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Hi all.....just plodding along with my terrible head cold.  Still no ugly benzo stuff showing up.  I did wake up at some time of the night with a racing heart and what felt like breathing issues but I took a nightime cold medicine so I don't remember too much :crazy:  No more of that stuff as I just was super sleep deprived but I will let the body do it's thing to heal.  Morning funk too until I got out of bed and then it goes away.  Hoping no wave envelopes me but I see small signs such as light hissing in ear and that racing heart stuff last night.  We shall see and if one comes I will deal with it as I always have...by freaking out :laugh:  Leaving work early to just go home and rest.  Hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected.


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Hi Nova,  :smitten:


Yes, that helps a lot and makes perfect sense.  Massage and other relaxing things can help, however nothing is permanent. It always comes back. So crazy how in affecting the fascia they are affecting every single part of the physical body.


On a baking note, I am going to make carrot cake when I get home, because I can today and I have never made it before. Keeps my mind busy with nice things


Carrot cake ? I' m in !  :thumbsup:

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Good afternoon all,

Tropical Bill finally moved out of here and the sun is shining. The flood waters are going down and we returned home today from our daughters. Our road has reopened and life is getting back to normal.

I'm going to need  a few days to rest up from all of the excitement of flooding and all of the company and noise at our daughters house.

I'm clicking my heels together and repeating " Theirs no place like home".


Banana bread and lavender tea..ahhhhh, I need this in my life right now.


Keeping it low and slow.  :smitten:


...Beulah, I missed something along the way, I had no idea you had to leave your house due to flooding. MERCY!....If Nova and I lived next to you we would bring you lavender tea and banana bread with honey butter.. warmed a little.  We would sit low and slow with you....Yes, I can imagine that a few quiet days is just what you need. Glad to hear that things are drying out. Thinking of you....coop



OMG, I had not realized this either, I am so sorry, that must have been awful ! Hope things get better soon for you.


I am sooo out of it, how could I miss something like that ?  ??? Still lots of healing to do here !

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Hi all.....just plodding along with my terrible head cold.  Still no ugly benzo stuff showing up.  I did wake up at some time of the night with a racing heart and what felt like breathing issues but I took a nightime cold medicine so I don't remember too much :crazy:  No more of that stuff as I just was super sleep deprived but I will let the body do it's thing to heal.  Morning funk too until I got out of bed and then it goes away.  Hoping no wave envelopes me but I see small signs such as light hissing in ear and that racing heart stuff last night.  We shall see and if one comes I will deal with it as I always have...by freaking out :laugh:  Leaving work early to just go home and rest.  Hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected.



Drew, sorry that cold is holding on...and hoping your circling anxiety does not land. Going home for a little extra rest sounds like exactly the right call. ....I had to laugh at the ' usual freak out'  ..that seems to be my coping strategy on off days as well... On a good day I can hold my own with distraction, rational self talk, 4,7,8 breathing...some meditation music..  but let it get one step ahead of me and I drowning, but I get through it better....because I have been through it about a gazillion times...pretty sure by now that I will survive the ' impending death'.  ...onward we go.  You are in a great space at 13 months.  Feel better... coop

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Just a whine....Yesterday was pretty decent for most of the day once I got through the morning anxiety...Sleep was also pretty decent..

...Today.....GAW...(as Sky says).  cascading anxiety/ mini panics all day....screaming health fears, d/r and cog fog. Determined to pretend like none of its going on...but wearing out...This is starting to resemble Sky's pattern of every other day trade off....How do you take it Sky?.. 

....I can't concentrate on a thing....going outside for a walk is the only thing that helps. 

....I know it's all part of the deal.  Just crying and whining...

..Hope everyone is getting some breaks...send some my way.....coop

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Hi Coop ... yep ... lousy day today ... I used an ibuprofen for the head pressure a while ago ... seems to have knocked down some of the tension ...


At least I found a new series on Netflix ... White Collar ... should last me a couple of days if needed ...


Good to hear your walking outside helps some ...


