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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

2 weeks I surely regret....


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Hi Davidee,


Afraid I can't give much advice. The dark thoughts are disturbing, no question, but it's really good that you know that you wouldn't act on them. If the urge appears, though, talk to you doc or girlfriend or head to an ER or call a crisis line.


As for a stay at a hospital - that's your call. Depends on the hospital and ward. Right now, I'm opting not to check in because there's not much that can be done for the w/d that I can't do at home. And while I've benefitted from a hospital stay in the past, right now I like the familiarity of home. It's good to have someone to talk to about what you're going through. Wonder why you were advised to stay off the forums? Just curious.


Hang in there.

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My symptoms were similar to yours and I rode it out at home.  I had to tell my husband that it is time for ME to take care of ME.  I am the one every comes to when they need help.  Well it was my turn for needing help and didn't get much.  I took it into my own hands and well.....suffered through it.  I knew by coming here it was all a process I have to go through.  I am still going through it even after being off for six weeks.  Very short term accidental user and still had major withdrawals.  The psychological were very frightening I also had the intrusive thoughts.  I still cannot watch the news or horror flicks which I always enjoyed.  It takes time. Everyone's different.  I hope this finds you doing better!  Remember it's all worth the healing that is happening. Even though you can't see the healing such as we do with a cut or burn,  we are healing!  Every day is one step closer to a healthier brain!  I hope this helps you.  Reading here has helped me so much!  Thank you BENZOBUDDIES for helping me through the hardest time of my life!
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Hi Davidee,


First of all, you need to try and calm down a bit.  You remind me of myself when I first started going through this process.  Once you decide what you have to do to be med-free it will settle your cns a bit.  Floundering only makes things worse.  IMO, I would definately start to taper off the trazodone.  I am sure you have googled it, right?  Sleep meds have their own problems.  I am assuming you want to be med-free, right?  I would not take or replace another med.  You can get trapped into this roller coaster ride.  Checking into a psych or hospital unit isn't going to help much and they may try to put you on other meds.  Your sleep may not be good for awhile but then again it may come back faster than you realize.  Some members have tried taking Melatonin or Valerian with fair results but do not take it nightly....maybe 2 to 3 times a week so you don't build up a resistence to it.  I know you are worried about getting back to work and getting sleep but sleep may be an issue for awhile.  YOu have to take care of yourself.  Do deep breathing exercises, accept what is happening to you, keep a positive attitude that you will get well and please, do not panic.  Writing/journaling, watching calming tv shows, using a heating pad for a growling belly and drinking some chamomille tea are all soothing and can help keep your mind off yourself.  None of us know how long it will take to stop feeling the withdrawal symptoms.  You are young and were on the meds short term so it may not take too long for you.  Some people never have a problem coming off these meds......lucky them.  Wishing you the very best.


Patty  xo

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Stoneyco you are right on the heating pad.  I had mine on constantly for weeks!  It helped alot.  The breathing is important too.  I would count 4 in and 6 out.. and work up to 8 out when I was in one of my as I call it.. episodes.  I would write while I went through it. It helped a lot!  But the heating pad... YES IT HELPED TONS! 
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Thank you for your support and advice... I agree that the heatingad helps tremendously.  I have also started reading hope and help  for your nerves which was recommended on this forum. I think the acceptance is very important.  And the ability to calm down and not panic and be angry at myself for taking the Xanax in the first place...  It helps to hear of someone even 3 weeks father along than I am and their experience.  Thank you.

I will begin the traz taper soon.  I want to be 100 percent drug free!!!  As I was only 6 weeks ago. 


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What those little, seemingly harmless pills, can do in just a few days. I've posted this before, but will say it again, if not for BB & Jesus, I'd be dead. Only one male RN(of all the drs. nurses, P.A's, I've seen in the last 5 years) admitted to me, in secret, that he'd been hooked on Xanax, then Klonopin. And to try to slowly lower my dose. I had no idea that benzos were the cause of most of my torment.

Linder's signature says, "and all because I used a friend's xanax"...and Tamzo's Header is titled "Hoodwinked, Addicted in the Blink of an Eye". There are wonderful people here who've been on these horrid drugs for years! They are heroes & heroines. Peace & healing, T2

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I myself became physically dependent on xanax after only 2 doses (evidenced based literature shows that this can happen). This happened about 4 years ago and I thought I was going crazy. After I researched and found out what was happening to me (the Dr.s thought that I had become bi polar) I was able to eventually get on clonazepam and wean off that. It would have probably been easier for you if you have been given that option instead of stopping abruptly. I hope you get well soon.

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Well, it has been awhile since my last post.  Been through quite a bit.  My sister insisted that I go the the ER a couple of nights ago...  They took my vitals and had me talk to a resident psych doctor who gave me the option of checking into the ICU psych unit.  I hadn't slept at that point for many nights and my anxiety and w/d symptoms wer off the chain!  Also I really the trazodone and propanol are aggravating the symptoms.

They told me that they were going to take me off the traz and put me on seroquil for sleep.  I opted to not stay. I am certainly not crazy nor do I have an anxiety or panic disorder which everyone  is convinced I have.

No one will even consider the Xanax withdrawl as an option. It is so disappointing. They say that there is no way I would still be having withdrawl after almost a month off. It's very frustrating.  So I left. And I then spoke with my original psyc doc  who took me off cold turkey. He said reduce the traz from 50 to 25 mgs. And add neuron tin 100 to 200 mgs at bedtime. So, that has been helping me sleep at least through the night although I wake up four times.  So that stabilized me for a few days. Very little anxiety. Some tightness in the chest,  though.... But I am able to go back to sleep with the neuron tin.  Having reduced my traz to 25  mgs last

night, I am having a very bad day.  Is it possible that after a month on the traz I am now withdrawing fro. That as I reduce the dose?? Or might it be aggravating my benzo withdrawl symptoms? And now that I  have added the neuron tin, will I become dependent on that inna few weeks??  I feel as if I am stuck in some sort of drug hell!  Having never taken any pills before the 2 weeks on Xanax!  On another note, my girlfriend is thinking of moving out of our house. I have been staying at my sisters and she has been very kind in visiting me everyday but she wants to find a new place to give me my space to recover. We can't even sleep in the same bed together as I toss and turn. And I can't sit still. Can't even sit down to a meal four weeks out! When can expect some relief? I am nealy at the end of my rope. My thoughts are dark as ever. Need support. D

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Hi Davidee, I am so sorry you are having such a hard time.  :( I am glad you have your sister and gf to help support you. I am sorry to hear the Drs you saw didn't seem to help much, I know that must be frustrating. I tried a lot of drugs that my Drs suggested to me and prescribed to me once I cold turkeyed Xanax and none really seemed to help me either, it was very discouraging. The only thing that really helped me was time, but everyone is different. As far as expecting relief from benzo w/d, its hard to say because everyone is so different. It can take a while for some people but others heal quickly, there is no rhyme or reason. The key is everyone heals, so hang in there and do the best you can. If it gets to be too much, see your Dr or another Dr and see what they suggest. I know it can be a long frustrating process. Hang in there and try to use distraction as much as you can, healing will eventually come. As far as the neurotin, I never took that drug so I really don't have any knowledge about it. If you do a search or new post on the forum you may be able to find more info.  How have you been feeling the last few days? I hope you feel much better very soon.
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