to force a shift, it just resolves, thankfully after a day or 2. Whether this is because i have rested or would happen anyway as my neurology reorganizes is another question I have.

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ihope, that's exactly how I feel. My motivation crashes but there's also an accompanying weakness and fatigue. Maybe it's a package deal. Exercise almost always means pushing through fatigue and lack of motivation for me since wd but those days are way more extreme. I hated missing 5 days in a row of exercise this past week but my get up and go was gone. It seems that pushing through that extreme is a bad idea for all of us.


Today I managed to do a little cross country skiing (until my equipment broke), then I shoveled for a while (since there was too much snow to get to the gym and lift weights) then walked for 2 miles. I was super exhausted afterwards but I figured it was a good investment to help tonight be better.

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I shudda joined this site a long time ago. I've been doing heavy exercise/weights 5X a week and I must say, this has really helped me by a super lot. Better than any benzo. :thumbsup:


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Hi guys and gals....I've finally been able to all today after nine days of being in a wave w my migraines.  I started propranolol for the migraines and I'm hoping it helps with the palps after exercising.
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Hi MT after pushing that hard through the fatigue doesnt that spike your sx?? If i did that id be in acute for 2 days afterwards


I'm wondering about this and am going to be watching for it. Last night was awful but I also completely blew it and scarfed a bunch of sweet when I've been mostly abstaining. My guts have been a wreck since then and I felt like I had red bull running through my veins all night. Today the sweets haven't tempted me at all and I only played in the snow for 40 minutes. I feel more comfortable when I can get some exercise since it helps me feel like I'll have a better chance to sleep.

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When were you able to start running?  Post taper?


I was a runner big time before this situation.  I can now do pushups, situps, curls, planks and abot 15 minutes on the elliptical.  I cannot do this stuff in a nasty wave unfortunately.




I think pushing the exercise can create cortisol which then affects our sensitive cns.  Some people are exercise tolerant and can handle cortisol.  Everyone is so different I wish there was an explanation.  I guess find the point where you can exercise but stop where you can detect some cortisol.

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I started running in December of last year. I felt like hell for the first few weeks but now it's starting to feel almost good. I'm working on lengthening my stride now. Building up to running, I rode my bike last year, all spring, summer and fall, and before that I was only capable of walking (and before that I couldn't even walk) so I wasn't starting with running. It's been a long, painful process for me but so worth it.


So, direct answer to your question is I started running at about 18 months from jumping.


Really awesome that you are keeping active in any way you can. I used to fret so much when I was doing planks if I was strengthening my muscles just to make the muscle spasms worse. Looking back, it all feels like it was worth it. I can't emphasize the benefits of stretching enough, as well.

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I started running in December of last year. I felt like hell for the first few weeks but now it's starting to feel almost good. I'm working on lengthening my stride now. Building up to running, I rode my bike last year, all spring, summer and fall, and before that I was only capable of walking (and before that I couldn't even walk) so I wasn't starting with running. It's been a long, painful process for me but so worth it.


So, direct answer to your question is I started running at about 18 months from jumping.


Really awesome that you are keeping active in any way you can. I used to fret so much when I was doing planks if I was strengthening my muscles just to make the muscle spasms worse. Looking back, it all feels like it was worth it. I can't emphasize the benefits of stretching enough, as well.




I am grateful that I can do this stuff while tapering.  I hope I can keep this up post taper during the acute phase.  Last year this time I could not exercise at all.  It looks like I'll be taking it slow to get to where you are.  You give me hope.


I have the annoying muscle spasms especially in my calves and feet.  Are they still happening for you?


I up my elliptical time 1 minute per week.  I do the same with the rest of my exercises.  1 extra pushup and situp per week.  With planks 1 extra second per week.  I hope to keep this up.

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Vegan--I like your tag line--"be the person you want to be when you're better."    This does go right along with the sentiments in the book You are the Placebo although maybe he'd say if you can't yet be the person you want to be when you're better, take the first  step by starting to ENVISION yourself as the person you want to be when you're better. 


(Maybe I should have posted this on the book thread, but I'm just as glad not to continue with that.) :D

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Yeah, I used to get really bad foot twitches and the whole thing would just claw up on me. Really nasty. I still get it occasionally, but not every single day like it used to be.


Maybe there will be times where it's just not possible to do a particular activity. I did a crazy taper, but if you're doing a reasonable taper there is every reason for you to not to go through the really extended bad times a lot of people do. If you have to stop an activity, give yourself permission to do so without judgment or fear (easier said than done, I know). Just don't give up and stop trying. Beat the disease by switching up routines. If it's going to move around and be nuts, always be one step ahead of it.