Another day in paradise ...  :crazy:

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Hi Coop ... yep ... lousy day today ... I used an ibuprofen for the head pressure a while ago ... seems to have knocked down some of the tension ...


At least I found a new series on Netflix ... White Collar ... should last me a couple of days if needed ...


Good to hear your walking outside helps some ...


Another day in paradise ...  :crazy:


....Oh, Nova...sorry about the head pressure.  that's so yukky. .Glad the I uprofen took some of it down a notch. ..What is White Collar about?  It's always good to have something on reserve that will cover a few days at a time.  ..We have a thunder storm brewing up so that will be a big distraction. 

    Wishing us both better times tomorrow. ...Have to trade Marj some carrot cake for some banana bread.  carry on Nova and I will too....have a better night....coop

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Coop I'm 14 months in a week. I expect miracle healing to occur by then :laugh:


Nova-I noticed now that when I take ibuprofen my ear hissing acts up.  Glad it's a non issue for you.



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Ps-grilling some whole fish branzini and bok choy in a few hours.


....Yum ...that sounds so good...Between you and Nova and Marj I am hungry....but afraid to eat anything g more than yogurt and mashed potatoes as my upper belly still hurts ...sometimes just with water.  The physician said it will take time....she was right...She wanted me to take 10 g of prilosec but I am trying Mylanta first. 

....Yes, a miracle healing.....me too, but you really are making great progress Drew... Your healing is really clear to me in your posts over the last 6 weeks... so happy for you.  .coop

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That upper digestive track crap sucks. I did a ten day course of Prilosec and I believe it helped.  I was a gross organism for those several weeks. I remember my abdomen would inflate and become rock like in about five minutes.  I never want benzo belly near me again. My oh my how everyone of the symptoms suck so bad when you have them.  Racing heart, head pressure, bloated tummy, etc....ugh...
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That upper digestive track crap sucks. I did a ten day course of Prilosec and I believe it helped.  I was a gross organism for those several weeks. I remember my abdomen would inflate and become rock like in about five minutes.  I never want benzo belly near me again. My oh my how everyone of the symptoms suck so bad when you have them.  Racing heart, head pressure, bloated tummy, etc....ugh...


...Drew....thanks so much for sharing that you took prilosec for awhile..  did it have any side effects for you? ...Was your belly pain all across your lower chest as well as the belly pain?.  This is not fun.. she said reflux could actually be what is causing the cough and esophogitis.. ..I feel it in my back too.. I took 300 mg of tylenol.. crushed in yogurt.  that seemed to help some.  whine whine whine

.    Thanks Drew..  Happy grilling.....coop


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Coop ... White Collar ... a pretty simple cop show ... FBI and a crook who helps them ... it ran for 6 seasons ... pretty light weight and it keeps my attention for a while ... lots of dialogue and almost no bodies ... white collar crime ...


Drew ... the ibuprofen does not seem to affect my tinnitus one way or the other ... my comes and goes ... and only on left side ... has a mind of its own ...

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It started when I was in Denver on business and gave me great chest pain.  I didn't think at the time it could be causing it and I ended up in the ER.  I went to the doc locally once home as my bloating got way worse.  I could see how it could give pain anywhere. The pressure was bad.  He gave me Prilosec and it didn't cause me any problems at all.  I was very wary but the discomfort was incredible.took the ten day course and it lessened.  Not sure if it was that or just the natural progression of this shit.


Coop-I also drank kefir, ginger tea, aloe Vera juice.  Nothing really helped. My stomach made noises that were alien and now I'm forever Shrek to my fiancé. 


Nova-you mean we are all affected differently by benzos?  News to me(sarcasm) ;D:laugh:

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It started when I was in Denver on business and gave me great chest pain.  I didn't think at the time it could be causing it and I ended up in the ER.  I went to the doc locally once home as my bloating got way worse.  I could see how it could give pain anywhere. The pressure was bad.  He gave me Prilosec and it didn't cause me any problems at all.  I was very wary but the discomfort was incredible.took the ten day course and it lessened.  Not sure if it was that or just the natural progression of this shit.


