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My reaction to exercise seems more than just not being conditioned.  Does anyone else get heart palps or cortisol rushes that start about six hours after intense exercise and last another day or two.  I never had this before and I had my heart checked so I'm positive it has to be withdrawal.  Just gets old at twenty months.
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Drew, I didn't mean at all that I thought your symptoms were from being deconditioned. Just that this is something we all have to deal with on some level.


My rushes seem to be rather random and they come and go. Less frequent than they were but super miserable. I do notice a lot of tachycardia and palps in the mornings. It baffles me that my heartrate tends to be high even when I'm meditating. Like my heart didn't receive the memo.

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oh no problem mt.  I was just clarifying what I had.  I used to get the major tach and stuff in the mornings too but it has greatly reduced and is even gone many mornings now.  What a pleasure to not wake up to that every day.  Hope that leaves you as so. It still shows up after exercise for me though. 
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Drew-intense exercise has caused palps to be bad for me for a day or two. It doesn't happen every time though. I've had the palpitations for over two years now, so I'm with you on the "getting old" thing. Every month it gets harder for me to think they're ever going away.
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I had the original fit bit and I loved it. It eventually died but it was the clip on one and it endured some serious sweat. Maybe I need to invest in another.


Reading about those palpitations...sounds awful. I'd suggest staying hydrated but I'm sure you already know that. Seems like more of a CNS thing from the benzos than a hydration issue. Hope it resolves soon. I just realized,  for a long time I was waking up with my heart racing in a panic. It took me this long to notice, I no longer have that symptom. That gives me hope. I've been too busy focusing on the negative that I haven't seen the positive.


I stupidly drank last night and now I feel like hell. I get bored and have cravings to get messed up. I haven't turned to drugs but alcohol is a drug too and I need to kick it. I can't sun one addiction for another. I am doing better because I was drinking 3+ days a week and I'm down to just one. I need to find an alternative. Yesterday I found myself bored and wanting to go to the liquor store so I went to the coffee shop instead. This was the first time I recognized that I'm actually having cravings to use/drink. Boredom and anxiety is a trigger. I planned on going for a walk instead but I didn't have time to so I ended up getting some drinks. :( Bummer because I was feeling good yesterday. Need a better alternative.


I went to my first outpatient meeting yesterday morning. On Monday I had to go register and they put me in a Relapse Prevention program which is once a week for 8 weeks. I'm happy it's not every day. I see it helping in the long term.


I think I need to get my butt to more NA meetings, I'm not 100% there but I feel like I'm getting there. I'm coming around and realizing there's a problem and it's something I have to fix. Not just that I'm in treatment because I'm forced to, but that I need it for myself.


Not sure if I'll get to my NA meeting today because I feel like crap. My biggest hang up is my social anxiety! One day at a time.


I'm fed up with drinking guys. Not just the dehydration the next day but the mental set back. No more for me. It kills my positivity and desire to work out. Going to pound some fluids and try to get a walk in today if I'm feeling up to it. Time to make the changes I need to make!

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Bark, good for you realizing you're having cravings and getting the support/help you need. This is a complex disorder that requires a combination approach. Most of us here aren't having to cope with cravings on top of all of the wd crud. You'll feel so much better when you stop the drinking but you're doing well with reducing and knowing you need to stop. You can do this!
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agreed bark...great job on recognizing your situation.


Well, after feeling breathless and exhausted yesterday at 1/2 mile walking I got out and did 2 miles fine today.  I used my HR monitor and I noticed my hr is fine during the walks.  It is a brisk walk and it ranges from 115-130.  The funny thing is after I am done my HR doesn't come back down for a while.  It takes about 1/2 hour to et to 100 and then just hovers between 90-100 for a long while.  Oh well...this sucks until it doesn't.  My goal is a pathetic 2 miles per day. :P

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Sounds like a great approach, Drew, and a gentle, compassionate way of dealing with your recovering mind and body.


I notice the same thing about HR not coming down like I'd expect. It's like my heart is so excited about any movement that it has to chatter about it for a long time before it lets itself relax. Sometimes just rolling over in bed will make it race as if I'd just done a 50 yard dash. Silly organ!

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Thanks for the support guys. After downing 3L today I felt great. My mental state was so positive today. I feel like I reached a state of enlightenment and I can honestly say I'm feeling good about the future. I hope it keeps up!


