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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

6-12 month thread....


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Rapunzel, I struggle with the zero motivation thing too. I used to be a motivated person and now I have to set goals like: make my breakfast, get through email, etc. Really small things.


Yes! And I drag my feet even to do those. I would rather just not get out of bed at all. :/ It's very frustrating. But I think with what we are going through it is amazing that we actually manage to accomplish our small goals. We're getting through it! We're healing! :hug:


Lilly, it would be great if this was your last bad wave! Here's hoping.  :)

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Thanks Repunzelblue...  I still have some light discomfort in abdomin but it's so much better than what it was.  My nerves and shaking are better too.  I even walked with hubby to the wool shop and pet store.  I made it!  Hang in there ... there's a window out there with everyone's name on it...  ;D  :hug:
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Wow, that's awesome! Congrats on making it out. I hope the discomfort continues to recede.


Hee, I love that idea of a window out there with my name on it. I'm coming!!! :P

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I am new writing here as i still have 8 more days before i finish my 5th and enter into my 6th month.

Looking for reassurance that the next 6 months will be waaaayyyyy easier.???

If so please share.

Thank you

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Thanks repunzelblue... ;D


Hi Saraa... Hopefully someone who has had a good time of it at 6 months can chime in here to give you encouragement.  I certainly hope you breeze through it with no problems.  Some have..  :)  :thumbsup:

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Thanks repunzelblue... ;D


Hi Saraa... Hopefully someone who has had a good time of it at 6 months can chime in here to give you encouragement.  I certainly hope you breeze through it with no problems.  Some have..  :)  :thumbsup:


Thank you Lilly

I hope so


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Thanks repunzelblue... ;D


Hi Saraa... Hopefully someone who has had a good time of it at 6 months can chime in here to give you encouragement. I certainly hope you breeze through it with no problems.  Some have..  :)  :thumbsup:


Thank you Lilly

I hope so


I am one :)


7 months + 3 days: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=136243.0


6 months: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=133852.0


My benzo taper story & symptoms, as of my jump date (Nov 13, 2014): http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=120817.0


Now, I think that my taper time length and starting dose has something to do with how I feel today, so I believe that it is best to not "compare" ourselves to each other ~ my situation is uniquely mine, as is yours :) The simple fact is that we all heal, in our own time frames :) I just wanted to provide you a little encouragement that it will get better. But don't get hung up on it if it doesn't happen in "month 6" or "month 7" or whatever :) It will happen when it is supposed to happen :)


One other note of encouragement...

One of my "toughest" months was August of last year. I am only 10 months from that time...

Now, can you imagine this: being 90-95% back to normal in 10 months? :) :) :)


Life is COMING! I promise :)


Mrs. :smitten:

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Thank you for your words of encouragement. 

i look forward to seeing some sign of permenant healing coming up soon

I can't tell you how much i really needed your upbeat post of hope in midst of todays return of people 2-3 years out and still struggling :o

please post often if you can, people like you are a lifeline. :)


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Thanks so much for that encouragement mrsalw! That REALLY helps.  :smitten:


I'm struggling, but I'm doing better than I was. I think the key is to try to look long-term. Maybe I'm not noticeably better than I was yesterday, but certainly I am compared to 3 months ago. Every day is progress, every day is another day of healing.


I also like the idea that every symptom we have is evidence of healing... that's a good way to look at it, I think.

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I was recently told from the A1C blood test, that I now have diabetes based on this test that surveys the past 3 months of glucose levels.  I have found online that chronic stress  (benzo WD anyone?)  can cause this from the incessant release of adrenalin we get during the process of healing.  This apparently affects the insulin resistance.


I have a very clean diet with little sugars and my health overall is good, so WTH?  I know of at least one other person who was also told they have either pre or current diabetes going through the withdrawal.


Does anyone know about this and does the problem go away once your body is healed again?


This is just so insane.


Im two years off benzos and 9 m onths off Remeron. Id hoped that things would have calmed down a bit by now.


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Hi all


I am 6months off  ativan

Having sudden episides of internal tremors lasting

With it floating boat. Feeling tinnitus

Is this withdrawal

Body pushed and pulled in all directions

Pls share your inputs


Thank u

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Hi everyone. I'm almost 25 weeks out which is almost 6 months out. All of my physical, psychological and cog fog s/x's have all abated and I'm feeling really good!! A lot of healing has taken place over the past 6 months. My newest symptom takes place only during the middle of the night. I sleep with a fan on (and ear plugs) and when I wake up during the middle of the night I hear an ambulance in the background of the fan. I suppose this is auditory hallucination and it has to do with the temporal lobe. Has anyone had this? If I ever told my friends this they would think I'm crazy:)


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Kirk, what you describe I've seen all over on BB so it sounds like classic wd to me. It seems everyone gets a different mix of symptoms but certain symptoms are really common, like the shaking feeling, tinnitus, and floating feeling.


