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I haven't heard the word "caca" in ages. I really lsughed. My exercise routine is very inconsistent.

My belly is really acting up and keeping me awake at night. Speaking of "caca"!!

Love and Big Healing Hugs to all!

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Oh Drew, I hope I didn't lead you down a wrong path.  I think it works  though. Maybe slow the amount of intervals...Keep us  posted...:smitten:


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It is a funny word.  Glad you got a laugh. 


Shadow-I've tried it on and off so it's not you.  Every month or so I test myself on a good day and end up a hot mess. Last time I jogged two miles and I had the rushes for three days. It's amazing how much we have to limit ourselves.  At times my brain feels great and I want to do things but my body isn't ready.

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Hi Drew, you are such an inspiration.  I think it is so good that your mind is ready, isn't that a big part of the battle?  And you keep trying.  Makes me want to join you more.  I'm having troubles getting going, because the dog's foot (broken toe).  At first I was walking her a lot, but the soft cast keeps wearing out, and now I just let her sniff around on leash.  I try to do lunges and stretches, but I really have to keep an eye on her.  She is such an athlete, and SO pent up.  It has been a stressful 6 weeks going to the vet everytime the cast slips.  She is part kangaroo, as I may have mentioned before, so it slips A LOT!  I think this will be over next week, and she will still have to be on leash for continued healing, but I can take her for long walks. I can get 2 things done at once!  I need those, and I just can't imagine long walks will be a problem.  PS I also cracked up at caca. I'm 56, and I crack up at caca.  Oh well... :smitten:
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Good job Drew and MTfan.

This is basically my second post and have always exercised a huge amount so figured this would be a good place to start.


Welcome to the group MJE. As you can read, we have a lot of ups and downs but we're all committed to exercising the best we can. Sometimes it bites us in the bum, like Drew just had happen, but there's something therapeutic about moving and taking an active role in your recovery. I know sometimes I'm stronger than others, sometimes profoundly weak, but even when I have to pull back on what I'm doing (lift less weight, exercise less frequently, for shorter duration and intensity) I'm thankful to be able to do it at all.

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Hi all-- I haven't posted on this thread before, but I'm a huge believer in exercise for those who can manage it.  Hope I'm not insulting the collective wisdom here, but the book Spark! by John Ratey is just so inspirational for folks like us.  I always knew exercise perked my mood up, but reading the science behind is so reinforcing.  I've found it so great to read on my Kindle WHILE I'm biking. 


I posted my success story way last June, but it seems I'm still doing mop-up on final lingering physical symptoms at 26 months off Xanax and 34 months of Oxycodone.  No more really bad days, but I alternate between good and mixed rather than being good one day and down-in-the-pit bad the next.  My new most recent pattern is just having a lot of days that are too symptomatic to really call good, but I'm not suffering by any means.


What this means for exercise, is that I seem to need a good day to get to the gym for weight lifting.  And those haven't lined up with the Tues-Thurs class often enough in the past month.


There's always a lot of debate about how hard to push, right?  My philosophy has been to just do what I can, when I can.  If I have a good day, I WANT to get to the gym or work outside or whatever.  I see no percentage for myself in making myself do that stuff if I feel lousy.  That said, I have been super faithful about my home yoga  routine, which I see by my rather obsessively kept charts that I've done  absolutely every day this month.  Also my twenty minutes on a stationary bike.


I see a lot of people on BB explaining how they're feeling bad on a given day because they pushed it the day before.

For myself, I don't believe in that.  My philosophy is to get away with whatever I can when I'm feeling good.  Another wave is probably coming and sitting out the window on the couch trying to conserve energy isn't going to  stop it from coming.


A year ago at this time I fell into a pit of fatigue and had to stop going to the gym.  Then I broke my ankle which helped stretch that hiatus out to  eight months.  Now I rejoined, but until I get a solid platform of making it a couple of times a week, I'm not going to re-join dance classes and that sort of thing.  I just hate being the flake who can't commit and doesn't show up steadily!  I have to stick with exercise plans that don't involve other people. 


So I'm just kind of working my own little program here at home and hoping for improvement.


Look forward to following the progress of the rest of you!

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Welcome FJ!!!