We can beat this.



I always think to myself, if my nervous system is remediating, isn't this my big chance to rewrite my whole neural network? If we're going to be remodeling, I might as well make all those big changes I always used to talk about but never got around to, right?

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Right.  You nailed it.  I'll keep trying my best.  I've been in a wave ever since I hit .6mg but I am still able to work out for now.  I suspect I hit early acute since I am so low.
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Maybe you can hold at 0.6 for a while until you stabilize? I don't know if that works or not, but I expect the people in the taper support forum can help out. No reason to go though pain you don't have to.


Good luck!

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Maybe you can hold at 0.6 for a while until you stabilize? I don't know if that works or not, but I expect the people in the taper support forum can help out. No reason to go though pain you don't have to.


Good luck!


Oh yeah I'll be holding for sure.

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I was forced to shovel show for many hours the other day since I got snowed in from the blizzard and the people who were hired to shovel all quit because it was too much snow.  That was good enough exercise to allow me to battle my severe insomnia.  I'm back to playing basketball too.  I'm not playing on a team or anything because I'm in no condition for that.  I am just sprinting up and down the court and working on my dribbling and shooting again.  I plan on doing speed skating drills this weekend.


Another thing that is critical is proper diet.  I continue to eat a ton of vegetables and fruit and almost drink nothing else but bottled water.  I continue to lose more and more weight.  I recently stopped weighing myself because it just seemed like I hit a wall but this morning I put on a pair on shorts after I cranked the heat up in my house and my shorts fell off me!  :laugh:  So, I weighed myself again and compared the data to one year ago.  I'm 30 pounds lighter than I was a year ago.  I can fit into all of my large t-shirts now instead of XL and I'm a 34 waist (albeit still a tight fit there) instead of a 40.  Do whatever you can to push yourself to eating healthy and trying different forms of exercise!

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Great work, LifeInChaos! It feels so fantastic when there is a payoff for all the hard work.


I started running this morning and I felt so slow and painful, so I told myself, "Self, we are going to work on form today and not worry about speed, just focus on fundamentals." It felt good to run because it felt good and not feel like I had to beat some personal best, and after a bit it really started to feel good.


Got home and I looked at my phone and I'd made my third personal best time for a five to seven mile run.


I think your basketball and skating is going to pay off for you bigtime.


Keep up the great work everyone!

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I have a definite spike in heart symptoms after vigorous exercise, (Basketball, surfing etc.). I wasn't sure about this early on because it was a near constant shit show, but now that things are milder I can feel the difference. About 2 hours after exercise I get tachycardia and bad palpitations. The good news is it doesn't last long anymore. The bad news is there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. No deep breathing or vagus maneuver, nothing. I'm not even anxious when it happens. It just does what it does. It's not keeping me from exercising either. I just wanted to point it out in case anyone else has the same problem. I can say it's normal. At least normal for us! Haha! :laugh:
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Yeah, I've kept going through a lot of pain that probably should have stopped me from going on, weird heart palps, and breathing troubles. I never dared take my pulse since I didn't want to have a reason to stop. I can completely relate to what you say about not letting it stop you, that it's normal for us.
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I'm feeling a little down because I'm being confronted with what a miserable failure I am intellectually, artistically, and emotionally.


Physically, though? I am carved out of mahogany.


Two days ago I ran nine miles (the farthest I've run yet) in two hours.

Yesterday I ran my fastest five mile ever.

Today I ran my second fastest five mile ever.


I've got something to be grateful for today. That will keep me going until tomorrow.

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Vegan--I envy your mahogany!!! :D  When your brain finishes healing you won't feel like a failure.  You'll feel so proud of yourself for having conquered this!
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I'm feeling a little down because I'm being confronted with what a miserable failure I am intellectually, artistically, and emotionally.


Physically, though? I am carved out of mahogany.


Two days ago I ran nine miles (the farthest I've run yet) in two hours.

Yesterday I ran my fastest five mile ever.

Today I ran my second fastest five mile ever.


I've got something to be grateful for today. That will keep me going until tomorrow.


Your physical capabilities are definitely impressive.  I wish I could do that.  Well maybe I can but I think the only way I would be able to run five to nine miles would be if a psychiatrist was chasing me down the street with a needle filled with Haldol!  ;)

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