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Exercise support group


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Hi BarkLWM, I have been thinking of you since we haven't seen you for awhile.  I am sorry you are going through such a rough time.  It sounds hard.  Please give yourself a little break here.  You are still recovering from benzos and opiate, a CT no less!  I hear it takes at least 3 months for the hardest part at least. It strikes me that you are being a little hard on yourself in a tough situation.  I am not saying you don't have a right to feel as you do, but I mean you have done so much positive for yourself in the last few months.  You got off Xanax.  You got off opiates.  You CT'd!  You changed your attitude towards these drugs.  You are walking the dog.  You are sleeping!  Maybe at this stage your body and brain need that to rewire.  You bought a planner. You bought a planner.  :thumbsup: You are looking ahead.   


You may not know exactly what to say to them right this minute,  but you have people who love YOU. You will find a way.  An idea will come from or to you.


The group thing sounds like a possible drag, but  I would try to look at it as "This is my job, for right now, part of what I am doing while I am healing.  It is what it is."  And I enjoy hearing from you, maybe you are there for a reason.  Maybe you being there will help someone else.  You may not even realize you are doing that as it is happening, so just be YOU.  I have a feeling you will really help that group. And that may help you.  Probably being out, engaging, will help you in ways you don't expect.  In the meantime, you will be healing and that is a bonus!  And you will heal and be stronger and more prepared  than ever for the next season of your life.  It is just what you have to do right now.  And you CAN do it.


I would use that planner and write down even the little things you need to do on a daily basis.  Write down a hygiene activity.  Write down an exercise activity.  Write down just one thing you may want to accomplish in a day.  Little steps at a time.  It may sound hard because you are not where you want to be right now.  BUT As time goes on, you can and WILL see progress.  Write down little inspirational things or sayings you come across on some future days or in the back.  Listen for those nuggets.  If you pray, you could write simple (or huge) prayers and see what happens.  And remember that lack of motivation is probably linked to lack of focus right now and not knowing what is going to happen, and just the brain rewiring.




I saw this on Dr OZ by chance, and it really changed my perspective on the day.  Read it all the way to the bottom, and again, out loud, and see if it helps you or maybe someone here. I am not trying to preach at you, but it helped me.  It is a surprising poem written by a teenager.  Give it a chance.    :smitten:  And we are here for you!  Keep walking that dog and deep us posted. :smitten:


Here goes: "This viral poem shows people that things aren't always what they seem. With a focus on the good things in life, these words will remind you that every day is a good one, even if it doesn't seem like it:


Today was the absolute worst day ever

And don't try to convince me that

There's something good in every day

Because, when you take a closer look,

This world is a pretty evil place.

Even if

Some goodness does shine through once in a while

Satisfaction and happiness don't last.

And it's not true that

It's all in the mind and the heart


True happiness can be obtained

Only if one's surroundings are good

It's not true that good exists

I'm sure you can agree that

The reality


My attitude

It's all beyond my control

And you'll never in a million years hear me say that

Today was a good day


Now Read from bottom to top."

This poem was posted on Twitter by @ronniejoice.



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Thanks shadow, I guess I am really being a little hard on myself. It will be good to get out there, no matter the reason. It really resonated with me that you said a planner means I'm looking toward the future, because I guess I haven't been for a long time. Some days I had just wished everything would end. I know I have a while life to live and I need to work on making it the best life I can.


I truly wish I can make the best of my time "off" to do some self exploration. I am now realizing I was just skating through and existing, not enjoying life. I lost my job, but I didn't enjoy it anymore. I worked nights and often times I worked a few shifts in a row and then slept through my days off. What kind of life is that? Sure, it's unlikely that I'll ever love my job 100%,but I need to remind myself working isn't everything. I learned to accept losing my job as a wake up call...to get clean, to find joy,  and to work on myself as a whole. Funny, I enjoyed life way more making $10/hr in some BS retail job than I did when I was making 4x that. What's the point in earning a good income if you're spending it all trying to use things to escape reality? I've been running my whole life, but what am I running from?


I hope in time that I can tell you guys how much better my life is. And I hope you will all do the same.


I worked out today for 5 minutes. I was hoping for 15 or 20 but I went from feeling energized to feeling exhausted very quick. That's ok, this is the most I've done in over a month. Atleast I did something.


Thanks for the encouragement, it's nice to not feel so alone. I'm starting to make the transition from looking at my situation as a short term hurdle to seeing it as an opportunity for long lasting improvement. I get random drug tests and to be honest I had been researching alternative ways to get high or getting drunk when I knew I'd have a few days for it to get out of my system. I now realize how stupid that is. Ultimately I'd end up right back where I started. So it'll be extra incentive to stay clean knowing I'm tested, but I'm honestly growing sick of the self medicating and I'd like to reach a point where I feel good enough not using anything at all.


