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Hi everyone!


Im nearly 6 months post jump and finally seem to be getting some energy back . I was pretty much bedridden most of the time and now getting an hour here and there where its not so bad . Ive lost a lot of muscle and still really weak but managed to ride a kilometer on my bike yesterday and today ! This is a huge accomplishment but afterwards feeling really washed out and a bit of anxiety.


What i want to ask is if you push the exercise before you are ready can this throw you back into a wave or affect your healing process? Its just it doesn't feel like its beneficial at the moment the way my body feels but i am also aware that i have been layed up for so long and lost that much muscle that any excersise would cause fatigue

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Lockie, I'm so glad you're getting some energy back! I think for most of us there are times when our bodies are really struggling and we need to be gentle with exercise. I try not to skip more than a day or two without at least doing a few minutes of not super strenuous exercise, at least doing some pushups and walking up and down the steps.


I had something exciting happen this weekend. I forced my shy self to go to my first meetup.com thing and went on a 5 mile hike with all strangers to a waterfall. I live in the mountains but have barely been able to hike since moving here 19 years ago, getting diagnosed with CFS and starting on Klonopin. Well, Saturday I actually had this bizarre feeling...bits of energy. So I did the 5 mile hike then came home and hiked/walked/jogged another 4.7 miles. This hasn't happened for over 20 years! I wanted to see if I could do it so I'd know if it would be safe to sign up for longer hikes with the group.


Sure I was sore and tired afterwards but it felt so worth it. I didn't exercise at all the next day but did for 90 minutes Monday. Tomorrow I'm going to hike/train some more and then join another group for a steep hike Saturday. I didn't think I'd ever be able to do this again. Just for this, going through benzo wd has been worth it. Now if I could sleep...

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Hi lockie, glad you are starting to get some relief.


Faatigue & benzo flu have been my most bothersome symptoms & once I began to be able to exercise again, my natural inclination was to go to the max. Some of my more extreme efforts have caused crashes, although its psychologically a boost to outperform "ablebodied" people.


The safer, more balanced approach is to pace yourself. I cant tell you about that because Im not very good at it but Im sure others will chime in


With my approach, i have returned to good muscle definition & aerobic fitness quite quickly but am still liable to hit waves if I dont have enough lower intensity workout days. I still have very occasional days when my body will just not let me move & I accept that.


If 1km feels too much, maybe work up in smaller increments or lower intensity. After cold turkey, I was mostly bedridden for more than a year but still had some windows when I could exercise. Whatever you can manage is beneficial.


I will be doing a 44km fast hike on Sunday & eventually, you too will be able to do so much more.





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Hey ihope

It's great to see you doing well! You're just going to keep getting better. Exercise was certainly a big factor in my recovery.


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Hi Bart, agreed; it wasnt until I could exercise again that I felt I had rejoined my life. At mid 50s, I  have set my fitness bar higher than ever before & much of my leisure time is about hiking & climbing.


How are you?

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Hi Bart, agreed; it wasnt until I could exercise again that I felt I had rejoined my life. At mid 50s, I  have set my fitness bar higher than ever before & much of my leisure time is about hiking & climbing.


How are you?


Sounds great. Just keep rolling and you will continue to improve. I'm basically fine. Some low grade tinnitus that started during a bad bout with the flu a couple of years ago that flares up now and then. Sometimes I feel some transient D/R when I'm tired but then I recall some episodes prior to benzos. This stuff will eventually end for you.

take care



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OK, so I usually try to be pretty positive, and I got up early this SM hoping the virus I am fighting is gone.  NOT.  Well, still, took dog out.  Embarked on walk.  Frustrated over people who live next to the trail trying to leave food out for the deer.  Hello, we have a raccoon problem here.  Which attracts other wild animals.  Up the food chain.  Hence the sign now saying "Mountain Lion Sighting"  with various things to do to keep from being eaten.  Don't feed wild animals on purpose.  Just don't.  Then why don't people pick up dog poop?  I know it is a wooded trail.  It still is not fun or sanitary.  Dodged that one.  More dog poop on sidewalk.  Made it.  Cut through behind my house.  Oh, look, there is some stepped on poop, just off the sidewalk.  Oh NO!  Yep, was me earlier....Oh well, let's just wash it off with this high pressure hose we own.  Wow, pretty cold.  Oh I see, there is a slit in my rain boot.  Sigh.  Hey at least I got a 20 minute walk in.  Perhaps I could try going back to bed, now.  Starting over.  Sometimes you just have to laugh at life.
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My mountain biking trails are shared with hikers, joggers & horses, I am all the time dodging horse poop.  Now that is some

serious sized crap!  :laugh:


I just got home from work & I seriously need someone to tell me to get my ass off the lazy boy & go to the gym  :D I am not

sure I can find the motivation by myself  :laugh:


Everyone have a great evening & you all are doing awesome!


