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Knackered's Canine Update with Benzos




Knackered’s Canine Update with Benzos

   Hey there, Knackered here.  The morning finds the Knackered’s with their canine companion in the back yard following a morning walk.  They took it slow following his earlier surgery.  A malignant tumor on his right foot was not his friend.

   Nowadays he seems back to normal: eager to romp in his plastic kiddie pool. A water dog at heart, he has always loved all things liquid.

   Swimming was a kick, but he needed a long tether, lest he swim out too far in the river and not have the go power to bring himself back.  The river was over a mile wide, not that he knew that.  If he got out in the shipping channel that would not be good news.

   Bath time was great, but alas he is too big now to be lifted into the tub and too old to jump in himself.   But the little pool works well.  Time moves on and in his heart he envisions himself  as a young pup.  We all tend to do that.  Knackered has just experienced it himself, having survived to do the birthday thing again.

  He (the dog) stands in the pool and smiles as the cold hose water rises around his legs and stomach.  Swimming is not an option in these small confines, but he makes a game of it splashing about and occasionally just lying there or dunking his head.  It’s a delight to just watch him.

   Knackered’s not really sure how sound he is in body, though his mind is intact, and his heart seems light.  The three month check up for his foot tumor is just around the corner.

   That was quite the ordeal.  Unwanted bandages and the frustration of wearing a large neck doughnut so he couldn’t chew them off.  But things healed up and he seems to have been fine and able to walk well for the last two months.  Knackered certainly hopes he stays that way.

   The grandkids love the guy.  They rarely come together, but when they do it’s a happy meeting.  They feed him way too many treats and he slobbers all over them to show his appreciation. Letters have been delivered for him a time or two and the grandson has named his toy ‘stuffy’ after him.  He drags the thing around quite often.

   The Knackered canine loves the vet’s office and the feeling is mutual.  A puppy picture of him wearing a Santa hat is still tacked to their office bulletin board some 10+ years later.  And he continually raided the office waste baskets every visit.  One of the ‘techs’, though, was quite peeved when he chewed through her treat pocket while she cut his nails.

   With all that in the past, Knackered does not look forward to his cancer check up just two weeks away.  He hopes there’s no sign of the tumor’s regrowth.  However, while petting him recently, Knackered has felt some lumps on one of his ear flaps.  He’s in total denial and knows he is.  Of course he does.     


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Where would we be without our fur babies?  Here’s hoping for an ‘All clear’ report at your pooch’s paw check. 

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