I started using my planner. I bought it on amazon not knowing it has all these sections to write goals in and prioritize them. I laughed at how corny it is but i really think I needed a tool like this. I filled in some simple goals: go for a walk, fax some legal paperwork, apply for health insurance, and workout. I did 3 out of 4! I didn't get to workout because I had to take the puppy for an emergency vet trip. She was wretching terribly and vomited excessively...I was afraid she bloated. But she is ok now as long as she tolerates food for the next 24 hr. A quick shot of nausea medication and now she's being a crazy pup again.


I had a great 2 mile hike and had lots of energy. I played with the dog and I was sprinting around with her. It felt great! I feel like I have the wind in my sails again. You guys have really helped motivate me.


I just bought some NA books and a recovery work book. I hope it will help me work more actively in my recovery. I also found a necklace with the serenity prayer on it. I wanted a symbol /reminder of my sobriety that I can utilize to keep moving forward. Maybe a little reminder I can look at daily in times of weakness.


As long as my doggy is feeling good I'm going to go on another hike tomorrow, do some reading, and maybe clean a bit. I'm about to do an online NA meeting now, I hope you are all having a good day!

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You're making some great choices, Bark. I'm glad you're taking good care of yourself and focusing on your recovery.


I thought I'd share something that happened to me earlier in recovery. I stopped exercising for a while because I was afraid that with the tachycardia it was dangerous. When I talked to my cardiologist he told me he thought it would ultimately help bring down my overall HR regardless of the cause. In my case I think it does help. The tachycardia seems at its worst when I'm sitting or lying around. Weird feeling.

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Exercise is a great way to relieve stress.  Does it help me sleep lol no.  But I do go to the gym 6-7 days a week and have for years just been part of my regimen.  It was harder at times to want to go than others especially when not feeling good but having that as a daily routine is really good, even if just to go and do a few things and feel like you accomplished something.


I typically workout via lifting weights an hour a day and just started getting back into jogging (which has been a pain in my rear) but I am going to try and jog 3- 4 times a week a mile or 2 each time until I build up some stamina for that.  More cardio.


Good luck everyone and keep exercising  :thumbsup:

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welcome Murph..


I just completed 25 min on elliptical.  I kept my HR at 120's.  Feel a bit wonky but I know my body is just reacting to the exercise. I was incredibly sore from my silly walk yesterday so I did lots of stretching after.  Onward I go.

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Hey murph, glad to have you! Great to hear you're able to celebrate the small successes because that's so important. I think you'll bring some more good energy to the group.


Glad to hear your keeping the wheels in motion, drew. Hopefully your ticker slows down a bit through out of the course of the day.


I had one of my best days physically although I had to push myself mentally. I woke up with random nausea and my mood declined as the day went on. I have myself a pass because I think it's hormonal but I convinced myself that using it as an excuse wasn't an option and exercise can only help.


The puppy seems good today...no more vomiting, so we went out and enjoyed the day. It's her 6 month birthday!  So we went on a 3.5 mile hike. I bought her a 30 ft lead and she loves jogging around and sniffing about. It's much more relaxing to give her the freedom and not worrying about her pulling and walking under my feet.


I did a couple minor household chores,not much, but it's something. I then did a 25 minute lifting session followed by 10 minutes on the elliptical. I listened to some recovery speakers on a podcast while I worked out and it really helped pass the time. Plus I killed two birds with one stone.


I took a short bath and now I'm unwinding. I hope I can get decent sleep tonight as I slept 2 hr last night. Forced myself up at 9am and boy am I glad I seized the day.


I had to skip out on my morning NA meeting because I was feeling so nauseous but I plan to attend an online meeting tonight and an in person meeting tomorrow.


Keeping my goals in my planner is really helping as it's rewarding to check them off! I'd highly suggest it!


I am also happy to report that since I was forced to stop taking my adhd meds while in outpatient treatment, I came to the realization I'm now 100% medication free. Wow it has been so long. I'm making the switch from thinking "I can't use any drugs while in treatment" to "I do not use drugs." I guess I was in denial and in the back of my mind I always planned to go back to "occasionally" using (Lol!). It seems so screwed up but I was so conditioned to using drugs or alcohol that it didn't seem abnormal. Life without drugs still seems odd and new to me, but I'm getting there. There must be happiness without drugs...I need to stop kidding myself, I wasn't happy WITH drugs. I want to be that person that politely declines a doctor's offer for a prescription instead of the person who walks into the office looking for drugs.


