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Exercise support group


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25 reps x4 of situps

30 seconds x2 of basic planks

30 seconds x2 of elbow planks


15 reps x3 calf raises

15 reps x3 calf raises with 12lb dumbell


3 mile walk


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Hi, just found this thread. I am holding my dose after a partial c/t. Will begin microtaper soon. I would really like to exercise but found even 5 min on a treadmill causes my symptoms to flare. Esp muscle and joint pain, anyone know why? Or experience this? So as a result I don't do it. Should I push through this? Will my body adjust, or is this a sign my body just can't do it. Thanks!
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Did 30 10lb dumbbell curls, 20 pushups, 20 dips and 20 calf raises at the direction of Dr. Francesca lol....Will be taking a walk again tonight as well....No real noticeable flare in symptoms, as I was careful not to push it, but we will see how I fair in the morning.


Good job!  Like Fran said try not to rev things up and take it easy at first.  I tried to go running in the early summer which sent me into a wave so now I know to slowly work my way up.

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Hi, just found this thread. I am holding my dose after a partial c/t. Will begin microtaper soon. I would really like to exercise but found even 5 min on a treadmill causes my symptoms to flare. Esp muscle and joint pain, anyone know why? Or experience this? So as a result I don't do it. Should I push through this? Will my body adjust, or is this a sign my body just can't do it. Thanks!




I had muscle pain when I first started walking.  It abated because I think my muscles finally got used to it.  Benzo are powerful muscle relaxers so you'll have to slowly work your way up.  Slowly...

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Thanks arcade. I have muscle and joint pain without exercise. So that's why I wasn't sure if I Should keep attempting to exercise even though it made that pain worse. It also causes some tingling in my hands and feet.
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Thanks arcade. I have muscle and joint pain without exercise. So that's why I wasn't sure if I Should keep attempting to exercise even though it made that pain worse. It also causes some tingling in my hands and feet.

That's my thinking...If I'm going to be suffering anyway, may as well try and get some exercise in....Unless it becomes unbearable.
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Thanks arcade. I have muscle and joint pain without exercise. So that's why I wasn't sure if I Should keep attempting to exercise even though it made that pain worse. It also causes some tingling in my hands and feet.



I get that too but I ignore it.  I also get a muscle vibration in my upper right thigh but it's just my annoying little friend.  It starts every time I walk around...haha.  :)

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Night walk....Trying my best to walk smoothly and ignore the balance issues...It's impossible lol....Now my ankles hurt from trying desperately to stabilize me....Ugh. I'm gonna have the strongest ankles in the world! lol So many tiny little muscles in the legs I used to take for granted and never knew existed. They sure are getting a workout!
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Night walk....Trying my best to walk smoothly and ignore the balance issues...It's impossible lol....Now my ankles hurt from trying desperately to stabilize me....Ugh. I'm gonna have the strongest ankles in the world! lol So many tiny little muscles in the legs I used to take for granted and never knew existed. They sure are getting a workout!


Hang in there buddy...good job.

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Pushups-Goal 25x4









Curls 12lb dumbbells




Shrugs 12lb dumbbells





3 mile walk

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Nice arcade! Aw man, I'm a little extra sore today lol, but not too bad, just gotta stretch it out.


At some point your muscles will get used to it.  :)

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Migraine gone.  Woke up w cog fog stuff and sore legs.  Did close to a four mile walk as I figured I might as well feel wonky AND get some exercise.
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Migraine gone.  Woke up w cog fog stuff and sore legs.  Did close to a four mile walk as I figured I might as well feel wonky AND get some exercise.

Four miles? Nice!
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Always fantastic..what's the book you mentioned? And what is HIIT?

Arcade...what is the significance of this strain in yogurt you mentioned?

Today I did my am yoga stretches and been busy w house projects but today suprised myself going down and back up about 30 steps at a beach...big steps! Jumped round waves a little and I don't feel the burning I sometimes do w too much activity :)

I even had a wave before heading out of jitters anxiety cog fog burning muscles...

