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6-12 month thread....


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I'm so sorry if my post upset anyone.  That's the last thing in the world I want to do.


Stuckindoors - I can't watch TV anymore.  Everything is over stimulating.  We will all heal eventually.  We may be just around the corner of complete healing.  I feel many symptoms decreasing in intensity.


How about everyone else?  What improvements have you all seen?


It's hard for me to watch TV as well.

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I'm so sorry if my post upset anyone.  That's the last thing in the world I want to do.


Stuckindoors - I can't watch TV anymore.  Everything is over stimulating.  We will all heal eventually.  We may be just around the corner of complete healing.  I feel many symptoms decreasing in intensity.


How about everyone else?  What improvements have you all seen?


It's hard for me to watch TV as well.

I try and watch tv...I can't follow it....Seems like a processing problem, so disturbing.
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I read the success story, Stuck.  I don't have the energy and the cognitive ability to juice and diet the way some people do.  I try to eat well, but I'm sure I fall short.  All the supplements I've tried seem to backfire on me, so now I just rely on my body to heal itself without interference.  I do occasionally still take magnesium, but not like I used to.


My symptoms keep cycling around.  One thing gets better, while another thing goes haywire.  Does this happen to anyone else?

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I read the success story, Stuck.  I don't have the energy and the cognitive ability to juice and diet the way some people do.  I try to eat well, but I'm sure I fall short.  All the supplements I've tried seem to backfire on me, so now I just rely on my body to heal itself without interference.  I do occasionally still take magnesium, but not like I used to.


My symptoms keep cycling around.  One thing gets better, while another thing goes haywire.  Does this happen to anyone else?

It happens to me all day....One thing will slow down and another thing is right there to take its place, although I also have symptoms that never come and go, they are always around.
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Today I feel very boaty, like low blood sugar type boaty.  I keep eating.  Even got myself a green smoothie. 


My pulsatile tinnitus has decreased somewhat.  The akathisia has gone away.  Maybe I'm imagining feeling worse.  I have no idea.  This is all so surreal, feeling crummy and not having concrete medical issues that anyone can detect.  So frustrating.

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Today I feel very boaty, like low blood sugar type boaty.  I keep eating.  Even got myself a green smoothie. 


My pulsatile tinnitus has decreased somewhat.  The akathisia has gone away.  Maybe I'm imagining feeling worse.  I have no idea.  This is all so surreal, feeling crummy and not having concrete medical issues that anyone can detect.  So frustrating.

I have the pulsatile tinnitus....It's maddening....Tinnitus is bad enough, but rapidly pitch changing is a whole other beast....What do you mean by boaty? Can you describe it better....I sway back and forth (visibly) and sometimes in little circles, from my chest up...This this what you mean?
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Crazy, my boaty is an unsteadiness, like my eyes are seeing things a millisecond before my brain sees them, which makes me feel unbalanced.  Almost like a drugged feeling. Does that make sense?


I don't know if my brain is healing some gastro issues or if my boatiness is just giving me an upset tight stomach.


I used to feel some comfort in feeling the same kind of sh*tty every single day with no windows.  Now that things are starting to change, I'm getting scared and insecure.

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Hey all, just made it to 6 months today!  thought I'd join the 6-12 month group.  Hope everybody is doing OK.  I had a great day, though I had plenty of side effects, mostly nerve pain and weird head pressure.  What can ya do?  Anyway, just wanted to check in. 
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I am 6 month off, and still feeling very bad. I got 1 window of 1 week which was the best I've ever had, but the sixth month I still feel like I went back to the acute stage. I am trying to encourage myself, But sometimes I cannot. Hope we will get better soon.



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I suffer extreme lower back butt and leg pain.  exactly six and a half months the pain started to let up to where it was really mandible.  I am now like 5 days away from 7 months in just about to get my menstrual cycle in the pain has been so excruciating at this point.  was really hoping that this pain was on its way out.  I walk when I can mostly around the house or I get in my pool if I can what I'm asking is do a lot of you still time a lot of time in bed.  I try not to but it seems when the symptoms are so extreme I spend a lot of time in and out of bed and I'm hoping that doesn't prolong my healing any advice
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I suffer extreme lower back butt and leg pain.  exactly six and a half months the pain started to let up to where it was really mandible.  I am now like 5 days away from 7 months in just about to get my menstrual cycle in the pain has been so excruciating at this point.  was really hoping that this pain was on its way out.  I walk when I can mostly around the house or I get in my pool if I can what I'm asking is do a lot of you still time a lot of time in bed.  I try not to but it seems when the symptoms are so extreme I spend a lot of time in and out of bed and I'm hoping that doesn't prolong my healing any advice


I'm dealing with the same low back pain! I think mine is PMS-related as well. I'm due next Wed. Ugh!!!! Feel better and hugs to you!!!!!!

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Thank you this is a blessing that we can share with each other I hope we share of success as well as our pain I pray every night and every day that this was something finally goes away.  at six and a half hours sleep straight and then was up since 4 a.m. sleep has improved some where I know I'm going to go to sleep at night but then I also know I'm going to wake up in the morning or early can do this all over again. I pray to God the Father Jesus Christ our Savior in the Holy Spirit that we all make this and he gets better and better everyday I say this prayer for all of us in Jesus's name Amen
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Hi friends!


I am 10 months out and cannot break the 4am cortisol surging wake up and 24/7 pulsatile tinnitus.  Does anyone know if the eventually goes away?  I really need some reassurance today. 


Love, Pug

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Dd, I wake up around 4am as well. Last night, I was up every hour. Ugh!! So annoying! I'm approaching 8 months post-jump (on Sat). So, we are close in our recovery.




That will ease up. You'll be ok! Hugs!

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I'm 9 months out and haven't had a window yet, just wondered if anyone else was this far out and still waiting for their first window? >:(


You will soon! Please remember that everyone is different! I had my first perfect day a few weeks ago (just after my 7 months post jump). It will happen for you, too!

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I'm so sorry that you're bedridden I'll say a prayer for you I spent the last couple of days in bed because I could hardly walk because of the pain this crap is awful on our bodies
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Thank you for the prayers, Ddd.  I appreciate them so much.  God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have been my constant companions during this ordeal.  If you weren't a believer before, this withdrawal will bring you to your knees.


Love, Pug

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Hey all, it's 1am where I am and I'm up.  Been up for an hour and a half.  It's crazy hot, no a/c.  Whatever.  Just read some posts where the people were saying they were getting worse instead of better after a year.  Scary to read.  Really scary.  Well, so it's another night with the insomnia and nerve pain and bloating and swelling.  Big whoop dee doo.  Carry on.
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