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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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Omni Wanted to mention I also used the form of Unisom that says " doxylamine succinate" on the front...I tried Vistaril a few times ( prescription only) and I didn't like the way it made me feel in the morning...whatever sleep aids you try I would plan to rotate them...


Mookie really great news the neurologist is willing to test to give you peace of mind...yes every day can be a different set of sxs...sometimes every hour :idiot: this is perfectly normal...just keep telling yourself it's going to be alright :smitten:

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Hi everyone!! Hope all is well out there in Ativan land. I had my neuro consult today, and he thinks, from the initial stuff done in the office, that I'm fine neurologically, but said "you have concerns, so we'll address them". SO NICE. So I have an MRI on Tuesday and an EEG the following week. Meanwhile, I think this cut is making me a little foggy, sluggish, and some head pressure. It's amazing how my body feels different on a daily basis! Also, I've started taking the L-Theanine, in a blend with lavender, lemon balm and chamomile. We'll see how that goes! Sending out love and strength to you all!  :smitten:


Odds are, your tests will show you're okay! However, it's good to have peace of mind. I went through a lot of testing early in my taper when I was very symptomatic and it was comforting to know that my symptoms were just from the benzos.



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Hello everyone! 


I've tried a few new things so thought I would share here.  I only take Ativan one time per day, at night, for sleep.  I've been holding at 1.5 but I'm ready for another cut.  I hope!  Last night I dropped to 1.25 and added Unisom (50 mg Diphenhydramine)  I slept great but after I was awake for a couple of hours this morning I went back to bed and slept another 2 hours.  Tylenol PM has 25 mg of Dip and I'm pretty sure Benadryl is just 25 mg of Dip.  I'm hopeful that I can play around with the amount of Dip so that I can still get enough sleep to work.  Then I can just manage the s/x of the Ativan taper.  I know .25 is a big cut but I want to see how it goes.  I'll give myself a few days and if I'm too miserable, I can always back up and slow the taper, right? 


It's such a comfort to know that you are all here and supportive and experienced?

Thank you!

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Yes, Rriver, this neurologist was very kind and understanding. The reason I went was for weird symptoms I was having before the Ativan, which were initially (and likely are) chalked up to anxiety. They just were very odd, physical sensations, and my dr. thought it might be something neurological. In the meantime, I "figured out" that each time these weird things came on, I had eaten wheat products. So after that, I cut out wheat/gluten, and that particular set of sxs has not recurred. Now I just have these delightful, though manageable, Ativan symptoms!! But I'm happy to have the neuro testing anyway...make sure the ol' brain is okay. :) 


Northriver, I'm doing .25 cuts, but I was only on it for 3-4 weeks. I can't see your signature while I'm typing this, so I don't know how long you were on it. Just listen to your body! It'll tell you what's up. :thumbsup:


Saga, thank you again for your words of encouragement and support! Hope Kiddo is doing okay.  :-\


Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday!! xo Mookie

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So after feeling pretty good the first 5 days after my cut, I come back to work and right around this time of day both yesterday and today, I've had sxs! Yesterday I had to take my afternoon dose an hour early, and that seemed to take care of it. I'm pretty good and productive in the morning, but afternoon? FORGET IT! :idiot: It's a little disappointing after having a good stretch of days after that second cut. Think I should hold this one for a little longer? My choir concert is on Sunday, maybe I'll wait until that's over to try another cut, and maybe I'll do .125 rather than .25. Or something. Hope everyone is well!  :smitten:
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Mookie yes it's disappointing to have sxs the same time of day but very common...always been 4:00 for me....of course you can always hold the the next cut until after an event, or cut a smaller amount. It's all up to you and how you're feeling. Stay strong and positive  :smitten:


North I hope the cut went well and you're getting sleep with your plan.  :thumbsup:

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Hey guys. I jumped a little over a month ago and I might have to have surgery. If they intend to put me under for it, could it possibly put me back into w/d? Is local anesthesia safe? Thanks in advance.
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Omni - I had day surgery and propofol was used and I was fine. I declined the pre-anesthetic benzo though. Is everything ok? How are you feeling?  :smitten:


Houndog - that's great!!!!! Keep us posted and please don't forget to write a success story down the road when you are healed  :)



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Hello all!


I am a week out from my last cut and feeling mostly OK.  I had to take one morning off this week but I'm lucky to have a bank of vacation days to draw from and our student numbers are way down ( I work at a Technical College) so it doesn't place a burden on anyone else if I am out.  I have had a few days of fog head and the tinnitus is annoying but for the most part, I'm hanging in there.  One question-- has anyone heard of having bloodshot eyes as a sx?  It's actually only in one eye but it looks awful and people comment on it.  No pain, but kind of gross!


Omni==When I was in the hospital in October for pancreatitis I was on IV fluids and pain medication for 3 days.  I was worried about developing a tolerance to the narcotics (not sure what drug it was, sorry) but when I asked about it the nurses said it should be OK and it wasn't a problem.  Hope surgery went well!


Houndog== five days out from your jump and no symptoms is awesome! 

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Had my MRI and my brain is squeaky clean! They noted something that looked like a "cervical fracture", so I'm getting a CT scan tomorrow to see what that's all about. FUN. I have no idea how a fracture could have happened...maybe it's something old.


So last night I was feeling good and decided to cut my night dose, so another .25. I think I paid for it today, but again, I feel pretty good tonight, so I'm going to continue not taking the night dose. But man, did I feel like crud today! We'll see what tomorrow brings.  :) I hope everyone has a good, comfortable night, or day, depending on where you are.  :smitten:

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Mookie so glad the MRI was good...I hope the CT shows nothing too! Could be something old...

Sorry you're feeling like crap...pretty standard though I hate to say...not easy to feel good doing this it you're making great progress!


