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Sky,....the vibrations and palps.. .I wish they were not your constant shadows..  one day they will not be there. You manage them so well....but you shouldn't have to..  Glad for you that a few people canceled thier lessons with you. Hope a little extra rest will settle the vibrations....coop
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Sig... I would sleep out in my garden if that's where my body would sleep. If you are more able to sleep on the couch why don't you allow yourself to sleep there? ...Are you doing a sleep training program?.. If you got 10 nights of sleep, my bet is on the great probability that you are healing . .alot and your sleep really will come back... coop
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I've been agitated for the last three days, which is pretty unusual for me. This comes right after having 10 decent days. I slept every night in those 10 days. Now I've had two sleepless nights, Monday and Wednesday nights. I screwed up last night by taking a few (unplanned) naps on the sofa. Then couldn't go to sleep at my regular time. Was up until 2:30am. I fell asleep pretty quickly. I'm starting to develop anxiety about going to sleep. Hoping tonight goes well since we're leaving for Florida in the morning.


Enjoy your BBQ Coop.


I remember this is how it went for me at roughly the same time out.  I'd sleep relatively well for days on end and then revert back to a couple of restless and almost sleepless nights, then back to decent nights' sleep again.  This went on for the first couple of years, but hasn't happened for quite some time now. 


Naps will throw off anyone's sleep, even the 'normals'.  ;)

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Hi buddies,..  my morning is morphing into a good afternoon. Bumpy start with nausea and health fears/mini panics....BUT..pretty quiet by the time I came back in after taking the dog out.  Not great, but health fear and anxiety is mild now.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

....I did make it to the bbq...only hung out for about 30 minutes.  But it was fun ...I think. I was pretty much experiencing it from underneath a head of cement.  It was good practice.. ..just puttering around in my house today...temp ouside reads 101.  Scorching for the PNW .  The air is on.  my appetite is stirring...for a girlie beer and a hot dog ..with chips.. so wierd because I don't eat those foods anymore and don't crave them..  maybe it's the thought of the July 4th weekend coming back.  maybe it's one of those lost 10 pounds wanting to come back...

.....Wishing everyone a good...very good weekend.  coop


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Hi buddies,..  my morning is morphing into a good afternoon. Bumpy start with nausea and health fears/mini panics....BUT..pretty quiet by the time I came back in after taking the dog out.  Not great, but health fear and anxiety is mild now.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

....I did make it to the bbq...only hung out for about 30 minutes.  But it was fun ...I think. I was pretty much experiencing it from underneath a head of cement.  It was good practice.. ..just puttering around in my house today...temp ouside reads 101.  Scorching for the PNW .  The air is on.  my appetite is stirring...for a girlie beer and a hot dog ..with chips.. so wierd because I don't eat those foods anymore and don't crave them..  maybe it's the thought of the July 4th weekend coming back.  maybe it's one of those lost 10 pounds wanting to come back...

.....Wishing everyone a good...very good weekend.  coop



Glad to hear about the bbq ! And your appetite stirring is good news too. It means you are starting to think about a normal life after wd.


It sounds promising.


Coop, sorry to hear about your dil giving a hard time to you as well. It must be very hard on you, I can't imagine doing this without the support of my family.


I know I keep saying this, but mr Sky believed in me long before I did. He thought all the worst about benzos and went looking for the clues online.


If it had been for me, I would have believed anything the docs had told me.


That you have pulled through this, without your children actually believing  this could be wd, shows just how strong you are and how you stick to your guns.


You will have the last laugh even if now it's painful to deal with.


Anyway, great to hear your day picked up midway ! Some days are like that, you never can tell.

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Hi Nova..  how is the cascading anxiety?..  Sorry you are still at lousy. ....This truly seems never ending sometimes. It's low and slow here too.  101 outside..my city hasn't seen that for 100 years....nothing to do but stay in with the ac on...movies, books, my daughter stopped by... more movies and books....My sx were very quiet today and eating actual food was easier...  not an effortless mind day, but I would say it bloomed into a window after the morning passed.

    Did you cook anything great today?...My big kitchen adventure was spooning bananas and applesauce into yogurt. ..  the totally bland diet seems to be helping the reflux

.  I am wishing you a better day tomorrow Nova.  coop

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Sky...you are so kind...My daughter totally gets the w/d thing, but it wears on her if I cancel plans or have to leave family get togethers after 15 minutes. She is actually a rock to me. She went with me to almost every stinkin appointment this past month. My son just doesn't understand that it is not something one can ' power through'..  my daughter in law is an RN and completely buys into the 'take a pill' approach. Surprisingly my ex has been understanding and supportive. He has been very good about coming along when I want to take our grandsons out for a treat.  He has grown more patient in his older years. .  I don't blame my family, there is just no way anyone can understand this unless they have been through it. I would have reinstated at month 6 if it were not for our band of friends here.

