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Knackered's Spirit Transcends with Benzos




 Knackered’s Spirit Transcends with Benzos

   Hey there, Knackered here.  Having entered the realm of universal consciousness, Knackered sits in silent meditation.  Aside from an indication of the breath entering and leaving his body there is no sign of outward earthly presence. Content to having left this realm, he contemplates the plane of no thought. His mind is blissfully empty.

   A reminder from his phone’s timer brings him back to the reality that he is a resident of this this time frame and must abide by its rules and restrictions.  Awareness of the ache in his body and ongoing symptoms of the Benzos force him to his feet.  It is time to move about.

   Sucking oxygen, he realizes that he must get outside.  Donning shoes and socks, he grabs support poles and steps carefully down the outside porch.  

   The day is overcast and dreary.  Knackered’s mood parallels the same.  He wanders the streets with no destination in mind.  Summer road construction occupies the airspace and is not a friend of his. The sensory overload is more than he can take.  

   Coming to a quiet corner, he stops and leans on his poles.  Gazing upward, he spots a hummingbird in flight.  It hovers high above, flitting from tree to tree.  Suddenly, it swoops downward, paying him a visit. It is only there a moment, as if to say hello and disappears quickly into the branches above.  

   His mood quickly lifts with its upward flight as he realizes the significance of his experience. Hummingbirds are rare to this area and their presence under such dark and wet conditions makes it all the more unlikely.  

   ‘In some South American cultures, the hummingbird is considered a symbol of resurrection and immortality. It is believed that the spirits of deceased loved ones may return in the form of a hummingbird to bring comfort and guidance to the living.’ (Book of Spirit Animals)

    It’s presence encourages us to pause amidst life's hustle and bustle, and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, and to let the joy of the present moment energize our spirits.

   Its flight defies his understanding. Under these conditions, there is no way that its wings would have the ability to remain airborne.  It’s heart should theoretically explode from the energy expended.  Yet, as it rises above its limitations so shall we.  

     And so it has done for Knackered. As he continues on, he is not quite sure how he arrives home; only that his spirit has risen on the wings of a hummingbird.  


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