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Exercise support group


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Thanks Always F

I know interval training yet didnt recognize the HIIT letters

Ive been too busy for exercise and think well i am walking a lot anyway. I will start out w little weights when i have better days

The remeron hasnt worked for my sleep last 4 days :(


Inspiring to see others here exercising

How many of you exercise during a bad spell?  I have to have the sleep or my muscles are shot...hurt..

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Yesterday I noticed it wasn't as uncomfortable to make it through my exercise class and weights. I was able to go up in weight on a few machines. Today I hope the rain backs off enough for me to take a walk with some HIIT on the hills/mountains around me.
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I hope you get better quickly Vasilisa. I know how frustrating that is.


Kris, you'll get there sooner than you think. I tried to do the HIIT with my walk/hike yesterday and was flattened with my first sprint so I didn't do anymore sprints. A 45 minute walk took me 67 minutes and I practically collapsed. Sometimes it's hard to know whether pushing through a rough day is a good idea or not. Today I pushed it to do my weights and exercise class and it went OK. Seems random sometimes.

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I have been trying to walk 1 mile in the morning and 1 mile in the evening.  This has helped me be more positive.  I had a rebound effect though this last week and have been discouraged.  I hope to start walking again.  I have been walking outside my house (pacing) and trying to get back to where I was.  I also do qigong and that helps me.  I do yoga stretching too.  I have always been active and this has caused me sadness about what I am not doing now.  I have been trying not to be too hard on myself.
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arkansas don't be too hard although I know firsthand how hard that is.  Every time I start making progress I get slammed down from overdoing it.
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MT thanks for your support it really helps. Drew I know what you mean about getting slammed. Yesterday I cleaned the rental with my boyfriend and garden for 20 minutes. Today although I did not sleep enough we both cleaned out the garage most of the day. Now I feel somewhat flu like and wearing ice packs. Tomorrow we have plans to kayak with friends. I hope I keep up. Maybe I'll bring a rope if im tired my bf will toe me!! Anyway somewhat disappointed thinking I was really getting better quickly. I am still going to see a specialist just to make sure its not fibro or something. Love this support group thank you guys
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Kris, this recovery business is so back and forth. I think most of us feel decades older so it's encouraging to read what the old timers/recovered say that they end up feeling younger than they have in years. Let us know what the specialist says about your symptoms. It's super challenging to sort out what is part of wd and what is extra. I was diagnosed with CFS and fibro about 19 years ago. Now since going through wd, some days I think I'm going to beat those disorders and others it feels to me like they're relapsing. I guess there's no way for me to know until I'm healed from benzo wd and sleeping again.


I hope you all have some good days and good exercise (any amount is good).

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MT sorry to hear about that diagnosis. Was that before you started benzos? I have seen some post if I remember right where people have been diagnosed with fibro or CFS and as they healed from benzos the disease mysteriously disappeared

Can anyone comment on that?

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Im just wondering how you guys get some good cardo? I will work my way up doing 10 min at a time or something, but, it seems my muscles burn out first. Hiking, swimming etc. Not running yet. BTW I didnt go kayaking after all cause one girl had a headache. Surprisingly I wasnt feeling bad so i was kinda bummed out.
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I started with just 10 min a day walking around my yard.  Now I am at one hour and also do 3 mile  walk video called "walk away the ponds" (with weights).  I also joined Yoga class.

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Kris and MT, I had Lyme and was first diagnosed with anxiety and depression and then CFS.  Lyme causes all these things.  I am not saying you have it, BTW.  Lots of work to heal from the Lyme.  I used Xanax because of the insomnia, just one of the complications from Lyme and CFS/Fibro.  After the illnesses went away I was hooked on Xanax, taking 1 Mg at night.  I woke up with similar symptoms and realized I was in in interdose W/D.  SO I think the CFS symptoms are very similar to benzo WD and most of mine have gone away just evening out my dose.  I need to cut back more, but life has been hectic, and I need to chop, chop, chop the xanax....
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Hey Chris, I don't think Lyme ever completely goes away.  The little boogers live in you waiting for a weakened immune system.  But I would say the symptoms are gone, so I consider myself in remission.  Now to get rid of the Xanax..... :)
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Shadow do u think its weird a few yes ago they said ther r 30,000 cases a year of Lyme now it 300,000 a year ? Its almost like the government is trying to hide it . That's awesome it's in remission I mean not awesom u still hav but glad u can get off the Benzo
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Chris, it's a sneaky thing, and if caught early, can be treated with antibiotics but they are the expensive kind, so the Drug companies are not happy about that.  Without going too far off topic, I would invite you to google Plum Island Lyme.  Many people believe that it was created by Nazi scientists there and released on the population.  I wouldn't put it past them.  Here is a link to start.  https://sites.newpaltz.edu/ticktalk/social-attitudes/story-by-smaranda-dumitru/  Seems like we are a little off topic and maybe there is a Lyme thread... :)  But maybe this topic is okay here....I'm kind of new. PS I appreciate the good wishes!
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Ok back on topic I'm back up to shoulder pressing 50lb Dumbbells  :thumbsup:


Awesome!  That inspires me!  I had such a busy week, too pooped today to exercise, but it sure does me good to hear when you are preservering!  JUst a note that someone is doing positive things encourages me....Thanks!

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Symptoms much less this week.  Got out for a two mile walk.  Felt like pushing to do more but I've learned to err on the side of not pushing right now. 
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It's been a week since I took my last little bit of K.  All week I didn't feel like doing much.  I got some walks in.  I started having the air hunger issues on Friday.  Today I wanted to see what would happen if I tried to run today.  I got about a mile in.  Air Hunger wasn't quite as bad while running.  I'm not sure if the run helped or not.  I think it did.  I still have the air hunger, but I don't think it's as intense. 
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It's been a week since I took my last little bit of K.  All week I didn't feel like doing much.  I got some walks in.  I started having the air hunger issues on Friday.  Today I wanted to see what would happen if I tried to run today.  I got about a mile in.  Air Hunger wasn't quite as bad while running.  I'm not sure if the run helped or not.  I think it did.  I still have the air hunger, but I don't think it's as intense.

When I had the air hunger in my last wd, I would FORCE myself to run a mile(I didn't have physical symptoms at that point) I think it was incredibly beneficial. Not only did it force my lungs and diaphragm to expand, it put my mind at ease knowing that I COULD breathe and it was just a sensation of not being able to. It's a horrible feeling, but completely harmless. My dad also told me something that was comforting, even if you were to pass out from the shortness of breath, your body will keep breathing on it's own....Still gets me through, just wanna get back to the running sooner than later....Keep it up!
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I ended up walking another five miles in the heat of the day.  I had no choice since my fiancé made me go out w my father in law to be.  I was dizzy and now I'm sore but hope that's the extent of it.
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