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Drew-- my migraines seem to be entirely tied to RELIEF.  If I get whipped up over something and then it turns out okay, BAM, that's when the headache hits.  That's why propranolol helped me all those years.  It just kept me from getting whipped up in the first place.  But now, with daily magnesium in the form of Calm, I rarely have trouble, even though I'm off the propranolol.  I had my first bad one in ages yesterday morning and I actually think it was because I was so relieved to be feeling better. Whenever I get sick with something, it seems like I have to wind it up with a migraine.  Imitrex is pretty effective for me, but I hardly have to take it much anymore since I started the magnesium.  You have my sympathy!  Just the other day I was telling my husband that really, my remaining withdrawal symptoms are nothing in terms of suffering compared to a plain old garden variety migraine.  Hey, maybe I was given this one just to remind me how well I'm actually doing! :D
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fj-the funny thing is the pain ain't so bad...it's the flare in the other symptoms that make my life miserable.  I have had nonstop anxiety and panic attacks throughout the day.  I also get heavy DR which for some reason hasn't hit me yet.  I am not sure if they are getting less in intensity but I am not getting as many lately and I haven't had an aura in almost seven weeks.

I can pinpoint the pattern almost to a tee.  slight head pain and really bad anxiety for next 36 hours.  the worst of almost any situation.  I also get intrusive thoughts before and during which I never have otherwise. 

I tried the mag and it revved me and I am afraid to try any of the other stuff.  If they continue on like this I may have to.  The hard part is I don't know what is the chicken and the egg with migraine and withdrawal. 


My panic wave has subsided...now just anxiety ridden :sick:

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I have two co-workers (that I know of) that have migraines. I share an office with one and she was doing badly today. I guess its been a while since she's had one. She stuck it out all day today though. Much like me with no sleep last night. Gotta keep on truckin'.
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fj-the funny thing is the pain ain't so bad...it's the flare in the other symptoms that make my life miserable.  I have had nonstop anxiety and panic attacks throughout the day.  I also get heavy DR which for some reason hasn't hit me yet.  I am not sure if they are getting less in intensity but I am not getting as many lately and I haven't had an aura in almost seven weeks.

I can pinpoint the pattern almost to a tee.  slight head pain and really bad anxiety for next 36 hours.  the worst of almost any situation.  I also get intrusive thoughts before and during which I never have otherwise. 

I tried the mag and it revved me and I am afraid to try any of the other stuff.  If they continue on like this I may have to.  The hard part is I don't know what is the chicken and the egg with migraine and withdrawal. 


My panic wave has subsided...now just anxiety ridden :sick:


Hey Drew, have you tried Theanine? I haven't yet, but my wife is picking up some suntheanine for me today. I'm not sure if that may help or hurt migraines? My coworker that I just mentioned does take some type of magnesium drink to help her with her migraines. She was on some type of prescription med a long time ago and didn't like the s/x so she came off it. I forget what she said the script was called.


I can find out what the mag drink she uses tomorrow if you're interested. It may be the binders and fillers in whatever type of mag you took?

