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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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Tuesday morning so another cut for me.  This is the last one before I jump off!!!  :thumbsup:  Yeahhhhhhh!!!!


I am soooo hoping that I get back to feeling myself after Ativan is out of my system, but I've been at this medication game for 18 months and still no resolution.  So, please say a special prayer for me that once the Ativan is gone, what is left (an SSRI) will leave me feeling normal enough to get back to work and back to tons of joy.  I'm cautiously optomistic, especially since I've added a holistic doctor to my health care team the last two months.  I also know that the end w/d (after I jump) may last awhile, so I'm not going to hit the panic button for a couple months posting jumping.  Hopefully it's like when I stopped Klonopin....about 2 weeks of yuck and then constant improvement.  ;D


My quotes for the day:  "Life doesn't have to be perfect to have purpose."  AND "Inch by inch, life is a sinch.  Yard by yard, life is hard."

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Ok people I have a question


        I've been experiencing some burning sensations lately, like I've got a sunburn or something. It's not horrible or anything but it is annoying. Is this a symtom of withdrawal or is it a effect of the anxiety disorder. Hopefully someone can give me some advice on what it could be and if there's any way to reduce or eliminate it. Thanks for all the info!

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MM, I'm no doc but my bet is it is the w/d.  I had that kind of side effect when I tried to taper from my SSRI a few years ago.  I know a lot of folks (myself included) get skin tingling with the benzo w/d, so I can imagine that if its really intense, it might feel like a burning or sun burn sensation.    Don't know if it would work or not, but I know when my skin has gotten really sensitive from burns, bites, an allergic reaction, etc. the one thing that seems to help is Eucerin Calming Creme (and its not scented)!!  Maybe something like that or cold patches??  Just a stab in the dark....  :-\
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That's exactly what it feels like, a mild sunburn. It seems like its worse when I get stressed out too. I got a appointment with the doc I'll say something to him and maybe he can help out. How long did yours last? Thanks for the info.
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Hey, Mustang Man, did you switch from Xanax to Ativan because it's longer acting so easier to taper from? Do you plan to taper from Ativan directly or go to a different drug for the taper? Sounds like a dumb question, seeing it written out, but my physics teacher told me the only dumb questions are the ones you don't ask. And that one will be on the test, for sure... ::)



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my doc didnt want to go the valium route for 2 reasons, 1 I have been on a fairly low dose as long as ive been taking it and 2, he said valium can cause depression. He said he has seen alot of people in the past that take valium develop depression and I really dont want to deal with that. He says ativan does have a bit longer half life but its not as strong as xanax. (0.5 xanax=0.25 ativan) when i switched to ativan I could tell a difference about 2 days later, I began noticing that 1 pill didnt last as long and really i couldnt tell that I even took it, I guess because its not as strong but since then ive cut it to half in the morning and half about 12 hours later and ive had some w/d symptoms but there not that bad, hopefully they wont be. Doc seems to think I wont have any symptoms but I have had some. I actually met someone the other day that withdrew off ativan without using any kind of crossover and he said it was difficult at first but alot of his symptoms went away as he came off, but again, everyone is different. I wish we could all get off this stuff without any problems at all.
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Well, I can sure see why you wouldn't want to change over from a drug that you're nearly off of already. You say you're having w/d, the doc thinks you won't be having any. You tell me who's mistaken. Yeah, I wish we could get off without any problems, too, but our brains don't work that way. For me, I think it's going to be about minimizing and managing the problems I will have.

It's true that 0.5 mg Ativan is a low dose. That's very fortunate. Personally, I plan on taking a month or so for that last 1/2 mg. And that will require a liquid preparation. Yes, it'll be a hassle, but I only want to do this once.


You guys OK for water?  :P


In recovery,



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I'm new to the site and am trying to figure out how to taper off .5mg/day of ativan. I have been taking it for about 3 months for sleeping and anxiety. I talked to the PA at my dr office and they did not think I needed to taper since it is a small dose and only taken for 3 month. My pdoc has not gotten back to me yet. However, after reading so many of the posts here I know I can't just stop taking it. I did cut it in half last night and only took.25mg. I thought I would do that for a couple of weeks then stop. Again after reading everyone post I think that may be to fast.