I have to disagree w you on what I do not effecting me the next day. It is way too councidental that every time (3 for 3 in recent tracking)I push hard in exercise my cortisol stuff is way worse usually starting that night.  The only caveat being that it might be the effects of my natural pattern.  Next time I feel really good I'm not going to exercise hard and I'll know for sure. 

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I wouldn't argue with anyone else if they really draw a tight correlation between pushing-it type exercise and feeling bad the next day.  I think maybe I just never really push myself, exercise-wise, the way I've seen you do!


I just hate to see folks beating themselves up for their lack of pacing in whatever they did when they felt well when it seems to me the waves and windows are so random and come and go as they choose.  I never feel I have any control over whether my brain is going to decide it's got enough of the good stuff to cover all the bases (energy, motivation, pain relief etc.) on a given day.  I'm just trying to play this game by making each day the best I can in terms of exercise and what I get done.

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Agreed FJ. On bad days I don't care nor do I feel guilty if I can't leave the couch. I think the key is to listen to our bodies which can be hard when our brains can be saying go, go go at this point in my healing. Glad to see you here.
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Happy to have pulled off a hilly 40 minute walk with about 5 minutes push ups, planks, etc. I was pretty dead but it still feels good to do it. I had to walk slowly--haven't slept at all since Wednesday night but maybe tonight there will be sleep magic. Fingers are crossed.


I've learned I can't exercise at all at night. I was doing an evening yoga class for much of the year and finally figured out I never once slept at all on class nights. Maybe down the road I can do that again. How much to push is very individual.

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Thought i would check in...I hiked hills yesterday for half hour and today did hand weights for upper body! Also i was up and down the stairs like 15 times doing bedding wash and clearing a giant closet. :)

And hello to the newcomers here.  The comment from MT is right on w me...I had to accept 10 min "workouts" as improvement. I used to think I cant start yet cause I m not ready for an hour like i used to. Sometimes I have soreness deep like a bruise on the bone. Mostly in legs. But no on-fire burning sensations anymore!

If I find myself anxious over health problems I go to the dr or read up and take supplements etc but cant obsess on it - exercise distracts. But I pace myself if I didn't sleep enough or eat enough

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Good work, Kris :thumbsup: I think the other part of this is one day/week/month you may be able to do 30 minute workouts and the next only be able to do 5-10, then up to an hour and back and forth so it's a constantly moving target we're shooting for.
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Walked two miles, did some light weights I am still pretty fresh out of a Surgery so not supposed to do weights yet. This is a pain where as I used to work out hard six days a week. Would love to run, I think I miss running more than weights it just makes you feel so good.
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I am 8 months out from my third discontinuation of klonopin.  I have just been able to go to the gym in the past couple of weeks and thank God that I am able to do that.  I feel better once I get into my exercising on the tread mill or elliptical however I went for my third time this week of doing about an hour of mixed cardio and had a short wave beginning about an hour after my work out and lasted all night into the morning.  The wave symptoms were increased anxiety, low mood, morning cortisol surge....once I ate breakfast I IMMEDIATELY started to feel better.  Can exercising induce a wave?
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Finally getting back into a walking schedule now that the dog has the soft cast off because of her broken toe.  Took her on soft terrain today for 25 minutes.  Good for both of us as she heals.  Can't walk too fast because she starts not using the bad foot.  But boy, she wants to move!


Downton Girl, I don't know about the exercise inducing a wave, but people say it can.  I think an  empty stomach is my biggest enemy.  Your body sends out stress hormones when you get hungry, even if your stomach doesn't feel like eating.  At least I know that is how it works for me.

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I'd have to say yes.  If I push myself too hard or go too many times in a week I end up with things like you mentioned. The biggest reason I think it does is because that's usually the only time I get symptoms like the cortisol rushes.  It can last up to a few days if bad.
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Walked two miles, did some light weights I am still pretty fresh out of a Surgery so not supposed to do weights yet. This is a pain where as I used to work out hard six days a week. Would love to run, I think I miss running more than weights it just makes you feel so good.


Yeah, but MJE, look what you ARE doing!  Good job! :thumbsup:  I know what you mean about the running thing, you can just "get lost" in your head when you are running...It'll come!

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I'd have to say yes.  If I push myself too hard or go too many times in a week I end up with things like you mentioned. The biggest reason I think it does is because that's usually the only time I get symptoms like the cortisol rushes.  It can last up to a few days if bad.

