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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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No good, very bad night last night.  Full-body vibrations, jerks, restlessness, close to no sleep. 

Well, i was cruising along for a few weeks, i was bound to have some sxs.  :-[


I'm sorry NoFun...you were bound to have some days like this...I really wouldn't want to try moving from 4 down to 3 doses...I think your body really gets used to those times and trying to stretch it out may be tough. That's just my opinion. I dosed around the ones you do and it was tough to manage those.


Yes the equivalent is 10:1 for Valium...according to Ashton. These are very potent tiny pills...it's wild just how potent a tiny crumb becomes...still you're doing a good job! I hope it levels out for you soon!


Thx Saga.  I'm doing better now than a few hours ago.  I will see what to do about the dosing...will wait to maybe get some more feedback.  Today I am trying to push the dosing times a little further apart.  It's just so damn hard to cut the pills.  Maybe I really need to cut on a mirror lol

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Just poppin' my head in to see how everyone's doing. Well I hope. Me I'm not so bad. Still on the liquid train. Had a couple rough patches in the past few months but nothing major. A few days of heightened anxiety but totally manageable. It was basically just a reminder to slow my taper down a bit as I get lower. Made a small tweak and everything went back on track. What's with all these train analogies? Anyway take care all my Benzo buddies. Hey has anyone seen my gal Kiddo? She's not hitting on everyone still is she? 😜
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I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who offered tapering suggestions a while ago.  I am losing my home and in the process of moving, so I haven't been logged in as much as usual.  Thanks so much for your help, encouragement, and suggestions.
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Moon I'm so terribly sorry to hear this news...you must be feeling quite overwhelmed with losing your home and coping with such a stressful situation not to mention physically moving.


I remember you were looking to taper using the liquid Ativan...I'm not sure I was able to help you using the liquid but I think someone else stepped in with some details about using the liquid.


I hope the move goes smoothly for you...best of luck and take care of yourself  :smitten:



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Please help me.

I am on lorazepam taper since 4 months.rough withdrawal

I am at 0.18mgs.

I still have days which are bad even though I am tapering so slowly.

I came down from 1.0 mgs in 4months.

Is it normal to feel this way.

I have a rocking boat feeling and unsteadiness  in my feet

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Totally normal to have those feelings. Lorazepam is one devil of a drug. 4 months seems like a reasonable time to go from 1.0mg down to 0.18mg. I went from 1mg to 0 in 3.5 months.


Please continue to taper down lower from 0.18mg before you stop the drug.


Tapering is not supposed to be fun, the suffering is only temporary, I am feeling very well most days and have been off 10+ months.



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Just stopping by to say, "THANK YOU!"


Tomorrow's the big day. I'm jumping!


I'm down to .002 mgs Ativan and I'm just tired of tapering. This is a good week to jump because there's no school, so I don't have to do anything except bake a turkey breast and open a container of pre-cooked mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving morning (my MIL's bringing everything else--YAY!). I have a whole week to sleep late and chill on the couch if necessary.


I couldn't have survived this without BB and my faith! The tapering advice and constant stream of encouragement and support got me this far! Faith was the other big part of this, but I know we aren't supposed to discuss that here in depth so that's all I'll say  :angel:.


To anyone who's just starting their taper--HANG IN THERE! Slow and steady, ask for help when you need it, and never lose sight of the fact that you will heal eventually. Keep fighting! :boxer:


Rriver :smitten:

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Kirk I echo everything Laser said about tapering. Everything you're experiencing is very normal for w/d...take your time and keep going slowly down in dose. Nothing about tapering feels comfortable. Remember you can do this!


RRiver congrats on the jump! You've done a really terrific taper...sounds like a good plan to me. I hope it all goes smoothly for you. Best of luck as you move into FREEDOM :smitten:


Hi Judy hope you're doing well :smitten:

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Hi there! So I'm on day 3 of my taper, taking .25 mg 5x day, trying to taper off .5 mg 3x a day for about 3 weeks. It just amazes me how quickly my body became dependent on this. I seem to feel better in the morning, and worse as the day goes on, I know it's just the beginning, so I'm trying to keep that perspective. I worry more about the end of the taper, where it seems people are taking such teeny doses but still can't kick it. I'm hoping that because it was such a short-term usage, that I'll be alright. One day at a time and all that, right?  :smitten:
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Hi there! So I'm on day 3 of my taper, taking .25 mg 5x day, trying to taper off .5 mg 3x a day for about 3 weeks. It just amazes me how quickly my body became dependent on this. I seem to feel better in the morning, and worse as the day goes on, I know it's just the beginning, so I'm trying to keep that perspective. I worry more about the end of the taper, where it seems people are taking such teeny doses but still can't kick it. I'm hoping that because it was such a short-term usage, that I'll be alright. One day at a time and all that, right?  :smitten:


