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Drew, that is such good news...that's almost 2 months of being aura free.  ..well yaaa... your dad could have saved you a little worry over the years....lol....at least you can look at your dad as living proof that as miserable as they are, your migraines and auras are not dangerous. 

...you sound like you are holding together after your wedding weekend....what a great sign of healing... coop

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Green, actually having someone affirming for me that this pain is w/d does make it easier to handle ...keeps me from going over the cliff. I remember when HH had some panics last winter and was scared for her heart and got very courageous and went to the doctor. ..I remember her saying that she got up....put on her grown up dress and high heels and went to the doctor. ..and all was well.  And I remember her towards the end of winter begging her husband to take her to er.  but got through the night without going to er...all of that was right before she turned a big corner.  Do you remember if she said how long this chest/back pain went on. This is scary because it's not like a sore achey back and chest...this is a painful back and chest, but I will say that it is better at rest.. My rational mind says it's w/d.. ..my health fear crazed mind says it's a heart attack waiting to happen....in spite of 3 recent ekgs ....crazed.  thanks Green for that reminder....coop


Coop, it went on for a little bit.  I remember thinking it had to be bad because HH was a trooper and she was absolutely freaking out, as I remember.  Yes, she did go to doctors, she was that freaked.  It went on.  She complained about it over time, like in different waves.  Rib cage pain that extended through to her back, that she felt squeezed her.  We could look up the old posts.  I sometimes do that to verify old waves.  And she felt like she couldn't breathe.  That's why she went to the doctor.


Coop, it's a very stressful symptom to handle.  Go slow, a day at a time.  You've had all the tests. That's all you can do.

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I hit the "one year" mark today.  Still a long way to go to heal, but it feels good to make it to this point.  Compared to a year ago, I've come a long way.  Looking forward to what another year of healing can bring.  Best wishes to you all!


Congratulations!  That's a milestone.  Welcome.  And don't assume a long way.  It can happen at any time. :smitten:

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Sky ... I moved during my taper ... it was something we wanted to do ... as with Coop, I made lists ... was not a fun day when I accidently packed my lists and could not remember where I put them ... so made another list ...


It all got done ... one day at a time ...


You have everything you need to get through this ... waiting to hear your "moving stories" ...


And it is normal to feel a little overwhelmed with all this stuff ... and we always get through what is in front of us ...  :smitten:

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Good Morning ... shut down early last night ... got 7 hours of sleep ... up and about in the wee hours before sunrise ...


Some congestion and aches and pains in my shoulders and back ... they will settle out in a while ...


Looking forward to today ... anticipating things ... and some feeling of "another day of drudge" ...


It feels good to be able to "know" that things are getting better ... real, live, rock solid better ... and still have some "stuff" going on ...


Hope we all have a good Tuesday ...  :smitten:

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:Sky....I am so sorry that you have to move...moving makes us anxious even when we are not w/ding ...I moved during my taper. .It was difficult but not as hard as I thought it would be. None of the things I feared a out moving ( not being able to go confidently in my new neighborhood, not feeling at home in my new apartment, losing contact with my small circle of friends)...none of these things happened...it took a little while but things sorted themselves out.

...The logistics of moving took careful planning ...as I could not at that time in acute plan much of anything my son made a plan and a time line of tasks ...each single day had a list of things to be accomplished...we put the ideas for the plan together jointly....but my son sorted out the details and the time line. In the end I just looked at one day at a time and did the tasks rote. My son had to do much of the financial organizing and transactions...I tried to think of only each day singly. My mind often ran away with me, but if I kept coming back to the daily task plan I could find my place again. Often the list was so simple a first grader could do it...ie...empty dresser drawers and pack contents.."...we tried to not have too many tasks on a given day.. but you may be more pressed for time...It's going to be ok Sky...No doubt your anxiety will be engaged...but it's going to be ok. You have Mr Sky at your side and you know we are all here to support you through it.

...I am really glad you brought this to the thread. W/D effects our entire lives...There will be a lot of good and helpful ideas here for you about navigating a move.

....I think there are so many good things about CBT, but some of it is time consuming and requires exercises and learning new strategies...it can be easy to fall into the mind trick of feeling like you are 'not doing it right' or you ' forgot' certain strategies....If it were me, I would just take the bits and pieces that appeal to you in the moment and focus on those and maybe think about CBT as a whole after you are a little more settled...that is just my thought. Drew would be the one to really share thoughts about CBT training with you...I just know it can be involved. 

