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Yup the old case of your body feeling good until it's not.  Ugh. 



I did a two mile brisk walk and then some stretching/yoga. Okay....daily observation...ALL of my muscles have no flexibility even though only some are tight each day😁omg!  I knew I was out of shape but this is ridiculous.  I did twenty minutes of attempting gentle stretches and it was so bad. It's like someone twisted my muscles tighter and tighter like a rubberband for the last few years of this mess.  A daily stretching routine has just jumped the line to the most important activity I need to do. 

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I pushed myself and walked/hiked 75 minutes yesterday and have been having a rough time since then. I have no clue why sometimes when I do that I feel better and less tired and other times I do it and it flattens me. Maybe it's all arbitrary. I'm ready for some clear skies. We're having lots of gray, cloudy days.




I have that happen as well, somedays it feels so awesome to push it & the relaxation afterwards is like nothing else & other days you feel like you got

ran over by a bus.


Since I can't get out & mountain bike because of this weather here I have been hitting the gym & trying to run 3 miles on the treadmill  :thumbsup: I mean

run/walk for 3 miles  :laugh:


The calm feeling I get when I am done exercising is freaking awesome! If I could feel like that all day it would perfect!


Keep up the good work!


Ninj  :thumbsup:

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Yeah, there seems to be something about wd that makes us super tight. You're right on that we need to make daily stretching a priority.




It's that nice calm feeling that makes me push this dead body when it seems crazy. Of course some days I just can't like today, but for almost 3 years now I've been exercising pretty regularly despite the challenge. Considering I was a sofa cushion when I started, there's been some progress. It's too easy on bad days, though, to think there isn't any.



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good job everyone keep up on the exercise train!


went to gym everyday this week even tonight after all my crappy sleep but said to myself get up and go!  got my bench press weight back up  8) finally maxed out again at 245/4 times clean just gotta drop a few lbs I packed on over the winter lol!


gym/ walking/ hiking all types of activities are great to just keep our minds occupied anything other than benzo issues 

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good job everyone keep up on the exercise train!


went to gym everyday this week even tonight after all my crappy sleep but said to myself get up and go!  got my bench press weight back up  8) finally maxed out again at 245/4 times clean just gotta drop a few lbs I packed on over the winter lol!


gym/ walking/ hiking all types of activities are great to just keep our minds occupied anything other than benzo issues




You're a beast!  :laugh: Keep up the good work  :thumbsup:


Occupying your mind is key  :thumbsup: Distactions!  :thumbsup:


Doing things we really don't want or feel like doing is critical  :thumbsup:


Ninj  :thumbsup:

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Wow, Murph. Great job :thumbsup:


Ninj, I totally agree. A big part of this battle is forcing ourselves to do things that are hard but will aid in our recovery...and provide distraction. When I'm dragging my dead carcass to exercise I always say to myself, "This is how you fight to get better. You're healing your brain and body" and we are. Glad I have all of you guys for support and encouragement.

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You're a beast!  :laugh: Keep up the good work  :thumbsup:


Occupying your mind is key  :thumbsup: Distactions!  :thumbsup:


Doing things we really don't want or feel like doing is critical  :thumbsup:


Ninj  :thumbsup:


Well thank you!  Gym is always a key for me to help clear my mind of distractful thoughts and feelings, even if you can just go be active for a while it really does help your mindset.  Maybe not all physical Wd's but at least it is productive  :)

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Can someone please confirm that pushing yourself through excersise is the right thing to be doing?? I have been pushing to what i feel to be not too far but the next day im in a wave
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Can someone please confirm that pushing yourself through excersise is the right thing to be doing?? I have been pushing to what i feel to be not too far but the next day im in a wave


Hi Lockie,  :hug: it could be that your exercise intolerant which is common, I had to stop as it wasn't helping any longer but hindering me, sometimes all the body wants and needs is to rest and that's just as important as exercise. Have faith in your own judgement if its having what you feel is a negative effect then leave exercising until you recover more, its all about listening to your own body, it never gives you bad advice if you listen to it.  :)


I am not worried about not exercising now, I totally accept that its not for me at this time, even moving normally is a painful struggle and right now what we need to do is survive and just breathe the rest will come when its time. Learn to accept your limitations but don't limit what you can do comfortably and if that's just resting for now, so be it. There is pushing then also pushing too hard, be gentle with your self and look after yourself the best you can.



Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Hey guys.


I not an exerciser, yet, but I have a funny symptom that I'm wondering if you guys can relate to?


So up here in the great white north we had a snowfall last night.  I was out shoveling some snow off the deck and front walk so nobody slips and breaks their neck.


When I was done I came in and sat down and my fingers were throbbing.  Not from the cold, as I have good high quality gloves.  They were throbbing with blood.  They were very red and a bit puffy.  I could feel my pulse in them.   


All throughout my taper and withdrawal I have had low blood pressure.


This strange symptom I have had before right at the very beginning.  I had completely forgotten about it until today.


This was the most activity I had done in a couple of months for sure.    I don't feel too bad to be honest other than the strange pooling of blood in my hands.


Very weird.  Anybody else get anything similar when you exercise?

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Lockie, I think the value of pushing varies from person to person and even within the person. When I feel totally miserable physically I will often either skip exercise or do something short. If I feel I can tolerate the discomfort and it's more of a mental thing, I will often push and here's why:


--if I can get in at least 3, 30 minute exercise episodes per week I'm able to keep depression away (see Duke University exercise and depression study).

--my symptoms often decrease during exercise.

--my spirits and sense of empowerment improve during exercise.

--I've been able to see my strength and stamina improve from doddering 100 year old to perhaps an asthmatic 40 year old gerbil ;D I'm not normal but I'm closer.


That being said, sometimes I go too far or exercise on a day I probably should have skipped and it makes me too tired or feel worse. So I note how I was before, during and after so that next time I know to do less or skip. I figure even when I don't exercise that happens sometimes. The waves and windows seem arbitrary at times but if you have clear patterns, that's info. Try starting at 5 or 10 minutes of something gentle and VERY slowly progress as you feel able.




Sound scary and unpleasant. The only thing similar I've had is loss of circulation in my hands and feet at times with them even turning dusky. Wd seems to frak with everything.



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Take everything at your own pace, I have been going to the gym pretty much past 8 years from 5-6 days a week average so I am use to it.  Running, well I am not use to that so I am not pushing myself as hard yet with cardio related exercise.  If your body can't take much physical activity right now that is fine just take very small steps and as you feel better you can take larger steps.  No heroes in here just people trying to push through their issues  :smitten:


G33k that does sound weird never heard of that.  Hopefully it subsides and you feel better

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Thanks guys. Just had a really bad wave yesterday but could have been heading that way anyway. I am improving considering 2 months ago i was bedridden still but now i can excersise a bit. I have put on 10kg during this WD which i am determined to lose
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Started my taper 7 weeks ago. Every week my psychiatrist asks me if I have been exercising. Every week I say no. I have a horse who I love very much and I haven't ridden him since my taper started. Yesterday I drew the line in the sand that I was going ride today. It was 6 degrees in NY and I had been up since 2 am but I went.  I am so glad I did. I cantered around for 30 minutes. Actually belly laughed over the video they took on my phone to show my shrink.  Going to ride again Friday. I hope it helps me get some sleep tonight
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Hey guys.


I not an exerciser, yet, but I have a funny symptom that I'm wondering if you guys can relate to?


So up here in the great white north we had a snowfall last night.  I was out shoveling some snow off the deck and front walk so nobody slips and breaks their neck.


When I was done I came in and sat down and my fingers were throbbing.  Not from the cold, as I have good high quality gloves.  They were throbbing with blood.  They were very red and a bit puffy.  I could feel my pulse in them.   