That poem is great, I'll be saving it and sharing it with others. Thanks again, your words mean more than you think.  :)

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PS Bark, I was diagnosed with ADHD too.  I CT'd all amphetamines long ago.  I think they are as bad as benzos.  I had Lyme, but I presented with all the classic symptoms of depression, anxiety and ADHD.  Something really helps me with Depression.  Getting of Amphetamines, you may experience that crash.  Can you taper?  Anyway, I know I am off topic.  I take some 5htp by biotics research.  I take 2 of these in the AM and 2 in the PM.  No other 5htp helped me.  as a matter of fact, a lot of companies add a bunch of extra stuff, so I never got relief, maybe made things worse.  This is a really pure form.  One supplement I know that helps me. I get it here.  (I am in no way affiliated with them)



How's exercise going, everyone?  I am going to get out with the dog...My GSD/Lab/Kangaroo.  :D

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PS Bark, I was diagnosed with ADHD too.  I CT'd all amphetamines long ago.  I think they are as bad as benzos.  I had Lyme, but I presented with all the classic symptoms of depression, anxiety and ADHD.  Something really helps me with Depression.  Getting of Amphetamines, you may experience that crash.  Can you taper?  Anyway, I know I am off topic.  I take some 5htp by biotics research.  I take 2 of these in the AM and 2 in the PM.  No other 5htp helped me.  as a matter of fact, a lot of companies add a bunch of extra stuff, so I never got relief, maybe made things worse.  This is a really pure form.  One supplement I know that helps me. I get it here.  (I am in no way affiliated with them)



How's exercise going, everyone?  I am going to get out with the dog...My GSD/Lab/Kangaroo.  :D


Thanks for the info. I can't really taper because I fear if I have any amps in my system they'll send me to detox or inpatient. I'm just part of the herd. After tomorrow, I'll have to cut them out completely. I just hope I won't feel extremely lethargic for too long.


Happy new year everyone,  I'll be hanging out with mom and making snacks. I managed to take an Epsom salt bath after my brief workout. Tomorrow I'm hoping for another workout and a walk.  Cheers

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Oh, I forgot the drug test part.  Well you have to do what you have to.  I CT'd and I was on a LOT!!!  Mostly because they didn't work...but I remember crashing hard, sleeping a lot, and maybe feeling depressed.  But I just went on....I think I was better off without...Oh and my house ..what a mess.  Still working on that.  But your body and brain will heal.  Happy New Year!!!! to Everyone!!!  Keep up the exercise thread.  It is encouraging.  Happy 2016!!!
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I have a question for my exercising BB: I've been starting to hike in the past month. To prepare I lifted weights, went to a 30 minute exercise class and have walked/hiked hills for 45-90 minutes 2-3 days/week. But now on these hikes of 5-8 miles i'm having massive soreness and fatigue. Would you guys expect that to get better? Have others had this? I'm extremely thankful to be able to go on these hikes but the soreness and aching during and after can be pretty brutal.
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Hi MTFan- Muscle soreness is a benzo s/x. I had it in the beginning of my recovery. I would recommend stretching and taking Magnesium Glycinate 100 mg daily. Most athletes take Magnesium daily for soreness. Rest assured this is another benzo s/x and like anything else it will abate in time. You can always take a hot bath or use a heating pad. Keep hiking and working out. As we know exercise is great for the brain and healing.


I'm not on BB too often these days however I hope that everyone reads "Spark" by Dr. John Ratey. This book has changed my life.


Wishing everyone in this group a very Happy New Year and healing in 2016!!

Always Frantastic:)



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Hi all...since I have exercise intolerance I am working in trying to accept that this year.  My goal is to try and just simply walk two miles a day and SLOWLY increase the distance each week or two. It's so hard for me as I feel so out of shape and my brain wants to move but my body can't handle it.  Looking forward to all of us having some great healing this year.  :thumbsup:
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Hi all...since I have exercise intolerance I am working in trying to accept that this year.  My goal is to try and just simply walk two miles a day and SLOWLY increase the distance each week or two. It's so hard for me as I feel so out of shape and my brain wants to move but my body can't handle it.  Looking forward to all of us having some great healing this year.  :thumbsup:


Yes me too, I also have exercise intolerance. Awful.

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I had exercise intolerance due to POTS for the best part of a year. Drove me crazy as i have exercised daily for most of my life. Doing what you can & not beating yourself up for what is not yet possible are great strategies.


Keep the faith, your capacity will return, I am fitter than I have ever been. Have completed 3 strenuous hikes, including a pinnacle climb in the last 5 days.


MT, I still get pretty sore muscles. Foam rolling & pilates can help.