...Sky, dear friend....you are so far away from being anything less than hugely intelligent, bright, reflective, lovely lovely person. Benzo w/d tells us so many lies about ourselves. Sky, there is no way that I could have worked during w/d ...and traveled to spend 3 weeks with a fragile mother and less than understanding relatives.  Sky...you are an amazing person. Nobody on this thread gives a whit if you remember details of our posts.. you always bring support and compassion and insight and humor to us. We would not be the little band of friends that we are, who have come so far together if you were not bringing all the gifts that you offer to the table.

  ..You are very smart...and hugely competent Sky.  We will all help you through your move one day at a time. 

...I know all the buddies here will post back with great encouragement ...The most helpful thing to me when I moved was the same as in w/d.  One day at a time.  And knowing that tomorrow is another day and another chance to move forward..  and btw.  I am still not making new friends. . maybe in the third year.  or maybe when I am 70.  I can not yet handle verbal conversations...

  .We're with you Sky . Love to you.  coop


Coop, you are right, thanks for the advice. :smitten:

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Sky ... I moved during my taper ... it was something we wanted to do ... as with Coop, I made lists ... was not a fun day when I accidently packed my lists and could not remember where I put them ... so made another list ...


It all got done ... one day at a time ...


You have everything you need to get through this ... waiting to hear your "moving stories" ...


And it is normal to feel a little overwhelmed with all this stuff ... and we always get through what is in front of us ...  :smitten:


THanks Nova, it seems everbody is choosing this time to make radical changes in their lives.


You packed your list ? Sounds like something I might do, can't wait ! :D

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Morning all,


I’m so grateful for you all and need your support. I’m trying to self talk and breathe slowly through this, however I’m scared if I’m honest that at 14 months this may get worse and worse. I just feel like my brain has gone sort of numb or like it’s trying to squeeze out of my skull. I’ve had the usual head pressure on and off but this feels different because I feel so spaced out at the same time. I drove to work in a daze and that freaks me out. Could it be that I am just tired from such a long time without a really good sleep? I almost feel like I’m going to end up just staring into space with dribble coming down my chin. I called to see my Mum yesterday after work as it was playing on my mind; I love her very much. Anyway, she actually understands more than I realized so I feel better about that (how can they possibly get it). Also I’m not sure if re living my neighbour story has added to my stress, however I’m glad I did as you all were really helpful. Is this just stress? This is just so scary, I’m afraid this is going to make me depressed. I got upset to my daughter last night that I don’t know how to be happy so now I’m worrying that she is worrying  :'(  Sorry for being dramatic


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Morning all,


I was so exhausted after our company left yesterday that I had to lay down and regroup.

Cool as a cucumber till I heard a knock on the door. My heart rate shot up and my brain shut down.

I had to keep reminding myself that if this became to much for me I had planned an escape the night before with my daughter (darn, I forgot all about our hair appointment.)

Our company was my husband's two sisters and a family friend. After about a ten minute visit I excused myself and went to the bathroom for an emotional release( cried my eyes out) put on a fresh face and joined back in.

After we all talked for about half an hour the questions started.


Sisters- So your not working anymore?

Me - No, I was having to many problems with my feet standing all day.

Sisters - Have you lost weight?

Me - I'm eating healthier.

Sisters - So, you sold your house..how do you like apartment living?

Me - A lot easier up keep.


My husband sat quietly on pins and needles and assured me before they arrived that he would come to my rescue if needed.

As we were eating lunch the family friend starting cracking jokes about all the fun times we all use to have..it took the spotlight off of me and I started to calm a little.

After we ate we went to the living room and some more questions started by the sisters...they know something is not right.

My husband could see that I was uncomfortable and he excused himself to the bathroom.

After about two minutes my husband yelled out of the bathroom loudly..Call Emergency Maintenance Quick...The toilet is over flowing and flooding the floor. Company Gone!!!!! :laugh::)

My hero!!!! ;)


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Marj ... you are probably pointing in the right direction ... right now you are working through everyday, normal, we all live through it, stress ...


