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Nevercantell-  yes detox was horrible I wouldn't suggest it to anyone.  I had a small window for about 5 hours at three and a half months have no idea was a window till it's shut.  able to take a shower do my hair and some housework and then it was gone but I still remember it and it lets me know that I will be normal once again.  do you have to Sky attic back pain all the way down from your back to your legs to your feet?  you're so close to getting real relief six and a half months really was a turning point where the pain went to a probably a 6 and it's seven and a half months pain went down to about a 5. keep going we're almost there
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Ddd and nevercantell...I too went to detox and was ct'ed.  Theses places have no business detoxing people off psyche drugs!  I'm 8 months off  Benzos.  Can't believe the suffering we have to endure.  I did well after 3.5 months but I have been in a horrible wave since I hit 6 months!
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Niners-  me too three and a half months I was moving and doing a lot more out in my garden then slam I had like a small window at three and a half months and then ever since been nothing but torturous torturous waves that's the first time I've heard another cold turkey have the same thing happened to them
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It's a rush of relief,every mental,emotional,negative thought and physical symptom lift, and all the 5 senses return.


Then like a normal person,I got dressed,put on my shoes,and went out the door,feeling my life has purpose,naturally,without hesitation,or even "thinking"


I'm weary i won't know what to do after the years lost,but for now I just enjoy the relief it brought from the relentless symptoms,to prepare me for the next wave.





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Ddd and Niners-  Wow there`s more of us detoxers than I realized. Basically we were CT`d and have paid the price.


Ddd - I really hope I`ll turn a corner when I get past 6 months, I`ve heard the same from others and dearly hope I do too. Then there`s other`s who get worse at 6 months, I cannot imagine how they cope and I`m dreading that happening.


My worst sx has been pain and yes it`s low in my back now with spasms when I hit a wave. Other times it just hurts constantly, with burning legs too.

Some things seem to have lessened (I hardly dare say it) the neck and shoulder pain and stiffness seems a bit easier- not gone but easier. Same with head pressure.


Niners- looking back, I spent my 1st 2 months bedbound, then things eased a bit until I hit the 4 months, from there it`s been hell.


Wishing us all windows and pleased I found you all, knowing others are in the same time scale`s a comfort.


NCT :smitten:

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Has anyone found anything to help with the pain?


My doctor has suggested Pregabalin but I`m very wary of starting it.

I`m in the UK and it`s used here for pain and anxiety. which sounds just perfect but I`ve been reading horror stories about it.

Anyone tried this and did it work?

Or is there another pain med that works on these WD pains?


Thanks all

NCT :smitten:


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Red- that's how my window was at three and a half months only lasted a couple hours and haven't had one like that since.  it's what I reflect back on knowing that God will get me there and then I will reach being normal again its all open window to what we will be.  thank you for sharing that.


Nevercantell- that's a little partial we know that you had with releasing some of your pain so you're a little bit Ahead.  Six and a half months my pain. Bearable for about 2 weeks then went into another wave after that pain but a little more bearable for about 2 weeks that was around seven and a half months now back in a wave today the pain seems a little bit more bearable but it's hard to tell how it's going to go.  they say you do you biggest healing from 1 to 6 months and then things start to really move in is up although it's at a snails pace so you're definitely on your way.  you'll have some setbacks some days will be harder than others I find those days and I'm stuck in bed because I'm so weak but the pain is so hard and those other days I can Trudge through the day.  let's all stay close on here monitor our journey through this so that we don't feel so alone seems like we're all going to pretty much the same symptoms in the same time line.  just know that if your  your brain can get rid of some of your symptoms or less in them that It can go all the way and get rid of all of them.

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Nothing really helps with the pain other than you can take over the counter pain medicine here its Tylenol or ibuprofen.  I occasionally take a percocet very occasionally when I cannot deal with the pain very much but I'm staying away from it as much as possible because that is something else that tuff to withdraw from.  epson salt bath heating pads and just pure will power stay strong just keep talking to Jesus and let him know that you needed help to get through it keep praying he answers
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I am right there behind you

The breeze, the lift, the clearing came through for me too tonight



today i awoke to emptiness,vacant and having a purpose is gone

it seems like every time a positive emotional returns,and a negative one fades, another different negative emotion appears.

any emotion that has anything to do with feeling good is stifled one at a time

if i claim any feel good emotional symptom,has gone in a window, the act of writing that word douses that feeling.

so today im gonna write that i want the feeling of  being "content"

I want to feel my identity, content,available,alert,joy,ambitious,in a fluid order

I want all the complex  positive emotions,that come naturally,without effort to return


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Yes me too I pray every night that I get that the next day only to have to endure another day of going through this just know that we're halfway there
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Ddd- yes please, lets keep in touch, we seem to be going through much the same here.


