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Former Pharma Sales Rep Talks About Benzo Withdrawal


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I saw that video by Gwen Olsen before I read here she was into Scientology, and even though I don't like her arrogance at times she does make some valid points and there's nothing in her video that should not be heard, so I don't really understand why the link was disabled. Based on that video alone there was no reason to do so.


I also saw the video before I heard anyone accuse her of being a stooge. The video stands on its own and is worthwhile on its own. Nowhere in the video or in her book does Gwen Olsen promote scientology.


So... I agree that the link was disabled for reasons not in the video itself.


Totally 100% accurate assessment.


Gwen Olsen is an advocate for CCHR (and was actively involved with CCHR). CCHR is a Scientology created and funded front-group, whose aim is outlaw all psychiatric practice and medicine. You cannot be involved with CCHR and not be associated with Scientology. Again, CCHR is wholly owned and operated by Scientology.


I am constantly reminded of the Groundhog Day movie!


The board is very good and has helped me on many occasions.  It's nice to know you are not alone and others are working toward being benzo-free.


I agree with you on Scientology -- I am not a fan.  (And joining it may lead people to taking benzos once they catch on and leave.  :))

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The board is very good and has helped me on many occasions.  It's nice to know you are not alone and others are working toward being benzo-free.


I agree with you on Scientology -- I am not a fan.  (And joining it may lead people to taking benzos once they catch on and leave.  :))



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Mairin, thinking of you as you coming to the finish line ..:)

You are very courageous, and brave ..

Would you share your pdoc 's webpage?

Thank you Mairin,

Sending you thoughts of well being,  Anu

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I'm assuming you read our policies before you registered?


uv got to be joking and i believe u believe this as much as anybody could believe that there is a single person in the world who ever read the entire terms and agreements to an Apple Inc product before using there software. especially in the condition that most people join this board it is even more unlikely that anybody reads the poilcies even if they agree to them.


You making me laugh Rubberduck.


I had a seriously hard time just signing into this site at first because I had lost cognition.  It was hurculean just to figure out things like "what is my email" and even the face thingys like this  :D were horrifying me.

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not wanting to keep the particulars of this debate going but i just found out there's hidden groups on BenzoBuddies for spiritual/religious, people going through extra long withdrawals, and to talk about Scott Galke.


so why not have a hidden group for the anti-psych people? theres so many of us here and wouldn't it be great to just put us all in a separate room to preach to each other and then it won't spill out so much into the other forums?


it keeps happening so why try to keep bopping it down like that gofer game with the pillow bats and just put all the gofers in a place where there not bothering anybody.

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not wanting to keep the particulars of this debate going but i just found out there's hidden groups on BenzoBuddies for spiritual/religious, people going through extra long withdrawals, and to talk about Scott Galke.


so why not have a hidden group for the anti-psych people? theres so many of us here and wouldn't it be great to just put us all in a separate room to preach to each other and then it won't spill out so much into the other forums?


it keeps happening so why try to keep bopping it down like that gofer game with the pillow bats and just put all the gofers in a place where there not bothering anybody.


There is a cache of post related to Gaulke but it's not a board for discussion. It's just a place we've moved posts about him because posts about his blog can be too much of a distraction to other members. Any member has access to the cache if they let an admin know.


This is not an anti-psychiatry forum so I don't see why Colin would allow a board of anti-psychiatry comments...hidden or not. That is not the agenda of BB.


I'm sure Colin will have more to say about this but I thought I'd answer your inquiry to the best of my ability until that time.

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i know its not the agenda of BB but its very prevelant and theres a lot of it and us so maybe it makes sense to do it. anyway i guess we will find out but i'm not holding my breath
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It is as Hope explained it. But, to add, just in case it is not 100% clear: all the threads on the CoM Cache board are locked - there is no discussion there. Except for the occasional member who happens upon Scott Gaulke's hate site and (usually in confusion) posts here to ask what the hate blog is about, there is little to discuss anyway.


As for your assertion that it is "very prevalent" - I must disagree. Few people support the notion that psychiatry and psychiatric medicine should be outlawed. If you are referring to members of BB, again, you are wrong. It should be remembered that those who are relatively happy with the status quo, or are more measured in the kind of changes they would like to see occur, are not going to be as vocal as a group who's aim is prohibition, no matter what it is they wish to see ended. In any case, as you said yourself, BenzoBuddies does not have an anti-psychiatry agenda. We will not provide a board dedicated to such discussion - such a proposition would be very unsupportive towards the large numbers of members who reply upon psychiatry, psychology, counselling and psychiatric medication.

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It is as Hope explained it. But, to add, just in case it is not 100% clear: all the threads on the CoM Cache board are locked - there is no discussion there. Except for the occasional member who happens upon Scott Gaulke's hate site and (usually in confusion) posts here to ask what the hate blog is about, there is little to discuss anyway.


As for your assertion that it is "very prevalent" - I must disagree. Few people support the notion that psychiatry and psychiatric medicine should be outlawed. If you are referring to members of BB, again, you are wrong. It should be remembered that those who are relatively happy with the status quo, or are more measured in the kind of changes they would like to see occur, are not going to be as vocal as a group who's aim is prohibition, no matter what it is they wish to see ended. In any case, as you said yourself, BenzoBuddies does not have an anti-psychiatry agenda. We will not provide a board dedicated to such discussion - such a proposition would be very unsupportive towards the large numbers of members who reply upon psychiatry, psychology, counselling and psychiatric medication.




