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Knackered Sorts Consciousness with Benzos




Knackered Sorts Consciousness with Benzos

   Hey there, Knackered here.  Our dog always wants to go outside and sit by the gate in anticipation of arrivals.  It could be one of us or a guest who’s coming by.  The interesting thing is that it happens up to 30 minutes prior to anyone actually showing up.  Often we forget all about what’s going to happen and will put him out just because he asks.  But, sure enough, though we have put things out of our minds, it’s somehow in the forefront of his.  This appears even though there are no signs of preparations or signals going on within the house.  What’s going on?  What levels of awareness do animals have allows them to do this?

   Ruminating and intrusive thought processes seem to be a common complaint in the posts here on BB.  Mind rumination leads to stress and anxiety that set us up for Benzo dependency in the first place.  The problem lies in what to do with that constant ‘buzz’ of mental activity that can haunt us during the day and keep us up during the night.  Accessing our true nature, we can find and utilize something called universal consciousness.

   Rupert  Sheldrake is known for his theory of morphic resonance.  He theorizes that processes and behaviors in nature, including people, plants and animals, can be transmitted psychically. Furthermore, much like gravity, consciousness is an underlying organic phenomenon that seemingly holds the entire universe together.  This phenomenon views the the earth as a ‘vast, self regulating organism’. Sometimes that entity is known as ‘Gaia’.

   Researchers have surmised that this state of consciousness is simply on a different plane or frequency than the thinking mind that allows us to do the ‘human stuff’ required for physical interaction and survival.   

   These concepts are nothing new.  Although supported by quantum physics and ‘string theory’, ancient Vedic beliefs centered on universal mind as opposed to just ‘brain activity’.  Looking closely, we can realize that we are really not our thoughts at all.

   Accessing this level of consciousness can be obtained through a number of methods. Different forms of meditation can get us there.  We can learn to utilize this method via a downloaded app on our phone, or you can teach yourself by utilizing an online course. But if you’ve ever felt yourself ‘just gardening’ and unaware of anything else, you’ve already found yourself in this zone

of consciousness.  If you’ve experienced the phenomenon of ‘runners’ high’ you’ve also arrived.  Some folks can ‘just listen’ to music and not be aware of their surroundings.  They’ve also arrived.  Ever created a quilt or painting while unaware of ringing phones, the TV in another room or your kids calling your name?  You’re definitely there.  Hiking or being in nature can also quickly find you ‘in the zone.’

   That sweet place of inner consciousness can help us separate from toxic thoughts and beliefs.  This, of course, takes practice.  But it can be done free of charge and without leaving your home. “Your goal is not to battle with the mind, but to witness the mind.”  (Swami Muktananda).  Indeed the ‘mind of no thought’ can help us escape from a Benzo WD consciousness that dominates everything we’re going through.


Edited by [kn...]

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Small correction, it is Rupert Sheldrake not Richard.   He has a YT channel in case anyone is interested. I like his phrase "morphic resonance" which makes me think of the phrase "birds of a feather flock together" though there is a lot more to his theory than that. Worth looking into and a good way to pass our benzo time

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Thanks for your note of correction. I shall edit accordingly. @[kn...]

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