  BTW, Drew, I figured you would clarify this.  I haven't pushed myself as much as you or others, so I can't really speak to it.  I just know it seems to happen to lots of you....
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Trying to muster up some motivation from you guys...a cold had me on my butt all last week,could barely walk around the house without getting short of breath. Today I felt kind of good so I dug some holes in the yard,  raked, cleared branches, and removed some old mulch. Felt good to use my body again. I was putting wood on a tarp and hauling it into the woods and then jogging back. I'm a big fan of sled workouts, I have a rogue sled in my basement I put plates on. I also have a big tractor tire I use for flips. Haven't done this stuff since I cleaned up though, think it'll do me some good. It's the mental thing that gets me....


I have a really nice powerlifting set up in the basement but I can't get myself to use it. As one of you guys said,  I guess I need to get over my issue of getting caught up on the time thing. I'm so used to working out for 30 minutes or more that it doesn't seem worth it to even try to do 10 minutes. I loved weight lifting but it just doesn't interest me right now.


I'm going to have to come up with a plan and stick to it. Maybe 3x a week of lifting to start and do a couple days of "fun" workouts to keep me engaged. I think I'll split it up 1)back 2)chest/shoulders 3)legs/arms to start.  I just need to stay engaged and I think mixing it up will be good. Tire flips, sledge hammer swings, sled pull/push,etc. Can't forget hitting the heavy bag! A couple rounds and I'm shot.  Good ways to get my heart going and push myself in a short amount of time. I just need to get myself going, if I spent as much time doing it as I did thinking of starting I'd probably feel 100 better. Just gotta get moving; not just strict workouts,  little things like hikes with the pup, yard work/chores, etc. I feel better when I get going, it's just the mental hurdle.


What kind of activities do you guys like best and how to do you find the motivation to actually do them?

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Another sled fan. Wish there was somewhere in my back yard to use one as I have to go to the gym & much prefer to workout in the outdoors so dont get as much sled action as i should.


Every workout, no matter how small, is an investment in muscle memory. I was bed ridden for 18 months & was never able to exercise during acute periods but went for it in windows.


Have always been an exrciser & am sure the muscle memory helped me get fit again much quicker.


I love fairly hard core hiking so that doesnt even feel like a chore. Otherwise I use kettlebells & free weights.


For me there was no association between activity, (or food, or anything else) & waves in early withdrawal, waves seemed to be completely random. It still does my head in that it was possible to go from someone capable of a demanding workout one day & the next barely managing to stagger to the bathroom.


I do agree that its important not to guilt yourself around pacing.


Happy workouts veryone, no matter how long or hard.

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Hey Bark and ihope, I am having a hard time getting past walking the dog, just because she had a recent injury, kept losing her soft cast (she is part kangaroo, I swear :)), so I spent a lot of time rearranging my days the last several weeks tracking down the Mobile Vet to change her cast....Today we went on two walks, one 25 minutes and then another for 10, getting her to use her healing broken foot.  Starting again.  I'm so out of shape, it is probably good she is pacing me.  When I was in shape, I liked doing weights, I used to do 2x 60 Min's/wk, but I think breaking it up with the back, chest, shoulders and arms/legs is a good idea.  Keep it interesting.  I love hiking also, but boy, I got really deconditioned after Lyme and then the complications from Xanax.  (Watch out for ticks on those hikes!) Ran a marathon in '98 before being diagnosed with anxiety/depression, which was really Lyme based, but it was still there. I know it is possible to bounce back!  You guys are inspiring me!  But the best thing for me right now is just to get out, start making the time, breathing fresh air (or gym air hopefully soon :)) and experiencing the world's beauty and life again!  Interacting with people on walks or at the gym.  Man I want to go back to the gym, it is inspiring to see how fast you can really change your body....to much doggy sitting for now, so making the best of it. Little by little improvements will happen.  We are meant to move.  We were created to heal. Keep moving, keep posting! :thumbsup:
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Hi Shadow, i would love a dog who is part kangaroo, hope you & she can get back to your fittest selves soon.


Its a bad season for ticks here already, (border ranges & gold coast & nothern NSW hinterland national parks). I am hearing more about lyme up this way too & sorry you have had to deal with that as well. I am layering on the compression clothing & the bushmans where necessary but they are tricky buggers. One snuck on my ankle & caused my whole leg to swell up before extraction, (the tick, not my leg).


