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Greetings all,

I finally am able to call myself an active person again.  I bought a mountain bike 3 weeks ago and have doing the single tracks in beautiful Colorado at last. At 52, with multiple spine surgeries, I am sure this is NOT what my surgeon had in mind for me but I am going for it.  I also started circuit training 3X a week and doing a bit of trail running.  What a difference from December 26 last year when I joined this forum, I could not walk across the room without fatigue.  My body is slowly coming back but my brain seems to be suffering more in these low numbers. Nice thread Drew, it's nice to see people pushing through this Benzo mess :thumbsup:

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Hi all  :thumbsup: yesterday I went for a walk in the woods about 11pm as I couldn't stand sitting with my head going and the pain sxs, man!!  :D I too what I thought would be a short cut it was that alright, a short cut to trouble. :tickedoff: What looked like a clear path up a steep hill was over grown with brambles and by the time I could see it properly I was to far uphill and it had been raining for days so trying to go sliding back down wasn't an option as it was too dangerous. :o


So I ended up getting attacked by brambles  got a few unneeded cuts, scrapes grazes, and carried on once up hill and in the clearing. I then enjoyed the rest of the walk and managed to push for an hour but suffered for it, it was too much, too far, too soon after being laid up by the ''epic hike'' ::) And with ear plugs in its double indemnity OOOOWWW!!!!  :D so I took  heed and today I have walked to just to the end of my road and back which is about 3 Min's there and back. We maybe stronger than we know, but can also be more fragile due to healing than we're aware of so its gently gently and build it up in time not straight away after lack of exercise. Tiz noo guud ya' noo ;)


Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:



THE WOODLANDS I WENT TOO ( After escaping the killer Brambles :D) YESTERDAY






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Hi all  :thumbsup: yesterday I went for a walk in the woods about 11pm as I couldn't stand sitting with my head going and the pain sxs, man!!  :D I too what I thought would be a short cut it was that alright, a short cut to trouble. :tickedoff: What looked like a clear path up a steep hill was over grown with brambles and by the time I could see it properly I was to far uphill and it had been raining for days so trying to go sliding back down wasn't an option as it was too dangerous. :o


So I ended up getting attacked by brambles  got a few unneeded cuts, scrapes grazes, and carried on once up hill and in the clearing. I then enjoyed the rest of the walk and managed to push for an hour but suffered for it, it was too much, too far, too soon after being laid up by the ''epic hike'' ::) And with ear plugs in its double indemnity OOOOWWW!!!!  :D so I took  heed and today I have walked to just to the end of my road and back which is about 3 Min's there and back. We maybe stronger than we know, but can also be more fragile due to healing than we're aware of so its gently gently and build it up in time not straight away after lack of exercise. Tiz noo guud ya' noo ;)


Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:



THE WOODLANDS I WENT TOO ( After escaping the killer Brambles :D) YESTERDAY






beautiful woods, cheers!

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Okay, I have to apologize for being completely off the topic of exercise here, but Nova, I am completely freaked out at how overgrown Britain is with invasive English ivy!  I see it on Masterpiece Theatre!  And now here!  I have spent hours and hours of my life to eradicating that stuff from our own woodlands and streamsides and I just hate it like crazy.  It's so weird because I know to others it just looks like something lovely and green, but once you know how it chokes out all the wildflowers and creates a desert in terms of food for wildlife and ultimately kills the trees.....aiiiiiyeeeee!


Sorry about your misadventure with the brambles.  My body's beat up like that all the time because I go out on our farm and deliberately fight the blackberries.  But you know  what?  I like doing it!  I've been at it here for onto 42 years!


Sorry for the digression but please, at least nobody go out and DELIBERATELY plant this stuff, okay?

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Okay, I have to apologize for being completely off the topic of exercise here, but Nova, I am completely freaked out at how overgrown Britain is with invasive English ivy!  I see it on Masterpiece Theatre!  And now here!  I have spent hours and hours of my life to eradicating that stuff from our own woodlands and streamsides and I just hate it like crazy.  It's so weird because I know to others it just looks like something lovely and green, but once you know how it chokes out all the wildflowers and creates a desert in terms of food for wildlife and ultimately kills the trees.....aiiiiiyeeeee!


