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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

12-18 month support


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CALLING ALL 12-18 MONTH BUDDIES.....OK...here's the problem....my physician's office called with some lab results they " overlooked" or got sent late from last week ...It appears that I have a urinary track infection....the problem is they are aggressively pushing the high powered big guns antibiotic on mr... a quinolone...but a z-pak I think....I don't want it...I want an old time sulfa or erythromycin or something..they are not hearing me .. telling me I will damage my kidneys...I will create a super bug if I don't take it....I am kind of mad....My thought is to start small and give it more than 3 days...

....Any and all advice welcome... am I being paranoid?

...thanks buddies......coop

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Drew, glad to hear that you got some sleep and a break from some sx.  Taking a break is good I think.. sounds like you have a big weekend coming up....having some reserves will help you through...imo...you are such a warrior...as Beulah says..  low and slow....when you need too....coop
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Coop ... my urinary track infection cleared up on its own ... the Macrobid they gave me, I only took three doses ... could not handle anymore ...


Bottom line, it is your call ... you know your body ... I would tell them to stop scaring you and start talking to you ... talk with your doc, he seems to listen to you ...


Going slow can be a good thing ...  :smitten:

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Thanks Nova, .  I think I am going to ask them to give me a few days to flush my system and drink some cranberry juice and repeat the test.  .Man, you would have thought they were going after Ebola.  I think they are sick of me and I realize I am a ' difficult patient'.. but I think beginning at a less agrees I've place is better....thanks for the back up

....Is the rest of your day going along with lesser sx.  I cooked today....a nice Mediterranean pasta bake.. turned out nice...I started out with anxiety and health fear, but it eased up as the day went along...until the argument over antibiotics...carry on Nova.....coop

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Coop ... I did a good long walk again today ... hips and legs are a little tired, but that is to be expected ... it is months since I have done two days in a row ... will go again tomorrow ... I want to work up to being out six or seven hours so I can visit some of the trails I have not been on for several years ...


Not a miserable day today for me, some zaps and zots and some neck and throat tightness ... nothing the arnica can't handle ... tried to do some hooking but my eyes seem to still be unsteady so I just cut yarn instead ...


And ... we are not difficult patients ... we are patients that demand to be heard and respected ...  :thumbsup:

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Coop, if you can tolerate it take a ton of Vitamin C too.  Usually knocks my wife's UTI's right out within a day or 2.  Good luck.  Sorry you are going through that.
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AquaVal....great advice...I don't have problems with vitamin C.  I hadn't thought of that.  Thanks....coop
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Nova....you are sounding GOOD my friend....I am so glad to hear it...you have been through hell and back....you so deserve these good days....hope they just keep coming along.. good for you Nova.  coop..
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Coop, I would drink lots of cranberry/water and some garlic-- its a natural antibiotic. I think your idea is a good one-- see if you can flush it out on your own before taking anything. Feel better, jenny
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CALLING ALL 12-18 MONTH BUDDIES.....OK...here's the problem....my physician's office called with some lab results they " overlooked" or got sent late from last week ...It appears that I have a urinary track infection....the problem is they are aggressively pushing the high powered big guns antibiotic on mr... a quinolone...but a z-pak I think....I don't want it...I want an old time sulfa or erythromycin or something..they are not hearing me .. telling me I will damage my kidneys...I will create a super bug if I don't take it....I am kind of mad....My thought is to start small and give it more than 3 days...

....Any and all advice welcome... am I being paranoid?

...thanks buddies......coop


Coop, I have cleared up uti's with cranberry juice. Did they happen to mention if it's a bad one?

I have also not been able to clear them without antibiotics. I would go the cranberry route first..give it a few days and then re- check.

I'm sure they are fighting you on this...they don't understand why we have to avoid certain antibiotics.

Stick to your guns...you are the one in charge of your health.

Feel better. :smitten:

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Thanks Jenny and Beulah....I am going to hit the cranberry juice and water and vitamin C for a few days...they have agreed to repeat the test on monday. They are a little  freaked out because of the back pain ( more like a big ache), but it is right under the same place as my shingles were...the rash is just clearing away, I think the discomfort is risidual from the shingles. Piano Girl and Chinook Wind both said they have had z-pak or zithromax throughout thier w/d without problems...so I am calming down ...

