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Sig...you might try a hot lavender Epsome salts bath soak before bed..that has sometimes helped me for sleep...and/or anciety..I have also tried having some yogurt with tart cherries right before bed. The cherries have meletonin and the yogurt has tryptophan...both of which help sleep. I use full fat Greek yogurt.. organic and organic cherries. These tricks don't always help , but they do at least help with relaxation......coop


Thanks, I've tried all of them and sometime they help some. I have some magnesium supplements that I took a few times and they seemed to help some. Then I took on the fourth day and gave me the burning skin feeling. I may have to try it again though as I don't feel I have many options right now.


Siggy, maybe you should  work on the dosage. Keep a log and test which is the right amount  for you.  The benefits of it can be priceless but we are all so different and we have to be our own lab rats, unfortunately.


Thanks yes I should have been recording a journal since I came off. I only took one magnesium pill s night. I think it was something like 150mg? I can't remember.


You should look at the type of magnesium, there are buddies who think that makes a difference. Anyway I used powder magnesium so it was easier for me to add or take. 

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Vibrations....Green, Sky, Beulah, Marj...

....When you say  " vibrations"  is it a sensation of pulsing or throbbing that kind of makes your body feel l8ke it's on a low 'idle'  an internal sensation of your heart beat throughout your body.. .mostly back,  chest, neck , head ...?..  I am noticing this now too.  It bothers me in the same way that tinnitus does...a foreign sensation...not pain just an extra sensation that wants to convince me that something is not right.  It feels like anxiety set to motion.....coop

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Nova,....sorry you are sick.  I agree with Beulah...some pure organic cranberry juice will help...either with or without the antibiotic....I hope you are getting some rest and start to feel better soon....coop
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Coop ... yep ... you have described it ... waxes and wanes like the other stuff ... sometimes gets very "loud" ...
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Hey coop, the vibrations I have feel like my body on the inside is being vibrated...almost feels like being shocked..or electrical currents.


How are you doing? :smitten:

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Yes, coop. I'm vibrating as we speak. Amazing that others don't see me revving like a little jackhammer.



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Mrs. , ....nice to see you....Glad to hear that you are doing so much better. Your post was so encouraging.. You sound great and I hope you keep us updated. ..coop
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Hi Peace,.  Isn't that the weirdest thing. It doesn't give me extra anxiety it's just that I feel like an old Ford truck sitting on low idle...distracting . It's good to have a definition for it and to know that others are enduring it and getting through it too.

.  .How are you doing Peace ? .. I hope you are feeling like healing is going on.  Are you at 16/17  months?....We are so on the home stretch....and school is almost over.. You got through the entire year...totally amazing.  You truly are a MifhtyGirl.  Love to you....coop


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Marj.. I have just recently joined the SOB ( short of breath) club too. It is exactly as you describe...as though I can't get a breath all the way to the bottom of my lungs, and sometimes as though my lungs are not expanding fully. When I first got it ( about a month or so ago...maybe 5 weeks) it scared me and I kept ' testing' it to make sure I could get a full breath, that made it worse and caused me even more shallow breathing. I am more ablets to ignore it for the most part....I think, like all of our sx, it will come and go and get better...You are rounding the corner on this w/d...just keep going.  coop
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Well, I am gping to go way out on a limb and tempt the Benzo devils and say....I think my wave might be lifting. Definitely not a window, but maybe 2 65% days in a row.

  I had my ENT appointment yesterday and had so much situational anxiety..  as soon as the appointment was over.  It ALL went away. I went out for lunch with my daughter and felt clear as a bell and totally present. I had FUN .  ate bad junk food and laughed and enjoyed my daughter. I felt like my old self ( well 80% my old self...I will take it). I had a few brief surges of anxiety in the evening, but everything was manageable....My sleep was still not great and I still had the early morning wake up with the cortisol rush but the doom and raw anxiety was not as bad.

