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Knackered Changes it Up with Benzos




 Knackered Changes it Up with Benzos

   Hey there, Knackered here. For some time now, Knackered has felt the need to change things up.  Recent happenings have brought this urge about.  

   After all, he has had three Dr. appointments in the last seven days.  A new cut has been made to his never ending hellacious taper, and his wife has told him he needs a haircut.  

   A new season is about to emerge and already, the trees in the hood are starting to show some color.   He’s  observed some of the geese bugging out out and the temperatures are cooling a bit. It’s in the air you know; change that is.  

   In years gone by, this has often been attained via the wardrobe.  He’s rocked everything from bell bottoms to cowboy boots in years gone by.  Nowadays, though, he wears a standard uniform.  After all, how many pairs of jeans and colored ‘T’s’  does a guy need?  Only so many colors;  jeans are jeans. 

   A major occurrence came down while he went to graduate school.  The beard made an appearance and stood the test of time.  In the day, it grew wild, but like the benzos, it has tapered over time.  The color has greyed to snow, but he has no desire to see what now lies underneath. 

   He still sports enough turf on top to forego the need for a rug.  It, too has gone the color route of the beard, but at least it all matches.

   A number of folk are displaying tats and piercings these days.  Uncle Johnny’s lady in a martini glass turned into an unrecognizable  icicle thing between young Knackered’s 3rd and 6th grade years. He still gets chills when he thinks about the skin color of his son’s earring hole at Christmas dinner after first semester.  A quick word from a doctor friend in attendance and it (the earring) disappeared before breakfast the next morning. 

   This morning a person came into view with colors that might just be the the answer.  Sporting sapphire blue hair in corn rows, pink shorts over black leggings and ‘T’, the outfit was accessorized by an orange purse.

   Knackered doesn’t do the whole pronoun thing with folks these days.  My god, it’s the 21st century.  Time to just let people be all that they can be.  He thinks he used to read that on the Wheaties box . Of course the decathlon champion displayed on the front changed both his pronouns and his orientation within a decade of having received the Gold.  

   No, Knackered views the colorful attire as his best chance of ‘putting it out there.’  He knows he’ll never go the dye job route with the hair.  His roots would quickly show and he’s afraid that what he now has may not survive the procedure.  But the accessories…

    Surely that’s it.  The only piece left to change would be foot attire.  Knackered can only wear shoes and socks when walking. The Benzo induced neuropathy sets his feet on fire most days.  He’s resorted to the Crocs as his ‘go to’.  AHA!  It’s got to be the rainbow pair. Both politically and culturally appropriate, they’ll love it.  As he races to the Amazon site, he stops to think- what about the multi colored, sparkly cane…?  Maybe it’s on sale.  






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