Coop-I also drank kefir, ginger tea, aloe Vera juice.  Nothing really helped. My stomach made noises that were alien and now I'm forever Shrek to my fiancé. 


Nova-you mean we are all affected differently by benzos?  News to me(sarcasm) ;D:laugh:

.    Drew, thanks so much. Yes this really hurts. and yes, my health fears want to tell me it's a heart attack, but given the fact that I have had 3 ekgs and 4 visits to the doctor in the last month, I am not listening to the health fears ( although they really get my anxiwty going).  Because of your reply , I am encouraged to take it.  ...thanks again....big help...

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It's not your heart.  I would try the Prilosec and just do me cycle.  The horror stories I googled are from people taking them long term.  Mostly like benzos. 
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It's not your heart.  I would try the Prilosec and just do me cycle.  The horror stories I googled are from people taking them long term.  Mostly like benzos.


.....yep, I read an article that came across my fb. ( I don't google, but it seems like it's impossible to avoid scary medical stuff), that long term use of ppi can cause heart issues, but prilosec wasn't one of them....I am going to start with them tomorrow....you are so generous to keep sharing information about this with me..  have a good  ivht Drew....Wishing you better sleep.  .coop

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One cycle!  Not do me cycle :laugh:


Have a good ivht?  Lol.  We're quite the pair

....lol...this is exactly why I could not pass typing....back in the dark ages when everyone had to pass typing to get into university.  I cried every day...In university I paid all my food and expenses money to people who would type my papers for me.  Thanks again Drew

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Hi Everyone,

I haven't read past a few posts back, so I don't know how you all are doing today.  I'm hoping that things are settling down!  I'm just doing a quick check-in after a weekend up in Portland.  My physical anxiety was up a bit while I was there, mostly manifesting itself via "the squeezes" as I unaffectionately like to call them.  I also had 2 nights of not great sleep, but that could have been from sleeping in a camping trailer in my in-laws large shop.  I didn't let it bother me (too much). 


My day today highlighted just how far I have come since last summer, and I wanted to share it with you.  I took my two daughters, along with two of their friends, to a mountain lake that is about an hour away.  It is pretty remote, with no cell service.  I had very minimal anxiety that popped up once or twice, but it didn't put a damper on my day at all.  I wasn't worried that I didn't have cell service, which last year would have made my already flaming health anxiety go crazy....no way to call 911 when I had a heart attack??? ::) ::)::)  Last summer I would have freaked out...and probably wouldn't have gone without my husband.  But today, I was calm and content and I enjoyed my day.  :thumbsup:  Just me, my girls, and their friends.  Love!


Another interesting thing was as I was reading an old magazine, I came across an article about a women whose life was almost destroyed by addiction.  She ended up being an alcoholic, but guess what started it?  You guessed it.....doctor prescribed pain pills and benzos.  She didn't have a problem, or even a desire to drink, before taking them for several years.  It talked about how hard it was for her to stop both drinking AND her prescription medications.  The article stopped after she recounted finally getting off them altogether, but it didn't touch on the post-withdrawal at all.  I'm sure it was a tough go.  The article also put more emphasis on the alcohol rather than the pain meds and benzos, but I would venture that it was the prescription meds that were causing the most damage.  It just made me realize how LUCKY we are to be healing from these poisons!!  It can be brutal, yes, but we really don't have another choice.  Healing is real.  It WILL HAPPEN.  It just takes time and patience.  We are the lucky ones.  :thumbsup:



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It's not your heart.  I would try the Prilosec and just do me cycle.  The horror stories I googled are from people taking them long term.  Mostly like benzos.


