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Benzo (and GABA) drug withdrawal is fibromyalgia in most cases??


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It is my opinion that most people diagnosed with fibromyalgia are just having a reaction to GABA acting drugs. The treatment I got after a fibro diagnosis was Neurontin, Cymbalta, Ambien and ativan and I got much worse after taking these drugs (all gaba acting drugs). The Fibro symptoms are the same as benzo "protracted" withdrawal - they both involve the CNS and neither can be detected with any reliable test so...the drug companies and the FDA have a perfect "cover their ass diagnosis" as they just label all these people having body pains and mental/cognitive issues from these CNS and GABA acting drugs as Fibro.


Could anyone imagine the amount of lawsuits that would come out of this worldwide if this fibro thing was just long term AD and benzo WD/tolerance issues?????


Anyone agree with this possibility????

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This is definitely an interesting idea, and one I can easily imagine as possible. For my own experience with benzos over the past ten or so years, the fibro/muscle pain in neck, shoulders and thoracic torso issues, as well as problems with shin pain that made me once think I might have M.S.


I read enough to realize that I likely did not have M.S. or even fibromyalgia, and did come to the conclusion the fibromyaligiat seemed to be a sort of "catch all" diagnosis that more and more people were being diagnosed with. Kind of like chronic fatigue syndrome. So, I decided I didn't have it, and just dealt with the issues via chiropractic, neck exercises, acupuncture, yoga, icing, and sometimes heat, ibprofin and for a while there marijuana again, which I had not smoked for nearly fourteen years and had practiced sobriety for my inevitable addiction. The benzos seemed to quell the muscle stuff, i.e. diazapam (Valium), and then again, not. So, yes, I wonder.


Interesting idea for sure, and I believe it is a definite possibility, renzagliarobb.


Best wishes to you.




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This fibro diagnosis came right after huge amounts of ativan and Zoloft withdrawal. I was admitted to the hospital and they gave me all these GABA acting drugs and I felt better. I then quit them because I suspected that the drugs were at least part of the problem but I C/T them and then the so called fibro got 5 times worse. I believe I know the cure for much of the catch all diagnosis of fibro and it is withdrawing from any GABA and possible any of the CNS affecting drugs.


Einstein once said "if the answer is simple, god is talking to us". I am not a religious man but I believe he believe in Achem's Razor that states..."the simplest of possibilities is quite often the correct one". I also know the greed of money and these drugs are now being prescribed to treat the conditions that they cause in the first place. Have Muscle spasms? Try a benzo...premature ejaculation? Try an ssri! WTF. Every other commercial on TV is a drug commercial!!! If ABC or someone runs a show on any of these negative drug effects - the drug companies threaten to pull their multimillion dollar commercial time and the show are never followed up.


I believe one day these days will be known as "the dark ages of medicine". I really do.

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Does anyone else believe that most or at least many cases of fibromyalgia are just what the drugs (especially benzos) do to the central nervous system??


Regards, Robb

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I was dianosed with fibromyalgia and prescribed Ativan, Ambien, Neurontin and Cymbalta which all act on GABA. I had no idea that I could still be going though WD because I had never thought withdrawal could last more than a month or so. It was the 8th month of withdrawal that I got diagnosed Fibro but only by symptoms alone and the diagnosis took 5 - 10 minutes. It is BS and I was given the diagnosis just to get to the next person waiting in line to see the doctor. The symptoms are the same!!! I wonder how many people have their lives ruined by this diagnosis. 
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I just found this....interesting. Fibro is Benzo WD??? this is page 3 of 4 don't forget to look at the other pages. It's time to send a message to drug companies that we may be on to their cover up scam!!! This may be a real syndrome (fibro) but they hide benzo withdrawal in with Fibro instead of recognizing PAWS (protracted WD from benzos).


What is the treatment for fibro? BENZOS and other GABA drugs...so people with fibro never get better...hmmm I wonder why???


Best regards, Robb

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The Fibro symptoms are the same as benzo "protracted" withdrawal - they both involve the CNS and neither can be detected with any reliable test


That's interesting. I'll have to research that better when I have time. Just at quick glance on Wikipedia I looked up Fibromyalgia and the symptoms did look the same.