Welcome to the thread Mookie! You're right it is astonishing how quickly dependence can happen. I think it's smart to try a fast taper if you're a short term user. Finding the forum should help you understand everything you're experiencing is normal in terms of sxs. Interestingly I am another person who was good in the morning but worse as the day progressed. Keep reading and asking questions if you have any. We will help any way we can. Yes keeping the one day at a time mindset is very helpful.Good luck to you :smitten:

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Thanks!! I'm also a little stress-y because I have a neuro consult coming next Friday (which now I'm feeling that it won't show anything). The symptoms I was having pre-Ativan struck my doc as more neurological than anxiety...had cold adrenaline feeling in my arm, burning sensation on the front of my legs, just all kinds of weird things. However, in the middle of all this, I noticed those things happened after I ate something wheat. So I've cut that out, and those symptoms have disappeared. Now I'm just having stuff from trying to get off the Ativan. Chest pain (not severe, and trying to remember my normal EKGs!), some pain in the jaw, and random "shocks", I guess, in my legs. But none of these are constant. It's true, reading through this and other threads, I see that these are all pretty typical withdrawal symptoms and that makes me feel better. :) I'm also glad my appetite came back in time for Thanksgiving!  ;)
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Hi Mookie , Glad your here. Everyone is so helpful !


I've been going through a terrible wave. I cut my 5am dose from 9/16 to 1/2 mg. I'm so sick at my stomach for 5 days , I can't eat, sweats, cold, shaky, jaw pain, fearfulness, anxiety, nauseous , Benzo Flu and  breathing problems.

I'm worried the lower I go the worse it will be because I


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Hi Mookie , Glad your here. Everyone is so helpful !


I've been going through a terrible wave. I cut my 5am dose from 9/16 to 1/2 mg. I'm so sick at my stomach for 5 days , I can't eat, sweats, cold, shaky, jaw pain, fearfulness, anxiety, nauseous , Benzo Flu and  breathing problems.

I'm worried the lower I go the worse it will be because I



I think your post was cut off Warrior...Aww I'm so sorry you're having a tough time. Waves are terrible as we all know...I know how hard this is but it will pass. Please don't think ahead and borrow trouble....one day at a time is the best way to get through...hope this passes soon :smitten:

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I feel like a wimpy baby reading some of the posts and signatures describing what others have been through! I was initially prescribed the Ativan (lorazepam) just in October! Not even 2 months of total usage! But I could tell that what I was taking wasn't enough and I didn't want to take more. My dr had told me to take it 3x/day "for a few days", but I must have promptly forgotten that part and took it like that for 3 weeks. Dope. Anyway, trying to keep some of the positive mantras I've seen on here going through my head, and hoping my sxs stay at this level while I taper. I'm sorry for those that are suffering with theirs. xo  :smitten:
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Saga , I appreciate the words of encouragement so much. You are such a special person that is always there for us ! :smitten:

        Yes, I sent that post by accident. Could not remember how to get back to the blog.


Mookie,  Don't ever feel bad for expressing your feelings . They are big concerns for you. We all get that. Talk and get it out.

This is my worse wave ever. I have had some beautiful windows too. Just follow Saga's advice. Kiddo is really amazing too.

They are so tough and real fighters ! They have hard times like all of us. Keep writing on this blog !


Kiddo , Love You. Feel better soon !


Love and Big Hugs to All,



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Just had a little weirdness in the chest and elevated pulse. Nothing huge, and again just remembering and reminding myself that it's my brain healing and causing all these random things. Random leg pains, jaw pain and chest tightness/elevated pulse rate...these have been the main symptoms. I probably shouldn't, but I am having a half-glass of wine....tiny sips. Hope everyone has a good night.  :)
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Mookie from your post it sounds as though your Dr is somewhat benzo wise...if so that's great news. Don't feel like a baby whining about your sxs :) keep telling herself this is your brain and these are normal makes it easier. If you're having minor and tolerable sxs that's wonderful! Maybe you'll have an easy time coming off these meds. I hope so, it's nice to see some people really don't have difficulty.


