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Siggy.  Beulah is right....it's a merry go round.. sorry your sleep is so unreliable....I don't know much about magnesium. I tried magnesium citrate in acute and I thought it gave me pslps, but who knows.. I might have just had palps because I was in acute.. .although I thought they backed down when I stopped it...there are different kinds of magnesium ...glycanate, citrate and some others.. maybe try a different one?....hope your day is good Sig.  ..coop
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Coop ... good morning ... hope you got some rest ... I enjoy thunderstorms, and some folks don't ...


Blue jays are more conversational than pigeons ... but they seem pretty busy this time of year ...


Not a bad morning so far, maybe the stuff will pass me by today ...


Enjoy your day ...

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Sorry to hear about your wave.. It really is crazy how things can change from one day to the next, sometimes by the hour. I hope you get some rest today and feel better soon!



Sorry about the sleep, it can be so frustrating. I noticed for me the insomnia comes in waves or cycles just like every other sx. It will pass, it always does. I get decent sleep, but I toss and turn all night, my arms still go numb from the nerve pain and my shoulders get sore. If I could lay comfortably my sleep would be a lot better..



Well today feels okay for right now, I usually get hit as the day goes on so we will see. I can already tell that the burger I ate last night is not agreeing with me, I eat so healthy now that any change in diet hits me. Ugh... I just want some junk food every now and then ya know?

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Well, my pattern is holding ..wake up...feel goid for a couple of hours then the breathing loss and semi panic washes over me....but this morning I am maintaining some calm underneath the se.I panic....the breathlessness truly convinces me that I am suffocating and my chest agrees with by seizing up ...and coughing.. so alot of physical chemical anxiety but better coping...onward ...coop
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Coop-hope this is finally breaking for you. That rational mind is trying to squeeze out irrational mind. 


I had a terrible night of nightmares and unrestful sleep.  My sleep is becoming a bigger problem but it's not as bad as others.  I miss my naps!  I used to be able to sleep anywhere now it's fall asleep exhausted at 10:30 and sleep terrible for 5-6 hours.  Rinse and repeat.  Unsure if sleep causes more symptoms or symptoms cause less sleep.  Regardless, it will get better.


I've been having a new weird thing in my "bad" ear which always gets the hissing. It now seems like liquid is moving around but no moisture is in my canal.  Feels sort of good like something is loosening up.  Who knows!


Good as day as possible to all



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Well ... my do nothin' day ... had a three hour nap ... holiday is over ... woke up with the raw throat and head/sinus pressure ... that's better, I was beginning to get confused feeling so alright ...  :idiot:
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Beulah, ...damn....so sorry to hear this...days and nights like that wear us out so badly....low and slow ..a nice day for self comforting ...I call these days r and r from enduring a wave...

....We deserve more than a handful of ' good' or ' normal' days.We deserve to go about our days engaged and happy with our lives...I am thinking of you Beulah and am hoping for you that it is short lived and lifts ....do you have some of that honey you love and some lavender tea....lavender tea is delicious....love to you friend..  coop

Coop..I do have lavender tea and I love it. I hate these waves :tickedoff:the anxiety and squeezing are so bad I can't breathe..feels like shock waves are going through my body.

I've been trying to distract with some stupid computer games and Facebook...not working.

I would like to take a short walk but I'm off balance...just wish this day was over..hate wishing my life away.

Are you feeling a little better?





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Green ... hope you got a good rest and have a quieter day today ...


There is a really cool puppetry museum in Atlanta ... saw a video on it once ...


Have a good day ...


Yep, that's a good one to check out too!

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Coop, have you ever tried EFT tapping? You can feel a little weird at first doing it, but it has helped me at times. Above is the link.

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Well ... my do nothin' day ... had a three hour nap ... holiday is over ... woke up with the raw throat and head/sinus pressure ... that's better, I was beginning to get confused feeling so alright ...  :idiot:


Wow Nova, a three hour nap...good for you. Yep..it doesn't take much to confuse us does it. :D


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Well I'm back in a wave since yesterday.  Y fiancé is having some gum surgery so I thought I'd spend a few hours enjoying a day spa  I used hot tub and cold plunge the got very dizzy.  I KNOW what caused it and rationally I wasn't worried but my "wave mind" is giving me high anxiety n panic. Ugh!  Just did the walk of death buying food at store for lunch.  Heart racing and dizzy as hell.  Sucks! 
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Beulah....I just hate it that you got hit this bad after such a nice day on Sunday.. I am in the rowboat with you and Nova today...also the 'I can't breathe..cough cough...panic panic'.. Boy this row boat is so rickety but it's all we have to keep us out of the ocean.....Me too...just pissed about my life always being on hold...I try to do all the things that are important to me, but all the everyday things that we used to just run and do without thinking once about it...I miss that so much...I had a couple of good hours this morning and then more breathlessness and panics.. the panics are intense but just moments, but the intense anxiety that follows is awful...

