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I know exactly what your talking about red.


Just last night I had a horrible dream about my brother falling from utility pole ( we are both line-men for the local phone company ) and being critically hurt.  The dream went on and on, from witnessing the accident, first aid,  to crude treatment by doctors removing parts of his body/brain because they were damaged, to having console his wife and children.  It just was never ending. 


And this seems fairly normal now.  Most of my dreams go on and on and they aren't pleasant. 


Why can't the good dreams do this, like when I'm getting it on with Emma Stone or some other hot floosy???  :D :D :laugh: :laugh:

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My latest symptom that's really freaking me out are like electric shocks all over my abdomen but particularly noticeable and painful around my belly button? Has anyone else experienced this, if so how long did it last.


I'm telling myself that if i can get brain zaps i guess i can get abdomen zaps too, but my patience is wearing pretty thin!



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I think my wife is starting to move out hard to tell first thing in the morning but I pray it is seems like the pain is a lot less right now hoping for an awesome day at least better than in spin
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Ddd... We ct'd in detox just two days apart and pretty much experiencing the same waves/windows.  Wow, we will endure and make it through.  Hang in there!
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Niners- yes we need to stick together through this cuz it's tough to do alone do you have any issues with the left side of your body at all my left arm and leg are weaker than the rest of my body do you have any issues with the left side of your body at all my left arm in Lego weaker than the rest of my body just curious some people have the some people don't.  having a better day than yesterday having a better day than yesterday waiting for that window that never close it will get there
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Ddd, I have lots of pain/tension upper back, shoulders and neck.  My main symptoms are insomnia, pain, and anxiety almost like in acute it's scary.  I'm working 40 hrs a week in a highly stressful job so I know this is also contributing to this mess!
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Go Niners you're able to work 40 hours a week you are doing friggin awesome for me just to get up and walk around the house and try to pick things up is such a chore I have a business out of my house and I have to wait for days that I can sit and actually work on the paperwork which are few and far between right now you need to give yourself a pat on the back you are doing awesome through this
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I had no choice but to go back to work, I'm hoping I can continue to work because right now things are not looking good with the withdrawal.  :-\
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The pain and other symptoms are hard to tolerate and getting anything done with how we feel and the way it steals our motivation is difficult. I've been white-knuckling it through most of my part-time job hours but today I actually had the faint sensation of motivation that was encouraging. It's hard to imagine having that most of the time again but it will happen for all of us. We're going to feel like superman without the kryptonite of benzo wd.
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I'm back to being super sick (nausea, belly pain, fatigue, body pain) today after a zero sleep night. Crap. Some days this is so hard to tolerate.


Sofa, I don't get real windows so much as some occasional times of decreased intensity. The past month has been especially sucky. You've had the same intensity the whole time?

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Hi MT,


I get decrease in symptoms at night.  No full day windows or even half day windows.


This is so hard, but there are no meds that fix withdrawal, so we're stuck, I guess.


I just wish my anxiety would decrease a little to make this process more manageable.


Love, Sofa

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Today has been super rough. I don't seem to tolerate the zero sleep nights as well as I used to and they're coming at least every other night. I'm hoping tonight is better and tomorrow is better for all of us.



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A tough day here, I went to bed last night in a wave, slept about 4 hours on and off, then woke this morning in the biggest wave of pain.


IF this pain would go, I`m sure I`d cope much better. It`s in my left buttock and lower left back and so painful.


I`m due to see my Dr next week, and wondering about asking him for some sort of muscle relaxer?


Anyone tried anything to help the pain. OTC meds aren`t cutting it at all.


Thanks, sending healing thoughts to you all.


NCT :smitten:

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Hi NCT. I'm sorry to hear about your lack of sleep and pain. It seems they reinforce each other. I've struggled with both and different things can help some. Here's all of what I've tried: icing, heating pad, epson salt bath, massage, stretching and yoga, relaxation/mindfulness exercises, working on core strength with things like planks, sit-ups, etc. Occasionally I'll take a muscle relaxer but it's not super effective. Some days I just try to hang on and get through it. I hope today gets better. :smitten: :smitten:
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I'm an old member of this thread and I thought I'd pop by if that's okay and give you a brief update.. I'm 17.5 months off and finally in the last two weeks the anxiety, panic, chemical morning rushes, and head pain has just dropped off. I've had periods of a day or a few days but never this long of a run. I still have things that suck but it's much more manageable without the added craziness of the mental stuff.


Please resist the urges to try an adjunct med. I was being pressured like crazy and was told it as me, original condition, etc... You all know th BS. It wasn't me and my levels of anxiety are less than I ever can remember.  I'm not healed but I'm on the right track.  Stay strong.

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Sorry MT, you know I know exactly how terribly hard the 1 on 1 off thing is. My sleep pattern has very sporadically gotten slightly better and then got worse. I went three months sleeping every night except maybe one 0 night a week. The past two weeks I've been in one of the most absolutely brutal waves. Went back to on off pattern which I of course thought was over for me. Ha I should know better that this crap swings back and forth. My head pressure and burning down my spine is at an all time raging maximum. I'm really hoping that this is the big push of healing for my CNS. Had a descent window for a few weeks just before that. Had hope I was nearing healing. Very suicidal when this wave hit. Anyway, hope you make some progress soon. It's so hard to maintain day after day.
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Sig-it's going to break soon.  Remember the wav that just ended for me?  Thought my stress response was the worst it's ever been. Now it's okay which is a huge improvement.
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Sig-it's going to break soon.  Remember the wav that just ended for me?  Thought my stress response was the worst it's ever been. Now it's okay which is a huge improvement.


Thanks drew, just trying the best I can. Even my wife was thinking I need to go on an A/D my mood has been so bad. And this is coming from someone that is almost more against it than I am. I've continuosly read about how effed up A/D's are too. Some say as bad as benzos to come off. I certainly don't need that. Trying exercise and acupuncture to make it over the hump.

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drew , siggy,

                  thanx 4 the reassurance

that's all ,i'm not too talkative atm




That's cool red, take it easy as you can.

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