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antibiotics and me. Grrrrrrr!


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Yesterday, my dogs got into a pretty bad fight over some treats.  in trying to break them up, I got myself a nice puncture wound on my thumb.  I just came from my doctor, as my thumb became so swollen overnight that I could no longer bend it. 


  I just asked the doc that I saw ( my doc was off today so i saw someone new - dr. Weiner coincidentally) to please not give me any fluroquinolones.  He flipped out on me and asked how i knew that term.  i explained that i had heard that they can impede benzo wd recovery and he laughed out loud. 


  Here I am now with a busted thumb and some Cipro.  Please tell me that this is all gonna work out...



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Oh Fieldy ... I'm so sorry that that doc reacted to you in such an insensitive manner.  :nono:  (Kinda like this guy .... arghh).  I just googled Cipro and it said that it is in the quinolone family.  Did you discover that too?  I don't know much Fieldy but I'd go to a different doctor that has some respect for his patients.  I would not play with taking that from all that I've heard.  If we were warned previously not to take benzo's, I hope we would listen to others who have the wisdom from experience to know the truth.  Same goes for the fluroquinolones right?


Thinking of you my friend.  :mybuddy:

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So sorry that is happening Fieldy, 


It brings up the question though, what can we ask for besides NOT quinolones? 


I hope you have found a way to heal your thumb by the time you're reading this. 


no more of THOSE treats for the beasts.  :)



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Thanks guys :)


I knew Cipro was a no no, but I can't believe he just completely disregarded me!  He even gave me a look when I said fluroquinolones, then said to me "how do you even know that term?"


I told him that I am recently benzo free and don't want to make my condition worse.  Obviously he thought I was nuts because he gave me Cipro anyways.


I'm going to hold out til Monday and see my regular doc.  I know she listens to my concerns when it comes to medications :)


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Sorry to hear about the dog bite Fieldy.  And I am also sorry to hear how clueless your doctor is.  There are many antibiotics in different classes other than fluoroquinolone family.  If my doctor was to laugh at me because I didn't want to take that class of drugs I would find a new doctor ASAP.  You could from now on tell them you are allergic to this class of drugs.  When any doctor brings up fluoroquinolones I just show them my battle scars.  That usually shuts them right down.







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Oh good Fieldy ... that is a relief that your regular doc listens to you and gives respect.  Those arrogant ones tend to give them all a bad reputation.  I found a new doc this week ... he was awesome.  Gave me tons of credit for coming off the drugs and gave me the natural thyroid hormone I wanted rather than forcing me to continue with the Synthroid.  There are some good ones out there ... thank goodness.  They make the world a better place.   :)

If I'm wrong about the hormone ... then it is on me and I can take responsibility for my own health decisions.  It is great to have the guidance (not demands and control) of a good doctor though.


Hope that thumb doesn't hurt too bad and that it holds out till Monday when it can be properly taken care of.   :hug:

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I am also relieved to hear that your regular GP is respectful. 


That is quite a while to wait for care, especially since it is swelling. There is likely bacteria in the wound. Maybe google treating a dog bite.  Don't let the holes close up, maybe keep it soaking in warm water until you find a treatment.


Not hydrogren pyroxide (it interacts with GABA), Not alcohol (dries out and closes)..


Hope you find some relief,

I'm sure your pups are feeling sorry... 





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Not hydrogren pyroxide (it interacts with GABA), Not alcohol (dries out and closes)..




Is this true....Hyrdrogen pyroxide interacts with GABA????  How so?


I'm sorry Field about your dr's visit.  I don't know why these doctors are so arrogant!!!  I've been laughed at by a doctor before, even when I had supporting documentation with my questions.  It's humilating.  It seems like the majority of them are this way. 

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Hi patches,

I don't understand but I googled this:


"Hydrogen peroxide increases GABAergic mIPSC through presynaptic release of calcium from IP3 receptor-sensitive stores in spinal cord substantia gelatinosa neurons."


Some else here had a problem with a calcium blocker in a skin lotion that flared up her symptoms.


It seems GABA receptors are all over our bodies, as is the CNS.


But I don't understand it... In my opinion I'm just staying away from anything GABAergic.


This is list a benzobuddie posted:  I'm still trying to match these to food and body products...


"Valerian is also an agonist.  Here is a handy dandy list of supplements and drugs that are GABAergic:



GABAA receptor ligands

Agonists/Positive allosteric modulators: alcohol,[33][34][35] barbiturates, benzodiazepines, carisoprodol, chloral hydrate, etomidate, glutethimide, L-theanine, kava, methaqualone, muscimol, neuroactive steroids, z-drugs, propofol, scullcap, valerian, volatile/inhaled anaesthetics.


Antagonists/Negative allosteric modulators: bicuculline, cicutoxin, flumazenil, furosemide, gabazine, oenanthotoxin, picrotoxin, Ro15-4513, thujone.


GABAB Receptor Ligands

Agonists: baclofen, GBL, GHB,[36] phenibut.


Antagonists: phaclofen, saclofen.


GABA reuptake inhibitors: deramciclane, hyperforin, tiagabine.


GABA-transaminase inhibitors: gabaculine, phenelzine, valproate, vigabatrin, Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis).[37]


GABA analogues: pregabalin, gabapentin.


Others: GABA (itself), picamilon, progabide, tetanospasmin"


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I agree with Kenneth concerning telling the dr. that you're allergic to Cipro/Bactrim/Levoquin. They are on my cannot tolerate list. Also, just wondering, could you put Neosporin witn pain relief on the bite? Would it cause problems? Just wondering. Hope you get relief soon. T2

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Thanks for all of your help guys.  I ended up going to urgent care late Friday night.  The pain was intense, and I was running a fever.  I was able to get Amoxicillin with no problem.  My hand is still swollen, but not nearly as painful.  I seem to be tolerating the Amox well. 


As for my dogs, Im honestly not angry with them.  I knew better than to treat them both at the same time while in the same room.  The dog didnt mean to bite me, he was fighting my other dog and I stuck my arm down to try and separate them.  Trying to break up the fight was my second mistake.


I am snuggled up on the couch with both of my pups now, and there are no hard feelings.  Boys will be boys, and I love my boys.


Thankfully, I didnt use peroxide to clean the bite.  After it happened, I just washed it with soap and water.  All I can say is, you never realize how important your thumbs are until you can't use one. :thumbsup:


Thanks again,


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Hi Fieldy,

So glad you had the bite treated. I understand, too, that animals, are unpredictable and they will bite, scratch, claw, you without meaning too. Just let a moth or fly buzz around me and my 2 cats will literally climb me with claws extended to get to the insect! You are a great pet owner and it's wonderful that you forgive them. Some people wouldn't. Have a great day! T2

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So i have been taking the amoxicillin for a few days and have noticed a huge increase in wd symptoms.  I am not sure if this increase is a wave, or from the amox.  Has anyone had a similar experience with amox?
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Fieldy, I was on amoxicillin back in June for an infection in my gums around a wisdom tooth.  I didn't feel the greatest while on it and about a week or so after the prescription ended I was in a 5 day flare-up of my symptoms.  Of course that could have just been a wave that was going to happen anyway. 


My thoughts are that we need to treat our infections so even if it turns out that the Amox is the source of the waves we should do our best to finish the treatment.  Since it doesn't affect GABA receptors I wouldn't be concerned.  Within a few weeks after the last dose I was in one of the best windows I had all year.

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Hi Fieldychan,

I'm once again on an antibiotic, Omnicef. Have had Amoxicillan & Augmentin too. There are very few that I can tolerate. Hope that your thumb is healing nicely.

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