Ninj  :smitten:

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Hey Ninj, get off the lazyboy, get to the gym!  Hey you asked for it. :D  I used to shovel horsepoop all through high school.  It wasn't so bad.  And I can't imagine being without a dog.  Just some days a lot happens, and stepping in poo can be the topper!  I had to laugh, but maybe the humor didn't come through.  Keep going!  That is all we can tell each other.  Keep us posted! :thumbsup:
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Hey Ninj, get off the lazyboy, get to the gym!  Hey you asked for it. :D  I used to shovel horsepoop all through high school.  It wasn't so bad.  And I can't imagine being without a dog.  Just some days a lot happens, and stepping in poo can be the topper!  I had to laugh, but maybe the humor didn't come through.  Keep going!  That is all we can tell each other.  Keep us posted! :thumbsup:




Haha I ended up going to the gym, 20 mins running on the treadmill & 20 mins on the elliptical  :thumbsup: I am toast!  :D But feel very

relaxed  :thumbsup:


I am 4 1/2 months of K & seeing big improvements everyday, all thru my year long taper I was able to ride my mountain bike in the hills

without issue & now that I am off my stamina took a beating....now I am working on that  :thumbsup:


Hang in there  :thumbsup: There is definitely healing to come  :thumbsup:


Ninj  :smitten:

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Go Ninj!    Now, that is what we need to hear!  :thumbsup: I have been sick for 3 weeks, just did a major cut (for me, I think)  and want off this stuff.  I used to be in shape, thanks for the inspiration.  It is so easy to tell others they can do it, but when it is me, well... :smitten:
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Have no fear Shadow  :thumbsup:


I was a complete doubter during my year long taper & even more doubtful 3 months after jumping due to being completely

overwhelmed with intrusive thoughts, DR, DP & body doing things that freaked me out all the time.


It took till the 3 1/2 month mark to see small improvements & I would have a couple of days of normalcy.  Now I am finding

weeks of normalcy  :thumbsup:


You will see it as well, the struggle is real but the rewards are worth it  ;)


Hang in there!  :thumbsup:


Ninj  :smitten:



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I need a like button, this will have to do!  :smitten:  But there is still this  :crazy::D  Just for awhile I hope




You got this!  :thumbsup:





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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi everyone. I try to exercise (as much I can which is not a lot) but exercising always leads to muscle cramps/pain. How do you deal with this?
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Good question. Here's a list of what I do to cope with the muscle cramps/pain:

-very gradually increase my exercise with lots of holds.

-way more stretching afterwards than I used to do and I usually finish up all exercise with decreasing the intensity for a few minutes then the stretching.

-hot epsom baths.

-not exercising on the worst days or doing just a few minutes.

-tolerating a certain amount of pain/spasm because the increasing level of fitness helps decrease both.


-affirmations, like, "this is how I'm helping my body and mind heal" and "I can do this."


There's nothing I've done that's been as helpful for my healing besides exercise (but meditation is a close second once I was able to do it again).


I hope this helps.



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Hi all...just checking in.  I'm sad to report I still can't do much aerobic exercise.  I'm fine w walking and other low heart rate exercises but when my HR stays in  the 150-160 area for over twenty minutes or so I get a few days of racing heart and cortisol rushes.  This sucks at almost twenty months.


On the plus side, I had a great wedding in NZ and a honeymoon in Fiji.  I was worried about all the stress and travel but overall did really well.

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Congrats, Drew!  I still follow this thread, but had a nasty cold and stomach virus all December.  Tried to walk some, but definitely got sidelined on the exercise.  Hope to get back to it.  Congrats again!
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I'm happy for you Drew. I'm glad the wedding and honeymoon went well. It's good to hear that you're plugging away the best you can. Hopefully you'll see even more progress soon.
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Hi everyone. I try to exercise (as much I can which is not a lot) but exercising always leads to muscle cramps/pain. How do you deal with this?


Hi Corsair, it's possible the cramps could be from dehydration. As far as the pain, it could be the normal soreness that comes from starting a workout regime. Any time I start exercising after a long layoff my muscles and joints are really sore. It's completely normal and is a sign you're working hard. It usually lasts a week or two until your body gets used to the work. When we work our muscles we're actually tearing the fibers, (in a good way), then while we rest they build back up stronger. That's why rest is so important. For resistance exercise you should take a day off in between workouts. Aerobic exercise you can do every day. Hope that helps!