And ... there seems to be a "transition time" for many of us ... after getting to a certain point in our recovery we start feeling the every day stuff again ... and it can be very hard and confusing ... and once again it just takes time to get through this piece of work ... and we all get through it ...


The cycles some of us have been living through gradually dissipate ... and for a while everything, the recovery stuff and the normal stuff, are all using the same pathways ... this will change for you as it changes for all of us ...


And you are probably very tired, sometimes bordering on exhaustion ... and ... it gets better ... there seems to be a stretch of months for some of us where things just feel harder than anything that came before and some days just feel impossible to get through ... and we get through them doing just what we have been doing all these months ...


One day at a time ... keep things slow as much as you can ... and be kind to yourself as much as you can ... you are doing a marvelous job ... you will get through this stretch ... it is a very tough one ...



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Well ... did my hike this morning ... took about three hours ... had to get through a couple of "walls" ... nothing too dramatic ... enjoyed myself ... and brought my lunch home ...


So ... I took myself out for a test drive ... and I liked it ... planning another one for next week ... now I am looking down the road to the Fall ... maybe some long ones might be possible this year ...


Rain tomorrow ... so a cooking day ...


Hope we all have a quiet Tuesday ...  :smitten:

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Nova, I am doing a happy dance for you....you sound so good...and that feeling of knowing...knowing that healing is solid underneath the sx.  "  looking forward to Fall".. it is such a joy to look forward to good things down the road. . Happy happy for you....coop
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Beulah, ... boy, that sounds stressful...I can relate completely. I love that your hubby came to the rescue with such a hilarious prank..  It does all sound exhausting...I still have a very difficult time having more than one or two people over and feel claustrophobic in conversations. You gave it a huge effort and made it through ...I hope you can recover today with some quiet sunbreaks....The entire scenario would make a great Brit. comedy.  Glad that's over for you....coop
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Marj.. everything that Nova said.... yep...it's all w/d...You will not be stuck in this ....it will cycle....and cycle ....and you will heal...Your feelings of clarity and happiness will come back. That fog and disconnect is the calling card of w/d...it will come and go frequently....just do one day at a time...do the best that you can do with that given day...and then let it go.

.....Going to work every day is a monumental accomplishment. You are more than half way there and seeing it through... many of us are unable to work while in w/d.. go easy and be kind to yourself...Wishing you sunbreaks...coop

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Morning all,


I was so exhausted after our company left yesterday that I had to lay down and regroup.

Cool as a cucumber till I heard a knock on the door. My heart rate shot up and my brain shut down.

I had to keep reminding myself that if this became to much for me I had planned an escape the night before with my daughter (darn, I forgot all about our hair appointment.)

Our company was my husband's two sisters and a family friend. After about a ten minute visit I excused myself and went to the bathroom for an emotional release( cried my eyes out) put on a fresh face and joined back in.

After we all talked for about half an hour the questions started.


Sisters- So your not working anymore?

Me - No, I was having to many problems with my feet standing all day.

Sisters - Have you lost weight?

Me - I'm eating healthier.

Sisters - So, you sold your house..how do you like apartment living?

Me - A lot easier up keep.


My husband sat quietly on pins and needles and assured me before they arrived that he would come to my rescue if needed.

As we were eating lunch the family friend starting cracking jokes about all the fun times we all use to have..it took the spotlight off of me and I started to calm a little.

After we ate we went to the living room and some more questions started by the sisters...they know something is not right.

My husband could see that I was uncomfortable and he excused himself to the bathroom.

After about two minutes my husband yelled out of the bathroom loudly..Call Emergency Maintenance Quick...The toilet is over flowing and flooding the floor. Company Gone!!!!! :laugh::)

My hero!!!! ;)


:2funny: :2funny:


Beulah, what a jewel you have for a husband !

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Marj ... you are probably pointing in the right direction ... right now you are working through everyday, normal, we all live through it, stress ...


And ... there seems to be a "transition time" for many of us ... after getting to a certain point in our recovery we start feeling the every day stuff again ... and it can be very hard and confusing ... and once again it just takes time to get through this piece of work ... and we all get through it ...


The cycles some of us have been living through gradually dissipate ... and for a while everything, the recovery stuff and the normal stuff, are all using the same pathways ... this will change for you as it changes for all of us ...