Sorry about your misadventure with the brambles.  My body's beat up like that all the time because I go out on our farm and deliberately fight the blackberries.  But you know  what?  I like doing it!  I've been at it here for onto 42 years!


Sorry for the digression but please, at least nobody go out and DELIBERATELY plant this stuff, okay?



Ha!! FJ xxx thats nothing!! what about Japanese giant  knotweed, common rag wort??  :D :D :D :D And another one whose name I've frogotten got evil skin burning sap  :D and its a problem here in UK, personally I love Ivy and Brambles grow my favorite Berry, Blackberries, they give me super Powers!!!  :laugh: Its good food woman!! don't kill it, eat it!! :thumbsup: Or sell the berries and get rich, people pay ridiculous money for them from stores in season and I freeze loads for over the winter but I've now eaten them all boo! hoo!! :(  xxxxx


mountainyogi Glad you like the pics and I'm another nifty fifties as well, 56 next month yay!!!! Just getting older not getting  old :thumbsup: That's the great thing about this thread, there's people younger and elder than us all with one common goal to get well, fit and fight back or better then before the Benzo :oXo:  xxx


And an admition, after going for two 3 minute walks I gave in and went wandering over the woods again for half an hour.  ::) I had to to try get rid of some adrenaline running around my body and brain. :crazy: Cortisol is always balmed but Prof Ashton who wrote the Ashton manual said in every person in Benzo wihtdrawl she tested Cortisol was always low, and I still belive its adreneline and not because of Ashtons stanse on cortisol. But her tests do prove Cortisol is low not high in our situation. I feel between, anger, uncomfortably hyped up and anxious , bordering on head exsplosive insane,  :o and the ''chemical feel'' is all the same in each emotion, adrenaline in origin .




Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Nova--Japanese knotweed is a huge problem for us too and we are actually involved in a government program to eradicate it.


Don't worry about me killing the blackberries.  We grow all sorts of domesticated blackberries here on our farm and also pick the fruit of the wild stuff when it gets away from us.  If we didn't fight it back, it would eat up the whole farm.

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Wow, Nova, what a beautiful place.


Back to walking the dog as she heals.  20 minutes last night, 20 this AM, plan to go again tonight.  The air is so crisp!  We went from summer to winter!    It's beautiful.

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Mountainyogi, thanks for sharing,  you give me hope.

My lower back is killing me today,  I did some yardwork on Sunday and it aggravated my degenerative disc disease. It doesn't help I've been off the wagon for so long and inactivity exacerbates my lower back symptoms.


I'm trying to muster up the motivation to go down to the dungeon and lift some weights. It gives me unjustified anxiety and the fact I have an all of nothing personality doesn't help. I can't get my butt down there to atleast do something! It's a shame I feel so energetic but I can't seem to channel it physically and just sit around feeling anxious.


Glad to see you guys are going out hiking! I'm bummed it's raining today because I'd love to take the pup for a short hike. I did manage to do some chores around the house so I feel a tiny bit accomplished.

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Nice nova! Keep moving!


I managed to come up with and write out a 3 day workout split today. I also bookmarked some kettle bell workouts for some quick interval type training. Also plan on knocking out some sessions on the heavy bag. I find I've had an easier time staying consistent when I write it down and stick to a routine.


How do you guys plan your routines and keep yourself accountable? Do you journal? In terms of exercise or just in general? How do you find motivation? Do you watch online videos or have an external source to get you "pumped up"?


And finally how is everyone doing today and what do you have planned?


I was thinking of journaling more,  for my physical and life goals as well. I got up an hour ago,  I was up until sunrise again ugh.  But I did grab some vinegar to clean my coffee pot!

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Bark, I find a flexible routine helpful. For me this means pushing myself to do things most of the time even when I feel like crap, but when my symptoms reach a certain point, giving myself a pass for a day or more. The longest I've gone without exercise is one stretch of 7 days since jumping. I go to an exercise class and make myself lift weights before it. The class forces me to leave the house. Then my other exercise days I walk or do dance-dance-revolution with push-ups, planks, etc. Having some variety helps as well as the structure of knowing what I will do which days. I mark on my calendar how long I exercise each day and whether it's a leaning good, bad/leaning bad or the usual crap day (with a positive, negative, or no mark) so I can track my progress.