.....I am thinking of you Beulah...and I am right there with you rowing as best I can...love to you dear friend ....coop


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Beulah.  I think your getting hit for the same reason I am. We feel good and we cram as much things in as we can. At this sensitive stage of recovery I brains and cns can't handle it.  Eventually we can do more and more but it's a process of two steps forward one step back.  I've read this many times in success stories
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Nova...Glad you got a few more hours of sleep...I know, I feel sort of caused too when I get a good day...like , " ok benzo , which corner are you hiding in to jump out at me"....Beaulah and I are rowing with you today...you are not alone....coop
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Drew, hop on in the row boat with me and Beulah and Nova...I have been having ' heart attacks ' all morning ...just benzo dressed up like death...hanging on by my teeth.  So sorry Drew.. remind me again of why I am doing this... (jk)....there are days when I am sure that I won't make it...how any of us do this is beyond me...I hope this is short lived for you Drew...

...thinking of you buddie....coop

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Jenny...thanks for the link ...I have heard of the tapping exercise but haven't read too much about it...I am willing to try anything...How are you doing today? ...Is your window holding ? ....I hope so... coop
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Update:  It has been a rough week....maybe 2 (I forget) for me.  Chest muscles...like the muscles between my upper ribs have been pretty sore and tight, makes me feel like I can't breathe easy.  On an off sore lower throat....feels very tight and painful, not a typical sore throat, hurts under adams apple to swallow, feels like a golf ball is stuck in there.  Every other day that shows up.  We need rain so bad, I think the dryness is messing with my eyes and throat.  Hasn't rained in at least a month.  I'm not sneezing or anything but my eyes sting whenever I'm outside, so much crap floating around.  Alaway helps a bit.  The worst part has been a visit from one of my least favorite SX.....full body muscle tension/soreness and restlessness.  That comes and goes a couple times a day.  On a positive note, when I feel like that, moving helps.  It was unbearable this morning so I took a four mile walk.  I have been walking a ton lately trying to escape my wavy world.  The tension and anxiety disappears while I'm walking and sometimes afterwards too.  Honestly I'm in quite a bad mood right now, no reason, just feel angry and annoyed with trying to write this.  Angry and annoyed to be in such a sleepy haze of wavy retardation!    :sick:
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Thx coop!  Omg-had to drive fiancé home after oral surgery. 30 miles on freeway.  I was so cog fog and balloon headed.  That's all for me today. Home in bed not trying to fight this and waiting for it to pass.  No cbt or anything helps this except acceptance and waiting it out.
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Mike ... yep ... angry sometimes ... and walking it off sometimes ... and just waiting it out sometimes ... not much else to do ...


The rain will come ... and this wave will pass ...  :thumbsup:

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Drew ... hang out and hang on ... sometimes just waiting is a good thing to do ... you got this ... no worries ... these always pass ...  :thumbsup:
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Coop ... let's sink this boat and try walking on water ... maybe trying something different will bring some results ...  :idiot:


Got my sore throat stuff ... and the damn head pressure ... and my ears won't clear ... and that life sucking anxiety ...  :crazy:



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Mike...everyone is having a tough time today. I totally relate to the breathing and chest tightness issues. I lose my breath and cough and lose my breath more and then panic...to 4 doctors appointments last week...3 ekgs.. all normal...fighting this every day...nearly 24/7..  this is so hard..  We are not the only ones with breathing issues...it's been all over the thread lately...I am so ready for this to be done..  Mike, I hope this breathing stuff lifts for you very soon ....coop
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Nova...lol....I am sure I can't walk on water.. yep, life sucking anxiety....waiting waiting for a break from it...I have no encouraging words...I am just defeated today.  ..coop
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I have the head/ sinus pressure too today... Feels like my head is huge and heavy, I get dizzy every time I stand up.. Ive felt worse, so I can't complain too much.


Anger is my middle name lately, I'm mad that I'm still dealing with all these crappy sx. Walking helps me too, I always feel better afterwards..


Coop, sorry your still dealing with this anxiety, mine was nipping at my heals this morning but is better now.


Drew, sorry about the wave but you sound good-- the acceptance part. 30 mile drive with cog fog?? Your amazing!

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Coop ... chin up ... if all those other folks recovered and got their life back, so will we ... all we have to do is put in our time and all will be well ...


The fear and the anxiety is lousy stuff ... and it won't harm us because we know it will end ... we aren't defeated ... we are just very tired of doing this stuff day after day ...


So ... walking on water is out ... I can't swim anyway ... maybe we just row a while longer ...  :smitten:

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