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Exercise support group


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Thanks Shadow

You know the cold will pass. Do easy yoga maybe


Im bummed out and worried  - obsessing really - been feeling better each week and yesterday at the ENT he said i have LPR and need prilosec a while AND i have a lump on the back of my neck! Had 5 xrays and they still havent called. Put a damper on my positive attitude ive been workin on. woke last night early, maybe 5 hrs sleep even w my 15mg remeron.  Just trying to keep out the worst thoughts.

My chiro felt it and said it was probably nothing. The xray tech said 90 percent of lumps are benign (of necks i dont know) Why do i do this?? Am I overreacting?

Anyone have words of reassurance?


I will still go for walk in the woods. Trying to decide if i should call the dr before or after. I hate when i get like this.

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Kris, my hubby has a lump on his neck.  They call it a lipoma.  We are thinking his is probably benign, as well, like your doc says...Hope your walk goes well...Fear makes everything so much worse.  I know it is hard not be afraid, but look at the positive things you are doing for yourself!
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yes I have got so much better. I know what things i need to work on probably with a therapist. Its a weird time of my life at 49 no kids, snowbirding while trying to have another income but the house will be paid off in a few years


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Kris, There you go!  A walk in the woods sounds great.  I'm walking soon.  Doggie needs to get her exercise with me.  My fave place if I can't drive to the woods is to walk on the bluff overlooking the ocean.  So freeing. Sometimes just walking around the neighborhood interacting with some people can be a really healthy distractor as well. Just moving is so useful!  Keep up the positive best you can.  It's encouraging.  And animals so was your post!
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I've got a lump on my neck it's been there yrs dr says Ther common .

On a different note I picked up a catrike to ride around Ther so much fun and great for exercise

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I really appreciate reading all your posts!

ENT said I have arthritis where a bone flares out near top of spine. If i dont want to take advil daily i can rotate days w alleve. And use heat packs when needed. He would even give me a referal to do physical therapy. i wonder if that would help.  I still do chiropractic.

Suprising to me that all my neck and into top of back, even jaw, is so tight from it. I thought it was tension from wd and stresses.

It was odd to me to have the tight throat, reflux at the same time as the tightness for past month...and then i hear "how long has this lump been here?"!


ANYWAY ..thanks for your support! Ill keep exercising just gotta give TLC to my body along with it.  :smitten:

Last night I went up that hill i mentioned doing a long time ago!! It took about 6 mins and my HR was about 140. Not having soreness or burning today! :D


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Just want to add something ....I really want to get fit and healthier - it really helps with positive attitude as well. Ive heard some people have far less anxiety after quitting benzos and doing exercise. I remember how i handled life better when i worked out regular. I have been phobic of lung disease since my parents died and getting in shape and healthy will help atleast to ease my mind.  Its something I have to work on - retraining thoughts. And this group is such great support. It motivates you so you can post your improvements and help others.

Its so great to hear everyones journey getting fit


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Sometimes I feel like a loser when I take steps backwards with exercise. This last taper took everything I had but I'm off now. I made it through an hour of exercise on Monday and 45 minutes of yoga yesterday after working all day but, as McCoy so often said on Star Trek, today I'm "dead, Jim" and can't do anything. Anyone else beat themselves up over this?
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A catrike is a recumbent bike that is awesome cause I have pots so if I have a bad day it keeps me laying down and I can still exercise . Ther really fun to ride and comfy I'm gonna try a 20 mile ride soon

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I am famous for beating myself up. I know how you feel. Its hard to be patient and just know that you'll get stronger, I know i feel best when i am a regular exerciser and in good shape so I do it with the goal in mind that my whole body mind and spirit will benefit week by week

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been stronger last couple weeks even a major hike  uphill ! Even using weights


Past 4 days I have woke too early (nerves about FL for winter and midlife stuff I think,) And now I feel that burning again w weakness. Did a walk w friend this morning and it was rough. I dont want to worry and make it worse. Any advice???