....I am on my way to my grandson's music performance...I will probably pay because I am definitely on the hair trigger side of sx, but I just can't miss it....I am so sick of allowing Benzo to gobble up pieces of my life. I may not remember a thing of the performance, I might be near panic every second but my ex husband and son and d/l will be there.. and all 3 of my grandsons....feel like I am jumping off a cliff but in the end my grandson will know I cared enough to show up...

....I am just so ready to be done with living trapped in sx. ....coop

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coop, I have had numerous UTIs, all related to tolerance WD and now WD from ambien. I have also had pressure bladder pain w/o an infection, I have also had blood in my urine w/o an infection and also had confirmed  Multiple UTIs, thru culture. I know w/o a doubt these UTIs and sxs are due to WD. While in tolerance WD, (unkown by me at the time), I underwent numerous tests with an Urologist , ultrasounds, cystectomy, numerous tests all negative.


But I was always able to tolerate bactrim( sulfa drugs) for confirmed UTIs w/o any problems, I just finished a round of bactrim in March. I disagree that you can treat a confirmed UTI with cranberry juice, once you have an infection, it could spread to your kidneys, you do need to treat with an antibiotic, but NOT with Cipro/quinolone/leva. I just told me doctor I was allergic to cipro meds, so it is noted on my chart,  and there are many effective antibiotics that can treat UTIs besides Cipro.


I know you have been thru so much, sorry you have to deal with this also. Take Care.


Always, cindy



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Hiya Coop,


I've had my share of UTIs...my rule of "thumb" is, if there is blood in the urine, it is time for antibiotics. There are many forms that can treat UTIs outside of Quinolones (Cipro). There are three I've used successfully in withdrawal. The two that can handle treating kidneys as well as bladder are called: Bactrim (sulphameth/trimethopryl) and Keflex. Both did not make symptoms worse for me at all. Macrobid only treats bladder infections (not kidney), and can be a bit tough feeling on the tummy.


It is up to you what you do, my friend. I've read of other buddies using Cipro after they've been done with benzos without issue. From what I understand, a quinolone sort of "displaces" a benzo, and that is why it can create issues while taking them. Again, I do not know for sure about post-benzos, but I have read of others taking it post-benzos successfully. Bluebell is one that comes to mind, offhand. Of course, I am not recommending anything :) Feel free to decide what is best for you, girl :)


Feel better soon, Coop!! Thinking about you all :)


Mrs. :smitten:

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Hey coop buddie, sorry you have a UTI. I've had urinary problems for a long time. I had to have surgery on one of my ureters when I was a kid. I had prostitiis when I was 18 that I think scarred my prostate. So I still deal with that pain at 41 yo. Keep up with the side stuff you're doing too. Lots of water to flush your system, cranberry, vit C will help in conjugation with any antibiotics. I'm taking Amoxycillin right now for dental work I had yesterday. I'm tolerating it well. I know they sometimes use it for UTI's. They can cause back pain for sure.


Glad you made it out to th recital. I sure they were super happy you came.

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Coop- so sorry.  It sucks that we have to make gut wrenching decisions where our health is concerned. 

Once I got up my DR ramped up to max intensity.  It feels like I'm tripping on acid without the hallucinating. I practice acceptance but it's very difficult at times. I know it's normal in healing but oh my.  I drove into the city and I had two panics on the way in.  Did thirty minutes cardio, got a massage, and now I perform soon.  Luckily, my DR always recedes at night. This wave is about 11 days old and it's a bear.  :-[

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coop, I have had numerous UTIs, all related to tolerance WD and now WD from ambien. I have also had pressure bladder pain w/o an infection, I have also had blood in my urine w/o an infection and also had confirmed  Multiple UTIs, thru culture. I know w/o a doubt these UTIs and sxs are due to WD. While in tolerance WD, (unkown by me at the time), I underwent numerous tests with an Urologist , ultrasounds, cystectomy, numerous tests all negative.


