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Knackered Seeks Niceness with Benzos




Knackered Seeks Niceness with Benzos

   Hey there, Knackered here.  ‘Niceness’ is a word that’s seldom used in contemporary conversation.  It does, however, show up in the dictionary: niceness- the quality of being nice, pleasantness.  Ex.  ‘Her sheer niceness won her many friends.’  It can be a noun, adjective, or even an adverb.  There appear to be many synonyms used in its place, but I would suspect that the real reason it’s seldom used is that it doesn’t happen much anymore.

   An online search showed that niceness is ‘a social expectation where you can suffer repercussions for not being nice.  (www.a conscious rethink.com ).  This appears to be just the opposite from what I’ve been witnessing.

  I don’t watch the news much these days.  It’s just too much sensory ‘blitz’ to filter through my BS screen.  I think that Benzos have pretty much burned that layer of protection to a crisp.

   In fact, I used to think that election to a public office went hand in hand with insight, education, real life experience, even ‘niceness’.  Apparently I’ve grown slightly naive and demented in my old age, or again, I’ve been Benzoized into a cabbage.

   I did happen to walk through the room the other day to hear a congressional committee launch a scathing verbal attack on a highly respected and educated man who had been called to task.  It seems like it’s even worse when women are are under the hot lights. Surely, those OWG’s (old white guys-yes, I’m one of them too, but we have absolutely no business making decisions for anyone but ourselves) would be better off somewhere else.  Perhaps on the golf course?

   It’s pretty scary to wonder how some of these folks wound up being elected in the first place. But, it seems kind of like a sign of the times.  I remember Doug Larson’s quote, “How would you vote for anybody who would run for office?”

   Setting all this aside for a moment,  why is one half of the world trying to either take out or take over the other half?  Is the dirt on my side of the border that much better than the dirt on your side?  Is it worth all the madness and destruction? I spent my coming of age years trying to stay out of that kind of idiocy, and it now appears that you don’t have to stay out of the war because it will come to you.  It seems like technology is really advancing our civilization; we’re making weaponry that can outgun everybody else.  What the…..??

   Ok, Ok.  I promise to end this.  I leave it to you to make any sense out of it all.  And I’m sorry if I ruined your day.  But it seems like the most popular motto on the planet these days is:  A problem ignored is a problem solved; of course it is.      


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