Warrior You're  too kind  :smitten: you've been a very encouraging support to many. I'm glad you're remembering the beautiful windows instead of focusing in the wave. I know this is hard. You truly are a warrior and I'm so proud of you. I hope this passes quickly :smitten:

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Does any one wake up early morn from the anxiety being so bad ? I know Rose and Katz wake up early. Is it caused from anxiety and feeling like you have the benzo flu ?. Since my cut 7 days ago it is basically non stop all day and evening . I wonder if cutting to 1/2 mg pill did it . I cut by 1/16th . It was a 5 am cut.  I need to stop  ! Just let it go. I feel like I'm going crazy at times right now.


Saga, Thinking of you ! Sorry to hear your sick and in a wave.

I hope you feel better soon my dear friend !


LaserJet, Do you have an suggestions. Should I try to even my doses or take smaller cuts ? I use a scale . Thinking of you !


Judy, How are you doing ?


River , I'm so happy for you and your JUMP !  Yeah ! Hope it is going well for you !


Mookie , Hope your day is better.


Love, Peace and Calmness,


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Hi friend, I wake at 4 every day..anxiety too and sadness, just bc it's another day and I feel the same.

Been in a funk...was hoping to be healed...I thought last year...by now I would be so better. I didn't know about this process...not that easy..

I'm down , but just my circumstances too.

The crazy feelings  are common, I think Jackie told me and other buddies who are done.

I try to tell myself it's the benzo flu And wds too.

I hope Warrior this passes for you soon, you are a fighter and are doing great. It will pass,

Maybe others can help more..I just lovevya,

Rose :smitten:

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Hope everyone is doing well here. (Fat chance of that happening, this is lorazepam for crying out loud).


Mookie, stay away from the alcohol. Seriously.


Warrior, I'd love to give you a suggestion but i cant make sense out of your taper in your sig, totally cryptic to me (your dose and cuts). Can anyone else follow that dose history? 😨


To help keep you taperers motivated, I'll let you know this hell is worth it. Im doing just fabulous these days. With the occasional exception of early waking, most days i feel GREAT....im closing in on 11 months off. 😃

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I literally had about 4 sips and was like "DONE!" I'm not a drinker really anyway, so it's not a problem to not have it. Sleep so far has not been affected, and hopefully won't be; I never had an issue with sleeping. Just feeling a little achy in the shoulders and back of the neck today, but I might have just slept in a weird position. WHO KNOWS!! The obsessing over every twinge and pain is already getting old for me, but again, coming here and seeing that it's all typical and normal is beyond helpful. I hope everyone has a better day, one day and one breath at a time. xoxo  :smitten:


P.S. Laser, hearing how well you're doing is wonderful!!! I look forward to when others who are struggling so hard get to that place.  :)

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Hi Everyone. Just checking in to say hi. Thanks for the shout out Saga and Warrior! I'm still hanging in doing what seems as an "endless" taper , but I think by not cutting more than 5% ( generally every 7-10 days ) is keeping me functional. I'm still using the compounded liquid and this method is much preferred by me that my former "scale/pill struggles" . Glad you are doing well Laser. Sending healing thoughts  and prayers to you Warrior, Kiddo, Saga, G.I.T. .... and all my other buddies here .  :smitten:
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Laser,  Thank you for writing me. Good to hear your feeling well. Yeah !!


              I need to change my sig. update. Sorry.    Here it is .I dose 4 times a day.

          5 am  0.50 mg,  10:30 am  0.375 ,  4 pm 0.375  , 9 pm  0.5625  . I cut by 1/16 mg  ( using a scale  those are not scale weights , they are decimals for you to understand where I'm at) every 7-14 days but have held 18 - 24 days in the past. I felt holding that long really did not do me much good.


Last cut was 5 am dose Nov.23 from 0.5625 to 0.50 mg,  been in a wave ever since, Benzo flu,can't eat, anxiety can't sleep ,up 2:30am to 3:30am everyday. Anxiety wakes me, then nervous stomach kicks in. Getting down because I feel so sick 24/7 . Plus other sxs.


Nov.15th was my 9 pm cut from 0.625 to 0.5625.  Then Nov.8th  I cut my 5 am dose  from 0.625 to 0.5625.  I had some nice windows.


The cut before that was Oct.21 I waited 18 days that time.  Never helped at all so I went ahead and cut.


  My 10:30am and 4 pm have stayed the same at 0.375 until I get my other doses even with those . I cut back in forth from 5am to 9pm.

I hope that will help you understand where I am at. Please if you have any ideas for me it would be greatly appreciated. Or anyone else that wants to chime in.


Hi Judy , Glad to hear from you ! Keep on Keeping on ! Love Ya !


Thank you Rose , we will all make it. Sooner or later.


Mookie  Yes, won't that be wonderful when get to where Laser is.


Hope I did not over do on the infor.

Love and Peace,


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