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Knackered Has Frustration with Benzos




Knackered has Frustration with Benzos

   Hey there, Knackered here.  Frustration is defined as an emotional response to some type of opposition.  Apparently, there are two types: internal and external.  The internal messes with us when our personal goals are thwarted.  I would imagine there’s a lot of that going on around here right now.  I know, that for me, it’s been pretty much everything that’s happened after my last psych provider appointment.  The visit itself was wonderful.  The NP I saw was great and has a compassionate approach.

  Feeling liberated at last, I actually left the house after being a ‘dysfunctional house hobo’ for months and went out to do some exercise in the spring air.  I managed to walk (still with trekking poles of course) for as long as I did earlier in my taper.  My inner goals of healing and actually living while I micro tapered lasted for three days. My hopes were shattered after a 5% shave left me on my a____ (keister).  Back to the “house hobo” lifestyle.

   External frustration becomes a factor when things outside our control send our lives off the rails.  Stuff like traffic (If you still drive) to a construction project in your neighbor’s backyard, to seeing some other shopper grab the last one off the shelf just as you reach for it.

  If we’re really honest with ourselves, most of the internal and external stuff happens along some kind of a continuum.  We may start out with interior opposition to something, gradually morph into anxiety and some oppositional dissonance, and get stuck at a ‘truck stop just this side of the Big Angry’.  While we’re gassing up and grabbing some snacks, it’s decision time.  If we continue on with our current mind set, the inevitable usually happens. The next upset is ‘the cherry on top of the frustration sundae.’

   Before we melt down completely, there are some alternatives that may help. If we can remain halfway sane (not always an immediate go-to for me), remind yourself that the frustration is usually a temporary mindset and there are some some solutions to the feeling.  You may find a solution to whatever is ailing, or simply have to walk away.  Finding distractions is my most effective default solution.

   If you’re traveling, still in the car at this point and not calling a friend to come pick you up, talking, breathing and attempting to get a handle on things before you walk home are all good ways to sort things out.

   Laying all the therapeutic jargon aside, it’s wise to remember that trying to please everyone is a sure fired recipe for stress, misery and frustration.  I think that everyone here is going to be down with that.  (Any and all quotes were taken from What Grows from the Dead by Dave Dobson).


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