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Stuck at 4mgs Valium


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Hi all-


I don't post here much.  I started cutting my Valium with daily cuts at 12mg in 7/2013.  I got down to 4mgs on Thanksgiving, and out of nowhere hit a wall.  I up dosed a tiny bit to 4.1mg, and tapered it slowly back down to 4mgs.  I'm not stable enough to go further right now.  I've been holding for a week now - I'm going to keep holding because I'm not getting worse.  Have those of you who have held for a while during a daily taper found enough strength at some point to recontinue your taper?  I presume that I won't be cutting at my .02 anymore, and planned to eventually restart at .005 cuts.  But right now I don't think that I'm stable enough to even do that.


Thanks for tips!


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A big YES from me. If you have a look at my signature you'll see I hit a wall at 1mg and I ended up holding for 2 months. During that time I updosed by tiny amounts, held, came back down again, only to find I had to updose that tiny amount again and come back down again.


This seems to happen to a lot of people, especially those on valium. The half life accumulation thing just seems to build up to a point where it's just impossible to keep going, and you have to hold until your body is ready. Never feel scared to hold. If your body is complaining about how you're cutting you have to listen to it.

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Kiki, I think you are doing all the right things.  Hold as long as you need and when you restart the taper do it slowly.  .005mg cuts are awfully slow and may be overly cautious, but that is okay.  As DP said, never be scared to hold as long as needed.
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Thanks SO much.  I am going to continue to hold and drop this guilt feeling about it.  My body is saying wait up, so I'm going to listen. 
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Same has happened to me a number of times -  but have always stabilized and continued. Whenever I get hit w strong symptoms- its hard to imagine feeling good - and easy to forget that I will stabilize!


You have made incredible progress!! Just a small pause on the drive down!

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Thanks Mark - It really helps a lot to hear stories like yours right now!


I was holding, and then opened a new bottle of my Mylan V pills.  Well, they changed something in the manufacturing and they look different.  I was already hitting a wall, and the change sent me right down the drain after using them for 6 days.  I think they are less potent. 


So, yesterday I estimated a dose correction from 4mg to 4.2mg, and am seriously needing it to help.  I think I was going to need to correct up anyway to stabilize, but the change in pills could not have come at a worse time!!


I don't tolerate the additives in Roxanne, so it's pills and milk for me. 

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I hope you're feeling better too, its different for everyone. I was ok at 4mg but at 3mg I'm going to hold until my body and mind catch up.
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