Also shaved my .06 wafer piece down last few days too! Im supposed to go in 2 wks and I dont know if its general anxiety of that or the klon. My remeron was doing good most of the time. This just cant happen right now


Modifiying this...woke early again but not burning. Dont know how much i should exercise.  Anyone have this problem? Its adding worry to my anxiety.



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Hi guys,  new here.  I've been trying to move again while going through tough times.  I am a former collegiate athlete and fitness competitor (bodybuilding ). I've been self medicating for over ten yrs and addiction put my life in a tail spin. My addiction caused me to lose my job,  destroy my finances, and take over my life.  I don't even know who I am anymore and most days I don't leave the house.


I haven't used a benzo in a week,  I was using 2mg+ a day of xanax on and off for 2 yr consistently.  I'm having trouble just getting through a day without looking for relief from any drug, drink, vice I can find.  I'm lucky my mother is supportive but doesn't know the extent of my addiction.


I can't believe I built my life around being active and I'm now a hermit who barely moves. I am trying to use positive thinking.  I can't sleep and when I finally do, waking up is horrible. I feel so down when I awake but I'm working on it. 


I know I need to get my mind and body right and other things will fall into place.  I have a 4 month old puppy to distract me but she can be a handful and frustrating at times. But it's something to keep me going.


Yesterday I went on a 20 m hike with the dog and jogged a short way. It was the most I've moved in months.  Today I'm doing similar and plan on going grocery shopping too. I want to hike more and get back into a weight routine. One small step at a time.  Thanks for listening

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Barkless, good for you for getting off the drugs and for getting yourself moving. Those are huge accomplishments. You're going to need a lot of support. Some people in your shoes also find 12-step groups and therapy helpful as you're having to deal with more than just withdrawal effects. Rebuilding your life after addiction is tricky. BB is a super supportive place and good for connecting with people who understand and won't judge.
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Thanks,  glad to be here.  I'm currently in peer meetings once a week which helps get me out and seeing I'm not alone. Poured today so I couldn't go hiking with the dog. Didn't have much motivation to workout today.  What did yall do?
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Bark, are you asking how we exercised in wd? That's really varied. Many of us go through times we're too ill to exercise and for the vast majority of us when we start exercising (or even continue, if we never stopped) it's a battle. You may not feel like doing it at all but if your body can pull it off, it seems to help with the symptoms, is distracting, passes the time and gives is empowering.


A big challenge for me was letting go of what I thought was an acceptable workout. Even getting in 5-10 minutes, or doing some pushups, planks, or a few yoga poses is worth doing and will lead to being able to return to fuller, longer workouts. And don't beat yourself up when you can't do it some days or like you used to.

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Hi Bark and MT,

I'm finding hard to be consistent with my exercise routine. Some days I just don't feel like it.

Having dogs like Bark helps. They need to walk daily. Better than nothing!

Love and Big Healing Hugs to all!

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Hi all...I'm starting to feel really good at times now.  I finally incorporated some intervals to my workout today. One minute bursts on the elliptical every four minutes for a total of 18 minutes.  It's a start :crazy:
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Hi all...I'm starting to feel really good at times now.  I finally incorporated some intervals to my workout today. One minute bursts on the elliptical every four minutes for a total of 18 minutes.  It's a start :crazy:

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That's TERRIFIC Drew. So glad to hear it. Feeling good after so long of feeling bad can seem magical. I had some time yesterday where I felt like half of a decent human being (instead of a dead body being dragged from place to place). Those times give me such hope.
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Good job Drew and MTfan.

This is basically my second post and have always exercised a huge amount so figured this would be a good place to start.


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Well thanks all....I'm not sure if it's the natural progression of my healing or I overdid it w the intervals.  I'm full of adrenaline today, had terrible sleep, and feel like caca.  Hope it's a one day thingy.
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