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6-12 month thread....


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This certainly is a roller coaster ride !  I will be off 7 months the 4th of April.  I have had tremendous windows and recently tremendous waves.  I have trouble with my legs, ankles and feet.  The last 10 days had me doubting that I was experiencing symptoms, sure that I was just old and would end up in a wheel chair.  I woke up this morning put on socks and shoes before stepping out of bed and put my foot down wincing for the expected "walking on bloody stumps" feeling and no pain.  I feel absolutely normal this morning. I am walking without any pain with a normal gate.  I am so very grateful. 
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I'm coming up on 7 months on April 7th so I thought I would check in and say hello.  The support I've received on BB helped me through my taper and then through the very acute stage of withdrawals.  Although some symptoms persist and are worse on some days than others, I'm feeling so much better than I did even a month ago and very grateful for each good day.  What a learning process this has been and continues to be!


Thank you all for being here and for sharing your experiences.  :smitten:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Guys,


I'll be at 6 months in 3 weeks and 1 day!


But the past 3 or so weeks I've just felt 'blah', everyday.


Like not a super bad day but not a good day either. Like a so, so day. But everyday for the past 3 weeks.


Anybody get this?


I used to get like, 2 good days a week, and 2 really bad days a week, and 3 so,so 'eh' blah days.


Now, I just get the 'blah' so,so 50-50 days.


No super bad days, but no 'good days either.


Just 'so,so' every single day. For 3 weeks now.


Is this a wave? Like a low intensety 'wave' of 'blah'?


I used to KNOW when I'd get hit with a 'wave'. But these are much more "subtle', but still I'm sick.

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Today I am 12 months off  :D I am not better but I am moving forward. Still very fragile, any stress will freak me out, my thought process is still all over the place. I have worked throughout this and even though it has been the toughest thing I have EVER had to do it has helped keep me focused. Acceptance is probably the best advice I can give, that and breathing exercises and belief that you will recover.  :smitten:
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Congratulations, Marj!!! One year off...that is a VERY BIG accomplishment! You should feel very good about that!! I'm getting there, soon it will be eight months off. I, too, struggle with the anxiety, the inability to focus, things like that...but I often wonder if it's not just my anxiety resurfacing.
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Today I am 12 months off  :D I am not better but I am moving forward. Still very fragile, any stress will freak me out, my thought process is still all over the place. I have worked throughout this and even though it has been the toughest thing I have EVER had to do it has helped keep me focused. Acceptance is probably the best advice I can give, that and breathing exercises and belief that you will recover.  :smitten:


12 months! Hey get out of our group! :laugh: Just kidding. That's amazing.


I just passed 9 months. Still super wavy. Physical stuff is as bad as ever. Thankful I'm not suicidal or severely depressed anymore. This is a long road.


JACD - You're doing great man. Keep it up. Look back at where you were 6 months ago. Feeling "blah" is better than massive panic attacks all day, am I right?

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Great job marj!!!  I'm right behind you and I couldn't agree more w the acceptance being the biggest key to getting through this.  I recently read some great success stories of people I've been here w who are from the 12-18 month thread.  I now truly believe I'll heal and just accept every uncomfortable symptom as part of the journey. It sucks but utter surrender has taken a lot of pressure off me spent questioning and fighting.  Look forward to your success story! 
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Hi Everyone ,


Just an update as I m spending less and less time here on the forum , which is progress in of itself I believe . I hit the 6 month mark on the 4 th of April and see some significant progress ... Relative to this whole journey that is .... I had a string of 5 days anxiety free . No chemically induced anxiety which is quite different as you all know from " normal " anxiety  I was able to clearly articulate this journey to someone and didn t sound like a maniac. Had everyone s full attention for a change.  My sleep is about 7 hours per night. What I m finding now is that although I m not getting those horrible clockwork 4 o'clock waves ,  I m just plain exhausted at that time and in bed by 7 30, 8 ... Can t go much passed that .... So yes I believe the 6 month mark has been significant  regarding seeing progress. Prior to this it had been a very slow cha cha in decreasing sxs. Praying daily for all of you. Keep pushing on !

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Hi Everyone ,


Just an update as I m spending less and less time here on the forum , which is progress in of itself I believe . I hit the 6 month mark on the 4 th of April and see some significant progress ... Relative to this whole journey that is .... I had a string of 5 days anxiety free . No chemically induced anxiety which is quite different as you all know from " normal " anxiety  I was able to clearly articulate this journey to someone and didn t sound like a maniac. Had everyone s full attention for a change.  My sleep is about 7 hours per night. What I m finding now is that although I m not getting those horrible clockwork 4 o'clock waves ,  I m just plain exhausted at that time and in bed by 7 30, 8 ... Can t go much passed that .... So yes I believe the 6 month mark has been significant  regarding seeing progress. Prior to this it had been a very slow cha cha in decreasing sxs. Praying daily for all of you. Keep pushing on !


That's great news! I love hearing this stuff! And it's great you're spending less time here. That's the goal for all of us I think. It's a good thing ;)

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Thank you Wondernova.... I hope you are seeing progress!!!!


Thanks. Just coming out of a nasty wave, but if I could feel like I do right this moment from here on I'd be healed. Be well.

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Wondernova...I like to hear that. I'm in a wave right now that's lasted about three weeks now and am getting pretty discouraged. But then I read what you just posted and it gives me hope.  :smitten:
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm eight months out now, and persevering. Yesterday and today it feels like I have been able to cope somewhat, and even though I feel frustrated and hopeless I'm just going to talk right over those thoughts with positive words. :P It's amazing to feel a tangible amount of progress, even if it's small and it doesn't stay. It shows that it's possible and healing is happening.


Thanks to you so much for giving me hope! I admire all of you for doing so well, and I really think we will make it.

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rapunzel you came off a pretty large amount over a relatively short time. You're doing great under the circumstances in my opinion. The fact you're 8 months off is incredible in itself. Congratulations and keep up the good work. You'll get there. Takes a long time.
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Thanks Wondernova!!! Same to you!! I really appreciate your comment. Today feels a lot worse than yesterday. But it will get better.
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