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Sky, you sound good! :smitten:  If you get a nice house, we can swap -- you can go to the theater and I'll relax in sunny Italy!  Of course you really need to wait for me to heal completely so I can clean the house first!


;D ;D ;D

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Green, I agree..cleaning is the least of my worries. It's funny though, on a good day that's all I do.

This morning I was unloading the dishwasher and it took me forever..one dish at a time..and a sit down break in between.

Sometimes I'm to stiff to unload the lower rack and hubby has to do that. I felt like I did a days work.

Also I caught myself humming the other day while folding some laundry..haven't done that in forever.

I was humming to the tune " White Christmas" ..lol..I don't know why.


🎶🎶 Just whistle while you work🎶🎶😃


Had to repost this, so funny ! ;D

Beulah, that's so funny!  As soon as I felt a little better, that's the first thing I wanted to do!  It felt like reclaiming my life, somehow, I was delighted to do those little domestic chores.


Yes, the fatigue is still very much present, it comes and goes, doesn't it?  And I still get a lot of body stiffness, also.  But somehow we seem better, don't we?  Even though that fatigue and body stiffness can still be crippling, there's definitely a change. And more good days.


Whistle while you work, huh.  When we're scrubbing the floor and screaming show tunes at the top of our lungs, we'll write the success stories. :thumbsup:

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Green and Beulah.  Happy to hear that your better days are holding.  The house cleaning thing is a cunundrum...I cling to my little routine of straightening, fussing, dusting, sweeping etc etc. .I think I feel like if I am moving my body and clinging to my Groundhog Day routine I must be ok.  It's also something I can do without a functioning mind.  . Yet I would be totally unable to put anything in the garden or go to a play.  I still have a hard time sitting in a movie.. or even sitting long enough for having dinner with friends.  Once I get through my little routine I am lost.  Having said that though, I am doing more simple simple things like shopping with my daughter.  God, I sound like I am recovering from a brain injury and am learning the basics of rehabilitative life.. oh, yeah...I am. 

  ...Planting the garden and going into the city to see some shows are so generative.  Way more meaningful than making the bed and cleaning the oven..

    Green.  Yes, the anxiety is , imo, one of the worst sx.  You just can't get away from it .. it's so physical and mental at the same time.  I am really glad it's letting up for you.

    I definitely think we are all sounding on the upswing.  Hoping hoping that it holds for everyone.  coop


Coop, reading  a book or watching a movie is still way beyond me. Can't wait to get that back in my life. I have so much reading and movies to catch up  with.

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Good morning Sky.  Hope your 'good' day is bringing you some sun breaks. ...and some more acceptable houses to see....Yes, my dog has been my link to better mornings. It is usually on our walks outside that the morning anxiety and fear begin to lift. He is a very sweet lab/shepherd...an old guy. but still so happy to go out.We live in a complex with a lot of nature and wild life so he loves going out several times a day..he totally helps me focus outside of my sx

. ..I have had him since he was a year old...he is a rescue pup and it has been a very good match.

....More books and music and movies and plays...yep, me too....wanting enough healing to enjoy them start to finish.

....sending you thoughts for healing.....coop

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Morning all,


It's still raining here!!!!!! Rained all day yesterday off and on.

It is nice to have a break from all of the sun and heat though. I said I wouldn't complain about the summer heat after the brutal winter we had...but it is hot. :)


So far, this morning isn't so bad..just the usual..some anxiety, muscle pain and stiffness.


Yesterday evening I went into a wave and went to bed with it..such a relief to wake up feeling better.

I'm getting my appetite back in the mornings. Use to eat just to get something on my stomach so I wouldn't be sick.

I don't get as hungry during the day as I do evenings.

It's funny though, I won't have an appetite most mornings..but my husband will be fixing him some breakfast and when I smell it..I get hungry...unless I'm in a wave.


Ok, enough food talk...now I'm hungry.. ;D I'm thinking scrambled eggs with bacon, hey.. I went to war last night..I worked up an appetite.

Hope you all have a peaceful day.


Keeping it low and slow. :smitten:




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Good Morning Folks ... woke up with what I can only call the "flu" this morning ... yuk ... dizzy and wonky ... tried to go for a walk ... took the bus home ... those four bananas weighted about 20 pounds, or so they felt ...  :tickedoff:


Another day in the salt mines ...


Yep, another go slow, quiet day ... gonna start raining and then maybe a storm later today ... whoopee ...