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Not sure why but I felt I would post this since I am 16 mos out and in the same boat with most of you. Just like everyone else I want out of this boat by any means necessary. It has been a crazy two years or so. My wife of 18 years decided she wanted a divorce. I had to move out of my house and leave my three kids. I had been taking Xanax and Effexor for about thirteen years and life was coming apart. All the stress of the divorce and moving out was too much. I was having panic attacks regularly and losing my mind daily. I did not know what was happening to me. I tried to ask my wife for support to no avail. I moved into an apartment and was placed on antipsychotics as well as increased Effexor and Xanax. I became a zombie and could not function. Amazingly I had a coworker approach me and she said she could see the pain I was in and wanted to pray with me. She gave me scripture daily. She came to my office and sat with me as I closed the door and sat on the floor crying uncontrollably. She came to my apartment and forced me to go the grocery store and helped me run errands. I told her I wanted off the meds as I felt they were killing me. I figured it was quit or die trying. I tried to get off on my own but could not. Tapering was too much and I was still dealing with a divorce. She helped me get checked in to a detox facility and came to visit and support me. I do not know how I made it through that but I believe God sent me an angel. My relationship with her continued to grow and we started to date. She is so kind and gentle and has supported me the whole way. The divorce was final and I knew I wanted to be with no one else. We were married this past February and I Love her so much. I still struggle daily but some days are better than others. I have since gotten of the Effexor and am taking a beta blocker and gabapentin low dose (300 mg daily down from 1200 mg). I want to get off the gaba as well but doing it slowly. Not too concerned about the beta blocker right now. As I type this I am sitting with my boys in the keys in a boyscout trip. We just spent five days on a sailboat with six boys after a two day drive. I truly enjoyed the time with the boys even though it was not easy. I can't wait to get home and see my baby. I have very strong tinnitus and am going next month to try TRT in Atlanta. I am determined to get through this and learn to live without meds. I know this is long but wanted to tell everyone to not give up. Trust me I have left so much out of this story that I want to forget and hope one day I will. I know this is hard but I also know it is getting better. I have taken so much strength from all of you and wanted to try to give a little back.
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Not sure why but I felt I would post this since I am 16 mos out and in the same boat with most of you. Just like everyone else I want out of this boat by any means necessary. It has been a crazy two years or so. My wife of 18 years decided she wanted a divorce. I had to move out of my house and leave my three kids. I had been taking Xanax and Effexor for about thirteen years and life was coming apart. All the stress of the divorce and moving out was too much. I was having panic attacks regularly and losing my mind daily. I did not know what was happening to me. I tried to ask my wife for support to no avail. I moved into an apartment and was placed on antipsychotics as well as increased Effexor and Xanax. I became a zombie and could not function. Amazingly I had a coworker approach me and she said she could see the pain I was in and wanted to pray with me. She gave me scripture daily. She came to my office and sat with me as I closed the door and sat on the floor crying uncontrollably. She came to my apartment and forced me to go the grocery store and helped me run errands. I told her I wanted off the meds as I felt they were killing me. I figured it was quit or die trying. I tried to get off on my own but could not. Tapering was too much and I was still dealing with a divorce. She helped me get checked in to a detox facility and came to visit and support me. I do not know how I made it through that but I believe God sent me an angel. My relationship with her continued to grow and we started to date. She is so kind and gentle and has supported me the whole way. The divorce was final and I knew I wanted to be with no one else. We were married this past February and I Love her so much. I still struggle daily but some days are better than others. I have since gotten of the Effexor and am taking a beta blocker and gabapentin low dose (300 mg daily down from 1200 mg). I want to get off the gaba as well but doing it slowly. Not too concerned about the beta blocker right now. As I type this I am sitting with my boys in the keys in a boyscout trip. We just spent five days on a sailboat with six boys after a two day drive. I truly enjoyed the time with the boys even though it was not easy. I can't wait to get home and see my baby. I have very strong tinnitus and am going next month to try TRT in Atlanta. I am determined to get through this and learn to live without meds. I know this is long but wanted to tell everyone to not give up. Trust me I have left so much out of this story that I want to forget and hope one day I will. I know this is hard but I also know it is getting better. I have taken so much strength from all of you and wanted to try to give a little back.


Sorry about your divorce, I know that had to be very painful to go through. It's good that you were sent an angel to help though. Glad you got to spend time with your boys and had a nice trip. I was in the Boy Scouts for a long time and the Order of the Arrow too. My sister is still involved with scouting since her son is in it. I'm in Atlanta, so if you need any tips about the city (sorry I'm just guessing you aren't  familiar. Forgive me if you are.) just let me know. I know a lot of great restaurants.

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Ive used theanine early on in my taper.  Couldn't tell if it was helping or hurting.  Right now I'm trying to do zero additions to what ills I take.  I'm currently at none but have tried so many. I'm just so darned sensitive that most things I try seem to effect me but I can't be positive so I just do without. 


Mike-funny...I just saw a link but didn't read it in here about cortisone creams affecting people.  Lol


My relentless anxiety and panic have seemed to settle down to a manageable level.  Don't think it'll be coming back like that today.  Feels like it "broke". Can anyone relate to that feeling? 

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Drew-- my migraines seem to be entirely tied to RELIEF.  If I get whipped up over something and then it turns out okay, BAM, that's when the headache hits.  That's why propranolol helped me all those years.  It just kept me from getting whipped up in the first place.  But now, with daily magnesium in the form of Calm, I rarely have trouble, even though I'm off the propranolol.  I had my first bad one in ages yesterday morning and I actually think it was because I was so relieved to be feeling better. Whenever I get sick with something, it seems like I have to wind it up with a migraine.  Imitrex is pretty effective for me, but I hardly have to take it much anymore since I started the magnesium.  You have my sympathy!  Just the other day I was telling my husband that really, my remaining withdrawal symptoms are nothing in terms of suffering compared to a plain old garden variety migraine.  Hey, maybe I was given this one just to remind me how well I'm actually doing! :D


FJ, you are sounding so good. It must be a relief feeling so well.