Today I managed to power walk for 73 minutes and it felt pretty good. I didn't feel as much like I wasn't sure if I'd make it back home!

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Thanks MTFan, I'm definitely learning to change it up so it's interesting.  I'm used to having a strict routine ie workout at the same time 5x a week. I get hung up on procrastinating and then telling myself ,"we'll it's too late now, maybe tomorrow. " I'm learning to be flexible and atleast initiate some activity. 


Today I took the pup on a 1 mile hike,  and I ran about half of that mile. It was about 20 min and I was full on sprinting at times. I stopped and took in the scenery. The puppy makes me feel better bc she gets tired and slows up haha. I never desire to run long distances bc it hurts my old injuries but I do like to hike and incorporate sprint intervals.  It's good bc I'm progressing as the little one grows up so we'll increase our endurance together.  She doesn't judge my speed or distance.  I can say I'm progressing and it feels great.


Despite planning a workout, I almost didn't do it but I forced myself to hit the home gym. I did 2 sets of 7 or 8 different exercises for chest, shoulders,  and triceps today which took me 11 minutes bc I didn't want to stop and rest, I wanted to get it over with. I'm weak and don't have the endurance I used to but I stuck to it and kept the weights light.  No ego needed,  I know muscle memory is a wonderful thing and I haven't stretched my muscles like this in months.


I actually feel physically tired in a good way for the first time in a long time. Hopefully this means I'll get some sleep!


I'm feeling accomplished to get over this hurdle and I'm motivated to continue.  Aiming for 3 days a week of weight training,  5 days a week of puppy hikes, and interval training/strong man type stuff a day or two a week.  I'd like to be active atleast 5 days a week even if that means taking the dog for a walk.


Thanks everyone for sharing your journeys and helping me push myself.


What did you all do today?

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I apologize if this is off topic, but it's about a member of the group. Anyone know what happened to AlwaysFrantastic? She was such a bright light on the forum, I'm hoping she just moved on since she was healed, but I can't help but worry about her abrupt departure.
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I apologize if this is off topic, but it's about a member of the group. Anyone know what happened to AlwaysFrantastic? She was such a bright light on the forum, I'm hoping she just moved on since she was healed, but I can't help but worry about her abrupt departure.


I was wondering about her too :) I think she just moved on and got on with living as she was feeling well and doing great, and enjoying life, she was even drinking wine, not a lot but living her normal routine I guess. xxx



Went for a 9 minute walk at 6am this morning, may try again later as sxs are rough today ::)



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:




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Another successful workout.  2nd day of lifting after my hiatus and I feel pretty good.  I did back/biceps/traps. Started with 2 sets up pull ups and then did 2x10 of the following: later pull downs, bent over rows, dumbell curls,  concentration curls,  barbell shrugs, wrist curls,then deadlifts which were an after thought since I was feeling decent. Again, I flew through ou and it only took me 15 minutes but I'm not trying to set any new records, I'm just getting myself back into it. I'm feeling motivated to do some sprint intervals but I don't have any where to do it.


It was like pulling teeth to actually get myself to do it today. I'm hoping if I keep at it that it will only get easier. Plus since I'm weak as hell after a long break, I'm probably going to have some quick progression and benefit from newbie gains again which is always motivating.  Aiming to do a little more weight every week and increase volume as I start to feel better. It's also nice to feel sore again instead of just having aches and pains! As a former athlete, personal trainer,  and fitness competitor I forgot how great this can feel.


How's everybody?

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Went for a half hour walk at 5am, if it wasn't for the hyperacusis I'd push and do more but alas its not possible right now, the few I could see stars looked beautiful shame about the light pollution blocking out millions more though  :( And I'm grateful I got out for the walk irregardless of time or night or day, its all exercise :)



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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I apologize if this is off topic, but it's about a member of the group. Anyone know what happened to AlwaysFrantastic? She was such a bright light on the forum, I'm hoping she just moved on since she was healed, but I can't help but worry about her abrupt departure.