....Sky, I am so glad you have had the strong support of Mr. Sky through all of this......We couldn't do this without some on the ground support.  ..Sending you hopes for a day without vibrations tomorrow.  Wishing you sunbreaks... coop

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Good Morning ... having a spell of not sleeping well ... and if they are connected, not sure, the head pressure and fatigue is more pronounced ...


So, doing little walks and lots of self massage ... and just going slow for now ...


Be Well ...  :smitten:

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Coop,  I too went to a bbq last night. I could have easily bailed as panic was starting to build as I was getting ready. It was ok and I managed to chat without wanting to mention wd.  Glad we both made it.

Today after a decent sleep,  I too have cement head, fatigue, vibrations etc. Oh and the stupid thoughts telling me this will never end.  So sick of this not being able to recognize making progress because of falling back into the quick sand.  Im going to go for an angry walk.  Either that or ball my eyes out.

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

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Marj--I highly recommend crying!  For so long I avoided it, thinking not crying would keep me from being in that very dark place.  It was somebody on BB who, last fall when I first joined, said that an oncology nurse told her crying releases stress.  After that I had a good hard cry whenever I felt like it and always felt better afterwards.


Now I don't cry anymore because I'm well!  Okay, I cry, but now it's this thing of occasionally just bursting into tears of relief and joy that I have come back alive again.


Hang in there, all of you.  You're almost to that place too! :thumbsup::smitten:

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Hi, all.  Hope everyone is making out ok.  Yesterday I went for a walk on wooded trails with kids but broke down crying during.  Then, the kids began arguing with each other... loudly, as they are prone to do at this age (teen & pre-teen), esp. when mom is noticeably suffering.  What a mess!  Nobody else was around (a blessing), or else I surely would've felt far worse about all the dysfunction on display.  I managed to get back to the car; good thing they were with me, else I'd have been lost (perhaps going in circles still) because my sense of direction/orientation and memory are laughable.  Oh, well.  I tried.  Better luck next time.


Over the past year, I've been really struggling with the fact nobody believes me that this condition is real.  It's almost as difficult for me to be invisible and invalidated (and thought of as "crazy" by everyone except my close family and a couple friends) as it is to suffer all the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome.  So when I got home from the forest melee, I asked my daughter to watch a few of those CEPUK videos (Ian, Baylissa & girl with bright red hair) so that she'd begin to better understand exactly what mom's going through.  Afterwards, she hugged me, cried and said, "I love you so much, mommy."  She asked me a few more questions about withdrawal, which I answered in a non-frightening way.  I felt validated and understood.  It felt good.  Then... a window opened up... for a couple of hours, until I went to bed.  All symptoms (except tinnitus) left me and I felt like "me" again.  I went into the bathroom, and (excuse me) sat down and looked at my feet, thinking, "Gosh, I don't feel one bit of anxiety or dread or sadness right now, only calm."  I slept peacefully until 9:30 am this morning.


I mainly write this to remind myself that I did have a brief window, and it was real, not imagined.  Now I am off, in my "familiar" anxious state, to fold and put away laundry.  Every cell in my being is screaming "No!"  But nobody has any clean clothes to wear, so it must be done.  Maybe it'll lead me into another brief window - hahaha.  If not, tomorrow is another day.



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Oh... was gonna add... neighbors invited us to a party @ their place last night... big shin-dig.  Two doors up.  I'd never intended on going because I knew it'd be a loud drunk fest, although these folks are good, kind folk and I really like them.


Good thing I didn't go because they shot off a bunch of damned fireworks and that surely would've sent me running screaming.  I could barely stand it from two doors down; my startle response was in overdrive.  :crazy:


Some day I'll be able to go to a get-together, be fine with not drinking, and maybe even enjoy myself (still hate fireworks, though).  But not yet.


Have a good day, all.  :smitten:

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Morning all,

The sun is shining bright and low temps in the 70's, a good day for a walk.

Serenity- I completely understand about the fireworks. The fourth of July is my favorite holiday, but oh my goodness, the noise, I wanna jump out of my skin.

