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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Do you think my Psychiatrist is correct about my Withdrawal?


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Thank you SO much Katie for your kind response! =) I will do what my psychiatrist tells me. He said to stay on it until I feel that empowerment again, and then wean off of it in about 5-6 months.
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Please be careful putting your trust in your doctor. What if he wants to treat you for a bi polar disorder a month out? Many wd sx mimic mental illness. Please use your own judgement about your instrinic health.


My doctor is an expert in benzos yet suggested I go on "new rotten" to cope with wd.  I had to educate him that anything that hits GABA is going to repress my healing. Docs don't know everything.


You are super vulnerable right now. Don't give your power away totally out of that fearfulness. You have more wisdom inside of yourself than you know. Tap into it :)

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I understand. I see nothing wrong though with REMERON. It doesnt attach itself to GABA or anything. And by all means I WILL NOT let him put me on anything else! ETC. NO WAY!
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And trust me. I have BEEN VULNERABLE to my old MD for 3 years! That's why I'm in this mess. lol. So I'm keeping my head straight.
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I think your pdoc is right on! Stay on the last little bit of the Ativan and taper slowly! The REMERON can be addressed much later. Just speaking from previous experience. But the other post is right. If you start to have some mood fluctuations, that is normal with benzo withdrawal. You posted the other day that you were crying for 2 days about something.. Benzo withdrawal. These pdocs love to medicate so don't be surprised if they think you're bipolar or have some mood disorder.


My benzo doc who is not a psych doc but has been doing drug tapering for 32 years says psych docs give drugs to make you dependent on the drug which in turn, makes you dependent on them! All of their treatment is pure speculation. Only two docs in the country use pet scans of the brain to determine a psych disorder and I'm not so sure that is accurate. I know there are people that have true mental illness weather it's organic in nature or due to life circumstances ( bad family growing up etc.) most people are just dealing with life stuff and then go to the doctor when a stressor pops up and then here come the pills.


My sister in law went to the doctor the other day and said she was feeling run down. The doctor told her that she was depressed and needed an antidepressant. She saw another doc that said she was having some hormone fluctuations and they are working to get that corrected.


Anyway I got off on a rant here. All I will tell you and you can read my sig line is that slow and steady wins the race!

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Thanks Godsgrace for your response.


I actually had an anxiety issue, that is why I was put on ativan in the 1st place.


And that's what stinks... is maybe I'm going to have to deal with anxiety for the rest of my life.


My real father was a manic depressive. But I did not know him. He committed suicide while my mother was pregnant with me.


But I know genetics can play a roll in anxiety and depression.


But from what my mom says, she said I'M NOTHING like my real father. He didnt have anxiety at all. He thought he was God and stuff... and he abused drugs I think like LSD, acid, beer etc.


I am not a drinker. I have always had my head on straight. But anxiety did creep up on me 4 years ago.


But I didnt know what it was, and I was so fearful of it, I was desperate for some relief. I didnt sleep for almost 5 days straight the heart palps were so bad, the anxiety was so bad, and the physical symptoms that came with it. My right ear was numb for days.


SO I know medication has its purposes... but I'm a TRUE BELIEVER that anxiety is JUST A DISORDER... NOT A DISEASE! And I believe it can be CORRECTED W/OUT DRUGS!


If down the road, after I'm benzo free for a long time.. and anxiety is still an issue.. I will reconsider medication. BUT NOT BENZOS!


Remeron has been the 1st AD EVER to work for me and VERY FAST! It worked OVER NIGHT! At least the sleep and the hunger issues were resolved over night. And that felt good!


Thanks again for writing!

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