Hi everyone and hi Crazy Pants. Thank you for thinking about me.  I have not been logging onto BB since I am healed however I do often think of everyone on BB. I hope that everyone is feeling better. I'm still working out daily however I did reduce my daily work out from 2 1/2 hours to 90 minutes a day.


Keep working out if you can because your brain likes it when you keep moving as opposed to sitting down or lying still. Even if you can't work out try to take a walk around your house every hour. Every time I work out or I incorporate HIIT into my work out I think of "Spark" by Dr. John Ratey. If you haven't read that book I highly recommend it. It has been a total life changer for me.


I want to let everyone know that my short term memory is beyond amazing and I can't fathom how bad it was while I was taking Valium. I now am able to retain everything from ten digit phone numbers, names etc. We all heal in time. I'm sending good vibes for speedy healing to everyone.


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Hey Nova, loving your outlook! Gotta agree with you,  every little bit counts and makes a difference. Took me a while to understand that as I was always comparing myself to where I used to be. Now I'm channeling that to take the smart steps that will lead me to be better than ever! I'm setting small goals now and sticking to it so I can eventually set more serious goals.  By next spring or I would like to be my leanest and fittest but this time around I am going to have the mentality to go with it.  In the past I've focused mostly on aesthetics and now I strive to be happy and healthy. Kudos to you for getting yourself moving.


Fran, I'm relatively new to BB but thank you for sharing your success and providing hope for the rest of us! I'm happy to see another person making it! Super motivating for me. Thanks for checking in and proving there's light at the end of the tunnel.  You rock!


I must say, maybe I wasn't "there " yet or maybe I missed an opportunity, but either way I'm not dwelling on it. But,  I wish I had started exercising months ago!  I forgot how good it feels! I'm far from healed but I'm feeling alive again for the first time in a long time.  Even with these short workouts! But I guess being down makes the ups so much more appealing and I honestly feel I'm going to come out of this a better, stronger person.


Going to get out for a bit now. Hope you are all feeling good today!

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I've been meaning to post here for a while; I've played/loved all kinds of individual and team sports since I was a kid, although riding horses has always been my biggest passion  :smitten:. (If you're looking after your own horse, you may end up doing at least 1-5ish hours of chores for every hour you ride  ::), but all that grooming and mucking stalls is exercise therapy in itself!)


Since doing my c/o and starting my taper, I've been really demoralized at how many weird aches and pains I've gotten, and how hard it is to overcome inertia; I feel I've aged decades, and am so brittle and weak in some ways. Up till all this benzo reduction stuff, I'd jog around with my dogs/stack 100 bales of hay all by myself/lift heavy iron Olympic bar + plates/gallop and jump my horse just for starters :).


Now, I've had to stop lifting due to joint pain, transition from running to walking, and ride my horse with much less abandon  :tickedoff:. I've always enjoyed nature and being outside, and been a bit on the hyper side; I loved chasing endorphins and just plain being on the move (although I also love to read, and be a bit more sedentary at times).


I feel as if I've lost a lot of my 'active identity' with having to give up Oly weight lifting and running at all. However, I guess I should be glad that (at least so far  ::)!!) I'm not totally lacking in movement and momentum i.e. I make sure I have a good walk every day at the very least, do the horse thing in moderation (horse isn't complaining 8)), or go for a bike ride for an hour or so.


Biking is the only thing I can really work up a sweat with, so I tend to overdo it, which isn't good. I think I need a 'regulator' on my bike (like on transport trucks) to keep me to a certain pace! Not that I'm anywhere near a Tour de Anything speed, just to make that clear, ahem. Now that the weather is cooling off-brrr!-up here in Canada, I joined the Y and am looking forward to some water stuff.


I used to be a lifeguard as a teen, and spent cottage years like a 'seal' but it's been a long time since I've done any real swimming, especially in a pool (i.e. doing lengths with flip turns). Water aerobics are on my list too; I always thought of them as something for seniors, but will quite possibly be quite the spazz  :-[.