.....yep, I read an article that came across my fb. ( I don't google, but it seems like it's impossible to avoid scary medical stuff), that long term use of ppi can cause heart issues, but prilosec wasn't one of them....I am going to start with them tomorrow....you are so generous to keep sharing information about this with me..  have a good  ivht Drew....Wishing you better sleep.  .coop


Coop & Drew,


I have a very good friend who is an exercise physiologist, and does a LOT on following studies on nutrition and medications.  He had some things to say about this most recent "fuss" created regarding PPIs, so I thought I'd share it:  http://myemail.constantcontact.com/PPIs-and-Heart-Attacks--The-Bottom-Line.html?soid=1101642174615&aid=UgK7ldbjj0Y


On a personal note, his opinion is one that I value greatly.  He is smart, understands medical studies and nutrition amazingly well, and has been a great help to me during my taper and withdrawal (he even helped me figure out how to use nutrients to help 'settle' some of the withdrawal I was experiencing).  Much of his words of wisdom are what has helped me respond to many buddies on this forum in the past :)


Anyways, I thought his words could bring some ease to your mind about the recent "hoopla".  It surely helped me :)  Of course, I do not intend for it to be medical advice, and you are free to decide whatever you believe is best for you, of course :)

Hope you're feeling better soon! Love to you all,


Mrs. :smitten: :smitten:

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Thx mrs!  I was more concerned on how they turn off your acid pump thingies in your stomach.  It's fine for a short term use but many people take them perpetually.  That's what I wanted to avoid. 

Since I've given up gluten my whole digestive tract is way bette too.  There is no magic bullet which we all learned.


HH-so happy you are still doing well.  That trip to the lake sounds wonderful.  While I'm getting better, being away from "help" causes me anxiety. Not where I want to be yet.

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It's not your heart.  I would try the Prilosec and just do me cycle.  The horror stories I googled are from people taking them long term.  Mostly like benzos.


.....yep, I read an article that came across my fb. ( I don't google, but it seems like it's impossible to avoid scary medical stuff), that long term use of ppi can cause heart issues, but prilosec wasn't one of them....I am going to start with them tomorrow....you are so generous to keep sharing information about this with me..  have a good  ivht Drew....Wishing you better sleep.  .coop


Coop & Drew,


I have a very good friend who is an exercise physiologist, and does a LOT on following studies on nutrition and medications.  He had some things to say about this most recent "fuss" created regarding PPIs, so I thought I'd share it:  http://myemail.constantcontact.com/PPIs-and-Heart-Attacks--The-Bottom-Line.html?soid=1101642174615&aid=UgK7ldbjj0Y


On a personal note, his opinion is one that I value greatly.  He is smart, understands medical studies and nutrition amazingly well, and has been a great help to me during my taper and withdrawal (he even helped me figure out how to use nutrients to help 'settle' some of the withdrawal I was experiencing).  Much of his words of wisdom are what has helped me respond to many buddies on this forum in the past :)


Anyways, I thought his words could bring some ease to your mind about the recent "hoopla".  It surely helped me :)  Of course, I do not intend for it to be medical advice, and you are free to decide whatever you believe is best for you, of course :)

Hope you're feeling better soon! Love to you all,


Mrs. :smitten: :smitten:


....Thanks so much Mrs...I read the article and very much agree with his bottom line....I am losing weight rather than gaining ( I am down another 10 this month ...anxiety, health fear, no appetite and now belly pain),...I am very open to no fat/no acidic foods...). It seems like he is saying the ppi is to treat the reflux until you can make behavioral changes and get the reflux calmed..Whatever happened to goid old Mylanta or Gaviscon?.  In my entire life I have never had any kind of stomach problem, but I have never been in w/d either.

...maybe I will call the pharmacist and ask what exactly the difference is between prilosec and something like gaviscon. The mashed potatoes and yogurt seem to be tolerable. If it's not better in  month she wants a scan for hiatal hernia or gall bladder...I am willing to do anything to avoid scans and scopes...this stupid cough is taking on a life of its own and just snowballs from one possible dx to the next....I am doing all that I know how to hang on to my few shreds of rational thought....I have the clear and definite feeling that my healing would be at at least 80% if the health issues would get resolved...Tonight is better than most of the day has been...

....thanks again so much Mrs for the link...it was helpful...

...How are you doing? ...I love to see you when you drop in with your encouragements and links....love to you....coop

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