Some people where I live are celebrating early with firecrackers and we had to alert security to control them. I'm all for the celebrations and everything that goes with it but people need to be more courteous to others.


I seem to be in some sort of emotional wave. A lot of deep thinking that doesn't make any sense, just puts more stress on me. I started clenching my teeth again with negative thoughts looming through my mind. I have been through this before but not with so much of a stressed mind.

Not really a lot to be stressed about, my mind just randomly picks a thought and runs with all things in a negative way making me feel stress.


As far as my daughter in law, we talked and everything is fine. I still feel the hurt feelings but it will be ok.

Feeling stress without knowing where the stress is coming from is confusing, probably from the emotional wave I'm in.



This too..shall pass.  Hugs to everyone. :smitten:

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Morning all,


Just reading through some posts here and see some people have been out and about living an almost healed life.

Nova, you sneaky little😈 Good for you thinking ahead. :thumbsup:

Coop, I know you had a wonderful day with your daughter in the park with so much feeling of normalcy , you needed that break and I hope you're able to attend the barbecue at your complex.


Yesterday was just a down day for me filled with so many emotions. I woke up in a positive mood with low symptoms and eager to get my busy day started.

My daughter in law hosts an event every year for cancer survivors in our town. I always have contributed and helped her organize it. I didn't help with any of it last year because I was still to ill and she knows all about the withdrawal.

Yesterday when my husband and I went to the hall where the event will take place tonight, we dropped off some goodie boxes of homemade crafts and we made eight dozen of cupcakes.

When I spoke with my daughter in law two weeks ago I let her know that I would not be working my usual booth again this year and asked her to find a replacement for me. I had planned on doing my usual but knew it was to much for me with all of the loud music and loud people.

Well, my daughter in law took on an attitude that really upset me, she said that she couldn't depend on me anymore for these causes and would find replacements, her words crushed me and I cried all night.


I don't know why she would say such a thing and I tried to justify it with that she is under a lot of stress from her job and just very stressed out.

My brain isn't taking this well and blowing everything out of proportion. My husband the peacemaker says this will all blow over, but in my mind.. it won't. :smitten:


But, this was my day yesterday..hopefully today will be better.

Hope you all are having a peaceful weekend. Hugs.


Beulah, this situation with your DIL for me is one of my gifts of withdrawal.  I can see people a lot better than I could before.  When someone says something or does something to me that is hurtful or just plain mean spirited, I no longer find it acceptable.  :smitten:



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I've been agitated for the last three days, which is pretty unusual for me. This comes right after having 10 decent days. I slept every night in those 10 days. Now I've had two sleepless nights, Monday and Wednesday nights. I screwed up last night by taking a few (unplanned) naps on the sofa. Then couldn't go to sleep at my regular time. Was up until 2:30am. I fell asleep pretty quickly. I'm starting to develop anxiety about going to sleep. Hoping tonight goes well since we're leaving for Florida in the morning.


Enjoy your BBQ Coop.


Siggy, you don't see it, but you're getting better.  10 good days.  That means healing is happening. 

I relate on the anxiety about sleep.  When my insomnia is bad, I start getting the dreads as it gets closer to bedtime, it's a stressful time for me. 

Don't let it get to you.  Have a good time in Florida.


I bought a ticket for the HST Center in Atlanta!



Green, so you are going to Atlanta ? Yay ! So happy to hear that ! When you are leaving ?


Siggy, Green is right, you are sounding better. Maybe it wasn't even the naps, it was just a little anxiety over the trip. I think the trip will do you loads of good and you will sleep better.



Today is really bad for me, my vibrations are insane and the palps too. My brain is not working as well and my eyes are a little foggy. Luckily, some students cancelled, so I am working a little less and I tried to nap as much as possible.


Speak later, heal on !


Sky, thanks, but I'm not looking forward in a fun way to traveling, I'm more about I'm doing this no matter what.  Withdrawal sx are too unpredictable to be able to plan.  As long as I feel ok, it's all good.  If the tide shifts, everything goes to hell.


FYI.  I started chewable Vit. C, I'm probably taking 3000-4000 mg. per day, and I think it helps with the cortisol surges, and as a result sleep.  I don't know if you're dealing with that.  I looked it up online, on health websites, and Vit C. seems to help lower cortisol.  A lot of our gals swear by it.  I didn't feel well enough to experiment before this.  So I will keep you posted.

Have you found a house yet?