I'm not looking forward to swimming in the colder, snowy months, even if it's inside of course.


Don't have a lot of insulation, if ya know what I mean. I wonder if they'd let me swim in a dry suit haha?? Anyway, it's good to hear other people's stories of what they enjoy doing, and what they are still able to do. I really hope that someday these crazy taper aches will back off; I would be so grateful just to do stuff and not hurt, again, and to just feel stronger and more normal!!


In the meantime, good for everyone for anything you do-whether it's just a short walk, or something more ambitious. I think despite the lack of energy etc. we may feel, we still do our hearts and heads a favour by just moving as much as we can, within reason. Rock on/walk on, etc. :thumbsup:

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Hey babla! I can relate with you a lot, especially about losing your active identity.  It sucks! Adds to my feeling of being lost an ND contributes to my reclusiveness. While I'm sure my friends would be happy just to see me again and cold weather apparel would mean no one would notice, losing my fit physique has killed my self esteem. I'm embarrassed to be seen. I could easily say I'm back at it after an injury and no one would bat an eye...because I have had substantial injuries that set me back.  I like being seen as disciplined and active. I've always took pride in my appearance. I don't consider myself vain but I have always felt that being dedicated to fitness as a reflection of having my sh*t together. I'm hoping as I get myself in sync physically and mentally in sync I'll gain self confidence and want to get out there more.  I'm happy I'm not ignoring my mental health on this journey. Don't dwell on how you used to be.  That was hard for me but once I stopped comparing myself to my old abilities it made it easier to celebrate the small successes.  Just try to be better than you were the day before.


I love horses! Do you have more than one? What's his/her name or their names? I can see them being a ton of work. I've had a ton of smaller animals and all the work I've put in doesn't even feel like work at times because it's so rewarding to be helping your animal pal. All I have now is a dog and a cat. My dog is 4 months old and she's an intelligent, high energy breed.  She isn't nearly as much work as a horse but she keeps me busy. It's like having a toddler that chews the furniture! I'm either watching her, feeding her, training her, walking her, or playing with her. I can't just throw her in the yard, I need to stay engaged with her. So I'll be running around with her (good excuse to do sprints! ), trying to get her engaged with various toys, etc.  The problem is,  I'm her favorite toy! No passive play here. I even spent an evening making her a heavy duty flirt pole with a pic pipe and boat rope so she could burn off energy. It's basically a 4 ft long fishing pole for dogs without a reel, the lure is a dog toy on thick rope.


I've always wanted a horse.  Wish I lived on a farm. I'd love being a ranch hand and I'm sure I'd sleep so much better!  Just love animals and the outdoors. Last time I went horse back riding was a few months back in South America.  Such a great day. I love riding horses because I'm a speed freak; it's great because it combines speed, nature, a love and respect for animals, and you also get a workout yourself!  I ride a motorcycle,  it gets my mind right and makes me feel alive. While they're not nearly as fast, riding horses gives me a similar rush but it's much quieter and natural feeling.


Keep posting! I love to hear others stories and successes.  You all motivate me everyday!


Yesterday I was pretty sore from the increase in activity. I slept well and then did a leg workout.  Sumo kettlebell squats, RDLs, band leg press,  leg extension, glute bridge,  walking lunges,  calf raises and then farmers walks to finish. Felt good! I have trouble w leg workouts due to my lower back so I'm treading carefully and improvising. Workout was 20 minutes,  my longest since I've been clean.  Finished my first week of my workout routine!  Today I'd like to do some type of cardio and strongman training. Get the heart rate up and work my muscles.  Exercise is helping so much. I gotta remind myself of this so I stick to it.


Anyone have any ideas for some light yoga? And a light circuit I can do that's quiet and low impact? Id like something I can do when it's late and people are asleep. Instead of doing long workout sessions I'm trying to do 2 or 3 sessions that are short and different.


I've also been meditating with a couple different videos on you tube. It has helped me relax, become more mindful, and get in touch with my body.  I listen to one before sleep. I hope this isn't just a phase because I'm actually sleeping.  I think the combo of exercising and learning to relax is really helping.  I slept for 7 hours last night!