Have a good one everybody ...  8)

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Beulah.  Yay for waves that go away overnight. ...Eggs and bacon. ...eat up friend...You sound good Beulah.  More and more you sound good.  Thank you for shining a light...I am trying to follow..  Sending you hopes for big sunbreaks in the rain... .coop
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Nova, .  Take care friend.  At least you got out there and did what you could do...I hope you feel better as the day moves along. Cozy up for the storm and make banana bread. 

...thinking of you.  .coop

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I feel so bad for complaining again, but I’m really suffering.  Last Wed/Thurs was such an improvement, so much calmer and optimistic. Then a little negative stress from other people shut my window with a bang. My dishwasher had broken and even though I could not really afford it I had to replace as I would have had to pay £150 for nothing (repair unsuccessful) and I had a bit of a meltdown, got over it and then on Saturday my boiler broke, no hot water. I know this sounds trivial but kids were complaining to me about showering etc. I had a major meltdown since then this wave has just got worse and worse and I feel like I am just flaky and not able to cope with anything anymore. Previously this would have just bounced of me as a minor inconvenience.  All the fear has come back tenfold, my heart feels like it is going to conk out and my brain just sick, confused and foggy. Could this wave have been made worse by this? So sorry to rabble on to you good people and I know you all have your own dodo going on. This is just a bit knife edge stuff.  :-[
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Coop ... those bananas are for she who must be obeyed ... and they are too fresh ... never thought to get some really ripe ones ... next time ... haven't had banana bread in a long time ... putting that on my to bake list ...
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Hi guys,

Things are still holding well for me since the trip. I spent yesterday unpacking and doing laundry, catching up on a pile of mail.. I normally would feel stress or pressure from all that's on my to do list, but I've felt none of that-- completely stress free. My sleep has been great, I'm falling asleep early and sleeping all through the night. Nerve pain has been gone for a while now, just a little numbness now and then, my head still has some head pressure and tingly feelings but I'm dealing with it. I can really see now that all those months of not feeling or seeing any progress that I was healing underneath it all. I don't know why it works that way, but healing is happening everyday even when we can't see it. Jenny

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Marj ... any stress can send us over the top ... and make things feel worse ... things will settle out and then you will be back to feeling more grounded ...


When we are sick, we are sick ... and those little things can become really big things ... this too shall pass ...  :smitten:

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Nova...you are a light today...I know you feel like crap, and yet you find humor and positivity out on the thread.  My lesson for the day....thank you.. If you lived next door I would give you the bananas from my kitchen that are going spotted. 

...carry on....we love you.....coop

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Marj ... any stress can send us over the top ... and make things feel worse ... things will settle out and then you will be back to feeling more grounded ...


When we are sick, we are sick ... and those little things can become really big things ... this too shall pass ...  :smitten:


Oh Nova you are such a good egg, I know you're not exactly doing cartwheels at the moment, so thanks for your reassurance. I would love to make you some chocolate brownies when you are better  :smitten:

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marj--I feel bad for you.  I remember things like what you've just gone through feeling like it had just pushed me over the edge.    As healing went on, I realized I was probably heading for a wave anyway when those things happened, and it wasn't actually circumstances and other people who were flipping me out.  Your brain just can't handle stress like this the way it would have in the past...and will in the future!  As you get well you'll start noticing times when you'll thinking--hey, wait, wouldn't that have flipped me out six months ago?  I'm sure you're already trying to avoid stress as much as possible,  right?  But we don't get to tick off "Dishwasher won't break" on some kind of a checklist as we proceed in healing.  :D
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Can I recommend this to anyone interested. I came across this on Baylissa's Bloom in Wellness. Not sure if the link will work; She is littlemissperfect on YouTube, really helped me.






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Hi guys,

Things are still holding well for me since the trip. I spent yesterday unpacking and doing laundry, catching up on a pile of mail.. I normally would feel stress or pressure from all that's on my to do list, but I've felt none of that-- completely stress free. My sleep has been great, I'm falling asleep early and sleeping all through the night. Nerve pain has been gone for a while now, just a little numbness now and then, my head still has some head pressure and tingly feelings but I'm dealing with it. I can really see now that all those months of not feeling or seeing any progress that I was healing underneath it all. I don't know why it works that way, but healing is happening everyday even when we can't see it. Jenny


Jenny, Oh my gosh. I am sooooo happy for you. :)

I know we have suffered that awful nerve and muscle pain together.