I wish I could take magnesium..it flares my symptoms...but it does relax my muscles.

Sounds like you have your headaches pretty well under control..a good thing.

Keep on healing!! :smitten:

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Ive used theanine early on in my taper.  Couldn't tell if it was helping or hurting.  Right now I'm trying to do zero additions to what ills I take.  I'm currently at none but have tried so many. I'm just so darned sensitive that most things I try seem to effect me but I can't be positive so I just do without. 


Mike-funny...I just saw a link but didn't read it in here about cortisone creams affecting people.  Lol


My relentless anxiety and panic have seemed to settle down to a manageable level.  Don't think it'll be coming back like that today.  Feels like it "broke". Can anyone relate to that feeling?


Yes sir. Kinda like how a fever "breaks". I hear ya!

Mrs. :smitten:

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Omg!!!  I'm pretty sure I ate gluten the last two nights which is what made this worse!  I ordered Thai coconut soup and they said they thought it was gluten free.  Well...I went in another Thai restaurant and they said a wheat based thickener is usually used in that soup.  Oy! 


On another note you guys are the only real place I have to say anything about myself.  Literall my gf doesn't even want to hear one more thing about my withdrawal.  It's upsetting to me but I can't say anything after she's listened obsessively fir three years.  What doesn't this process impact?


Love u all...well... :smitten:

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Beaulah--thanks for your good wishes!  Yes, it does feel wonderful to be healing. 


I've been on magnesium since way before all this withdrawal stuff, so I was just sticking to my program.  Some people say it revs them up.  But then, people think everything revs them up.  Are they all really so sure?  Somebody was making what I thought was a good point to Drew earlier, wondering if perhaps the anxiety about TRYING some supplement or food is actually the culprit in bringing on anxiety.  If people make definite correlations, solid cause and effect, then yeah, they should avoid that thing. Otherwise, they may be letting fear keep them from trying something that would help.


It has seemed to me that the symptoms come and go on their own schedule and don't have anything at all to do with anything I've eaten, drunk, or done!  Hate to see people mercilessly beating themselves up over something THEY CANNOT CONTROL.


My Klonipin friend's shrink told her to try to observe her symptoms from some distance and give them as little attention as possible.  She says, looking back, she wishes she hadn't expended so much emotional energy trying to sort out  every different symptom because it didn't help at all and in the end, they all went away.  They went away whether she had figured them out or not.


Of course this is very hard to do when you're in the thick of it, as she herself understands!


For myself, I've just tried to write everything off to withdrawal which is a good thing, because that means it's something that's going to go away!  I used to be a bit of a hypochondriac, so in this way, withdrawal has been good for me.  I just take every little weird thing going on with my body as evidence I'm healing.


I believe you and I are running neck and neck here, so I bet you'll be feeling better soon! :smitten::thumbsup:

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Martinlake.....sorry about your divorce......but what a happy ending....a sole mate......to help you through this mess......your very lucky....I'm sure you know this....

Your story would be great in a benzo recovery book......keep strong


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Fj-I know certain things effect me.  Others not so sure.  On the gluten I'm 95% sure as I've traced it back the next day or two after the symptoms.  When I get hit the way I did today it's usually the migraine or something I ingested.  This is different than the usual.  It's nonstop stuff and I was even remarking to someone the nerve pain was flaring which I haven't had since I knew I ate gluten.  This was all before I just made the connection. 


I know you weren't calling me out I'm just positive of what it is from now.  I just can't always place it right away.  I usually eat 90% of my meals cooked by me.  I ate out five meals in a row. Also, once you cut it out of your diet you become much more sensitive.


Im not really sensitive to other foods except chocolate. As a matter of fact I can drink three cups of coffee a day now.


When the revving is nonstop for many hours and I have very little to no control it's usually an outside influence. 

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Martinlake..what a beatifully written post. You have been through a hell that Job himself would struggle with.....Your story of how your constant person of support and compassion who ultimately became your wife is touching.

