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Knackered Sorts the Spin with Benzos




Knackered Sorts the ‘Spin’ with Benzos

   Hey there, Knackered here.  My early years taught me that “The truth will set us free”:  John 8:31-59. Truth is defined as the quality or state of being in accordance with fact or reality.  And, it’s supposed to be objective and independent of personal beliefs or opinions. It’s definitely a pro social behavior that is considered a positive personality aspect by psychologists most of the time.  When all this was explained to me for the first time, it was compared to a rock; constant and unchanging.  Nowadays, it appears more as a bowl of jello; flexible and taking the shape of its container.

   This flexibility and changing version of truth is best described as taking a spin on things.  Taking a ‘spin’ on truth allows it to be adaptable, suited to time, place and purpose.  This concept results in the same news story appealing to various audiences, regardless of how things originally came about.  Things can be made to seem favorable or beneficial to oneself or one’s cause.

   We’ve all taken our own personal spin on things from time to time.  We’ve acknowledged somewhere down the line that certain medications, Benzos in particular are beneficial to our well being and we’ve taken them in good faith.  I’ve always thought that those in the medical and pharmaceutical industries had our best interests at heart.  Didn’t you?

   The ‘Illusory Truth Effect’ is a principle that attests to the notion that the “more often we see or hear something, the more likely we are to believe that it’s true, even if it’s not. (mentalhealthathome.org). The intensity of the exposure is also important.  Research has shown that often a single exposure of an advertisement or social media is enough to trigger this.

   Seen a flash of the same commercial over and over again during a program or sports event?  This drives the point home time and time again, often creating a need for a product or idea that heretofore we’ve never even heard of.  Joseph Goebbels (Nazi minister of propaganda) was quoted as saying, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

   I fear that the public at large has been gaslighted to the extent where it’s become nearly impossible to sort the truth from that which is hearsay.  Fake news, and statements written or said by ‘spin doctors’ are generally devoid of any consequences. (Fox News excepting)

   Journalism teacher and media critic, Jay Rosen has encouraged us to sort things out via something called the ‘truth sandwich concept’.  Specifically, it sites three steps to uncovering the truth behind a statement or concept:  1)Tell the truth  2) Explain the deception 3) Repeat the truth.            

   We would also do well to remember these words left by Mr. Rogers:  “Discovering the truth about ourselves is a lifetime’s work, but it’s worth the effort.”


Edited by [kn...]


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