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Hey guys how is everyone feeling today?


I just can't seem to get myself in motion today.  I don't feel like walking or even taking the dog out to play.  I've been doing decent so I'd like to break this cycle. How do you guys get yourselves in motion on "off" days?


Some days I think we need to listen to our bodies and take a break. For me, if it's not a work day and I feel I need to push it but I'm exhausted I'll load something good on my iPod and take a brief walk or do even a few minutes of dance-dance revolution. I tell myself I can stop any time but I try to encourage myself to go 5 more minutes. Today I dragged my dead body for 75 minutes of a walk/hike. I walk away from home so to get home I have to make it back but I take my cell phone in case I need a pick-up. So far I've made it home every time but it's been close a few times. I do a lot of talking to myself. I remind myself that depression is a beast and that exercise is the most effective way to avoid it. Good luck.

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I didn't exercise really since Friday as my husband was off work, and he took the dog.  I was able to get in good 25 minutes and then 10 min walk.  During the first walk, I took the trail by the creek.  It was wet with dew and filled with the beautiful smell of pine needles.  So wonderful.  I slept so much better! Makes me hopeful.  I did 20 squats.  Hey, it's a start!  Keep moving folks, have a great weekend.
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Had a pretty lazy week, unfortunately. But today I managed to go walking with my mom for 15 minutes. After that I went to a couple stores and bought Christmas lights to put up.  I watched a movie with mom and her feet were killing her after the walk. She thinks she has tendinitis but I worry because she's overweight and a few months ago she fell walking and broke her arm badly. I want to help her lose weight and get in shape but this is another hurdle.  I hope her foot pain resolves. I thought she had plantar facitis but she says the pain is on top of her feet. Anyone ever had pain on top of the foot?


Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. I hope to be back on the horse this upcoming week!

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Had a pretty lazy week, unfortunately. But today I managed to go walking with my mom for 15 minutes. After that I went to a couple stores and bought Christmas lights to put up.  I watched a movie with mom and her feet were killing her after the walk. She thinks she has tendinitis but I worry because she's overweight and a few months ago she fell walking and broke her arm badly. I want to help her lose weight and get in shape but this is another hurdle.  I hope her foot pain resolves. I thought she had plantar facitis but she says the pain is on top of her feet. Anyone ever had pain on top of the foot?


Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. I hope to be back on the horse this upcoming week!


I get foot pain in different places on my feet, I also get foot spams as well,edema in foot bad cramps, also if your Mum is over weight that will contribute  to it, and foot pain off all kinds is common in benzo WD. And so is exercise intolerance where exercise ramps up symptoms, I also get that on and off but more on than anything. >:(


Today  I managed to go for a 15 minute walk, its the first since my last try a while back got too much due to intolerance, but I will keep trying when I feel I can do it and rest up If I really can't. :D


Its not so much I'm not willing to push due to the pain by the Hyperacusis is no fun and neither is trying to walk wearing earplugs as it makes low tones a lot worse. So I just kept putting my fingers in my ears every time a car went past or a noise effected me, feeling the pain a bit too now but am pleased I did it......for now ::)



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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I've been hiking a few times a week lately, but i have to drive to get there, and by the time i get off work now, it's dark. So, this past week i started a workout routine i do at home. The routines are short, but intense i know i got one of them, maybe both of them, from this very thread. Just a few days of doing the routines, and i feel like my withdrawal symptoms are lessening, like im entering a "window." Going to do this routine again today. Stretching as well for about 5 minutes. I'll post my two routines, which have already been posted here, just to anyone who lives in a crowded area with little access to parks, or a tiny living space where you have little room to maneuver.


Equiment: cheap stair stepper from sporting good store, two dumbells.


Workout one: pushups, stomach crunches, planking, squats.

Do as many as you feel you can of each exercise. I do not stop in between, but do them as a long set. If you want to rest and repeat the routine, go for it.

Then: stretch 5 minutes, however you like. Then: 15 minutes on a stair stepper.


Workout 2 (i have 20 lbs on each right now): using dumbbells: squats, dead lifts, shoulder press, curls, burpees, tricepts extensions or tricepts pushups using a chair. If you want to rest and repeat the routine, do so.

Then: 5 minutes streching as you like. Then: 15 minutes stair stepper.


I always break a sweat, which is my goal. These two workouts are great for me because they are short, use little equiment, and require very little space. My stair stepper is tiny and light weight. It isn't quality equipment, but it's a lot safer than running in traffic.