.  Thank you so much for posting your story here. I hope you will keep posting to us.  So happy for you that you have your wife to keep walking this travel with you...and your children. If you are 16 months out from the suffering you were experiencing you are coming up on the last leg of this.  Wishing you very good days of healing.  coop

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Marj.. So sorry that your day did not let up at all. I know the dejection and despair that you describe..  It won't stay like this Marj....As far out as you are , you could easily be feeling better again by tomorrow or in the next few days. ...Your children will not ' forget' who you are ..  they have known you all of thier lives....they see through the w/d to the mother they have always known.

.....I truly hope you feel better soon .    coop

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Yup Green...I was on them in some form or another from age twenty-one to forty-five.  I must've kindled my brain unknowinlgy 10X.  It started at .25 X as needed.  For some years I was taking AD's and benzos as needed.  Eventually my shrinks had me do X 3x per day to correct my chemical imbalance  :D    I never remeember a period since my college freshman year that I didn't have panic attacks or anxiety.  I even had a ton while on benzos...going on trip...pop a pill....meeting...pop a pill....etc...  I just noticed I was needing more and more to remain jsut feeling sort of okay.  I knew something was wrong but the docs told me over and over it was safe to take these meds. I got up to 3mg of K per day and I felt like I was dying most of the time.  I finally was so sick taking the meds I knew it had to be them and found the ashton manual.  The rest is history...I get less anxiety and panic than I ever remember when i am in window.  I am not saying I won't be an anxioux person but I am positve this drug screwed me big time by adding to anxiety and panics.  I mean my ear hissing, constant headaches, pain, etc... is telling me something is going on in my brain that is chemical and it's not all in my head so to speak.  Alos, I am calm and panic free in windows.  Go figure.  Curious to see what I'll be like on the other side.       


Wow, Drew, you've got a story.  Good for you, for surviving, holding onto your job and everything else.


That book I took the sinus info from, the doc who wrote it had a major panic disorder practice in California.  He was a major benzo prescriber.  Then he got religion and took all his patients off Xanax  (that was his drug of choice!)  My point, I do have one, he said every one of his patients who recovered from withdrawal seemed almost cured from the original panic and anxiety.  He said either what they started with was so minimal compared to what they'd been through during tolerance/wd, or something happened during the rewiring in the withdrawal process -- he didn't know why, but the panic attacks almost went away after withdrawal.

I believe that will happen for all of us.  I think when we get through this, we will never, ever casually take another pill, and we will never, ever 100% trust a doctor again.  And that's a good thing.

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fj-the funny thing is the pain ain't so bad...it's the flare in the other symptoms that make my life miserable.  I have had nonstop anxiety and panic attacks throughout the day.  I also get heavy DR which for some reason hasn't hit me yet.  I am not sure if they are getting less in intensity but I am not getting as many lately and I haven't had an aura in almost seven weeks.

I can pinpoint the pattern almost to a tee.  slight head pain and really bad anxiety for next 36 hours.  the worst of almost any situation.  I also get intrusive thoughts before and during which I never have otherwise. 

I tried the mag and it revved me and I am afraid to try any of the other stuff.  If they continue on like this I may have to.  The hard part is I don't know what is the chicken and the egg with migraine and withdrawal. 


My panic wave has subsided...now just anxiety ridden :sick:


Hey Drew, have you tried Theanine? I haven't yet, but my wife is picking up some suntheanine for me today. I'm not sure if that may help or hurt migraines? My coworker that I just mentioned does take some type of magnesium drink to help her with her migraines. She was on some type of prescription med a long time ago and didn't like the s/x so she came off it. I forget what she said the script was called.


I can find out what the mag drink she uses tomorrow if you're interested. It may be the binders and fillers in whatever type of mag you took?


Sig, I actually do take a bedtime cocktail, and I believe it helps.


3 caps of Sleep Tonight (has ashawanda How do you spell that?)

3 caps (200 mgs each) magnesium, Dr's Best.

And 2 caplets of melatonin, 6 mg, which has the theanine (help, spelling!) in it.


