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Is this where I ask for a substitution Taper Plan?


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I am on here for my husband since he doesn't have the brain power to do it himself.


He is currently on 1mg of Clonazepam using 1mg pills.  He has been on benzos off an on for over 3 years.  He has tried to taper himself and has never been successful.  He is going to ask his doctor for the liquid Valium.


Can you please propose a Substitution taper for him?  He would like to begin ASAP.


Thank you,




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Hi lgsf,


1mg clonazepam is roughly equivalent to 20mg Valium according to Dr. Ashton for the purposes of tapering.

It's suggested that a crossover is done in a number of steps, usually at least four, for instance exchanging 0.25mg clonazepam for 5mg Valium every week or so.  Valium is longer acting so will therefore take longer to build up in his system than clonazepam will take to leave his system. There are some more formal plans in the Ashton Manual.  http://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/bzsched.htm





Liquid titration is another option for your husband. It entails making minute daily cuts that allow for a smoother more comfortable taper.  http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=6393.0

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