And you are probably very tired, sometimes bordering on exhaustion ... and ... it gets better ... there seems to be a stretch of months for some of us where things just feel harder than anything that came before and some days just feel impossible to get through ... and we get through them doing just what we have been doing all these months ...


One day at a time ... keep things slow as much as you can ... and be kind to yourself as much as you can ... you are doing a marvelous job ... you will get through this stretch ... it is a very tough one ...




Thank you so much Nova for taking the time to encourage me. I try to be kind to myself but invariably when things are tough I tend to get frustrated and bash myself. The thoughts just go haywire. I cling to the words 'it gets better' :smitten:

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Marj.. everything that Nova said.... yep...it's all w/d...You will not be stuck in this ....it will cycle....and cycle ....and you will heal...Your feelings of clarity and happiness will come back. That fog and disconnect is the calling card of w/d...it will come and go frequently....just do one day at a time...do the best that you can do with that given day...and then let it go.

.....Going to work every day is a monumental accomplishment. You are more than half way there and seeing it through... many of us are unable to work while in w/d.. go easy and be kind to yourself...Wishing you sunbreaks...coop


Thanks Coop, I keep reading your reply to reinforce it. Yes I go to work, I have to. On days like this I don't do much, it's a struggle sometimes. Oh and that feeling of being stuck, I hate it, it's so scary. Tomorrow is another day, hopefully it's better. Wishing you a bright long sunny interval :smitten:

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WOW, I am at 16 months today.  That is positive at least.  Unfortunately, this is the worst I have felt in my life.  I am not going to sugar coat it.  I am hurting and it's really weighing on me bad.  Truly feels like I will never get better.  It started a month ago and each day gets a little worse.  It all feels like this just can't be just withdrawal.  :'(  I have massive head/ear pressure and I can barely walk in a straight line I am so dizzy.  I get very faint and nearly pass out in stressful situations (which is most situations)  I just don't know what to do with myself.  I need a break to just recover but I have so many obligations and people to take care of that I don't have time for myself.Truly hope there is a big window on the other side of this.  I feel like I just 'leveled up' to this group and now it has already been 4 months with no end in sight.  Hugs to all of you suffering out there.  I feel you in a big way.
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Morning all,


I was so exhausted after our company left yesterday that I had to lay down and regroup.

Cool as a cucumber till I heard a knock on the door. My heart rate shot up and my brain shut down.

I had to keep reminding myself that if this became to much for me I had planned an escape the night before with my daughter (darn, I forgot all about our hair appointment.)

Our company was my husband's two sisters and a family friend. After about a ten minute visit I excused myself and went to the bathroom for an emotional release( cried my eyes out) put on a fresh face and joined back in.


After we all talked for about half an hour the questions started.


Sisters- So your not working anymore?

Me - No, I was having to many problems with my feet standing all day.

Sisters - Have you lost weight?

Me - I'm eating healthier.

Sisters - So, you sold your house..how do you like apartment living?

Me - A lot easier up keep.


My husband sat quietly on pins and needles and assured me before they arrived that he would come to my rescue if needed.

As we were eating lunch the family friend starting cracking jokes about all the fun times we all use to have..it took the spotlight off of me and I started to calm a little.

After we ate we went to the living room and some more questions started by the sisters...they know something is not right.

My husband could see that I was uncomfortable and he excused himself to the bathroom.

After about two minutes my husband yelled out of the bathroom loudly..Call Emergency Maintenance Quick...The toilet is over flowing and flooding the floor. Company Gone!!!!! :laugh::)

My hero!!!! ;)


:2funny: :2funny:


Beulah, what a jewel you have for a husband !


Yes Sky..he is a jewel. So glad yesterday is over.

Wanted to let you know that I moved over a year while still very sick. I enlisted help from my family and it went pretty smoothly. I wasn't able to pack or do anything physical..but I was able to plan and let everyone know what needed to be done. My daughter and husband did the packing, my son made the moving arrangements and hired the movers.

I put a plan in place on paper and it worked.

I'm not saying it was easy..it was very hard on me mentally to think about the job ahead of time.

After we got moved in it was like a fresh start. Just try to pace yourself and go slowly.

Take all the help you can get. Out with the old and in with the new. :smitten:


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I hate doing this, I have to bother you with details from my offline life. They are probably going to affect my wd.


