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Knackered Finds BO in the News with Benzos




Knackered Finds BO in the News with Benzos

     Hey there, Knackered here. The Knackered’s stand in the check out line awaiting their turn to pay up. The only sounds are the beeps of  products as they slide through the scanning machine.  Knackered, himself is quiet,  content in a moment of ‘just being.’

   As his eyes wander to the news stand displaying magazines and tabloid news, his attention is suddenly drawn to the head lines of one particular issue. The headlines tell him that a famous Hollywood celebrity was recently caught in ‘A Horribly Embarrassing Body Odor Episode’.

    His curiosity piqued. He wonders if this stuff is credible.  How could you garnish enough vernacular to even turn this kind of thing into an article anyway.

   Well, it was a famous person after all, and he was embarrassed.  Horribly so. So much so that it turned into an entire episode.  All this combines into the notion that it, the episode, no doubt, happened in a public place and stunk bad enough to be noticed by large numbers of people.

  BO of this magnitude is more than just mere smell.  It takes on a presence of its own.  And, he suspects that it adversely effected a large number of passerby’s. Where might such an episode have occurred?  And of what magnitude?

   Knackered’s thinking reverts  to the horror movies of his past. The blob even entered the sewer system, emerging as a gelatinous substance that ate right through everything it encountered.  If such slime could take down an entire town, what could a release of such pungency do?  

   No doubt security would be called in.  Bodies could be strewn everywhere while paramedics did their best to save lives. Screams, and calls for help would be heard amidst sirens and bull horns calling for calm in the chaos. The blob required military intervention in an attempt to neutralize the threat.  What sort of destruction could this kind of BO render?  

   When it was all said and done, there would be hell to pay.  The offended actor would likely sue in an effort to escape liability.  Pity the poor deodorant company which supplies his armpits.  Although he has likely been paid hefty sums to endorse their product, they would not be able to escape restitution. He would likely breach contract with  them, requiring yet more litigation.  He and his well heeled cohorts would have to switch brands.  Millions could be lost and the ramifications widespread and lasting for years. 

   As the investigation wore on, an instigating cause would be uncovered.  The guilty would eventually be found out.  What could render BO of such proportions? 

   The Knackered mind reverts to the ending finale of the Olympics.  The screen hero was seen  dropping from the sky, only to reemerge on a motorcycle and ride into the waiting hold of a jet plane.  He was en route to CA, the future site for the next go round.  A mission so intense would require an enormity of sweat release.  And if his deodorant gave out on him …the terminal exit could be horrific.

   Egads, Knackered thinks, he really should buy this issue.  As he considers the possibility, he’s reminded that followers of these periodicals generally favor tin foil hats and claim aliens among their ancestral family tree. Besides they really need to get home and get their stuff in the fridge.  With all things safely stowed,  Knackered lifts his arm to open the car door and discovers a slight whiff of ….could it be? Yes it is! Egads, it’s got him too!




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