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I just had a epic chest workout followed by chest pain feels like my lungs . Either way I'm feelin proud I'm starting to lift like I used to sprinted the stairs a couple time with my fiancé (I won) :laugh: and I'm feelin pretty good my pots seems to not b holdin me back very thankful right now  :angel:
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Always fantastic..what's the book you mentioned? And what is HIIT?

Arcade...what is the significance of this strain in yogurt you mentioned?

Today I did my am yoga stretches and been busy w house projects but today suprised myself going down and back up about 30 steps at a beach...big steps! Jumped round waves a little and I don't feel the burning I sometimes do w too much activity :)

I even had a wave before heading out of jitters anxiety cog fog burning muscles...


Chris14-Great job doing Yoga stretches and keeping busy in your house. The name of the book is "Spark" by Dr. John Ratey. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It's quite challenging, so please proceed slowly. If you were able to do 5-10 jumping jacks (that's HIIT) per day that would be very beneficial.


I know Arcade won't mind that I am answering the yogurt question since I informed him about the yogurt haha. The strain is called L Rhamnosous and it can be found in either Trader Joe's Organic low fat plain yogurt or Stoney Field Yogurt. Please check the back of the container to make sure the strain is listed.

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I just had a epic chest workout followed by chest pain feels like my lungs . Either way I'm feelin proud I'm starting to lift like I used to sprinted the stairs a couple time with my fiancé (I won) :laugh: and I'm feelin pretty good my pots seems to not b holdin me back very thankful right now  :angel:


Saw you mention POTS. Was this caused by benzo use/withdrawl? I got that dx after a large decrease in dose.

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Hi everyone  :thumbsup: I am still walking an hour or two each day I have had days I just can't do it but when I'm able do it with sxs some of which exercise rev's up and other's its helpful for.  I have also become heat and sun intolerant again recently so go out when it's overcast and before the sun comes up . I can't lift weights or anything more taxing than hiking around woodlands and field's but I classing climbing over gates and pulling my body weight and down over different obstacles as free style weight  lifting anyway ;D


Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:







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I love this page I love reading all the old post as well as new ones so this is my first post I think lol . Did my bench presses yesterday on the Hammer Strength machine using a 45 pound plates on each side 3 set's also did 3 sets on the pec machine as well as three sets of tricep pushdowns. Also did lat pulldowns inside lateral shoulder raises. Then I did 5 minutes on the elliptical a far cry from where I was months ago I could not do any weights at all start super slow as I did with one set of bench presses and work your way back and yes sometimes I get slammed in the next day or even that night. Tell me the best thing about this page is that it is a positive page I enjoy hearing from everyone thanks for letting me post
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And what is HIIT

High intensity interval training is a type of cardio where you do intervals of hard work followed by equal intervals of rest....The key to doing HIIT is to push yourself as hard as humanly possible during the time of work....


For example, if you went to a parking lot, you would sprint from one side to the other as FAST as you could, then walk or jog back, then as soon as you get back, turn around and sprint again as fast as you can, then jog back...and repeat this until you can barely move lol....


You can adapt it to all kinds of exercise by using a timer, 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off, but a rule of thumb is to have it be full body movements at the absolute fastest pace you can do (sprints, biking, jump rope, burpees, jumping jacks, high knees, etc)


Just search HIIT on youtube, there are plenty of sources for actual routines to follow.


Just keep in mind, this may not be the best thing for people recovering from benzos, its intense! lol

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I am definitely not ready for that interval training yet there was a time when I used to do farlex which were sprint the straight away and jog the curve sprint the Straits jog the curves in the middle of my six mile runs but I no longer can do any of that for a couple of different reasons I am older and also going through the withdrawal process but I love talking about it and dreaming about someday being able to do something like that again. Plus I have lost so much muscle during this process starting to recover some of it thanks for the reply
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