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Green, I have the morning/afternoon pattern here too. Mornings are hard with anxiety and health fear just having a hip hop party in my head. By afternoon things are usually leveling out. The pattern that goes with that is ...a horrible hours long wave almost always follows a window or a very good day. ... Atlanta....Green, you are obviously feeling the solid ground of healing under your feet despite the sx circling your head. ...Wow....really happy to hear that... You are really getting there Green...your bike will be coming out of the shed .

....I hope you get another good afternoon today....coop


Coop, I don't know about solid ground of healing, lol, but I'm not afraid to go, and that's the big deal, that I'm feeling solid enough that I don't have fear, I know if need be I can stay in the hotel room or go home, that I have choices.  That speaks volumes about my old self coming back, feeling stronger in that way.

Coop, fyi, I tried the Vitamin C and I'm cautiously reporting positive feedback, I'm finding it helpful with the cortisol surges (and everything that flows from that!)  sleep is somewhat improved, and the mornings are better. Is it mind over matter?  IDK.  Will there be rebound problems?  IDK.  I will follow up.


Hope you're seeing some better days.


Why does withdrawal wake us up to mean people?

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Hi, all.  Hope everyone is making out ok.  Yesterday I went for a walk on wooded trails with kids but broke down crying during.  Then, the kids began arguing with each other... loudly, as they are prone to do at this age (teen & pre-teen), esp. when mom is noticeably suffering.  What a mess!  Nobody else was around (a blessing), or else I surely would've felt far worse about all the dysfunction on display.  I managed to get back to the car; good thing they were with me, else I'd have been lost (perhaps going in circles still) because my sense of direction/orientation and memory are laughable.  Oh, well.  I tried.  Better luck next time.


Over the past year, I've been really struggling with the fact nobody believes me that this condition is real.  It's almost as difficult for me to be invisible and invalidated (and thought of as "crazy" by everyone except my close family and a couple friends) as it is to suffer all the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome.  So when I got home from the forest melee, I asked my daughter to watch a few of those CEPUK videos (Ian, Baylissa & girl with bright red hair) so that she'd begin to better understand exactly what mom's going through.  Afterwards, she hugged me, cried and said, "I love you so much, mommy."  She asked me a few more questions about withdrawal, which I answered in a non-frightening way.  I felt validated and understood.  It felt good.  Then... a window opened up... for a couple of hours, until I went to bed.  All symptoms (except tinnitus) left me and I felt like "me" again.  I went into the bathroom, and (excuse me) sat down and looked at my feet, thinking, "Gosh, I don't feel one bit of anxiety or dread or sadness right now, only calm."  I slept peacefully until 9:30 am this morning.


I mainly write this to remind myself that I did have a brief window, and it was real, not imagined.  Now I am off, in my "familiar" anxious state, to fold and put away laundry.  Every cell in my being is screaming "No!"  But nobody has any clean clothes to wear, so it must be done.  Maybe it'll lead me into another brief window - hahaha.  If not, tomorrow is another day.


Serenity, you will wake up one day, and for a lot of us struggling with not feeling ourselves, it's usually at around 18-19 months, and you will be absolutely you, a better, improved version of you, actually, and it will not matter to you that people thought you were crazy.  As a matter of fact, I appreciate the insight of seeing how people behaved when they thought I was "down for the count." 


Hang in there, we're all healing, a day at a time.

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Serenity, you will wake up one day, and for a lot of us struggling with not feeling ourselves, it's usually at around 18-19 months, and you will be absolutely you, a better, improved version of you, actually, and it will not matter to you that people thought you were crazy.  As a matter of fact, I appreciate the insight of seeing how people behaved when they thought I was "down for the count." 


Hang in there, we're all healing, a day at a time.


Thank you, Green.  How kind of you; I appreciate you saying all that, and I have faith (some days much more than others  :-[ ) that it is all true.  :smitten: 



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I've been agitated for the last three days, which is pretty unusual for me. This comes right after having 10 decent days. I slept every night in those 10 days. Now I've had two sleepless nights, Monday and Wednesday nights. I screwed up last night by taking a few (unplanned) naps on the sofa. Then couldn't go to sleep at my regular time. Was up until 2:30am. I fell asleep pretty quickly. I'm starting to develop anxiety about going to sleep. Hoping tonight goes well since we're leaving for Florida in the morning.


Enjoy your BBQ Coop.


Siggy, you don't see it, but you're getting better.  10 good days.  That means healing is happening. 