If anybody knows any other workout routines, please post up.

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Nice job snurkel and nova, glad to see you guys are keeping it in motion.


I've been in a slump for 7 days now. I feel like I'm falling apart. Haven't had the energy or motivation to workout and I drank a few days which definitely didn't help. I guess I just let the stress take hold and boredom led me to drink. I have to remember to reserve the alcohol for special occasions like holidays with the company of others. Not binge drinking alone because I have nothing better to do. Plus it messes me up for a couple days afterwards. I applied for some jobs last week but it's very discouraging because they're mindless jobs with low pay and I know I have more to offer. I like to be challenged and work hard. I'm really feeling worthless lately. Hoping that staying away from the alcohol and trying to find something to keep myself focused on will help me get back up again.

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I know how you feel BLWM.  I took a job that I would have once thought was below me, but so far it's just what I needed in benzo withdrawal.  It's actually doable.  I can handle it.  Pay is low, and it's only part time, but I'm sticking with it for now.  Better than nothing, or the job I had before that was just MURDER to do while in benzo withdrawal. 


Alcohol is something I miss a lot (beer), but it made me feel so horrible the last few times- really revved up my symptoms for days.  I don't know if it does that to you, but man it was rough.


I worked out again today - just a quick run through of the super ultra fast quick workout.  I did a pretty good job, then did a few kicks and punches in my tiny little apartment - and hurt the back of my Achilles tendon a little (scraped it).  TOTALLY WORTH IT.  I felt much better afterwards for almost the entire day.  I think I really have to just make exercise a part of every day of my life if I want to be happy.  Hope everybody got to work out today - if you didn't, just drop and do a few pushups, etc.  Takes a couple of minutes.  You'll feel better.

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Thanks snurkel! I've been open to taking jobs that are below my skill set and I've applied to a bunch of different types of jobs. The whole hiring process can be so frustrating.  I hate that these entry level jobs have super complicated applications that can be very time consuming. I've applied to simple jobs like ups and fed ex...places that might need quick hires for seasonal jobs.  If anyone has any suggestions let me know. I just want to get back out there!


I did manage to go on a 20 minute hike today so I'm happy about that.  I'm planning a 3 mile hike today so I better stick to it! Hopefully I canhit the weights too. It really does help but it can seem impossible some days.

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hi buddies! i´m having real big issues with my muscles on the left side of my body; they are very shaky... i wanted to know if someone is experiencing the same; this is happening to me 2 or 3 months ago; i ´ve been excercising at the gym and gained some muscle strength, but trembling persists... not when i´m still, but when i move a little, muscle trembles.. most affected are gluteal and leg muscles, and shoulder blade muscles.

i´m starting to worry !


greetings from argentina

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Oh, I'm so glad to find this thread!  I've been feeling so crappy with new w/d symptoms but reading this gives me hope and inspiration to get out and at least go for a walk.  I stay pretty busy but I realize that isn't enough and that I need to work on my cardio.  I used to run a lot - marathons - but lately I just feel so weak.
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I've had to slow my already slow  ::) taper a bit more over the past week, and tweak dose times a bit due to a really sore/tense upper back. Very demoralizing. I was tempted to take some [non-opioid!!] painkillers yesterday when the farrier was out to trim my horse's hooves, since I had a bunch of chores to do as well; I held off on the pills, and felt better than I'd thought I would so yay  :). Also went for a 25 min. walk in the sun, which felt good.


Today I did take one Advil (back is feeling a bit better, fingers crossed!), and biked for almost 90 minutes, on beautiful bike trails through woods, and down to a small town...and back-90 minutes total, that is! I biked steady, but not stupidly intense, and it was a great 'zen' excursion. Got home and made healthy pancakes, so yum all around.


We had snow on the ground a couple of days ago, so warmer temps and sun a real treat! Hope everyone is able to move around a bit or more  :thumbsup:, and feels the benefits, even if it doesn't come as easy as it did pre-taper and all that.

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Hi gang... ive been offline a while. I see some of you doing well :)

anyone live up north? How do you deal w not getting outside as much for nature and exercise during winter? Snow has melted but since the first snow I noticed my mood dampen and worry. I thought i would be hiking in snow ive done it before but i was on the happy pill. I read that cold aggravated the sympathetic nervous system :(


ALso..Anyone have the burning fatigue feeling in the muscle come back and go away again?? Did you still exercise with it?