North good job on feeling mostly ok! It's nice to have those days off available if you need them. My eyes are a mess all the way around. So annoying but very common...


Hound wow a week off and NO sxs!?!?! It's sounds as though you're one of the lucky ones...nice to hear!


Omni I've also heard of using propanol instead of a benzo for surgery. Good luck! I hope your sleep is becoming better the further out you're going!

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Hey guys. My surgery is tomorrow morning. They are going to use Propofol to put me under and it's scaring me as it works on GABAA just like benzos. I only jumped a month ago. Please pray for me
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Hello all.


I had mild chest pain,  The last week I stop the chest pain, but I have to rest every 15 minutes or so. I rest for 20 minutes then do something for  5 or 15 then, need to rest. I don't know when this thing started,  I cant go to shopping without feeling bad after 5 minutes to enter the store.  or I cant talk on my cell for more then 3 minutes." 

It's weird, I feel more calm now, that I know what triggers a panic attack,  When at work , I cant talk to anybody for more than 5 minutes,  its not funny.


Do you think the combo Prozac and Lorazepan is doing it.?


my Dr. told me to  go up  from 20 to 30 mg in prozac and cross over Valium,  I haven't  start It yet.

waiting to get more advise from you all guys.


this weekend I'm going to start hopefully.


not sure if 30mg prozac will help ? 

what is the interaccion prozac vs valium?


Thank guys, I follow this post. 




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Hey guys. My surgery is tomorrow morning. They are going to use Propofol to put me under and it's scaring me as it works on GABAA just like benzos. I only jumped a month ago. Please pray for me


I was in the very same situation last winter.  I was about a year off and as put under for a colonoscopy and they used propofol (I made sure they didn't use the versed benzo method).  It can honestly say it went EXTREMELY well.  Not problems at all.

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I had propofol for my colonoscopy in March ( I told my anesthesiologist about my benzo w/d and he was very understanding about why I did not want to use versed). I had no problems. Quick wakeup and no revving of my s/x.



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Hi Tex....I'm not sure if its Prozac or withdrawal but I personally wouldn't alter your other medications during w/d. It becomes too hard to differentiate what symptoms are caused by what drug. Tiring easily, weakness, short of breath.....all symptoms of withdrawal and I have experienced all of them as well. If you are concerned, booking an appointment with your doctor may help. If you get a clean bill of health than you can chalk it up to w/d (or Prozac) and know that it will pass.


Let us know how you make out  :)


Omni - how'd the surgery go? Thinking of you  :smitten:

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Hello everyone and welcome to those of you who are new!  I'm so glad I found this group and the help and support we can provide for each other is awesome.


Saga, thanks much for the eye info.  Who would ever think that benzo withdrawal can mess with a person's eye for goodness sake?  It's better now so I will be curious to see if it worsens when I make my next cut.


Omni, do give us an update on the surgery when you are up to it.  Sending positive thoughts your way from Wisconsin!


Tex,  I agree that one taper at a time is a good plan.  I am on antidepressants that I won't even think about changing now.  A big MAYBE if I ever try to get off of those but I am determined to return to natural sleep.  I've been benzo sleeping for over 8 years!

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North yes it's amazing how these drugs can mess with every area of the body...all kinds of odd neuro sxs as well. I'm glad the eye issues cleared up. Don't be discouraged if they make a comeback.


Tex I'm sorry I didn't see your post. What you're experiencing definitely sounds like w/d sxs to me...I would try to keep the same level of Prozac and not increase the amount.


Omni hope your surgery went well...thinking of you


Hope everyone else is doing well :smitten:

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Hey guys. My surgery is tomorrow morning. They are going to use Propofol to put me under and it's scaring me as it works on GABAA just like benzos. I only jumped a month ago. Please pray for me


I had an endoscopy last year. The propofol made me feel euphoric. I was really, REALLY happy for about an hour after waking up. That was the only side effect.


How did it go for you?


Rriver  :smitten:

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Hi all, just popping in quickly! I am still holding at 0.125 at 7am.  I felt very sick over the weekend, i believe it was a reaction to the tetanus shot i received on Friday.  So that delayed me a little in my taper.  I will cut down to 0.0625 tomorrow, yay!!!  So excited!!!


I hope everyone has a good week  :)

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Hi A Team, I'm popping in to pick your brains. I am down to .32 mg of Ativan (compounded gummy squares).  My worst symptom is my racing heart, which then triggers major anxiety, muscle tightness, racing thoughts, screaming ears, burning/tingling skin -- the whole shabang.  I started taking a beta blocker three days ago (after my racing heart sent me to the ER).  Since then, I feel fine.  I'm thinking a lot of anguish could have been avoided if I had started the beta blocker earlier.  So, I'm thinking of just ditching the Ativan, since I know its the racing heart that triggers the anxiety.  Has anyone jumped from around .32 Ativan and been fine?  My other option would be to have the pharmacist make doses of .2 mg, then .1 mg then bye, bye Ativan.  Thoughts, opinions, experiences?
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Hey KickinIt - everyone is different....I personally could not jump from that dose. I also, rarely get racing heart, so just shows how individual we each are in the process. I guess I would ask you....why risk it? If you are willing to jump from .32 why not at least taper (even if it's quickly) to .20 and .125 like you suggested? That's my vote  :thumbsup: Keep us posted  :)


NoFun - sorry about the tetanus shot fallout.....hope you're on the mend quickly good job on your taper....I hope you heal quickly as it looks like you will  :)

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Decided to jump from 0.125 today instead of tapering.  When i tried to cut the 0.125 piece this morning it just crumbled to pieces.  That happened before, but this morning i was just sick of it all.


Wish me luck!

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