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Ihope, that is so motivating to hear. I really want to get myself super fit again. I'm just having trouble planning a routine that keeps me interested. After years of sports and figure competitions, I've done it all so I tend to get bored.  I  am going to do some research and then plan it out finally! I have a dry erase board down in my basement with my weight equipment so I can jot down my personal records. Beating a personal best is always motivation.


Good news, I worked out for 40 minutes today! I lifted,  and ended up deadlifting 135lb for 10 reps, 3 sets. It wasn't as bad as I thought! I'm female and have degenerative disc disease so I can't go very heavy any more. Bummer because dead lifts are my favorite.  I'll have to add reps and not a lot of weight. My days of lifting 350lb are gone.


I finished with 10 minutes on the elliptical which was fine and now I'm feeling the endorphins. Feels nice to get high again!



I start my outpatient treatment tomorrow which is giving me some anxiety but I hope that if I can fall asleep at a decent hour then I can get a little workout in before to curb my nerves a bit. 


My goals for the week:

Plan and execute my workout program

Work on my sleep hygiene and get up the same time daily

Brush my teeth twice each day

Shower atleast 5 days of the week

Put some clothes in the drawers

Start cleaning my bedroom, yikes!

Go grocery shopping

Eat atleast two meals daily

Attend outpatient treatment appointments

Attend NA meetings

Cook dinner for myself and my mother atleast 3 nights

Start using my planner with goals and complete atleast half

Write down one positive thing daily

Hike with the dog atleast 3 days

Play with the dog and work on obedience training daily



If I can get half of these done I'll be miles ahead of where I have been


I'm feeling very positive in relation to how I have been feeling lately. It's gotta be the exercise tbh...and maybe I'm just getting sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Hope I can spread some positive vibes. I'll do my best to keep updating you all since it helps me. The week days are always rough because I'm home alone but now that I have to attend outpatient treatment I have a reason to get my butt out of bed every day. It's time to get my life back!

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ihope, were you sore after the recent hikes? If not, how long did it take you to reach this point (where you could do strenuous hikes and not be sore)?


Bark, you go girl! You have great goals. I bet you'll achieve more than you expect. But even if you just do one thing on the list you'll be moving forward. Be flexible with yourself.


I walked/hiked for 80 minutes today. It helped some with the soreness. At least I'm sore now from *doing* something instead of my body seeing muscle pain as a neato way to let me know it was pissed by the lack of GABA!

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I worked up to the hardest grade hikes I am doing now over the last 2 years. I was able to do longish but slower hikes reasonably soon but I had been doing regular kettlebell workouts & some cardio by then.


When I first started i had terrible tachycardia & had to train myself not to panic about it & keep moving.


The soreness now is mostly because I am pushing myself to the next level.

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Ihope-I find I'm fine most of the time during exercise.  It's what happens for the next day or two which sucks.  Major racing heart and adrenaline rushes. 
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ihope, that's helpful to hear. Thanks. Glad to hear that pushing yourself is going so well.


Drew, that's super frustrating that you get slammed after exercise. Does anything help?

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nope Mt.  Nothing I found.  It is sort of discouraging so I just bide my time hoping it will lessen.  It wasn't as bad as it was now when I first jumped.  Then again, the crazy adrenaline/stuff started a few months after I jumped.  It no longer hits me in the mornings at all and rarely after naps so it's a start.
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Oh, ok, i thought i would have to wear a gadget. So an App. Sounds good!

I am going to take in to account what you said about exercise intolerance and do walking for now.

Thanks drew.

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Could you tell me which gadget to use, brand etc, to measure how much one hikes or walks?

Thank you


I use a fitbit and/or the app on my iPod. Neither is perfect but they get pretty close. I like the fitbit's help monitoring sleep as well. Let us know how it goes with the app and the walking. Every little bit helps. I find even a few minutes of exercise helps me feel less victimized by wd, more empowered.



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Thanks i'll take a look into fitbit.

I can't believe that i am even contemplating the idea.  It must be a good sign.

A few minutes sounds right for now :thumbsup:


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Thanks i'll take a look into fitbit.

I can't believe that i am even contemplating the idea.  It must be a good sign.

A few minutes sounds right for now :thumbsup:


Yep. When you can think about more than "can I really make it from the bed/couch to the bathroom" something positive is happening. When I used to coach people with CFS I would start them with walking around a room in their house 3 times, 3-4 times per day and/or up and down the stairs 2-3 times several times per day. After they adjusted to that they were more ready for outside of the house walking.


As much as my walking and hiking knocks me off my bum sometimes, what makes it worth it to me is that daily life moving around isn't as exhausting. All of the sedentary stuff wd forces on us really deconditions us. I figure it's going to take me a long time before I really have normal stamina. While my physical stamina is improving, the mental stuff really wears me out.

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