Happy Sunday everyone,  what do you all have planned?





EDIT: just my little update.  I just did a chest and shoulder workout for 20 min. I was tired but I figured I'd feel better if I atleast tried. This morning I shoveled some dirt in the yard and did some light jogging intervals while playing with the dog. My mood has been iffy today because a family member reminded me of my employment situation, or lack thereof.


Question,  do any of you find that doin a certain amount of exercise helps more? I've seen studies where 30+ minutes is better at preventing depression than 20. Right now I feel better just doing something in comparison to sitting on my rear end but I do wonder if pushing it a little longer would make a significant difference.  I've heard it's cumulative, any insight? If I do a 20 minute hike/jog in the morning and 20 minutes of weight lifting would that be any different than 40 minutes straight in terms of mood? I know something is better than nothing, I'm going to research this a bit more but I was wondering if anyone has any personal experience.


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Yeah, BLWM (I like the name-had a JRT for 17 years who I just lost, and still have a lugof a Labrador who wags a lot, and only barks re: territory/house, but sounds like a monster!), the whole fit identity loss is a drag. Your point about not obsessing on what we used to be able to do, and focussing on what we can do now is a good one. I still look reasonably fit-minus my great weightlifting glutes i.e. now I'm just about sitting on my bones, dang-but feel like I'm so breakable vs. former strength and flexibility I took for granted. Boohoo ::).


In the past I've had two horses at one time, but just have the one now. She's a mare called Calypso (with many strange nicknames)-lots of work. I board her out at a friend's barn, and do chores re: her stall, and other stalls/watering/feeding etc. most days to keep costs down. Plus, horses re my therapy; I once had a tiny farm when I was recovering from anorexia, just 'cuz I knew I'd have to be strong and healthy to care for two horses, as well as keep to a good schedule. It worked, too!


Good to hear you have a dog and cat; they're actually a bit of work too, as you say. Especially a pup, whoa! :laugh: I've gone through all that critter proofing stuff in my home, with both dogs and cats. I usually have a few indoor cats (some former ferals), so litter and 'sick up/pick up' duty are no joke around here ::)! Cool to hear you rode in S. America-that's totally exotic!


I've ridden in all but the Maritimes in Canada, but would love to tour with Icelandic horses in Iceland, or ride from inn to inn in Britain or something; done the ranch stuff in the Rockies, and that was great, but surprisingly slow going what with the rocks and mountain passes. I'm less of a speed freak than I used to be, but my first horse was a FAST Anglo Arab. With that thoroughbred blood, she could really go, and the Arab part gave her lots of endurance.


If you want your horse to stay sound, you have to train for speed and distance just like a person would, and I would only do some fast work on good ground (level, and not too hard or soft). But when that mare took off, I could barely keep her from bolting; my eyes would be streaming with tears, which is why jockeys wear goggles!


Horses are great, but honestly, they do take up a TON of money (some more than others, depending on what kind of riding you're doing, and health of horse) and are a huge commitment, so sometimes I curse my obsession  ::). It's a lot cheaper to just take lessons, or go on trail rides, that's for sure.


Your yoga idea sounds good. I'm planning to try to do some more of that, plus the meditation; I've just done a bit but it's a good sort of contrast to more vigorous stuff, especially when the taper/benzo stuff makes your body so sore, ugh! In terms of amounts of exercise, I've heard different things i.e. 20 min./30 min. etc. The latest I read somewhere maintained that more moderate exercise was healthier than really sweating, but then where do you get you endorphins?? So many different theories!


I did get out to ride in the afternoon Sunday. It's getting a bit cold on some days, but at least until the ground freezes it's okay. Saw a big hawk, and three deer who were in a hurry to bound out of sight; luckily my mare doesn't get too excited by deer, as long as they don't jump right in front of us! Including chores, it was a good, fresh session of exercise. Then came home to walk big Lab for half an hour. Hope everyone had a good weekend, and got outside  :thumbsup:.