With all due respect, framing people who believe that Western Psychiatric practices are out of control and ill-balance as people who hold the "notion that psychiatry and psychiatric medicine should be outlawed" may be creating a straw man.


A person can hold the position that psychiatry is ill-advised in its hyper-proclivity to administer volatile psychotropic drugs which unpredictably alter the brain chemistry of its recipients and NOT believe psychiatry should be outlawed.


I have not seen anyone here argue that psychiatry should be outlawed altogether.


Western psychiatry can be a very helpful approach if it were more balanced.


Unfortunately, it is currently primarily a dispensary for Pharmaceutical products, propaganda and greed.



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With all due respect, framing people who believe that Western Psychiatric practices are out of control and ill-balance as people who hold the "notion that psychiatry and psychiatric medicine should be outlawed" may be creating a straw man.


A person can hold the position that psychiatry is ill-advised in its hyper-proclivity to administer volatile psychotropic drugs which unpredictably alter the brain chemistry of its recipients and NOT believe psychiatry should be outlawed.


I have not seen anyone here argue that psychiatry should be outlawed altogether.


Western psychiatry can be a very helpful approach if it were more balanced.


Unfortunately, it is currently primarily a dispensary for Pharmaceutical products, propaganda and greed.




Hello Curley


I was replying to specific comments from rubberduck, where he refers to (and I quote), "anti-psych people."


not wanting to keep the particulars of this debate going but i just found out there's hidden groups on BenzoBuddies for spiritual/religious, people going through extra long withdrawals, and to talk about Scott Galke.


so why not have a hidden group for the anti-psych people? theres so many of us here and wouldn't it be great to just put us all in a separate room to preach to each other and then it won't spill out so much into the other forums?


it keeps happening so why try to keep bopping it down like that gofer game with the pillow bats and just put all the gofers in a place where there not bothering anybody.




i know its not the agenda of BB but its very prevelant and theres a lot of it and us so maybe it makes sense to do it. anyway i guess we will find out but i'm not holding my breath


I responded to rubberduck with the following:




It is as Hope explained it. But, to add, just in case it is not 100% clear: all the threads on the CoM Cache board are locked - there is no discussion there. Except for the occasional member who happens upon Scott Gaulke's hate site and (usually in confusion) posts here to ask what the hate blog is about, there is little to discuss anyway.


As for your assertion that it is "very prevalent" - I must disagree. Few people support the notion that psychiatry and psychiatric medicine should be outlawed. If you are referring to members of BB, again, you are wrong. It should be remembered that those who are relatively happy with the status quo, or are more measured in the kind of changes they would like to see occur, are not going to be as vocal as a group who's aim is prohibition, no matter what it is they wish to see ended. In any case, as you said yourself, BenzoBuddies does not have an anti-psychiatry agenda. We will not provide a board dedicated to such discussion - such a proposition would be very unsupportive towards the large numbers of members who reply upon psychiatry, psychology, counselling and psychiatric medication.


"Anti-psych people" (rubberduck's words) | "Few people support the notion that psychiatry and psychiatric medicine should be outlawed" (my words characterising rubberduck's comments and my thoughts about those comments).


A "straw man" would be the attempt to insert a fictitious argument (as though) made by the correspondent; or some kind of false equivalent argument. It is obvious that I was responding to rubberduck's own words, describing himself and others as, "anti-psych people." Since I addressed my post to rubberduck, it would be sensible of you to read rubberduck's comments for context before commenting upon my response to rubberduck. In short, I made no straw man argument. Though, when you describe my words as, "framing people who believe that Western Psychiatric practices are out of control and ill-balance as people who hold the 'notion that psychiatry and psychiatric medicine should be outlawed'", this would certainly constitute a straw man argument, since you misrepresent my comments to rubberduck, it was rubberduck who framed the discussion and used the words "anti-psych people," and I was responding to rubberduck's own words.

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for the record i do believe in outlawing psychiatry completely along with its medications except for the people who r already addicted to them.


under my presidency of the world psych med addicted people would have a choice to continue to take them or have government support to get off of them but no new prescriptions for psych meds would be given to anybody not already hooked. psyche meds would all be phased out in less then a hundred years as the people addicted to them died off. then manufacturing of the meds would stop and the penalties for manufacturing and possession for sale would be very heavy far more severe then current street drug laws.


needless to say anybody currently practicing psychiatry would have to find another profession.


please vote for me in the upcoming election



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for the record i do believe in outlawing psychiatry completely along with its medications except for the people who r already addicted to them.


under my presidency of the world psych med addicted people would have a choice to continue to take them or have government support to get off of them but no new prescriptions for psych meds would be given to anybody not already hooked. psyche meds would all be phased out in less then a hundred years as the people addicted to them died off. then manufacturing of the meds would stop and the penalties for manufacturing and possession for sale would be very heavy far more severe then current street drug laws.


needless to say anybody currently practicing psychiatry would have to find another profession.


please vote for me in the upcoming election


You have my vote. I believe a more practical solution may be for the regulators to put all these drugs into the same schedule as morphine. That would allow legitimate prescriptions, but would severely curtail the current practice of handing them like candy.


Realize that psychiatry was a dying profession decades ago before psychiatrists adopted the medical model of diagnosis and prescription used by real doctors. There was an industry crisis because med students were not opting for psych residencies, and the profession was on the ropes. It now thrives because (like real docs) psychiatrists diagnose illness and prescribe meds. The problem is the way diagnosis is done. There is no blood test for depression or OCD or anything else. There is only the DSM. The DSM was written by psychiatrists, and allows anybody to be diagnosed with anything.

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