Yes, it can all change on a dime. We feel as though we're dying one day and the next..Big Healing!!!!!

Laundry and unpacking..you go girl!!!!!

A to do list and no stress..ahhh...music to my eyes. ;)

Keep up the good work and know that much more healing is right ahead of you..gets better and better.

Many hugs and much healing. :smitten:

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Good Morning Folks ... woke up with what I can only call the "flu" this morning ... yuk ... dizzy and wonky ... tried to go for a walk ... took the bus home ... those four bananas weighted about 20 pounds, or so they felt ...  :tickedoff:


Another day in the salt mines ...


Yep, another go slow, quiet day ... gonna start raining and then maybe a storm later today ... whoopee ...


Have a good one everybody ...  8)



Nova, sorry you are getting hit with the flu. Yep, sometimes just a loaf of bread feels to much for me, like carrying a weight.

Good thing you were able to get a bus back home.

When I walk I try not to stray to far out because I know I still have the walk back home and a good chance that my muscles might be mad at me.

Hope your day improves. Maybe some of your yummy soup will sit well.

Low and slow. :smitten:

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Hi guys,

Things are still holding well for me since the trip. I spent yesterday unpacking and doing laundry, catching up on a pile of mail.. I normally would feel stress or pressure from all that's on my to do list, but I've felt none of that-- completely stress free. My sleep has been great, I'm falling asleep early and sleeping all through the night. Nerve pain has been gone for a while now, just a little numbness now and then, my head still has some head pressure and tingly feelings but I'm dealing with it. I can really see now that all those months of not feeling or seeing any progress that I was healing underneath it all. I don't know why it works that way, but healing is happening everyday even when we can't see it. Jenny


.....Jenny....I am doing a happy dance  for you!.  Such great news.  You so have this coming...just weeks ago you were do hurting.  So much encouragment and healing going on on this thread this week.  Enjoy your big window.  ...coop

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marj--I feel bad for you.  I remember things like what you've just gone through feeling like it had just pushed me over the edge.    As healing went on, I realized I was probably heading for a wave anyway when those things happened, and it wasn't actually circumstances and other people who were flipping me out.  Your brain just can't handle stress like this the way it would have in the past...and will in the future!  As you get well you'll start noticing times when you'll thinking--hey, wait, wouldn't that have flipped me out six months ago?  I'm sure you're already trying to avoid stress as much as possible,  right?  But we don't get to tick off "Dishwasher won't break" on some kind of a checklist as we proceed in healing.  :D


FJ – It’s so good to hear from someone who is on the other side who worn the t shirt out. Maybe my window was due to close as it was the first one that lasted over 2 days. All I know is something irritated me, then something else………….. cue the thoughts going do lally and then floods of tears. The boiler, I thought was trying to finish me off and I’ve been in and out of crying spells since. Yes, this too shall pass and I hold on to your words and tell myself I am not having a breakdown



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Beulah.  Yay for waves that go away overnight. ...Eggs and bacon. ...eat up friend...You sound good Beulah.  More and more you sound good.  Thank you for shining a light...I am trying to follow..  Sending you hopes for big sunbreaks in the rain... .coop

Yes Coop, I will continue to shine the light..don't get lost in the darkness.

You are getting there my friend...just very slowly.


🎶🎶 This little light of mine🎶 I'm gonna let it shine🎶 :smitten:

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Just a little update....another hour this morning of sunbreak while out with the dog....it kind of dimmed the minute I walked in my apartment....don't know what that is about but I will take it... hoping for the best

....Wishing everyone a better day....coop

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Just a little update....another hour this morning of sunbreak while out with the dog....it kind of dimmed the minute I walked in my apartment....don't know what that is about but I will take it... hoping for the best

....Wishing everyone a better day....coop


That's such good news Coop, such encouragement for you. It's like a taster of what's to come  :smitten:

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Good Morning Folks ... woke up with what I can only call the "flu" this morning ... yuk ... dizzy and wonky ... tried to go for a walk ... took the bus home ... those four bananas weighted about 20 pounds, or so they felt ...  :tickedoff:


Another day in the salt mines ...


Yep, another go slow, quiet day ... gonna start raining and then maybe a storm later today ... whoopee ...


Have a good one everybody ...  8)


Some rain coming here too, Nova. But we really needed it, it was great to nap with a breeze !


Sorry about the flu feeling, but you know that's how salt mines are. Do you  know the way out of here ?  ;)

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