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Knackered Has a Hearing Loss with Benzos with Benzos




 Knackered Has a Hearing Loss with Benzos

   Hey there, Knackered here.  Loud voices call Knackered to the window on an otherwise blissful day.  The voices pique his curiosity, but he suspects trouble in the hood.  

   He is immediately on guard.  His talents are many and he  fears that help is needed. He needs to scout the area.  He’s going in.  

   Arming himself with his faithful trekking poles, he hobbles down the street, continually alert for approaching danger.  Letting his keen senses guide him, he soon susses out the location of concern. 

   Knackered’s eyes grid the area: a house recently sold by old friends has been acquired by a strange new group of unknowns.  They’re acting rather unusual and continue wildly gesturing as they shout amongst  themselves.

   At first they seem to be in some sort of hissy; perhaps bringing a brouhaha to the area. But with closer scrutiny he sees that they are definitely a hearing disabled landscape service.  How cool would that be? Knackered is all about equal employment opportunities for those with special needs.  

   As he further approaches, he notices that some can be seen entering and exiting the dwelling and he suspects that they live here.  Such a thing, would definitely bring some much needed diversity to the area.  And if, indeed, they are neighbors, he must go by and introduce himself.  

   Knackered has recently become very aware of the disabled, having become one himself.  The Benzos  have left him with limited walking abilities, shortness of breath, and little energy.  Acquiring a handicapped parking permit and availing himself of wheelchair access at the airport have further awakened his empathy for those with special needs.  

   Recently, he has also noticed his hearing capabilities starting to go. It’s getting harder to differentiate the subtleties of everyday conversation.  He finds himself at a loss when visitors ask questions concerning things with similar articulations. Are they requesting more tea or do they need to pee?  Statements such as these can befuddle him.  

   Ms Knackered also has a hearing loss due to a career hazard some years ago, so he is keenly attuned to this sort of thing.  And he oft times worries that he might be nearing the same as the chronological time line catches up with him. 

   As he finally nears the home and residents in question, he  notices  an interesting phenomena.  They are all wearing noise cancelling headphones as they direct a young teen propelling a noisy power mower.  Shouting directions his way, none has a chance of hearing what the others are saying, including the one behind the mower.  

   As Knackered approaches, they all look up and begin to engage him in conversation. He is approached by a cacophony of voices, all of which call for his attention at the same time.  Wishing to slight no one, he attempts to engage them all at once.  

   Realizing the uselessness of this endeavor, he resorts to smiling, nodding, and gesturing to all.  This seems to accomplish the job, as they smile and wave their hands in response.  Satisfied that he has friended all and no one in return he saunters around the corner, completing the return trip to his home. 

   Arriving back, Knackered ponders the encounter.  He realizes what he has oft been told by his wife and family:  his own particular hearing loss is of the selective variety.  He smiles as he is reminded of the ageless adage, “Call me once, call me twice, but never late for dinner.” He wonders if there might be something to snack on in the meantime?







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