Thanks, Steve

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You bettcha Steve:) I am trying to bring awareness to this possibility...I think it is a probability. Many claim to have a cure for fibro and they would all eventually work if these cures just didn't include Benzos or GABA acting drugs. Both are diagnosed with mainly a symptom checklist and the symptoms are the same. What a tragic medical system the US and world at large has participated in.




PS - Steve I took 4 mgs daily for about 10 years of lorazapam as well.

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I am 22 months off benzos and still have bouts of severe fatigue, body pain, etc.  I know this is caused by the benzo withdrawal and nothing else becasue it has gotten progressively better as time has passed and it always comes and goes with all my other benzo-related symptoms.  Also, I never had it before benzos, only in withdrawal.  Interestingly, my mother was diagnosed with "fibromyalgia" after quitting xanax a few years ago and was prescribed several drugs for the pain (including lunesta, neurontin, and a cross-tolerant barbiturate).  After I finally convinced her that it was probably the drugs themselves causing it, she quit everything and the condition went away within about 3 months.  


Tell the doctors to keep their magic pills and cram their bogus diagnoses where the sun don't shine.

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I am 22 months off benzos and still have bouts of severe fatigue, body pain, etc.  I know this is caused by the benzo withdrawal and nothing else because it has gotten progressively better as time has passed and it always comes and goes with all my other  symptoms.  Also, I never had it before benzos, only in withdrawal.  Interestingly, my mother was diagnosed with "fibromyalgia" after quitting xanax a few years ago and was prescribed several drugs for the pain (including lunesta, neurontin, and a cross-tolerant barbiturate).  After I finally convinced her that it was probably the drugs themselves causing it, she quit everything and the condition went away within about 3 months.  


Tell the doctors to keep their magic pills and cram their bogus diagnoses where the sun don't shine.


Yes, fibro is drug related in most cases (I am pretty damn sure)...this fibro thing really started to emerge just recently and 2-4% of the population has it (they say)!! BS - this is a cover up by the FDA and drug companies. Can you imagine if the truth came out? There would be a hundred million lawsuits..since nothing can be prooven as cause for either (scientifically), the charade will go on and millions of unsuspecting people will get sicker on more drugs that are supposed to help them.

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I don't think it's a coverup, I think they're just ignorant.  Doctors, and in particular psychiatrists, have no idea about the effects of the drugs they prescribe.  And whenever a patient doesn't fit in to some predefined category, they just make up a condition and prescribe another drug. 
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Maybe not so much a cover up by the doctors. I think the drug companies and the FDA have suspected something is up for a long while though and refuse to do any, or force big pharma to do long term studies (longitudinal). I believe doctors are misinformed and therefore ignorant...I do not think most doctors mean harm but they must be seeing that something is going wrong as people keep developing these newer and/or more frequent syndromes, diseases and illnesses (mental). Mental illness is out of control in this country and I believe the doctors (especially the older ones) know that something is wrong with these drugs.


I don't mean to disrespect all doctors but i have ZERO respect for big pharma and the FDA...they are both a joke and not very funny.


No disrespect intended, Robb :)

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I was diagnosed with FMS 11 years ago. It took a year and half of awful and scary testing to get that diagnosis (it's a ruling out process of other diseases and diagnosis' - including nuerologists and rheumatologists). If there is a single Dr suggesting or diagnosing FMS based on a chk list of symptoms without involving any other Dr's or tests - imo, that Dr is naive and will likely suggest a med that helps his office make money. Just my experience.
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I'm glad you're aware of the "catch all" diagnosis that's happening with FMS right now. It's quiet a laundry list of symptoms and could easily fit anyones chk list - alot like checking the internet to see if you "have something"....and it always seems to be something horrible. There's a hot button on FMS right now with loads of meds targeting it. Unfortunately is a money making game.


As an aside - my benzo fiasco had nothing to do with FMS.


I hope you begin to feel better and the symptoms lift as you improve.


Clem  :)

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That is why I say "In most cases" Clementine2. I can only imagine what having both benzo WD & FMS must be like...unless I truly have both. I have been told by a few on the net that they were going through benzo WD and that created the FMS...these are the people I so wonder if they would have gotten better if they just got off the drugs altogether.


thanks for the input Clementine2, Robb :)

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I am surprised more haven't chimed in on this topic. I predict that it will be a hot topic in the next few years though. I believe fibro (without drugs causing it) is a rare condition that has been turned into a "catch all" for drug pain from CNS damage. Mark my words...too many think they have fibromyalgia and go to the fibro forums and converse about which drugs have helped and which they are going to try...but they continue to get sicker over the years or have no improvement.