I m trying to move forward and been more some so could that trump the small 15mg remeron i take? I noticed the past couple weeks my sleep is disturbed in the morning, waking w panic. seems last few days i have that burn again esp today! I cant clean my house much less exercise with it.


I dont want to worry about it, but how can this be? Ive been down to half qrtr wafer all this month too, apx .015 mg klon.


was hoping to get a job at the gym like it would motivate me more and be around positive environment, a reason to get up and shower. Get out of my head. I find myself spinning w making up stuff to be doing and getting overwhelmed. or am i biting off more than i can chew? I am so nervous about it now as the director asked to email resume and now i have this weakness etc going on

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Hi Buddies!


This time last year and at the beginning of my taper, I was at the gym 3 or 4 mornings per week. I was waking up at 4 a.m. for no reason and exercise with ultimately the only thing I did with my day. The gym classes got very repetitive... and I fell off the wagon  :'(


Winter, not much daylight, I need to get back on the saddle  :thumbsup:


I'm a great fan of weights, cardio not so much  ::) ...so I really hope I'll manage my way back into exercising  :thumbsup:


Kris , this sounds fabulous! I think we all develop fears with commitment but if you need some encouragement from fellow Buddies, you have my support!!!

As it happens, in spite of "severe fatigue" throughout this drug & withdrawal journey, I am now sending applications for part time jobs. I feel I will go nuts if I stay at home sinking into a groundhog day feeling  :D

If the gym is an environment you enjoy, go for it!!! Keep us posted  :thumbsup:


All the best fellow sporties  :smitten:

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This past week was tough but I was a tiny bit more active than the week prior.  Today I just did housework and Xmas decorating so I stayed pretty active.


I visited a friend last week for the first time in months so that was big for me. 


It's been lots of ups and downs. Tomorrow I plan to get a workout in and get back on the wagon since it's so helpful.


Keep on keeping on everyone!

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Go Bark, Julz and all, thanks for the posts!  I have been getting in at least 10 minutes a day of a good walk with the dog.  We just saw a family of deer that saw us and froze next to a tree...Mom sure knows what she is doing with that camoflage thing!It was cool, nature really helps me in my healing process.  Please keep posing, I don't alwasy respond, but I sure like hearing what you guys are doing.  It is very inspiring!  :smitten:
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This is a great thread!


It is inspiring me off-topic... small things we can do to make our day special, different from the previous one  :thumbsup:


Shadow, thanks for sharing your walk  :smitten: Must have been wonderful to witness this family of deer  :smitten:


BarkLessWagMore, I'm delighted you managed to see friends  :thumbsup: ...and thank you for sharing your Christmas decorating activities! It inspired me to do some tidying up in my living room which made me feel better  :thumbsup:

I hope you did managed to have a workout, let us know how you are getting on!


Hugs to all xxx


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Did some more decorating yesterday! The holidays can really get me down so I trick myself with some cheery lights.


I managed to go on a short hike yesterday but not much else.  That's ok,  just glad to be moving. Going to start with a walk in a little bit.


I was referred to a recovery program for my career by a previous employer for suspected drug use. I'm currently in the program which consists of meetings and drug tests.  I was not honest with them in hopes I could just get in and out but unfortunately my finger nail drug test came back positive, I would assume for opiates. I have been 2 months clean and have no plans on going back. I prayed my nail test would come back clean but I know it can detect drug use 3 months or more. I figured it's time to fess up and be honest. I contacted my case manager  and wasn't able to reach her by phone so I decided to write her a long and detailed email.  That way I could be honest and organize my thoughts. I told her I haven't been honest with myself an apologized. I told her everything I've been going through and admitted I was using.  I told her I decided to get clean a couple days before starting the program and have been doing well.  I admitted I made bad choices but said I am committed to my new life and will continue to provide clean urine drug tests and my nail test will  be negative once  everything is out of my system.  I haven't heard back yet but I feel good about putting it out there.  I'm hoping she will appreciate my honesty and work with me. My biggest fear is that I will be referred to inpatient rehab. I pray that my confession and time clean will count for something and I won't be required to enter inpatient rehab. I honestly don't think I need that and it would just add to my stress.  I have a lot of responsibilities, a pending lawsuit I need to be available for, and a young puppy that I care for.  I don't know what I would tell my friends and family either, it'd be so embarrassing. I haven't used while in the program and none of my urine tests have been positive.  I'm hoping I may just be in the program longer and be required to attend more meetings or counseling. I may also be referred to Intensive Outpatient program  (IOP) which is usually 3 hrs a day in lieu of inpatient.  I don't really want to do IOP but I'll do anything to avoid in patient. I'm sweating it not knowing and I hope I hear from my case manager soon. I guess I have to deal with the consequences of my decisions now.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!


