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I am being "forced" to walk because my dog broke her toe and can't chase the ball.  Did 25 minutes today....It really helped the AM nervousness.  Blessings in disguise... :)  PS Thanks for covering my "off" days Chris
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Sorry my post was so goofy. Somehow I was posting and pressed post and received a message  that someone else was posting at the same time. Not sure what happened.


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Sorry my post was so goofy. Somehow I was posting and pressed post and received a message  that someone else was posting at the same time. Not sure what happened.



Hey animals, I just thought I wasn't "in the know" on what you meant :)

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love reading this thread. I dont see scary stuff that makes my mind race!


I have been getting my exercise by lots of walking, stairs, lifting etc around here before i leave for fl. Wanted to ask you all if you get massage and how does it affect you? I had one yesterday morning (after 5 hrs bad sleep for some reason) and today I am really sore, burning muscles feeling weak. It make me anxious. I woke today too early as well and maybe due to stress - i guess stress trumps remeron at times? before that i was getting 8 hrs and feeling much better in the muscles!

Today went for 10min swim in cold water. little stretching. yesterday some yoga and lots of walking around the house


The massage therapist is always throwing things out there like fibro, leaky gut etc etc and avoid nightshade veggies for a while,...id like to just believe its me getting rid of the klon (and depression, which is what the doc said caused my pain)


Love to hear your thoughts and also why some of you seem to exercise through bad days

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Hi Kris,

I think the exercise routine is the same for us as for most people. Everyone has a hard time getting to the gym to work out. I have to literally force myself. I've always been extremely active and am very unhappy watching my entire body go downhill. But then I remember baby steps will take us to big strides. We need to keep going so we can all meet up one day and say "We DID it! We slated the benzo beast!".

Big hugs!!

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Chris-heat intolerance is a big one for some reason.  I went for a four mile walk at noon the hottest day of the year here in SF and I was wioed out for two days(don't ask why I did it :P). 
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Kris, I've had pain after massages before but not the other symptoms. I haven't been getting them for financial reasons. Perhaps you could ask your therapist to not do as much deep tissue work? I try to exercise on bad days (not on work days) even if it's just for a few minutes (18 yesterday) because it helps me feel better emotionally and like I'm fighting for my recovery. It's also distracting from the symptoms. It's worth it. I'm stronger than I was with a bit more stamina and it helps tremendously with depression.


Drew and Chris, I have lots of heat intolerance. Seems to come with wd. Thank God for AC!

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Walked 30 mins on Tuesday, 20 on Thursday. 


PS I'm with you guys on the heat intolerance.  I grew up in Sacramento.  HOT place. As kids we used to put cold water on our wrists at the drinking fountain.  Cools the blood or something.  Seems to work... :)

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Hey Chris, My theory is that our bodies are trying to expel toxins as we heal.  Sweating it out so to speak.  I am serious, though.  Maybe a little fever as our bodies respond.  Look at it as a good thing, part of the healing process, readjustment.  Change is good, and our bodies respond that way.    I have a chiropractor helping through this.  He says wash your shoes and change your sox often, as a lot of toxins go out through your feet.  Anyway that is how I look at it. As we physically change, brains and all,  our bodies will respond.  Hang in there, you are healing, sounds like! :)
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I'm at the point where I'm walking/jogging/running a 5K on a treadmill every 2 or 3 days now and it seems to really help my worst withdrawal symptom which is insomnia.
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Do you have a treadmill at home that you can jump on whenever you like?

I'm considering getting one since my windows are usually later in the day.

Thanks for you post!

Big Healing Hugs!

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Do you have a treadmill at home that you can jump on whenever you like?

I'm considering getting one since my windows are usually later in the day.

Thanks for you post!

Big Healing Hugs!


I don't have a treadmill at home and there isn't much room to set one up if I were to buy one.  I'm fortunate that I live in an area where there a ton of gyms within a 10 minute drive from me though.  If you can fit one in your home, then that's great because you really have no excuse to skip a workout.  :)

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Walked with the dog today 30 minutes.  I am finding it is the best thing for insomnia.  Gonna start doing more, like weights.  Doggie has a broken toe, in a full leg sling, so on the leash she stays at my pace...so longer walks instead of ball throwing....she is a good example of resilience to me!
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Mines hasent I know sum people 3-5 yrs out still not tolerant


I just think it is part of change. I look at it as a sign of healing and it helps me cope. 

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Shadow you have a great attitude and an inspirational dog!


After not doing very well with exercise for a week or so I made it back to my exercise class for older people and lifted weights. It was a white-knuckling it kind of deal but I feel so glad I did it. Every patch of ground won is a victory for all of us. Sometimes that patch, however, is staying in the battle.

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Shadow you have a great attitude and an inspirational dog!


After not doing very well with exercise for a week or so I made it back to my exercise class for older people and lifted weights. It was a white-knuckling it kind of deal but I feel so glad I did it. Every patch of ground won is a victory for all of us. Sometimes that patch, however, is staying in the battle.


Hey MT!  Yeah, just showing up is a big part of the battle!  PS you are sweet.  Hang in there... :smitten:

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Hi guys

what do you feel like with "heat intolerance"? ..just feeling way too hot? dizzy?....Im in Mich so I didnt notice feeling especially hot but going to FL end of the month. Hoping I dont have that problem. If so I can always go to the gym i guess. I just love the outdoors


I really dislike the cold. Its in the 50s now and Im gonna do my hike. I started hiking the trail a few days ago :) Just half hour but hope to conquer the hill I used to hike up in 4 mins by the end of the month!!I want to set goals to get my cardio up cause i smoked and my parents both died of lung cancer which looms over me...uhg. But i am on the patch now :)


Introducing little weights at home too. I think the sleep I am getting w low dose remeron has helped with muscle recovery (you need sleep for muscles to recover) Haven't had any jitters or burning after exercise anymore:)...except after that one massage i mentioned a while ago


AND after a month at .06 klon Ive been on .03 day for last 4 days!

Exercise is the best medicine  :)


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Hi guys

what do you feel like with "heat intolerance"? ..just feeling way too hot? dizzy?....Im in Mich so I didnt notice feeling especially hot but going to FL end of the month. Hoping I dont have that problem. If so I can always go to the gym i guess. I just love the outdoors


I really dislike the cold. Its in the 50s now and Im gonna do my hike. I started hiking the trail a few days ago :) Just half hour but hope to conquer the hill I used to hike up in 4 mins by the end of the month!!I want to set goals to get my cardio up cause i smoked and my parents both died of lung cancer which looms over me...uhg. But i am on the patch now :)


Introducing little weights at home too. I think the sleep I am getting w low dose remeron has helped with muscle recovery (you need sleep for muscles to recover) Haven't had any jitters or burning after exercise anymore:)...except after that one massage i mentioned a while ago


AND after a month at .06 klon Ive been on .03 day for last 4 days!

Exercise is the best medicine  :)


I agree!  Exercise is the best medicine!  I love it outside as well, and weights are just plain good for you.  I have a nasty cold so I'm limited right now.  Makes me grumpy....The heat intolerance will pass.  For me it is just basically feeling too hot when everyone else seems to feel normal.  Congrats on getting off the cigarettes in all this.  I'm sure you will make it up the hill at the pace you want, soon!  Great goals! :thumbsup:

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Hi all,

Here in VS we're starting to get great hiking weather. The summer muggies are gone.

I'm right next to the Blue Ridge Parkway as well.

Happy Hiking to all!

Big Healing Hugs!

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