Fran, I had nighttime hallucinations (hypnogogic hallucinations) when my insomnia was really bad and pre wd. Sometimes they were auditory and sometimes they were visual. They aren't exceptionally rare or a bad sign (that's what I was told) but you can google them to learn more. You can be thankful they aren't happening during the day :) I had to learn to question what I saw or heard at night while I was having them so they wouldn't be as upsetting.

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thats funny you say that...I sleep with an A/C on and I hear noises coming from it too...it will sound like its getting really loud, and then I hear thunder and think we are having a storm, so I have to turn it off and make sure, cause I am scared of thunderstorms now...go figure...why do you sleep with ear plugs?...I have really bad tinnitus, do you think that would help?
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Kirkhero... yes I've had/have all of those symptoms.  Definitely withdrawal. 


Alwaysfrantasic... I hear singing or talking when our bedroom fan is on high, that's why I keep it on 2.  Very unnerving to say the least.  :-\

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Good morning and thank you Lilly555, MTFAN and Redfox61 for getting back to me.


MTFAN-Thank you for the info and you are right we are lucky that we do not experience this during the day. Once I remove my ear plugs the sound goes away and then I just hear the fan. I noticed that my right ear sometimes pops which I had when I was still taking a Benzo (My doctor said it was due to pressure within the ear but who knows). Coincidentally it is the same ear that I had two ear infections two years ago. I'm going to just assume this is all w/d related and in time it will abate like every other s/x.


Redfox61-I sleep with ear plugs because my dog snores so loud:). If you are a light sleeper I highly recommend them they really do an outstanding job of blocking out the noise (except for the ambulances:):)

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I'm 6 1/2 months out and have had a few windows the longest lasting six days. The symptoms seem to come back more severe. Fear anxiety don't feel connected to anyone or anything. Overwhelmed by simple tasks. Breathing issues and still plagued by insomnia. I also thought six months would be my complete healing time but it looks like your stuck with me for a bit longer. Wish everyone better times and possible recovery during next six months.



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hey :smitten:

i would like to join this thread

i am 6 months off

my case is kindled one so I am still waiting to turn a corner and enter into an easier baseline :'(



v :smitten:






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Madfrank, I think almost everyone on this thread thought 6 months was going to feel a lot different than it does. My windows so far have just been a day so far. I've had 5 good days now (some symptoms still present but decreased enough to feel good) all in the past month, spread out, and those are the first in about 2.5 years so it's a big deal. I wasn't sure I'd ever feel good again. Insomnia is my worst symptom and the fatigue that it's best buddies with.


Welcome Vasilisa. I hope you turn a corner soon along with everyone else here.

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Feeling quite sick at 6months

Dizzness pushing pulling tinnitus lethargy

Is it normal.




I get all this. Dizzy boat, ears ring, Benzo flu , sick, like hangover vibe.


Sucks. I have this right now. Every day I get this. It comes and goes. Sometimes by the hour. Other times its all day long. And day after day too.


It's less hardcore then it was last month, but I still get it all the time.

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Hey everyone... I'll be 9 months off next Saturday, and I'm still having dizziness, and slight nausea.  Went off my PPI so that is probably factoring in somewhere.  But Ive had these odd headaches.  They could be related to pollen count which is really high in the UK at present.  I sat in our back garden yesterday as it was a gorgeous day, and I started having a weird headache or sensation like my forehead and eyes were being squished like an accordion.  When we came back inside it went away.  Then while reading on my kindle last night my eyes had the same sensation, so I gave up and went to bed.  I remember having eye pain before going to sleep.  Nothing excruciating, but worrying just the same.  Being squashed is the only word I know to describe it.  Anyone else have this?  Also, my stomach is better now but still on the bland diet.


And welcome Vasilisa!  :)

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Anyone have odd head and eye pain/sensations???  Sure hope not...  :-\


ODD, is the key word and perfect for describing the sensations of benzo RECOVERY

I came to be at ease with odd sensations having learned through the process that when its odd its nothing to worry about. Its the recovery of the CNS trying to waken after a long time of beind doused with this poison.


It all goes away.

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