I woke today with less pain and thought wow, a good day but the pain has come back.

My waves seem to be coming throughout the days now, where before I had just pain and some anxiety with some dizziness thrown in, now I get partial relief from one sx but hit with another new one...my latest is sore eyes added to the mix.


So right now I`m back in a wave and so glad you replied - but of course not glad you`re suffering this too :'(

Reading that your pain went down must have been a great relief for you, there`s nothing worse than constant pain.


I`m using OTC meds, I think they just take the edge off, if only there was something else we could take. I `m wary of codeine as you said. My Dr started me on them just after my CT but I recently tapered them as they were making the pain worse. Once off them I realized they`d turned on me.


Let me know how you`re doing please, I`ll be watching and hoping I follow on as you get well again.


I`m still not getting out of the house much, I really want to but then sx kick in and make it sooo hard.  I`m wondering if I ought to push myself more- but then perhaps listening to our body is the wise thing here?


Ddd and redxxxx


I pray too. 


Sending healing thoughts


NCT :smitten:



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Nct- that's how I started to get relieve When symptoms Started coming in and out I'm now in a wave myself but on my menstrual cycle so it's always worse.  pain seems a little last right now but dizzy seems to be my new symptom and off balance and of course it feels like my ears are clogged my brain just won't let go.  very weak today but going to try to push a little bit taking a shower is my most hardest task of the day text me a good hour to get myself together if not longer.  its okay to push yourself a little bit but not too much they can put you back words for a couple of days.  hang in there were all on the same ride.  cried a little bit this morning find this to be gone so Baldy but accepting the fact that I still have a ways to go
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Ddd- Knowing that you began to get some relief when your waves starting coming in and out has truly helped me today...thank you so much for that.


Urgh a menstrual cycle sucks at normal times and must be awful in WD, I absolutely feel for you going through that as well.  I`m what I describe as `past my sell by date`  ;D - older and all of those times are gone.

Yes, a shower some days can be a big chore, even thinking about it never mind preparing fresh clothes etc.  But I must say that afterward I usually feel a bit better.


I`m so sorry you cried, this really is the pits in suffering and none of us should be going through this. I believe though that sometimes we need a good cry.


I hope you`re feeling a bit better.


NCT :smitten:



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Nct- I have to cry to release some of this.  I don't believe age figures in a factor on this the chorus is the course that we go through no matter what age. You'll see you'll see your start getting Relief from the sum of the Symptoms that you have.  my waves are going in and out today which is better than yesterday where they remain constant I know in my heart that I'm healing I just hate what my brain tells me as I'm going through this.  keep me posted on how you're doing and I'll keep you in my prayers
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Woke this morning in another wave, yet I can wake during the night and be almost sx free. I wonder why this is?


I`ve read about cortisol surges so it could be that or perhaps it`s because muscles are relaxed during the night?


Anyway I woke up and the pain started again, it`s mostly from my waist down nowadays but comes on very strong. It`s so hard keeping positive when our days start like this.


But I`m reading all of your posts and finding you`re all much the same- or were at 6 months out, and that`s reassuring to know.

None of us should be going through this.  I want us all to be well.


NCT :smitten:






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Went into a window while asleep.No negative  emotions or intrusive thoughts,in between sleep wake cycle.

I'm not jumping for joy,but assessing in disbelief,of what i'm coming out of.


just gonna sit and relax.


the forced thinking OCD is gone too

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Well it the after 2 weeks of having relief from my pain I've been in at least a week and a half now  a pretty hard wave.  trying to figure out how to get through my day stuff to walk with all this pain and very little sleep was sleeping 6 to 7 hours then getting about 4 hours sleep each night now I'm really hoping after this wave I have some really positive healing and can start to function this is the only thing that keeps me going through this with the hope that I will get back to being better after the End.  this sucks already into my 8th month with a bang on to the next month


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the awesome you having windows I'm jealous  last time I had was a three and a half months for a couple hours that's it then unrelenting Since
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Hi, everyone,

I've been having all out thoughts of death and doom, in my waking moments and half way through the day.

Not about myself but family members.

lf they tell me a problem on the phone,that is distressing to them, it stays in my head, then starts haunting me in my sleep.


I take on the full force,guilt,anxiety as if im suffering.


I have no way to physically help them, and I go emotionally blank while talking with them.


this is very disturbing.


im ok now.



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