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Knackered is Sad with Benzos




Knackered is SAD with Benzo

   Hey there, Knackered here. Our curious protagonist stands at the kitchen window and senses something strangely different outside.  All signs point to morning. The house guard dog lays nearby, contentedly fed.  Knackered, himself, has breakfasted, but the usual light from the sun has somehow gone missing. 

   The last he can remember, they had just unpacked the vacation car.  Surely the sparklers are still laying on a counter close by.  He’s hacked his share of dandelions from the yard and is still watering stuff in an effort to keep the landscape alive. 

   Climate change?  It’s possible, he supposes, yet the last time this happened so quickly, a volcano had erupted, darkening the day with a fallout of ash.  He’s heard nothing of a repeat performance.  

   His thoughts begin to center around some kind of conspiracy theory in the works. Knackered’s beleaguered Benzo brain is apt to short circuit occasionally, but his crap detector remains on full alert.  

   They do need to round up the usual suspects.  The likely candidate being the BFF of that orange guy. The same who sold that ridiculously priced, plug in vehicle to his son.  His idea was solid but the word behind closed doors speaks otherwise.  He has, of course, thrown a couple of satellites into orbit, but Knackered suspects that trying to mess with universal consciousness could result in an electric ride atop a lightening bolt.

     Rushing to the hall calendar, Knackered deduces the most likely cause of this dilemma.  It appears that Hollothankmus is soon to arrive once again. 

   How is this possible? It seems like the home bound and sugared up little banshees just ran down the street: gleefully goosing one another as they cast their bygone notebooks on neighborhood lawns.  Soon they will walk the return route. With heads cast glumly down, they’ll be facing another academic go round.  

   They’ll likely be quite stiff- legged, clothed in the newest duds and sporting new haircuts.  That is, unless you are a lesser sibling.  In which case you’ll likely sport a potluck of hand me downs.  Such is the eternal fate of the younger siblings.  

   When the back to school racks are emptied, they will soon be refilled with all things fall and winter.  Knackered has wondered, as of late, why stores go to the trouble of overlapping holiday displays.  If he owned the world, a ‘one size fits all’ staging would do it.  He envisions a scene featuring a family of ghouls eating Thanksgiving dinner with a fully festooned Christmas tree standing in the background.  How cool would that be?  

   A repeat scenario could return after the first of the year. Once again combining the spring and summer months into a kind of…Valeesterboom.  Surely that would complete the year-round need for major holidays. With that, he wonders if last year’s costume still fits and what did he do with that SAD lamp thing he stashed last spring?






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