All throughout my taper and withdrawal I have had low blood pressure.


This strange symptom I have had before right at the very beginning.  I had completely forgotten about it until today.


This was the most activity I had done in a couple of months for sure.    I don't feel too bad to be honest other than the strange pooling of blood in my hands.


Very weird.  Anybody else get anything similar when you exercise?


Hi g33k  :hug: I have what I originally thought and my Dr agreed was Raynards disease that began when I was 8 year's into then unknown tolerance WD, it took over 10 year's for me to find out what was really happening. ??? My hand started like you described but eventually went from red puffy, to navy blue to black and painful, and being cold, putting my hands in the fridge freezer even with gloves on was enough to trip it off :D 


I later had it spread to my legs and feet and no matter what shoes or gloves I wore I was so temperature sensitive it still tripped off. :o It got better after I began my taper and went completely but is now flaring up a bit as I get lower down in dose. It's not as bad as the first time around, and will go in time as my body proven by shaking it off completely once already after I had it a long time. :)  I also had and get similar problems if I get too warm  ::)  Its cropped up again because obviously healing is now entering another phase, what phase I don't know I just know I still have many to go and looking forward to the last one at the finishing line :thumbsup:  I did a post about it, here's the link if your interested .


Why Symptoms Return - How Healing Progresses  http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=145466.msg1958390#msg1958390



Loove Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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How's everyone's exercising going?


Hope everyone is doing ok  :smitten:


I went snowboarding last Thursday for the first time in 5-6 years.  Surprised myself and lasted the entire day no issues.  My friend was beat and sore before me and he is 25 yrs old and im 37.  Guess I still got some spunk left in me.



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Hi guys just a quick one for ya. Ive just started excersise again after being bedridden 6 months. Afterwards instead of having a red tomato face im ghostly white. Everything else is normal - sweating , heart rate ect but im just really pale.


Is this normal??



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I would toss it up to healing.  This is a weird phenomenon, us BB tapering.  Take care of yourself.  That means exercise.  I am just getting over being ill for 6 weeks at least.  A real cold.  What a mess, but what is my option, let's move ahead.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Hi guys just a quick one for ya. Ive just started excersise again after being bedridden 6 months. Afterwards instead of having a red tomato face im ghostly white. Everything else is normal - sweating , heart rate ect but im just really pale.


Is this normal??




I experienced a lot of things when trying to work out during WD's still do time to time.


Being pale, sweating and clamy at the same time was something I experienced.  As long as you otherwise feel fine just go into it easy and pay attention to your body and how you feel, dont over push yourself.

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I'm new to this group.  I've been doing 30 minutes of cardio and 40 minutes of sauna at the local gym for a month now.  The sauna really helps with aches and pains and is great for detoxification. 

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Welcome, Niners. Good job with the exercising :thumbsup:


Lockie, I agree with murph that what you experienced seems to be part of the package deal. Sometimes I'll get super weak after exercising and have odd symptoms. Often it means that I pushed too hard but other times I push real hard and feel pretty good. If I didn't push I'd probably be a sofa cushion by now since I never feel motivation. The past few days I've been extra unmotivated.


Does anyone else struggle to differentiate between fatigue (which has to be honored) and lack of motivation (that responds to a push)? Sometimes it feels clearer to me than others.


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I am just here to say how much you guys are motivating me.  I am just getting over being sick, (during my taper) so exercise was shelved.  But I am reading this.  No time to say much because DH is home because of rain keeping him from work.  Please keep posting... :thumbsup::smitten::)  And please keep moving!  Yay!!
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Hi MT , thanks for the input. Im feeling super weak and pretty much couchbound today. Definitely overdid it yesterday but at least im getting to know my limits and i will be ok again tomorrow. Motivation isnt a problem for me fortunately its just the fact my body cant handle stimulation.
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