I don't tolerate much, but this I take.  sleep has been one of my worst symptoms.  I probably started after the first year.  I think it helps when I'm not in revved up wave

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Not sure why but I felt I would post this since I am 16 mos out and in the same boat with most of you. Just like everyone else I want out of this boat by any means necessary. It has been a crazy two years or so. My wife of 18 years decided she wanted a divorce. I had to move out of my house and leave my three kids. I had been taking Xanax and Effexor for about thirteen years and life was coming apart. All the stress of the divorce and moving out was too much. I was having panic attacks regularly and losing my mind daily. I did not know what was happening to me. I tried to ask my wife for support to no avail. I moved into an apartment and was placed on antipsychotics as well as increased Effexor and Xanax. I became a zombie and could not function. Amazingly I had a coworker approach me and she said she could see the pain I was in and wanted to pray with me. She gave me scripture daily. She came to my office and sat with me as I closed the door and sat on the floor crying uncontrollably. She came to my apartment and forced me to go the grocery store and helped me run errands. I told her I wanted off the meds as I felt they were killing me. I figured it was quit or die trying. I tried to get off on my own but could not. Tapering was too much and I was still dealing with a divorce. She helped me get checked in to a detox facility and came to visit and support me. I do not know how I made it through that but I believe God sent me an angel. My relationship with her continued to grow and we started to date. She is so kind and gentle and has supported me the whole way. The divorce was final and I knew I wanted to be with no one else. We were married this past February and I Love her so much. I still struggle daily but some days are better than others. I have since gotten of the Effexor and am taking a beta blocker and gabapentin low dose (300 mg daily down from 1200 mg). I want to get off the gaba as well but doing it slowly. Not too concerned about the beta blocker right now. As I type this I am sitting with my boys in the keys in a boyscout trip. We just spent five days on a sailboat with six boys after a two day drive. I truly enjoyed the time with the boys even though it was not easy. I can't wait to get home and see my baby. I have very strong tinnitus and am going next month to try TRT in Atlanta. I am determined to get through this and learn to live without meds. I know this is long but wanted to tell everyone to not give up. Trust me I have left so much out of this story that I want to forget and hope one day I will. I know this is hard but I also know it is getting better. I have taken so much strength from all of you and wanted to try to give a little back.


Martin, what a beautiful post.  I was thinking as I was reading it how much withdrawal is a life changing event.  It changes all of us.  No one goes through this without being profoundly changed.  I am happy your story has a happy ending.  And you are going to be healed soon, we all are.  Hope to hear from you.

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Nova, where are you?  I hope rambling with those sticks or driving the hell out of that rental. 
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Drew--no, no intention of "calling you out" at all.  I actually just got thinking about that because of magnesium being something that has helped me so much and yet others claim it revs them.  It's not that I don't believe them, it's just that it sometimes  seems like everybody's always trying to ascribe every wave to SOMETHING when I don't think there's necessarily always a trigger.


I think you're probably spot on about the gluten.  My neurologist I used to see (gave up on her when the magnesium helped me so much and I had to get the word not from her but from a gym buddie!) once told me that lots of her patients who had gone gluten free for other reasons were now reporting that they weren't getting nearly so many migraines. So I think there's definitely a connection there. 


Again, anybody who's sure about the correlations on what revs them should absolutely adhere to a program of avoidane.  :D

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Good Morning ... I may be off line for a bit ... taking my computer into the shop for some work ... should only be a day at most ...


Had a very lousy day yesterday ... got hit hard with the air hunger and anxiety and head pressure stuff ...


Slept poorly and do not feel engaged this morning ... anyway going out to get that list done today ...


Hope everyone is doing okay ...