I'd love any input or advice from anyone who has done a similar taper or started in a similar situation.  I'm finding it very daunting to start this taper and realizing what maybe ahead of me.


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Hey Scaredstiff. Welcome. Don't get too freaked out. If you've only been at .5 for 3 months I don't think you have to worry about the worst of what you've read. However, tapering is definitely a good idea. Drop to .25 and wait a full 2 weeks to see how you feel. If you make it that long without many issues you can probably drop the rest. If you do experience unmanageable withdrawal or if you don't begin to stabilize. I personally would go back to th .5 and try to find someone to do a liquid solution for you to come down slower. My guess is that you will not need that though.


Everything I have side written here is based on my own experience and from the volumes of other experiences I've read about. it's not professional advice (even though feel like an expert at this point) :laugh:

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  Yeah I told him I seem to be having some withdrawals and he was actually understanding and said take your time and don't just quit so I really can't complain about him, he's been understanding this whole time. As far as the w/d it hasn't been to bad so far and I hope it doesn't get worse. Not really any sense in crossing over to Valium now if I was on a higher does it probably would be an option.



      Don't worry too much about the horror stories you've read because I don't think most of those symptoms will happen, however, going slow is always best you just need to listen to your body. I went and found every horror story I could find and it really messed me up because I was so scared but after talking to different people who have been through this, I know that it can be done and people do it every day. It's just as much a mental thing as it is physical.

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Thanks, MM. I am on a higher dose and I think it may be an option for me. The docs 'round here (God, I love that song!) don't like Valium, would want to use Klonopin instead. I don't know about that. Real glad to hear that your w/d not so bad. Our expectations really do condition our experience.



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Yep you are right if you go into this thinking it's going to be terrible then it will be but you have to take it day by day. We all want stuff to happen really fast and unfortunately it don't work that way with our bodies, it takes time to get back to normal. When I get off these I swear I'll never get back on them. I had no clue that these meds could cause the problems people say they do. I don't know much about klonopin other than its got a long half life (duh) but it may be the way to go in your case, I thought you were gonna try tapering strictly from Ativan?
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Hey, thread companions:


I just made my first signature change. Weird how much power there is in a tiny white pill. But there's more power in a human heart.


I once saw a snail crawl over an eight foot garden wall and disappear--one inch at a time.


Love you guys,





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I once saw a snail crawl over an eight foot garden wall and disappear--one inch at a time.



I just love the image I get from this  ;D


Hello fellow Ativan withdrawers. Just stopping by to see how everyone is doing, I'm rooting for you!  :)

I still have a ways to go in my own recovery but just being off the drug is an incredible relief. This has been a good week so far & I'm grateful for that. Onward...

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Lavender-Was your fiber dx accurate? How are you coping with that? Do you think Benzos caused it?




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My fibromyalgia diagnosis was made by my primary care Dr & then confirmed by a rheumatologist. I have all the classic symptoms. I didn't have any of this before the drugs. I'm convinced there's a connection. Unfortunately there's no way to prove it & I'll just have to live with it. I've talked to others coming off benzos who've had exactly the same symptoms & diagnosis.

A few have cleared up completely with time, most are still living with some degree of symptoms or "flares" even when the rest of their withdrawl symptoms have cleared up :(

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Hello lavender,

        Just wanted to know, what symptoms were you having that made the dr's diagnose you fibromyalgia in the first place?

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Hi lavender

I see that you also were on a low dose for a short time. I was wondering I you could give me any insight into how your taper went. I dropped to .25mg two days ago from .5mg, before I found this website. I don't feel great. When do the w/d effects really hit?  I'm feeling scared at this point. My Dr also started me on a low dose of Zoloft. Not sure if what I'm feeling is the Ativan change or from the Zoloft.


Thanks for any advice



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My fibromyalgia diagnosis was made by my primary care Dr & then confirmed by a rheumatologist. I have all the classic symptoms. I didn't have any of this before the drugs. I'm convinced there's a connection. Unfortunately there's no way to prove it & I'll just have to live with it. I've talked to others coming off benzos who've had exactly the same symptoms & diagnosis.