Damn shame, Robb

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The Fibro symptoms are the same as benzo "protracted" withdrawal - they both involve the CNS and neither can be detected with any reliable test


That's interesting. I'll have to research that better when I have time. Just at quick glance on Wikipedia I looked up Fibromyalgia and the symptoms did look the same.


Thanks, Steve


Hi Steve,


Have you had the chance to compare Fibro & protracted benzo WD? Just curious.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to keep this thread alive...This is real...there are many fibromyalgia websites out there that are making people sick!! Most of those people should be here!!!!






IT IS OUR DUTY TO BRING AWARENESS TO THIS FACT. possible there is an illness of the CNS that may pre-exist without drugs, however; since there is no proof scientifically of either Fibromyalgia nor Drug withdrawal....drug companies and the medical profession at large is classifying drug withdrawal as FIBROMYALGIA!!!!





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I will have to write a longer comment tomorrow b/c I think this is a very interesting thread.


I was misdiagnosed with FMS very recently, after having been on Lyrica for over a year, and am now tapering off of it (the tapering is going well, but it's been very hard on my body, and I really don't know what to expect when I make the jump). I've been on benzos for awhile, and muscle relaxants, and ADs of all varieties (including Cymbalta "queue sad dog face and sympathetic man saying 'where does depression hurt?'") and anti-psychotics and mood-stabilizers for migraines, blah, blah, blah.


When I saw a doctor (a physiatrist who specializes in chronic pain) that told me she didn't think that what I had was FMS, but a combination of something genetic as well as myofascial pain, I decided I was going to get of the Lyrica, and then go down the list and get off the other drugs too. It's going to be a long road, since the damn list is so long, as Rx's keep getting added to help with all the symptoms that crop up.


I'm not even in w/d from anything, and I do wonder how my GABA system is going to be after I get off these drugs, but I don't think they are doing me any favors. I think FMS is real, but I also think there are better ways to treat it than throwing drugs at it. In my case, the drugs just seemed to make me feel worse, although some did help. But I hate to think what my CNS looks like and how things could have been had I not been told I had FMS.


Thanks for posting this thread and keeping it going.

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I will have to write a longer comment tomorrow b/c I think this is a very interesting thread.


I was misdiagnosed with FMS very recently, after having been on Lyrica for over a year, and am now tapering off of it (the tapering is going well, but it's been very hard on my body, and I really don't know what to expect when I make the jump). I've been on benzos for awhile, and muscle relaxants, and ADs of all varieties (including Cymbalta "queue sad dog face and sympathetic man saying 'where does depression hurt?'") and anti-psychotics and mood-stabilizers for migraines, blah, blah, blah.


When I saw a doctor (a physiatrist who specializes in chronic pain) that told me she didn't think that what I had was FMS, but a combination of something genetic as well as myofascial pain, I decided I was going to get of the Lyrica, and then go down the list and get off the other drugs too. It's going to be a long road, since the damn list is so long, as Rx's keep getting added to help with all the symptoms that crop up.


I'm not even in w/d from anything, and I do wonder how my GABA system is going to be after I get off these drugs, but I don't think they are doing me any favors. I think FMS is real, but I also think there are better ways to treat it than throwing drugs at it. In my case, the drugs just seemed to make me feel worse, although some did help. But I hate to think what my CNS looks like and how things could have been had I not been told I had FMS.


Thanks for posting this thread and keeping it going.





I was misdiagnosed with fibro too. I just didn't realize about protracted drug withdrawal At 8 months C/T I was 10 times better off than I am now. I "do" think fibro is a real syndrome as well...I just think it is rare and that it is easy to label drug withdrawal (benzo and GABA especially) in with a rare syndrome. Some have said that benzo WD has caused their fibro. I just do not accept that. I think it is an easy out for the drug companies and the doctors (and FDA). If the lid got blown on this....that would open up a pandora's box. I have seen it time and again in both fibro and drug wd sites. The people in each site are complaining of the same symptoms almost to a tee. Suddenly fibro has been posted all over TV and is becoming a world wide crisis.