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Sorry to hear about your dog,  babla! I lost my GSD in August and I was devastated. I would be sobbing for days. It was terrible. The house was so quiet without a dog,  it was seriously depressing. I applied for a lot of dogs, even special needs dogs.  Surprisingly,  most found homes! The others weren't a good fit for whatever reasons.  I was initially looking for a dog that was 6 months to 2 yrs old because they have trouble finding homes. But then I stumbled on a pup at a kill shelter down south and fell in love.  They shipped her up to me and it was instant love.  I paid for her rescue expenses and travel and the day before I was scheduled to get her I found out I lost my job.  It was upsetting because I didn't know how I'd afford her and I didn't want to abandon her,  luckily my family has helped out. I don't know where I'd be without her,  as she's my therapy animal.  She's so much work and downright frustrating at times but she gives me a reason to keep going and actually get up in the morning.  She has a blast playing and running around which is so rewarding. Getting her young is so much work but I'm able to socialize her and train her properly, which is a plus.  She's very smart! She's also a total cuddle bug when she's tired and not biting haha.


I can imagine a horse is very expensive! Do you work full time to be able to afford her? That must be exhausting! Totally worth it though. I don't have the land (or money! ) for a horse,  I'd have to move further into the mountains or country. I'll stick to the trail rides for now. Love the name, btw. I always give my pets weird nicknames too. Amazing how therapeutic animals can be.


I've also read a lot of conflicting stuff regarding exercise. 3 ten minute sessions = 1 30 minute session from a lot of sources,  and breaking it up actually had some better health outcomes. I'm also reading some books on the science of exercise. I've found research that shows exercise dispersed throughout the day is better for metabolism. I guess however you get it done is a plus.  I'm going to continue with trying to be active overall rather than getting in one big session. Daily hikes with intervals of running /sprinting.  That way it incorporates some high intensity with longer moderate steady state cardio. Plus weight lifting to work on strength. Lastly I want to do a few days of strictly cardio/overall fitness stuff like boxing and circuits (burpees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, box jumps,  etc. ) just trying not to push it too much and aggravate my back.


Glad to hear you got out and moving. Hope everyone else did the same!



Today I'd like to take the dog for a hike this afternoon. Might do some weight training depending on how I feel.  I'm pretty sore from getting back into it but it feels good.  I hate Mondays because it's an abrupt reminder that I'm lonely and unemployed. I did put myself out there and invite my friends (who I haven't hung out with in almost a year) out for dinner.  I want to get back to living and I'm GOING TO follow through.



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Hey guys how is everyone feeling today?


I just can't seem to get myself in motion today.  I don't feel like walking or even taking the dog out to play.  I've been doing decent so I'd like to break this cycle. How do you guys get yourselves in motion on "off" days?

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Hey bark,I am looking forward to those answers.  I am off today as well.  I went to bed last night at 6:30 pm.  I slept well until 3:30 am or so, and then dozed on and off until 9AM.  Feel like I should sleep more, but I know I can't.  Sometimes I think you just crash.  I just think, OK, here is where I am, and do what I can for the day.
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Hope everyone is doing as well as possible, given the whole benzoland experience  ::). After riding my horse on Sunday, I had an old hip injury (acquired when polite horse let me go over jump FIRST i.e. dumped me on solid wood 'roll jump' ouch) worsen again; it seems picking out my horse's hooves really ticks off the hip.


The hip has been an issue recently, partly because of my taper, I think-that connection between the CNS waking up, and old injuries starting to hurt more along with new aches and pains :tickedoff:. Anyhow, I've been doing a ton of IT band and piriformis? stretching with info I got doing PT a while back. I have a foam roller which is a literal pain, but PT assured me it's supposed to hurt  >:(!


The past 2 days I've gone for an hour long bike ride on nice woodsy trails, as the weather will be getting c-c-c-cold soon. Plus, the bike doesn't seem to bug my hip too much if I stick to smooth trails. Oh yeah, and I ice my hip a lot, as it seems to help more than heat. Tired of all this hip junk!


Anxiety has been worse, but at least when I'm out on the horse or bike, I get distracted for a while. Heck with all this lousy taper/benzo crapola, bleah!! Just have to try to do what we can, when we can-so enjoy whatever you do as much as possible :thumbsup:.

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