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Knackered Fears Self Explosion with Benzos




Knackered Fears Self Explosion with Benzos

   Hey there, Knackered here.  This coming Thursday the US of A will celebrate its 228th anniversary of independence from Great Britain.  Due to the fact that our national anthem will be sung millions of times throughout the land and the opening words state: “Oh say can you see….the bombs bursting in air, most of the population will celebrate by blowing something up.

   Every village and hamlet will have its own parade, bbq everything imaginable, and finish the day at war with itself in the skies.  The whole thing happens in much the same way every year.  Americans love it;  the blowing things up part that is.

  This is the time when I should point out that the Knackered domicile is located within some two blocks from the location of the city festivities.  Thousands of cars will invade the parking areas in the surrounding hood, and sunset will commence the highlight of the day:  bombs bursting in air.  Gotta love it.  It’s the American way.

   Although not many of the folks attending have given it much thought, personal freedom in the land they love is a waning commodity and in danger of eroding even more in the ensuing days and months.

   Large numbers who flock to celebrate independence are doing their best to ensure that all of us think, worship, reproduce and abide in the same way, all the time, everywhere.  Indeed it’s not just important that we recognize their belief system; we need to act, think, believe and live like they do.  This is indeed a bummer if you don’t want to. And alas, Knackered is one of the latter.

   This is not a problem (for me) as of yet.  I have far more stuff of personal importance to contend with.  Yes, I’m speaking of the whole Benzo thing and the control that it has established over me.  I don’t like that at all and am doing my darnedest to rid myself of it.  And I suppose you are too or you wouldn’t be here reading this.

   And so, as I venture into this coming week and all it entails, we’ve made provision for all of the Knackered’s.  Our little Lab (still alive and on the scene as I speak) will be tranquilized (thanks to the Vet) and in the hands of an in-home care giver for the entire event.  Thank God.

   Normally flak jackets and industrial strength ear plugs are standard attire for the rest of us, but if you read my previous blog: the three hour tour thing, you know we won’t be around.  We’ll  (hopefully) be on an isolated island where people will celebrate the day in much the same manner.  Me? I purchased industrial strength ear plugs and am planning to retire before sunset and the ongoing madness.

   As for the whole freedom thing, I side with the late, great Janis Joplin in her traveling ballad with Bobby McGee: “Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose.  Nothin don’t mean nothin’, honey, if it ain’t free, no no”.  (Number 1: Posthumously; 1971)



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