I also applied for unemployment which I should have done a long time ago but I tend to avoid reality. I was hoping I wouldn't have been out of a job for so long and I hate to feel like a leech.  I need to pay my bills though,  so hopefully it works out. Since I'll probably be in this recovery program longer than I would have hoped,  I may even qualify for disability. I really think I am able to work and honestly think not working adds to my depression but if the program director won't allow me to work I don't really have a choice.


Once I have some source of income I can worry less about my finances and get out there.  I'll be able to accept my time off and utilize it by working on myself. They say everything happens for a reason so maybe I needed a break to get my life back. I could even volunteer to maintain a sense of purpose.


I hope you all are doing well and continue to post updates. It's nice to hear others are getting things done despite feeling paralyzed. Sending you all some healing hugs.

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Bark, sounds scary but you did the right thing coming clean. I'm very impressed by you getting off all of those meds with your history. Keep us posted on how it all works out.


After two days of extreme exhaustion and depression, I dragged by dead carcass to the gym to lift weights and attend my 30 minute older women (I'm the youngest at 53) exercise class. My depression lifted! Great advertisement for pushing yourself when it feels impossible. Couldn't have done it yesterday but today it was more mental.

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Good for everyone for getting out for walks/nature  :), the gym or whatever :thumbsup:. BLWM, that whole drug test/email experience sounds like an emotional wringer, but being honest and putting it out there will pay off, I hope. At times like that, a person just needs a bit of a break from someone with a bit of compassion, so fingers crossed.


MT, way to rock that exercise class with the young'uns (not that you're old!). Funny how if we can just bust out of inertia and get going, it often works out fine. I had a crazy busy Saturday moving my horse from one stable to another; so many logistics and STUFF to do in prep, so listslistslists. But it paid off, with things going smoothly, yay ::).


Also got out for another hour long bike ride through forest-ish trails the next day (earlier snow melted, so getting out every day possible), plus walked the dog afterward. The best thing about longish bike rides in the cold is pancakes as a reward-and dozing the evening away in a warm house with 3 lap cats  8)! Here's to all of us aiming at a benzo free existence, and trying to keep moving  :thumbsup:.

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It feels like it's been ages since I've had a decent workout, but over the past week I managed two four-mile runs and spent several days doing some serious yard work (pruned a tree with a bow saw, dug out a stump, pulled a bunch of weeds...), I even got some holiday lights up on the roof and assembled a barbecue.  Today, I got zero exercise AND ate too much sugar and surprise, surprise, I am having a panic attack, upset stomach, bloating, and gas.  I'm a dumba$$.


I start to feel better and then do something dumb.  This whole experience is teaching me that I have to show up and take care of my body EVERY day or be willing to suffer the consequences.  Grrr.


BLWM - I think coming clean was very brave and I commend you! I hope everything works out for you!

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Bark, I hope it works out for you, especially now that you are on the right track.  Walked Jessie Dog for about 30 mins today.  Deer on the trail, saw the same family, a doe with 2 older fawns 3 times.  Beautiful.  Something else made me really happy on this walk -


We  ran into a guy walking "Brady", the Golden retriever.  Got to hear the story of how Brady had just been in America 3 weeks from Taiwan.  At 9 years, he's  a little worse for wear, but he is so happy.  His new owners told me how they were waiting for  rescue, and someone suggested the overseas link.  So they chose him.  He was quarantined for 4 months.  He has callouses on his elbows, probably from laying on concrete and using them to get up.  They dealt with mange on his tail and tomorrow he goes in for treatment for an ear infection.  They hope it helps him hear better.  They laughed about how he didn't speak English, but they are showing him love, and he responds.  They joked about how they are trying to help him "live the dream". and I think he is.  You can see the love in his eyes. Walked better off leash than Jessie was doing on.  She's a little bouncy.  Anyway, it made me happy.  there is hope for all of us.

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