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I'm struggling dislocated my pelvis again, because my muscle contracted too late when I stepped out of bed. I'm scared that the consequences (the dislocations) of the benzo's will have permanent damage . It's scary
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Corsair12 - Sorry to hear you`re in pain, I `ve read that if we didn`t have a sx before WD it`ll go again.



Hi All


I`m finding mornings so hard, all the sx kick in as I wake but I`ve noticed they lessen a tiny bit as the day goes on.  It`s still very tough going but wondered if the sx lessening is a sign of healing?


Thanks and wishing you all a speedy recovery.


NCT :smitten:

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Had a tiny window yesterday.  pain was more bearable but still very hard to stand up because of the pressure in my back and down to the bottom of my feet.  but I actually felt my personality coming back in just a little bit and smiled and laughed that lasted about half of the day no back to where I can hardly stand after getting 7 hours of sleep each night. Maybe 3 last night.  no I'm going to be in and out of bed today just too hard to stand without wanting to just buckle no pacing and walking today.  these waves are really really tough praying with all my heart to get through it today and on to the next.
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Hi Buddies,


Boy this feels endless.  I'm a week away from one year off with no improvements.  Does this mean I'm stuck like this forever?

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no it means you're still healing.  I'm sure if you think back there's got to be some improvements that you had with her being the shaking has gone away something
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Very discouraged, went back to work at 4 months did well.  At 6 months hit a terrible wave of acid reflux and burning tongue which  caused insomnia, at 8.5 months off and still suffering horribly with insomnia, and burning tongue.  Just recently went to Costco and had a major panic attack.  My doctor gave me a week off work hope this passes.  It's very difficult to see the progress once you get hit with a tsunami wave.  She gave me Trazadone for sleep has anyone taken this?  I feel lack of sleep has caused anxiety and panic attack.
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I was given trazodone when I got out of detox.  it didn't really help with the sleep and its an antidepressant but everyones different you'll have to make that choice for yourself
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got 8 hours sleep last night 7 Straight one off and on.  did take a half unisom last night because I only got 3 hours sleep the night before but I don't normally take unisom unless I know I'm not going to sleep well
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After being the Mistress of Doom for a very long time, I wanted to report some good news. I had a two hour stretch of my first unmedicated sleep Monday night (I jumped from my final nonbenzo meds 10/7) since 10/7. Prior to that I was either sleeping zero at night or a few minutes at a time only, a few times per night. Then after a zero night Tuesday night, I slept off an on restlessly for about 8 or so hours. Even that broken it was a huge relief and I've felt better today than I have in a couple of months. Still symptomatic, sure, but not feeling like I'm gonna die. I even have been hungry and haven't felt sick every time I eat today. Maybe this healing business isn't a fairy tale? :)
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MTfan-  :)  Your saying `maybe this healing isn`t a fairy tale` made me smile. I`m so pleased you felt a bit better as I was the same last evening. I was hungry too, a good sign I hope?


My sxs lifted - just a bit, and at last I felt a possibility that this will wd will pass.


I`m back to a wave again this morning but hoping this is a new pattern and they lift again later today.


Wishing you all a speedy recovery.


NCT :smitten:

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NCT, I'm being bitch-slapped by a wave today too:-) This week has been an every other day thing but I'll take it after it just being relentlessly bad day after day for a couple of months. These windows are a good sign for us.


Did you ever think feeling hungry would be such a gift? It's so pleasurable when food can be enjoyed, not just choked down.


I'm hoping we're all in window territory soon!

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Oh my God!  This wave is awful!  My BP is low 113/66 but my heart rate is 106!  WTF!


Yep like drew said on another thread, that isn't super terrible. I'm sure it doesn't feel great, but the heart rate may be compared to jogging. So you should be perfectly fine! Just don't let it work you up too much.  ;)

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After being the Mistress of Doom for a very long time, I wanted to report some good news. I had a two hour stretch of my first unmedicated sleep Monday night (I jumped from my final nonbenzo meds 10/7) since 10/7. Prior to that I was either sleeping zero at night or a few minutes at a time only, a few times per night. Then after a zero night Tuesday night, I slept off an on restlessly for about 8 or so hours. Even that broken it was a huge relief and I've felt better today than I have in a couple of months. Still symptomatic, sure, but not feeling like I'm gonna die. I even have been hungry and haven't felt sick every time I eat today. Maybe this healing business isn't a fairy tale? :)



that's how it's been going for me lately as I move into my 9th month one day better next day feel like I hit of massive waves today is much better pain is really bearable I can actually sit and I'm excited we'll see what tomorrow brings hopefully this is what they mean by wax and wane and then they drop off

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I had so much clarity before  this wave hit.  Now I'm dizzy and back in a fog, don't feel  myself .  Could this be partly because of lack of sleep or  just part of withdrawals?
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Niner, lack of sleep does a number on the brain. It's like a brain attack and affects mood, anxiety, ability to think, concentration, dizziness, memory, and more. Withdrawal is the cause of all of this and makes it more extreme but if you're not sleeping adequately your brain is going to be unhappy. Take it from one of the brain damaged insomniacs. I haven't slept at all since Wednesday night and I can't learn or retain a darn thing.
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Niners, I've taken pretty much every med they prescribe for insomnia but they all stop working and have lousy side effects for me. So I finally tapered off the last ones earlier in October. None of the supplements have ever done anything so I'm just putting in my time until my brain heals. I exercise to the best of my ability, do sleep hypnosis or yoga nidri on youtube at night. How bad is your sleep?
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The first month of cold turkey 0-2 hours sleep. Then 4 months of descent sleep 4-5 solid hours.  Last couple of months back to 0-2 broken sleep.  Going to try unisom or something. I was prescribed Trazadone but scared to try it. 
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It seems part of the trick is not allowing your brain to get dependent on any med. Taking Trazodone here and there may be a good option. Some people have very good results with it and there's a wide dosage range. Insomnia is brutal. I hope tonight is better for both of us. For all the BB insomniacs.  :smitten:
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Hi All


Just checking in to see how everyone`s doing.  Although I wish none of us were going through this hell, it helps to see others sx who`re in the same timeline.


Although saying that, we`re told not to compare which I`m afraid I do anyway  :)


Seems like we`re all much the same with the waxing and waning, thinking something`s gone for good then back it comes.


I was coping with the pain but hey ho, it`s back hurting bad again along with nausea and dizziness. 

My BP keeps fluctuating too. My Dr wants to see me tomorrow with the view of adding another med to my already BP one. 

I `m wary of adding anything but have decided to ask for a beta blocker to take as needed, which should help with the anxiety.


So my sx at 6 months are pain, dizzy, nausea, anxiety and fluctuating BP yuk.


For a few days things have slightly improved as the day wears on and I`m hoping this is now going to be my new pattern - mornings are definitely the worst.


Although it`s said everywhere we read that our journeys will be different to each other, do any of you see any similarities to mine.....just wondering?


Thanks and wishing you all a speedy recovery out of this hell.


NCT :smitten:


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