I relate on the anxiety about sleep.  When my insomnia is bad, I start getting the dreads as it gets closer to bedtime, it's a stressful time for me. 

Don't let it get to you.  Have a good time in Florida.


I bought a ticket for the HST Center in Atlanta!



Green, so you are going to Atlanta ? Yay ! So happy to hear that ! When you are leaving ?


Siggy, Green is right, you are sounding better. Maybe it wasn't even the naps, it was just a little anxiety over the trip. I think the trip will do you loads of good and you will sleep better.



Today is really bad for me, my vibrations are insane and the palps too. My brain is not working as well and my eyes are a little foggy. Luckily, some students cancelled, so I am working a little less and I tried to nap as much as possible.


Speak later, heal on !


Sky, thanks, but I'm not looking forward in a fun way to traveling, I'm more about I'm doing this no matter what.  Withdrawal sx are too unpredictable to be able to plan.  As long as I feel ok, it's all good.  If the tide shifts, everything goes to hell.


FYI.  I started chewable Vit. C, I'm probably taking 3000-4000 mg. per day, and I think it helps with the cortisol surges, and as a result sleep.  I don't know if you're dealing with that.  I looked it up online, on health websites, and Vit C. seems to help lower cortisol.  A lot of our gals swear by it.  I didn't feel well enough to experiment before this.  So I will keep you posted.

Have you found a house yet?


Sue, it's hard and we still have not found anything yet. It's not going to be simple and it might take some time.


Today has been horrid with the anxiety. I don't think this anxiety can be fought like you fight anxiety normally, this is induced chemically. I took some Vitamin C, it helped on other days, but not today.


It threw me in  a lot of discomfort, I am seriously discouraged. And now, my eyesight is starting to fade as well, arrrrgh, anything else ?  :tickedoff:


Beulah, glad you sorted things out, but Green is right, use wd to find out what people are really like. It's not a nice process but it's good to know.


Serenity, you daughter is so sweet, you are very lucky and how smart of you to use those videos to explain your story.


It feels bad not to get validation but you learn to do without after a while. The important thing is to get at least the validation of the few people that truly matter.  :smitten:

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Hi all..I made my two day self imposed ban n this site. It was very difficult!  Wanted to check n many times but chose not to. 


I felt good the last week and really felt that I was healing.  I had minor stuff but nothing that overwhelmed me or sent my anxiety/panic high than more than a few brief moments here or there.  Getting over the ptsd part of this ain't going to be easy.  Going all these places and doing things that were really anxiety/panic provoking during the process has left battle scars.  I get brief thoughts of terrible things happening or something of that nature and I try to dismiss as just thoughts. 


I felt really good yesterday morning and went for my hill hike and decided to jog the second part of the trail.  Dumb move!  I was sick for a week w a cold and haven't even exercised.  Why I thought it would be a good idea to jog and get my HR in the 160's is beyond me. I haven't even done that when exercising regularly for a few months.  After finishing and my hr came down a bit I started getting powerful adrenaline surges.  Ugh!  My hr stayed high all day, was dizzy, and just not there.  Today my eyes are killing me and I feel front of head weird.  Hard to explain as always but pressure and fog fog.  Hoping this fades soon as I can't concentrate or focus on anything. 


Hoping this wave ends soon. 

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Hey drew I know the feeling of taking a break from BB. Sometimes it's good to take a break. I had to do that a few weeks ago. I went several days without logging on then a few days of very limited board time. I've been super jittery for the past week. No idea why. I hear you in the PTSD too. I feel scarred by this and now I'm depressed a lot too. I've been able to sleep the last few nights, but I think it may be because I've been taking 800mg of ibuprofen. This may be causing the next day jitters, so it's hard choice about stopping it at night or not. God what I wouldn't give to go back to,my pre-benzo self. Hope your BP has calmd down some.
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I've been agitated for the last three days, which is pretty unusual for me. This comes right after having 10 decent days. I slept every night in those 10 days. Now I've had two sleepless nights, Monday and Wednesday nights. I screwed up last night by taking a few (unplanned) naps on the sofa. Then couldn't go to sleep at my regular time. Was up until 2:30am. I fell asleep pretty quickly. I'm starting to develop anxiety about going to sleep. Hoping tonight goes well since we're leaving for Florida in the morning.


Enjoy your BBQ Coop.


Siggy, you don't see it, but you're getting better.  10 good days.  That means healing is happening. 