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Corsair, you might try some pink Himalyan salt for the cramps.  This is NOT the same as white processed salt.  This stuff is ACTUALLY good for you. Balances electrolytes, helps keep you hydrated - again, not like the processed stuff.  You can take an eighth of tsp, it tastes good!  There are many health benefits you can google...And stay hydrated!  Hope this helps. :smitten:
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Yes thank you! But it does not feel normal. I also wonder how insomnia plays into this? Because I haven't slept more than 3 hours in a month now and I know this can cause your body to make less growth hormone. It's annoying because I do like exercise. I used to be a dancer, dancing 3 hours minimum a day.
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Corsair, I bet lack of sleep definitely affects you.  Makes me feel "heavy" and I just want to sit down.  I am just walking for now.  I find if I don't stress about it too much (easier said than done) I do better.  It's like, "okay, this is how it is TODAY, what is the best thing I can do for myself?"  I'm sure it will get better.  You will dance again!


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Hey guys,


Haven't been here for a while. I've been doing pretty bad lately and I just can't seem to shake it. It's the monotony, the boredom, the lack of motivation, the not working,  the feeling of having nothing to wake up for.


I feel like I'm back to square one. My personal hygiene is awful, I haven't exercised in weeks, I haven't done anything! I go from getting little sleep to oversleeping. Last night I slept 12 hours. I'll get up and walk the dog and spend all day on the couch. It sucks but I can't get myself motivated. I'm hoping something gives and I find a surge of motivation.


I mentioned that I am in a recovery program for my career. I had a positive nail drug screen and after being fired from 2 jobs for drug use, I came clean to my case manager and told her I was abusing opiates. I got the word I start IOP (intensive outpatient program) on Monday. It's usually 3 hr a day of group therapy 5 days a week.  I'm annoyed because I don't think I need a ton of drug related therapy, I mean I got clean on my own Accord over 3 months ago. I'm hoping they'll reduce it to 3 days a week if I do well. I just don't want to wake up every day and dwell on addiction. What I honestly need is some one on one help, and the program doesn't really offer that. I didn't use drugs because I was happy and wanted to be happier; I used drugs to fill a void,  and I wish I could explore that more. I hope they can refer me to a therapist I can afford. It's nice to go to group therapy and relate but I know that's not going to help me work on myself.


I'm bummed I need to start this program which is mainly people who are fresh out of jail.  I'm not a criminal, I'm an addict. Supervised drug screens just make me feel like a loser, and that isn't helpful. I also learned I can't take my ADHD meds in IOP which I know I can learn to live without,  but I'm also annoyed at that...I never abused those medications and I find it distasteful that they treat everyone in recovery the same and not as individuals. It's black and white; you can't take medications on their list and they offer no assistance coming off of them. Benzos are a no no and thank god I'm off of them because I'd probably have ended up in inpatient rehab or detox.


It's almost noon so I can still try to accomplish something today. Let's see if I can get moving and take a shower. I also bought a planner in hopes to get organized. I never even know what day it is and that's terrible.



I also am left with the task of explaining to my family and friends where I am going everyday. Let me try to explain. My family has no idea I was using drugs and I want to keep it that way. I know recovery is about honesty and while I do think I may personally benefit from telling my mother my struggles, I think it would do more harm than good. My father died 8 years ago unexpectedly aND it was a blow that my mother never really recovered from. She worries about me all the time, my depression, my mental state, etc. If I were to tell her, "I was shooting up and getting high all the time," she wouldn't be mad. I'm thankful she is so understanding. But it would kill her a little inside. I just can't do that....she worries enough, and now for her to worry about me relapsing, overdosing, and the works? It seems unnecessary to me.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the best decision is to stay clean and not stress her out even more. It would be more harmful than good to her. I am going to be attending treatment and I'll be out of work way longer than anticipated. I am thinking of telling her I'm just severely depressed and getting treatment for that.  It isn't a lie,  that's my biggest issue. It's not like I'm sneaking off and getting high and telling her I'm at therapy. Hopefully I don't sound like a deceitful a-hole, I'm just trying to protect her. My demons aren't everyone's business.


Sorry for the long post, I have no one else to talk to. My only friend that knows my secrets just left for a 3 month stay in rehab so I don't have him anymore. I was so upset to hear he was doing so bad but I'm glad he's getting better help because I'm scared for him. I'll be even more scared when he gets out. If I lose another friend to drugs I'll be devastated.


Thanks for listening, how has everyone been?

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