The house, we just accepted an offer on it. It's an incredibly low offer, but that is all we can get at a time like this.


I feel weird about the whole thing. I came to live here in this town, 6 years ago under benzos and I would have liked to leave it cured, in order to know what it really was like.

I know some bad things have happened here, mr Sky never really liked it in the end and as of today, I still don't have any real honest to God friends.

I guess that after a certain age, it gets harder and harder to make friends from scratch. People our age are busy devoting their time to family and don't seem too interested in making friends with new people, at least that is what my very  general, maybe sick, impression is.


Anyway, there are a lot of mixed emotions. We had a long series of unfortunate events happen here and we do need a bigger house, closer to our new needs.


But I am scared, of  the change, of all the logistical problems we will be facing and those will be quite a few.


I wanted to  be healed, in order to do all these things but that won't happen. So I am anxious. We have to look for another house, move our things and in all this, I will have to try to keep on  working and also visit my mother before we move in.


We want to get a house that, in a pinch, would accomodate my mother  as well,


I had started seeing this town for the first time with any clarity, in wd, a year ago. How ironic. 


Yesterday, because of this, I had a bad attack of anxiety. So, I started looking into CBT, to see if I can cope with these moments. I checked out a website and I found some material online, I am working on trying to understand it with my benzo brain.


I found a anxiety worksheet, and I had a look.


I am including this quote, I thought it was interesting.


Switching worry topics: Research on worry has found that people often “hop” from

one worry topic to another. They think about one worry, which makes them feel

anxious, and then they switch to another worry. The problem with this approach is

that you never get to fully “digest” your fear, and really clearly see what it is that

you are afraid of. Instead, you are avoiding upsetting thoughts and feelings by

constantly “switching” your worries. The problem with this strategy is that

avoidance doesn’t work in the long run. So how is a worry script different? Rather than putting all of your energy into avoiding

upsetting thoughts and images, you can instead face your fears head on! By writing

about your biggest worry, you will be facing those negative thoughts and bad feelings.

You will also get a clear picture of what it is you are really afraid of, which will give you a

chance to “digest” your anxiety and change how you think about your fear. People who

write a worry script for a few weeks report that they feel less anxious and worried about

the worry topic they were working on.

The Good News…

Although you might have many worries about hypothetical situations, they usually fall

under one or two themes. That is, different worries might involve a similar idea.

For example, worries about losing your job, problems in your relationship, and concerns

about your personal health might all involve a theme of personal failure (that is, “what if I

don’t succeed in life, and others see me as a failure?”). When you work on one worry

script, your worries about a similar theme will also go down.


I think there are some interesting considerations here, for all of us and I am going to work on a worry script. Some points above, do apply to me.


Excuse me for such a long post.


Another thing, I sometimes do not respond to all the posts I read, but for one reason, I feel so stupid, I do not know what to say.


LIke Coop's UTC. I could not remember one single thing on the topic and even though, I was worried, I did not respond. I feel bad about that, sometimes I understand some posts, long after they have been written.


I don't know where I am going with this. Actually, I do. Now, I am going to bed, I have to wake up early tomorrow.  :laugh:


Thanks for listening, hope to receive some advice on how to cope with my anxiety.  :smitten:


Night and happy healing.


Sky, I think it's a good move for you.  You wanted to be closer to your mom, and have room for her if necessary.  And this town never worked for you.  You gave it every opportunity, and it just didn't work, it wasn't a good fit for you and Mr. Sky.


It's too bad you didn't get a better price, but the fact that you found a buyer is positive.  We learn in withdrawal to cut our losses and move on, let go and move on.  Instead of waiting to be healed there, you can be healed in your new home and have all the positive feelings associated with that.

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:Sky....I am so sorry that you have to move...moving makes us anxious even when we are not w/ding ...I moved during my taper. .It was difficult but not as hard as I thought it would be. None of the things I feared a out moving ( not being able to go confidently in my new neighborhood, not feeling at home in my new apartment, losing contact with my small circle of friends)...none of these things happened...it took a little while but things sorted themselves out.