I relate on the anxiety about sleep.  When my insomnia is bad, I start getting the dreads as it gets closer to bedtime, it's a stressful time for me. 

Don't let it get to you.  Have a good time in Florida.


I bought a ticket for the HST Center in Atlanta!



Green, so you are going to Atlanta ? Yay ! So happy to hear that ! When you are leaving ?


Siggy, Green is right, you are sounding better. Maybe it wasn't even the naps, it was just a little anxiety over the trip. I think the trip will do you loads of good and you will sleep better.



Today is really bad for me, my vibrations are insane and the palps too. My brain is not working as well and my eyes are a little foggy. Luckily, some students cancelled, so I am working a little less and I tried to nap as much as possible.


Speak later, heal on !


Sky, thanks, but I'm not looking forward in a fun way to traveling, I'm more about I'm doing this no matter what.  Withdrawal sx are too unpredictable to be able to plan.  As long as I feel ok, it's all good.  If the tide shifts, everything goes to hell.


FYI.  I started chewable Vit. C, I'm probably taking 3000-4000 mg. per day, and I think it helps with the cortisol surges, and as a result sleep.  I don't know if you're dealing with that.  I looked it up online, on health websites, and Vit C. seems to help lower cortisol.  A lot of our gals swear by it.  I didn't feel well enough to experiment before this.  So I will keep you posted.

Have you found a house yet?


Sue, it's hard and we still have not found anything yet. It's not going to be simple and it might take some time.


Today has been horrid with the anxiety. I don't think this anxiety can be fought like you fight anxiety normally, this is induced chemically. I took some Vitamin C, it helped on other days, but not today.


It threw me in  a lot of discomfort, I am seriously discouraged. And now, my eyesight is starting to fade as well, arrrrgh, anything else ?  :tickedoff:


Beulah, glad you sorted things out, but Green is right, use wd to find out what people are really like. It's not a nice process but it's good to know.


Serenity, you daughter is so sweet, you are very lucky and how smart of you to use those videos to explain your story.


It feels bad not to get validation but you learn to do without after a while. The important thing is to get at least the validation of the few people that truly matter.  :smitten:


No, Sky, you're right, nothing helps the bad anxiety, I'm sorry you're dealing with that again. I was just trying to calm down the cortisol revving that was my constant companion lately, and it slowed it down a little, I think.


The eyes, vision, what are you dealing with?  I get blurry eyes, I get dry eyes, tired eyes, and eyes that feel like they have a stye or something in them.  What are you getting?

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Morning all,

The sun is shining bright and low temps in the 70's, a good day for a walk.

Serenity- I completely understand about the fireworks. The fourth of July is my favorite holiday, but oh my goodness, the noise, I wanna jump out of my skin.

Some people where I live are celebrating early with firecrackers and we had to alert security to control them. I'm all for the celebrations and everything that goes with it but people need to be more courteous to others.


I seem to be in some sort of emotional wave. A lot of deep thinking that doesn't make any sense, just puts more stress on me. I started clenching my teeth again with negative thoughts looming through my mind. I have been through this before but not with so much of a stressed mind.

Not really a lot to be stressed about, my mind just randomly picks a thought and runs with all things in a negative way making me feel stress.


As far as my daughter in law, we talked and everything is fine. I still feel the hurt feelings but it will be ok.

Feeling stress without knowing where the stress is coming from is confusing, probably from the emotional wave I'm in.



This too..shall pass.  Hugs to everyone. :smitten:



Beulah, I have been off for a little while and lost my place in the posts, but I caught yours as I was flipping through. I get the deep thought thing too. Drives me nuts as deep dark thoughts are not my nature. Sometimes it drags me into depression ...I am so sorry to hear that you were being towed under yesterday w

by an emotional wave....Are you surfacing g today?.....Glad to hear that you were able to talk things through with your daught er in law...This puts such a burden on our lives...My window closed....with a slam. At least I am pretty sure that if it follows it's pattern I will feel better again in a day or two. Yesterday my reflux was better...this afternoon it really hurts. Back to yogurt and mashed potatoes...the Gaviscon helps. It was the popcorn that ruined it. I foolishly thought if I popped it in olive oil on the stove and didn't put butter on it that it would be ok.  Boy was I wrong....So hunkering down to ride this one out....

......It's still hot...106 ..  feels like New Jersey.. suffocatingly hot.....movies and books and BBs....as Nova says, " another day in the books"....onward.

.....Beulah, I hope your day was easier today and a window awaits you tomorrow....coop

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