....Today I had to go in for a chest x-ray ( unavoidable yearly follow up on my breast cancer).  As I am not afraid of non-invasive tests I did not have a lot of anxiety about it. I had a brief wave of anxiety while waiting for the x-ray...not about beast cancer...a thought about stroke skittered across my mind and set off the anxiety attack, but I did the belly breathing that Beulah taught me to do and it backed down. It is so telling that my health fears are never about cancer...always about off the wall catastrophe. ..that's how I know it's w/d... it comes from nowhere and is  absolutely irrational. ....After the x-ray I went shopping with my daughter and then had lunch in the park.  No anxiety....some moderate d/r but not complete disconnect. These last 2 days have been the most normal days I have had in months. ..I got some 'vibrations' and a few brief moments of pounding heart but it didn't freak me out.  I am tired and I have some mild sx going on, but I do not feel the crushing relentless parade of sx.. the fear and anxiety have  tamped down .....really really hoping this holds....After 6 weeks of the worst wave since acute I am feeling the possibility of healing someday

.....This is going to end for all of us.  All of us are on our way over the finish.  We just have to keep going...one day at a time......Wishing sunbreaks all the way around.  coop

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Coop..I'm reading your post with the biggest smile on my face. :) So happy you had a good day yesterday and I so hope the nasty wave has lifted or at least calms the check down.

I had a good day yesterday also, did lunch with my daughter and felt so normal. We went back to her house and spent the afternoon talking away.

Yes coop..we are getting there...it's slow but we're doing it. The good days give us so much hope and the courage to keep  doing what we do 24/7.

Yes, I know the health fears have a mind of their own just like the organic fear..takes us to places we hope to never visit again.

Praying that the horrible wave is over and you wake tomorrow with more healing. :smitten:

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Beulah.  So glad to hear that you got a day with your daughter that was so normal and good.  Lunch and visiting with our daughters.  It just doesn't get much better than that.

  It is slow Beulah.  Too slow. And it's so hard.  You are so right...it is a 24/7 trek.. .and worth it. ..I am wishing you more and more lovely days with your daughter and all of your family..thank you for all of your support  Beulah...have a restful night....coop

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Sig..  so glad you got some sleep...hope your day was better because of it... coop


Yes today was great thanks. I feel a lot better of course when I get sleep. Every day closer to victory.

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Oh yeah sorry I just read the other posts Coop. Glad you may be hitting s stride and that you got to have a nice day with your daughter.
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Hi Coop ... I seem to be having some digestive issues ... probably the antibiotic ... and some head pressure ... I slept for a bit and woke up feeling lousy ...


So good to hear you are feeling better ...  :thumbsup:

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Ohhh....Nova...amoxicillin gave me huge head pressure last summer....I hate it that you are not feeling well.. I hope you can get some rest...being sick on top of w/d is just so hard... I hope you feel even a little better tomorrow.  ..coop
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Coop ... yep ... pretty rough right now ... seem to be getting a little extra zing to my normal side effects ... just have to ride this out ...
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It doesn't make sense, but I think antibiotics rev up sx....but when we are sick we need them...How long do you have to be on them?.  Hoping this is short lived for you.  coop
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Coop ... they have put me on this for ten days ... my white blood cell count is up a bit from a month ago ... and I have had two small bloody discharges in my urine this week ... so they figure a urinary tract infection ... had a thorough exam and nothing is painful or swollen ... so it seems I am just a little out of sorts ... nothing heavy duty ...


Another nuisance along the way ...



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Sorry to hear about the uti. I've had urinary tract problems forever. Had surgery on one of my ureters as a kid. Got bad prostitus at 18. Put me in Cipro and had a bad reaction. I now know they can effect gaba. Went off the Cipro and so it got worse. I was on antibiotics for a while after that to try and get rid of the infection. It's never been the same since. Strangely I took Cipro again another time, and didn't have a bad reaction.


I'm awake again tonight. Was slightly nodding off earlier and tried to go to bed. Just layed there not moving forever. Sigh.


Hope you feel better soon.

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Siggy ... sorry to hear you are up and about ... would be nice if we were all sleeping ...


Thanks, now I'm wondering if this is still withdrawal or just plain insomnia that I've developed? I just know that I've gone through periods where I can fall asleep fine. Now I have head throbbing and burning like I did before. Thoughts?

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