Keep the thread going all, Robb

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I'm trying to think about my hx with psychiatric and other meds and the timeline of my fibro diagnosis. I've always had migraines (since the age of 7, so was put on many drugs for that):


Prozac (2003) - sigma-1 agonist (1 year)

Amitriptyline (2004) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amitriptyline#Pharmacology (many agonists) (1 year, tried again later on for sleep)

Imitrex (2003) - 5-HT agonist (8 years continuously/ approx 9 doses per month)

Lexapro (2005) - SSRI (1 year)

Ativan (2005) - GABA-a (2 years PRN)

Zanaflex (2005) - alpha-2 adrenergic agonist (3 years nightly)

Lortab (2005) - opioid (PRN for migraines - 6 years)

Cymbalta (2006) - selective reuptake inhibitor at the 5-HT and NA transporters (3 years)

Ambien (2006) - GABA-a (3 years nightly, 10 mg)

Topamax (2006) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topamax#Pharmacology [acts at some subtypes of GABA-a] (5 years w/ increasing doses)

Abilify (2007) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abilify#Pharmacology [many agonists] (6 months)


Dx w/ FMS in 2008 after increasing chronic pain, difficulty sleeping, increased depression, and many of the symptoms listed at Devin Starlanyl's site.


Increase Cymbalta (2009) from 60 mg to 120 mg by new psychiatrist

Propranolol (2008) - beta-blocker (1 year)

Told to discontinue Ambien on rapid taper of one to two weeks by new psychiatrist (2010)

Wellbutrin (2010) - alpha-1 adrenergic receptor, dopamine uptake inhibition, H1 receptor (3 months)

Lamictal (2010) - sodium channel blocker, maybe GABA (3 months)

Felt worse on increased Cymbalta, Wellbutrin, and Lamictal - c/t - admitted to psych hospital for suicidal thoughts


Reinstated Lexapro (2010)

Added Klonopin (2010) - GABA - (0.5 mg / 3 x daily)

Lyrica (2010) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyrica#Pharmacology (primarily GABA)

Put into clinical trial for long acting hydrocodone (2010) - opioid

Dropped from clinical trial (120 mg HC) b/c of changing AD's - forced to do a rapid taper of the opioid over 1.5 weeks (2011) - HELL!

Emsam (2011) - monoamine oxidase inhibitor

Baclofen (2011) - GABA-b (gone from 80 mgs per day to 20 mgs per day)

Ambien (2011) - to counter insomnia from MAOI

Switch from Ambien to Restoril (2011) - GABA-a

Seroquel (2011) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seroquel#Pharmacology (many receptors) - Restoril/Klonopin not helping insomnia


I don't understand much about the receptors and agonists, but looking at the meds I was on before the diagnosis, I can't help but wonder if my CNS got messed up to some degree; and now looking at all the things I've been on and am currently on since the dx, it's just scary thinking about what sort of damage has been done to my body which are somehow causing symptoms that mimic FMS.


I saw a wonderful chiropractor that specializes in treating FMS and myofascial pain and she said the way my body responded to touch, and the muscle tone, etc. that she could assess, that I definitely had myofascial pain and not FMS. The physiatrist said the same thing. I think the drug companies want to push the idea that if your shoulder hurts and you have trouble sleeping, well, there you go, you must have FMS. Better take this new and expensive drug.


I am hoping that once I can get off the meds that I really don't need, and my system can return to some kind of normal state, much of the chronic pain will also subside in time, as all these different receptors begin to heal and function normally again. I know that during the process of the Lyrica tapering, my pain levels have gone up, but that happened when I went off of the opiates as well. Eventually, I sort of normalized (although my opioid receptors are so sensitive that if I need pain medication, I have to take a very high dose to get any relief).


All of these ideas are very interesting and things I had never thought about. I just took what was handed to me. When I got my original dx, to the doctor's (rheumy) credit, she told me the best thing I could do for myself was gentle exercise, watch my diet, etc. She did not want to go down any drug related path at all. It was later on, that psychiatrists began pushing more meds for different things.

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Hi Robbed,


I agree with you to an extent. Fibro and benzo w/d have a LOT in common. No doubt many ppl in w/d will be misdiagnosed with fibro. But there are many people out there who have been diagnosed with fibro that have never been on any medications.


I have a friend who has a theory about this and I tend to agree with her. Her theory is that fibro is caused by adrenal fatigue. And benzos are known to operate on the HPA axis, causing adrenal fatigue. Which is why adrenal fatigue, fibro, and benzo w/d have so much in common.



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