...The logistics of moving took careful planning ...as I could not at that time in acute plan much of anything my son made a plan and a time line of tasks ...each single day had a list of things to be accomplished...we put the ideas for the plan together jointly....but my son sorted out the details and the time line. In the end I just looked at one day at a time and did the tasks rote. My son had to do much of the financial organizing and transactions...I tried to think of only each day singly. My mind often ran away with me, but if I kept coming back to the daily task plan I could find my place again. Often the list was so simple a first grader could do it...ie...empty dresser drawers and pack contents.."...we tried to not have too many tasks on a given day.. but you may be more pressed for time...It's going to be ok Sky...No doubt your anxiety will be engaged...but it's going to be ok. You have Mr Sky at your side and you know we are all here to support you through it.

...I am really glad you brought this to the thread. W/D effects our entire lives...There will be a lot of good and helpful ideas here for you about navigating a move.

....I think there are so many good things about CBT, but some of it is time consuming and requires exercises and learning new strategies...it can be easy to fall into the mind trick of feeling like you are 'not doing it right' or you ' forgot' certain strategies....If it were me, I would just take the bits and pieces that appeal to you in the moment and focus on those and maybe think about CBT as a whole after you are a little more settled...that is just my thought. Drew would be the one to really share thoughts about CBT training with you...I just know it can be involved. 

...Sky, dear friend....you are so far away from being anything less than hugely intelligent, bright, reflective, lovely lovely person. Benzo w/d tells us so many lies about ourselves. Sky, there is no way that I could have worked during w/d ...and traveled to spend 3 weeks with a fragile mother and less than understanding relatives.  Sky...you are an amazing person. Nobody on this thread gives a whit if you remember details of our posts.. you always bring support and compassion and insight and humor to us. We would not be the little band of friends that we are, who have come so far together if you were not bringing all the gifts that you offer to the table.

  ..You are very smart...and hugely competent Sky.  We will all help you through your move one day at a time. 

...I know all the buddies here will post back with great encouragement ...The most helpful thing to me when I moved was the same as in w/d.  One day at a time.  And knowing that tomorrow is another day and another chance to move forward..  and btw.  I am still not making new friends. . maybe in the third year.  or maybe when I am 70.  I can not yet handle verbal conversations...

  .We're with you Sky . Love to you.  coop


Sky, Coop said everything I would have liked to say if my thinking weren't so constipated!  And I want to add something FJ posted, that I've been finding helpful. At least this is how I interpreted it.  The things I worry about doing, that take me forever to do, that I get too tired, either mentally or physically tired to complete, I'm talking about tasks around the house specifically, FJ noted once she felt better she accomplished these tasks simply and easily, and again noted was it even worth summoning our limited energy reserves to do things that are beyond us, when we will do these things easily, quickly, effortlessly once we are healed?  Help Mr. Sky where you can.  Listen to Coop, maybe make some lists you can follow so he doesn't have to do everything.  And I have a good feeling about your move :smitten:

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Good Morning ... shut down early last night ... got 7 hours of sleep ... up and about in the wee hours before sunrise ...


Some congestion and aches and pains in my shoulders and back ... they will settle out in a while ...


Looking forward to today ... anticipating things ... and some feeling of "another day of drudge" ...


It feels good to be able to "know" that things are getting better ... real, live, rock solid better ... and still have some "stuff" going on ...


Hope we all have a good Tuesday ...  :smitten:


Nova, I'm tagging behind you, hopefully.  Hope you don't mind!  Had awful mental sx yesterday, which turned into some soul crushing depression.  which thankfully seems to have passed.


Are you walking today?

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Good Morning ... shut down early last night ... got 7 hours of sleep ... up and about in the wee hours before sunrise ...


Some congestion and aches and pains in my shoulders and back ... they will settle out in a while ...


Looking forward to today ... anticipating things ... and some feeling of "another day of drudge" ...


It feels good to be able to "know" that things are getting better ... real, live, rock solid better ... and still have some "stuff" going on ...





Hope we all have a good Tuesday ...  :smitten:



Nova, you have definitely turned a healing corner..so happy for you. :thumbsup:


Yes, even though we still have multiple symptoms and feel like crap most of the time...we can still feel the healing...mentally and physically.

My husband told me that all of last year I was standing and walking all hunched over..I didn't know I was..he said now I'm standing straight up...didn't know that either.

I think our healing changes sometimes go unnoticed by ourselves...but noticed by others.

Can really detect a change for the better with you in your writings.

Keep healing. :smitten:

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