But I was always able to tolerate bactrim( sulfa drugs) for confirmed UTIs w/o any problems, I just finished a round of bactrim in March. I disagree that you can treat a confirmed UTI with cranberry juice, once you have an infection, it could spread to your kidneys, you do need to treat with an antibiotic, but NOT with Cipro/quinolone/leva. I just told me doctor I was allergic to cipro meds, so it is noted on my chart,  and there are many effective antibiotics that can treat UTIs besides Cipro.


I know you have been thru so much, sorry you have to deal with this also. Take Care.


Always, cindy



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Green ... just for you ...




A "doogies" are cattle ...


Nova, that was hysterical!  Now I'm suing you!



You do seem like you're doing more.  Are we all?  In spite of feeling like crap?  Horrible sleep issues?  As we're limping along, dragging one leg behind us, could this be the miracle mile?  Could this be it?

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Nova's Revenge ...





Nova, I feel like you gave me a gift.  That was amazing. I watched it all the way through  They were great.

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[move]Korbe is 19 Today ... Marvelous[/move]


Korbe, congratulations, you have been so brave and good things are coming.


Birthdays are important. Yes, we have not healed yet, but we have been off the drug for all this time despite horrifying symptoms and that has to be celebrated, it is truly worth it, nothing easy in that.


Expectations are like that, they can harm us, but what helps me on these occasions, is to go to my journals or speak to a loved one, they both are strongly away of how far we have come and can let us know that they don't give any of this for granted.


Come on guys, we are one month  closer to healing, what' s not to be happy about ? :smitten:


Yes, Korbe, Happy 19th!  As Sky says, you are one month closer.  God, what a journey it's been. I'm starting to feel hopeful again, for all of us.  We have all this positive energy here, how could we not get better

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Coop ... my urinary track infection cleared up on its own ... the Macrobid they gave me, I only took three doses ... could not handle anymore ...


Bottom line, it is your call ... you know your body ... I would tell them to stop scaring you and start talking to you ... talk with your doc, he seems to listen to you ...


Going slow can be a good thing ...  :smitten:


How bad is the infection?  There are levels.

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Nova, in spite of all the yuck, something sounds better.  It's giving me hope


Coop, I reserved judgment until I read everybody else's comments.  I agree, try the cranberry, Vit. C, and do a retest.  Unless, of course, the infection is off the charts


One question. How do you have shingles and now they're gone?  Are you sure it's shingles?


I'm chugging along.  Got some pretty major DR/cog fog, which I sure do appreciate.  It lets me tune out, and that's a nice break.


Drew, I'm amazed you're able to play in a band, on a stage, through all of this.  One of my sx is sound distortion when it comes to music.  In acute it was really bad.  Stairway to Heaven sounded like someone dragging chains and doors slamming and lots of echoes.  Even now, on a bad day, my iPod/car radio gets that discordant sound, totally not music.  Has anyone gotten that?


I don't post as much but I always read, and we all sound better than we did.  Fingers crossed.


Coop, so happy you got to your grandson's recital.  This is healing.



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Yes, I think we are all limping crawling and dragging through to better days. We all seem to be doing more...little by little .. the one step forward two steps backward shuffle...I hear more hope ...however there is too much suing going on...  .coop
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You guys saved me from a a yukky drug.. thank you so much. I went to pick up the prescription and sure enough it was Cipro something ....I refused it based on the helpful advice everyone was so kind to offer. Went back later and now have sulfa something ( I think it is Bactrim or something like it) I am so much more comfortable trying that . ....Green, I don't know how severe the infection is...my back hurts but no temp and no real pain peeing at all....so I am pretty sure I don't need the super duper Ebola drug....I am happy with this.  ..I had shingles (?) diagnosed by the ARNP a few weeks ago...just a light blistery rash at the waistline on the back on one side.  like a Nike swoosh.  The rash disappeared  after about 2 weeks excepting just some mostly healed scabby ones.

......Man, do I sound like a full blown hypochondriac or what.  ..I made it through half of the concert.. loud.. really loud.  small gym....big audience....band music rather than symphony..  I was already at my limit. Was glad to stay long enough to see my grandson's section play... thank god tomorrow is another day...planning a low and slow day. 

....very grateful for all of the great advice.  coop

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Drew, ...you are so making it through this...2 panics while driving yet performing on stage.. I think  you've got this....coop
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