Had a great hike yesterday but big storms here today so happy to have a rest with just a short KB workout today.


For me, it was a very non linear healing experience but somehow behind the scenes our brains are returning to homeostasis & exercise can only help.


:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi all, :thumbsup: I haven't been here for a while due to exercise intolerance kicking in.....AGAIN :P But i managed to go for a 20 minute walk at 4.45 this morning, I go out early due to bad Hyperacusis to try to avoid traffic  noise which isn't easy. As  no matter what time you go out ther's some traffic around ::). But at stupid o'clock there's not that much traffic about.


Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Ihope I love the sled! It was a great investment. Totally forgot about my kettle bells too! I have degenerative disc disease in my lower back so I have to find low impact ways to keep my heart rate up. I have a gym member ship but haven't been in months. Like I said,  I have a sweet home set up but I'd like to hit up the gym for the motivation.  A hoody is a good way to prevent my shitty physical shape from demotivating me. I'm looking forward to some muscle memory myself! I've always been fit so this is a bummer.


Shadow,  sorry to hear about your dog. What happened?  I have a 4 month old puppy who keeps me on my toes.  She's the only reason I walk outside. I'm so happy to have her during my recovery,  even though her puppy antics tick me off :) I got her right after I lost my job (I already paid for her and I wasn't expecting to be terminated). I decided to get clean then so she means a lot in my life.  She was from a kill shelter and I was on a path to self destruction. Sounds stupid but she gave me a reason to live when all I wanted to do was die. When I picked her up it was the first day in a long long time that I had no worries.  Pets are wonderful aren't they? I'll join you in the doggy sitters club. When will your dog be back on its feet? (No pun intended)


Keep Killin it guys,  you have me itching to get moving!

Of course it's 3am and the insomnia has me revved up,  ask me how motivated I am in the morning when I am sleep deprived LOL


And ugh ticks, I'm in the north east and ticks are a problem.  I found 3 on my pup so far, luckily they had just latched on.  None on me so far, knock on wood.

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ihope, thanks for the good wishes on the dog and me.  That tick experience sounds frightful...Maybe you are allergic and your body's warning system kicked in.  That would actually be good.  It's raining here finally, so I gotta be on the lookout again for them...


Nova, that is , just wow, that time in the AM!  What a trooper.  If I'm up then I'm looking at the clock, groaning and rolling over. :thumbsup:


Barkless, what a great story about your pup.  Thank you for the rescue from the kill shelter.  So many animals.  thank you for giving one a forever home.  And thank her for rescuing you! They do keep us on our toes, and give us purpose, and they are so worth it!  Great age, they are so moldable.  Lotsa pictures time!  And always a hug well, at 4 months usually a distracted wiggly one, but I love them!  My 2 kitties too. One of my cats is nearly 18, a little heart problem, a little hyperthyroid, a little kidney issues, but she rules the roost.  I have to give her subcutaneous fluids with a needle, as well as a few meds to keep her going, but she is a trooper.  She keeps the younger bouncy cat off her area.  Sunny, who looks like my icon is a stray I found a couple years ago, starving, healthy as can be now.  She looks like my icon.  Shadow, my other kitty, is all black...Jessie the dog is moving better every day. Hard to keep her from moving too fast because it makes her use her good foot much, and we don't want some dumb overcompensation injury.  It has been 5 days since her cast was off and she is close to walking normally.  I give it another few weeks until she can run.  She is quite the athlete, so I think it happened because she was twisting in the air getting a Frisbee or a ball or just running her heart out and came down wrong.  Probably repeating myself, and definitely off topic! TMI


Watch the ticks everyone, Lyme is not trivial, and you don't build a tolerance to it.  There are 13 strains and several co-infections, so if you get it again, you just get another critter living in you.  I had babiosis, which is a cousin of malaria.  Horrid, especially during the healing phase.  Be careful! 


I have ave a cold, probably the change in weather or the potluck I went to last week, but will be trying to get a couple short walks in with Jessie for the next  few days.  Nice meeting you all! Sunny Kitty is licking my hands as I type.  I am obviously supposed to be doing something else.  Sorry I hijacked your thread, drew, keep us posted!  Keep moving everyone...

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