So maybe this is a window, or maybe a step towards the new me. Either way I'm happy with the improvement. I'm going to be a new, balanced, and sober person. It's not the exercise. It's not the mindful and positive outlook. It's taking care of ourselves in all facets of life. I hope you are all taking a step in the right direction today whether that means brushing your teeth and showering, eating a good meal, getting a walk in, or just having one positive thought. Just do whatever it takes!

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haha thanks for the welcome.  :smitten:


I have always gone to the gym really enjoy it and if i do not go i feel like i am missing part of my day.  During the worst of my issues i skipped a few months of gym but have been going steady again for a while.  Today did back workout and jogged 20 minutes on the treadmill at 5.5mph.  Want to work back up to 9min miles but after all i ate for the holidays gotta drop a few lbs first haha  :thumbsup:



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I've forced myself to go back into the gym despite having a foot injury and the weather being freezing here.  I've just switched from running 5K's on the treadmill to doing 12 to 15 miles on the stationary bike.  Cardiovascular exercise is the only thing that allows me to feel tired at night so I can sleep.  Hopefully when my foot heals (whenever that is, I don't know), I'll be able to run the 5K's again and play basketball and ice hockey again.
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Good for you for getting on the stationary bike even with a hurt foot!  a year ago, in the middle of this, I broke my ankle just when I was hoping to ramp up my exercise program.  It killed me to be sedentary, knowing I was missing out on the benefits of cardio, but you can bet I hoisted myself up on the stationary bike just as soon as I could. 


All good, healing things will be pumping through your brain and you will just have to admire your own persistence in aiding your healing!    :thumbsup:

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I've forced myself to go back into the gym despite having a foot injury and the weather being freezing here.  I've just switched from running 5K's on the treadmill to doing 12 to 15 miles on the stationary bike.  Cardiovascular exercise is the only thing that allows me to feel tired at night so I can sleep.  Hopefully when my foot heals (whenever that is, I don't know), I'll be able to run the 5K's again and play basketball and ice hockey again.

Yay!!! Thanks for keeping us up>LIC,  I am just getting over a bad virus, just now getting back into walks...Always helps to know there is recovery through exercise.

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Good for you, LIC!


I'm absolutely exhausted after yesterday. I slept 9 hours and my body is so sore. Going to try to get a good walk in today to recover. I've been so irritable the last 2 days so I'm just trying to keep it together.

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Hi guys , just about to hit 7 months and doing heaps better . The nasty fatigue that has been belting me is finally subsiding. Did my first two excersise sessions yesterday on the bike  :thumbsup: . Just wondering does your DR and dizziness fire up afterwards? Thanks buddies
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Can't even remember if I've ever posted on this thread, ::) yikes! Anyhow, since I 'pack' my horse away in November or so when the ground usually starts to freeze (no more arena/jumping schooling in winter for now), I tend to increase my biking i.e. on mountain bike, but mostly paved trails.


This year, the snow has held off for the most part till now, so I even put in a 70 min. ride today (typical) trying to chase them endorphins...I never feel real energetic about biking around 0 degrees, esp. with a wind, but once I get going I warm up fast with layered clothes, and feel gooood at the end :)!


I used to be a 'fish' in water, but haven't done much swimming for years, but maybe the snow will drive me to it...hope so. Hey and BarkLessWagMore, I read one of your posts from a while back mentioning your powerlifting! I lifted heavy for about a decade, till tapering seemed to make my joints icky, and PT's told me to chill.


I really miss the GRRR! rush of lifting heavy...did a few comp's over the years. DL is sooo my favourite, too; long arms, short torso! I usually lifted at 48 k, and did 220 at 104 lbs, but my PR pull was 215 lbs at 92 lbs. Squats were so-so, and my bench sucked 'cuz I had to use a wide grip so huge ROM!


Did you do conventional or sumo DL (me, conventional)? My fave type of w/o was doing 5 reps x 8 sets with 115 lbs., without much rest-yum thudding heart! A friend who started off with me in the 52 k class went nuts competing, doing nat'ls and more. I just couldn't leave my horse stuff to go big, even though we were pretty even relative to our sizes.


Glad to hear you can still PL some, sigh. I miss the oly bar, and clank of iron...maybe some day?? I gotta keep moving somehow, so gotta be content with other stuff, as it's sure better than nothing :thumbsup:!

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I pushed myself and walked/hiked 75 minutes yesterday and have been having a rough time since then. I have no clue why sometimes when I do that I feel better and less tired and other times I do it and it flattens me. Maybe it's all arbitrary. I'm ready for some clear skies. We're having lots of gray, cloudy days.
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