A few have cleared up completely with time, most are still living with some degree of symptoms or "flares" even when the rest of their withdrawl symptoms have cleared up :(




I hope the fibro sx clear up over time.






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Yep you are right if you go into this thinking it's going to be terrible then it will be but you have to take it day by day. We all want stuff to happen really fast and unfortunately it don't work that way with our bodies, it takes time to get back to normal. When I get off these I swear I'll never get back on them. I had no clue that these meds could cause the problems people say they do. I don't know much about klonopin other than its got a long half life (duh) but it may be the way to go in your case, I thought you were gonna try tapering strictly from Ativan?


Yeah, I wish I'd known in 2003 what a huge pile of dog poo I was about to step in...but, you know, I don't think the doc knew, either. Yes, he should have, but I'm really working on not hating the doctors who got me here, 'cause I got me here, too, and that anger won't help me in dealing with the doctors whose help I need to get me off this stuff..


"Hold tight, hang tough

Love is just enough

To keep you off that stuff

To save you...now"--John Gorka, I changed one word


I don't know if I'm going for w/d from Ativan directly or c/o to Valium for the taper. There's pros and cons on both sides, I need more data. And more input from my benzo buddies--which way would you go?



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You can probably cut down from 6 mgs to a certain point.  I don't know what that point is for me or you.


Valium has a lot of metabolites that Ativan doesn't.  Again with the numbers, doctors don't like to prescribe large amounts of valium.  And many people talk about it causing depression.


I have reservations about Valium, but also know it can help you get down if Ativan is too difficult.

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Jr. Buddie


Posts: 7


I love BenzoBuddies!



Pdoc says c/t is okay - confused

« on: Today at 12:35:03 AM »


Need some input, I have been taking .5mg of Avian for about 3 months.  I cut it in half a few days ago, to .25mg, before finding this website.  I have since heard back from my Pdoc who says I can just discontinue the avian since it is a low dose for a short time.  So I am confused to say the least after reading all the info in this website.  If I did c/t off the .5mg, what could I expect regarding withdrawl? I am scared to continue with this, as the longer I take it, the more I become dependent on it.  On the other hand, I do need to function for my family. 

Thanks for any input.




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That's about how I feel. I can prob. taper to a 'certain point' (2 mg/d?) and then things get tougher, from what I read. That's when a benzo with a long half life might be just what the doctor ordered. All benzos tend to cause depression or make it worse; is Valium worse than the others? I have enough depression, don't need any more.




You just cut your dose by 50% a few days ago? You might want to wait a week or two and see how that goes before any further reductions. Maybe you could c/t without big problems, but what's the advantage over doing it gradually?




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  I'll probably just stick with the ativan and taper from that because of the small dose I'm at already it doesn't make sense to cross over at this point. Ive heard mixed statements about crossing over even at high doses to a longer acting benzo but again, I'm sure it depends on what you body is telling you because some people are more sensitive than others to tapering off a short acting benzo, i guess the only advantage ive got this far is being on a fairly low dose this entire time but I'm still going to go slow. Ive felt good today so it things continue in that fashion i'll probably make another cut in a few more days, slower is always better I believe  :)

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Fellow thread heads:


I'm sitting here with a calculator in one hand going over the signatures of the recent posts. I don't have the energy to do the math for an overall average, but my impression is that most people are tapering at around 20-40%/cut and figure they're stable and ready for another cut at 7-10 days. 50% cuts are not rare, but 10% cuts are. Unless I'm way off (maybe someone could run the numbers), we would not pass Dr. Heather Ashton's Tapering Seminar.

I remember when I quit alcohol, I tapered down to 2.5 drinks/night, then went "the hell with this, I've had enough". The problem is you can get away with this impatience with alcohol or opiates or what have you...but not benzos. Maybe it's the way they change the brain's neurochemistry, it takes longer to change back than with other drugs. I don't know, but it seems to me like the folks with the more severe w/d have the quicker tapers. I want to be that snail on the garden wall. What do you think?



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