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WORKING WITH XANAX Beyond using Xanax just for it’s effects on GABA receptors , it has powerful effects opposing cholecystokinin (CCK) . CCK is a neurotransmitter and hormone that does the opposite of GABA – it increases electrical activity of the nervous system. It is also a hormone that is the primary regulator of bile flow. As opposed to serotonin, which is largely found in the gut with a small amount in the brain, CCK is largely found in the brain with only a small amount in the gut. CCK is a stress hormone. In response to repeated electric shocks, mice produce endorphins, a natural substance similar to morphine, and become lethargic and insensitive to the shocks. When mice subjected to repeated shock were signaled that the shock was about to end, they secreted CCK, which acts as an “antidote” to the endorphins, ending the endorphin induced lethargy and stimulating the mice back into activity. Because it opposes the action of the endorphins CCK is sometimes referred to as an endorphin antagonist. If a person is injected with CCK, which is done in clinical practice for the HIDA scan to e xamine gall bladder functioning , it will often cause panic attacks. Along with the panic, injected CCK causes bile to be released into the GI tract. Usually the stimulus for the release of bile is food, and the bile helps in digestion of the food. The abnormal release of bile stimulated by CCK in the absence of food is caustic, and very stressful for the GI tract. Abnormal bile flow results in reflux related heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome. The clinical implication of this is that some patients will have stress related panic attacks and GI symptoms, both due to the effects of CCK. In the late 80’s and early 90’s I kept careful records of 87 consecutive patients referred to my office for panic disorder. These patients were highly stressed individuals who were out of work with worker’s compensation stress claims. In addition to the symptoms of panic- anxiety, almost all of them complained of heartburn, and a significant percentage also complained of recurrent sinusitis. Because CCK causes abnormal bile flow, I was able to measure CCK activity with a special probe that measured abnormal bile flow into the stomach. When bile is released in the absence of food stimulus, it tends to cause a variety of symptoms, most prominently reflux related heartburn and reflux related sinusitis. A graphic chart summarizing key points of this research can be found at http://stuartshipko.com/research.html Data provided significant support for the notion that stress- related panic attacks were caused by excessive CCK activity. It turns out that the benzodiazepines all act to counter the effects of CCK. Patients injected with CCK for HIDA scans showed an increase in bile flow and panic symptoms, both of which are rapidly reduced by sublingual Xanax. Although all of the benzodiazepines are known to counter CCK, I only had the time and resources to study Xanax. It worked particularly well as a treatment for patients who were having stress- related panic attacks associated with heartburn and sinusitis. In my now defunct web community, The Panic Disorders Institute, I took the stand that


Great info, is there anything we can actually do to help or limit the damage ? Ah, I just read the following posts on the thread, we do what we usualy do, nothing, we bide our time.  :)


I had a really really bad day yesterday, the head pressure was awful, my heart was crazy. I usually get a break after my period, not this time.


I took an aspirin, it helped a little. It really felt like having my head in a vise.


By the way, today I turn 19. I could not have done this without mr Sky, my mom,  the thread and you guys, so thank you so much.  :smitten: You have no idea  how much this means to me.  :)

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Beaulah--thanks for your good wishes!  Yes, it does feel wonderful to be healing. 


I've been on magnesium since way before all this withdrawal stuff, so I was just sticking to my program.  Some people say it revs them up.  But then, people think everything revs them up.  Are they all really so sure?  Somebody was making what I thought was a good point to Drew earlier, wondering if perhaps the anxiety about TRYING some supplement or food is actually the culprit in bringing on anxiety.  If people make definite correlations, solid cause and effect, then yeah, they should avoid that thing. Otherwise, they may be letting fear keep them from trying something that would help.


It has seemed to me that the symptoms come and go on their own schedule and don't have anything at all to do with anything I've eaten, drunk, or done!  Hate to see people mercilessly beating themselves up over something THEY CANNOT CONTROL.


My Klonipin friend's shrink told her to try to observe her symptoms from some distance and give them as little attention as possible.  She says, looking back, she wishes she hadn't expended so much emotional energy trying to sort out  every different symptom because it didn't help at all and in the end, they all went away.  They went away whether she had figured them out or not.


Of course this is very hard to do when you're in the thick of it, as she herself understands!


For myself, I've just tried to write everything off to withdrawal which is a good thing, because that means it's something that's going to go away!  I used to be a bit of a hypochondriac, so in this way, withdrawal has been good for me.  I just take every little weird thing going on with my body as evidence I'm healing.


I believe you and I are running neck and neck here, so I bet you'll be feeling better soon! :smitten::thumbsup:


I'm also a big magnesium fan. When I had gall bladder surgery my magnesium was so low they gave it to me via IV..it didn't bother me at all. I love how it relaxes my muscles and helps me sleep..but I'm really to sensitive to it right now..I plan on trying it again in the near future. :smitten:

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Good Morning ... I may be off line for a bit ... taking my computer into the shop for some work ... should only be a day at most ...


Had a very lousy day yesterday ... got hit hard with the air hunger and anxiety and head pressure stuff ...


Slept poorly and do not feel engaged this morning ... anyway going out to get that list done today ...


Hope everyone is doing okay ...


Ok Nova...maybe after the list is done you can squeeze in a nap. Hope today is better for you. :smitten:

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